In Sports In Section 2 An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper A lot more to and a National Pacemaker Michelle Pfeiffer think about than comes of age just football THE innocently page 84 page Bl EVI TUESDAY FREE 84 UD students Perot bashes bill arrested No, not Clinton. Two School Lane parties lead to the former candidate underage drinking charges. rips onNAFTA. BY SHERRY A DORSEY BY E IANENE NOLAN carrying the c ountry on the ir Si.dlfReporter Associate News Editor shoulders ." A total of 122 people, 84 of whom Nearly 3,000 people packed In order to remain a safe were university students, were arrested the Bob Carpenter Center country and not take jobs away at two parties in the School Lane Sunday to hear former from American workers, Perot Apartments Saturday, said LL. Bill Presidential candidate H . Ross said, we must not break down Nefosky of Newark Police. Perot speak out against the the trade regulations with According to the Wilmingtqn News North. American Free Trade Canada'and especially Mexico. Journal, police said 112 of those Agreement (NAFTA). Music was used as a vehicle arrested at 16 and 18 Yale Avenue The lecture was sponsored by for enthusiasm and inspiration were charged with underage drinking, United We Stand America as Perot quoted lyrics from while four were charged with (UWSA) of Delaware, a local country music group Alabama's disorderly conduct, three with song "40-Hour Week," which disorderly premises and three with deals with the working-class noise violations. Up close with Ross, AS people in the country. Plain clothes officers were present at A live band also played a both parties. They called in other NAFTA foes aplenty, AS song called "I'll Remember in officers after paying $2 each. in marked November," which implies bills, to enter the parties and they noting branch of the organization Perot current politicians may los e the majority of those at the residences started after entering the 1992 their positions during the next looked underage, Nefosky said. presidential race. election for making detriment al Cristin Kissel (BE FR), who was at In his speech, Perot implored policies. Perot a s ked the one of the parties, said: "When I got to all those present to take action audience to sing along with th e the pany,I saw this guy and he came in against NAFT A, which proposes copy of the words di stributed to with a bunch of other guys. He looked to break all trade restrictions the crowd. like a regular person, but he was an between Canada, Mexico and Perot cri ticizcd the efforts of undercover cop." the United States. the four previous pres idents who At approximately 11 :30 p.m., the "Millions of people know sponsored th e NAFTA police raided the apanments and made· more about NAFTA than the agreement, saying they did not everyone show their university people we elected into the debate the issue because the y identification cards or driver's licenses, government," Perot said. were too busy mud slinging. police said. He said the government is not " A fancy word they came up Nobody was pcrmilled to leave the revealing any details about with to call me is pany unti I they had taken a brcathalizer NAFTA to average citizens, demagogue," Perot sa id . test, police said. who could potentially lose their " Being an ill iterate Texan, " Those who failed the breathalizer jobs if the legislation is he sa id , " I ha d to go to th e were issued a summons to appear at approved. dictionary. And here is the first Newark Municipal Court and may face Perot said the government definition of a de mag o g ue: a fines pending the court's decision, tells people, "'Don't worry , leader championing th e cause of police said. , your job's going south because common peopl e in an cient While out of state students could be you 'II get jobs in the industries times. fined S300, Delaware residents could of tomorrow ."' 'Til take that one," he said as be fined S250 and could face a six­ He added that the government the crowd roared. month suspension of their licenses. has no clue what the industries Along with th e e nthusiastic Nefosky said: "The residents of the of tomorrow will be. shouts from the c rowd, ma ny apaJUnem were charged with undemge A roped-off section in front audience members carried s igns consumption of alcohol. The charges of the stage was reserved for the reading, "Say No to NAFTA !" pending against the residents of the members of UWSA, who reacted and "Give NAFTA the Shafta!" apartment are providing alcohol to to Perot's words with shouts of Perot e x tolled the UWSA minors and selling alcohol without a ap.proval and applause. members for their wo rk to ward license." He stressed the importance of government reform . The officers confiscated two kegs rt·IE REVIEW / Walter M. Eberz the average citizen's role in "If we come together a s a and Sl04 that was collected by the Former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot presses some flesh Sunday at the university's Bob today's politics, and said, "Let's residents of the apartment for the beer. Carpenter Center. Perot spent the afternoon blasting NAFTA and urging citizens to unite behind his get back to working Americans see SPEECH page A3 The residen~ of the apartments were United We Stand movement. see ARRESTS page A8 Delaware has the nation's seventh best chemical Burke asks for voice Watch out, MIT! engineering program. BY SEAN NEAK)' up there with MIT, Cal Tech and known in New Zealand and all over in provost search from Mexico to study chemical A»otant M!ws Editor Princeton. the world. People know it's one of the engineering, said, "A professor I had In a recent world-wide study the "The students here are just that best schools in the world for chemical in Mexico told me about Delaware BY SUSAN MAZO commiuec. Staff !;:eport•r university was ranked as one of the top good." engineering." and what a good program they have." "When looking for a professor, I schools for chemical engineering. Science Watch evaluated the Maria Rivera (EG G 1), who came The president of the Delaware think students can re la te a nd be The department of chemical engineering progmm's undergr.xluatc sec ENGINEERING page A4 Undergraduate Student Congress helpful in the process," Murray said. engineering was ranked seventh in the arxl gnvjuate research publications and (DUSC) has asked to be pan of the " H o wever, world, in the April, 199J issue of the p-ogram 's quality, he said. Top 25 Unlversltes In Chemical Engineering university's committee searching wh e n lookin g Science Watch, a scientific journal "It is on every aspect of our -- - - --(iiiTiOrig those Publishing 70 Oi More Articles-­ for a new provost, a post vacated for a dean , published by the Institute of Scienlific program, the quality of the faculty and Reviews, and Notes, 1984-90) last year when R . Byron Pipes pro vos t or Infonnation our research." resigned. admin istrator of The university beat eighth-ranked While Klein said the chemical John Burke (AS SR) said he an y type, it is California Institute of Technology (Cal engineering department keeps the high - ~: ..l_ ____,. ___ ~:~ .~~-~-~-- --... -,. __1 ~~~t; a__ j _~-~~~~--- .. -~-~~';;s~L requested a scat on the selection di ffi cult for a 1 Carnegie Mellon University 9 8 6 7 0 6 .84 Tech), while it trailed behind sixth­ ranking in perspective, it certainl y committee because he felt the student to 2 Twente Univ. Technology 79 490 6.2 student body is entitled to un derstand an d ranked Massachusetts Institute of spreads its reputation throughout the Unlv. Wisconsin, Madison 106 629 5 .93 Technology (MIT). world. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis t 25 697 5 .58 representation in the process. cite specifi c Chemical Engineering Chairman "We're pleased about the mnkings, Univ. Texas, Austin t 32 732 5.55 "Basically, I think you need a characteri sti cs." Michael Klein said the university but we don't dwell on them," he said. MIT 205 11 3 4 5 .53 student on the search commiucc," Pr esi d e n t undoubtedly deserves this high­ "They let people know about us, University of Delaware 1 2 6 69 3 5.5 Burke said. "A student would be David P. 76 411 ranking status. Klein said. "Students from al l over the ~altech 5.41 interested in someone who would R ose ll e University of Notre Dame 7 4 400 5.41 anend to our needs and address BURKE disagreed . "Titcrc is no question that we are world come here." 1 0 Ruhr Unlverslt~ of Bochum 411 5.01 one of the top I0 schools in chemical Dean Fake (EG G 1), from New student issues." " I specifi call y as ked Burke, as engineering," Klein said. "We're right Zealand, agreed and said: "Delaware is Source : lSI's Science Indicators Database . 1984·91. Richard Murray, interim provost, the president of DUSC, to submi t Graphic by John Oltmger said it would not be appropriate for an undergraduate to be on the sec BURKE page A4 UDHISTORY CONTENTS INSIDE REVIEW KEEPING TABS On Sept. 28, 1971, Campus Flash .. A2 Section 2 .......... B I Nationa l tuition costs continue to rise The National A small group Police Reports .. A2 Feature Forum .
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