www.ukrweekly.com Dedicated to the ideals Address and interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian SECTION descent 81-83 Grand Street Informative, instructive. Ш Jersey City 3, N. J. ^ Supplemena of Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 Ukrainian Daily Svoboda UKRAINIAN DAILY Published by the УКРАІНСЬШй ЩОДЕННИК Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass'n Association. The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РЖ LXEfJ 4. 158 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1958 SECTION TWO No. 158 VOL. LXin UCCA Urges Democratic Party to Adiai Stevenson-—Democratic Peaceful Liberation of Captive Champion Cause of Liberation Nominee for President Nations—Goal of Republican Foreign Policy The Democratic Party was Resolution (H.J.Res. 668 call­ strongly urged by the repres­ ing for the establishment of an SAN FRANCISCO, August (1) The Republican Party un­ entatives of the . Ukrainian International Juridical Com­ Congress Committee of Amer­ 15. — "The Republican Party equivocally supports the declara­ mission within the framework tion of President Eisenhower that ica to reaffirm its "rejection! unequivocally supports the de­ of NATO, and the McCormack claration of President Eisen­ The peaceful liberation of cap­ of all concepts which would j Resolution (H. Con. Res. 149) tive peoples has been, is, and— abandon the captive nations in hower that The peaceful lib­ condemning Communist impe­ eration of captive peoples has —until success Is achieved—will the communist empire" and to rialism and colonialism. continue to be a goal of United reassert its dedication to a been, is, and—until success is Mr. Jarema was not only- States foreign policy.* "positive and peaceful policy achieved—will continue to be given an unlimited time to read a goal of the United States (3) The notion that there is of national liberation, girded! a seeming finality about the cap­ bis statement, but was allow­ foreign policy'" reads the to the time-honored American tivity of the enslaved nations Is ed to comment on our present principles of freedom, inde­ statement presented before anathema to the political and foreign policy as well as an­ pendence and self'goverhment Subcommittee on Foreign Po­ moral principles underlying the swer questions by the Platform for all peoples and nations..." licy of the Republican National peaceful policy of liberation. It Committee. Convention by Mr. Albert B. is an Illusion to think that a set­ Stephen J. Jarema, Execu­ Congressman John W. Mc­ Hermann, Director, Nationali­ tlement for durable peace With tive Director of the UCCA, ap­ Cormack of Massachusetts, Dmytro Halychyn, Jersey City, N. J., member of the Nationali­ ties Division, Republican Na­ freedom and justice could be peared as a witness before the Chairman of the Platform ties Advisory Committee of the Republican National Committee, tional Committee. based on the status quo. Democratic Platform Commit­ discussing with Senator Prcscott Bush, Chairman of the Repub­ Committee, said when Mr. Ja­ Speaking on behalf of the (4) Under our leadership, the tee on Wednesday, August 8, lican Platform Committee, and Governor Howard Pyle, Presidential rema finished his statement: aide, the foreign policy plank to be adopted; by the Republican Na­ Nationalities Advisory Com­ peaceful liberation policy of the 1956, and in a lengthy testi­ tional Convention in San Francisco. mittee of the Republican Na­ Government of the United States mony presented the views of "I commend the witness for Left to right: Governor Pyle, Dmytro Halychyn and Senator will continue to uphold stead­ tional Committee, Mr. Her­ the UCCA on U.S. foreign po­ his very clear, comprehensive Bush. fastly the principle of national mann further stated that the licy with respect to the Soviet and analytic statement I know self-determination, as extolled by members of the nationalities Union. the history of the Ukrainian our own Declaration of Independ­ group are "outstanding Ameri­ ence, and to preserve It for the Other members of the UCCA people. There Is no other peo­ UCCA Presents Foreign Policy ple who suffered more than the cans with large following'; that exercise of all captive nations. Delegation were Anthony Ba- Plank in Republican Platform closely maintain and proper­ Including the Polish, Slovak, tiuk and Walter Dushnyck. Ukrainians at the hands of the East German, Lithuanian, Uk­ Communists. Their church has ly so—strong spiritual bonds Mr. Jarema recalled that with the captive nations in the rainian, Czech, Latvian, Serbian, been wiped out, many of them SAN FRANCISCO.—"The letters of the Ukrainian politi­ there are some "so-called au­ vast colonial Communist em­ Croatian, Armenian, Rumanian, perished from persecution, but Ukrainian Congress Commit­ cal prisoners in Mordovia. Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, thorities in the field of foreign CHICAGO, HI.—Adiai E. Stevenson was renominated for pire." their spirit of freedom and in­ tee of America demands lib­ Mr. Dmytro Halychyn pres­ Estonian and mainland Chinese. affairs," who said that "there President on the first ballot at the Democratic National Con­ eration of Ukraine," "UC­ ented to the press prepared He further stated: is finality for better or for dependence cannot be destroy­ (6) We reject the misleading vention last Thursday, August 16. Pictured above is Mr. Adiai CA Delegates recommend the statements as to the UCCA "From the viewpoint of our worse, about what has now oc­ ed." Communist conception of peace­ I ' : '• ' і І і ; E. Stevenson (left) In company of Mr. Stephen Jarema—Exe­ liberation of enelaved nations" stand concerning the U.S. for­ national security and strength, curred in Eastern Europe..." ful coexistence. Republican Ad­ Congressman Madden of In­ cutive Director of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of Amer­ and similar slogans appeared eign policy which contained in­ these spiritual bonds are most ministration should Intensify Its He warned the Democratic diana who served on the Ker- ica; Who was appointed by the Democratic National Committee in the local American press formation that a very large valuable today. They embrace efforts toward the removal of Party not to follow such a po­ sten's Select Committee to In­ to direct the Presidential and Congressional campaign activities last Thursday, August 16, with 1 number of Americans of Uk- a knowledge, understanding the Communist Iron Curtain licy of "utter defeatism," but vestigate Communist Aggres­ among Americans ,of Ukrainian descent detalled reports, of. hearings ] ralnlan descent and other na- and moral conviction that con­ which cruelly splits humanity urged to seek an enlightened sion, also commended 'Фе UC before the Subcommittee on tionality groups Including all stitute vital assets in our into two parts. peaceful liberation policy whieh CA representative "for his force­ Foreign Policy, of the Resolu­ Americans fully supported the struggle against the global 8) It Is our firm intention to would restore Anierica's prea-i ful presentation blf the cause tions Committee of the Repub­ 19^2 Republican conception Of objectives of colonial Commu advance further the objectives of Peaceful Liberation Possible-—Rep, 1 tige and a good name as a of the enslaved nitons. Con­ lican PaJ&y.,.,..^ policy, .of,., national liberation, the United Nations and to bring which • unfortunately was sub­ nist imperialism. They have defender pi the enslaved peo­ gressman Madden addeduihat Thomas J. Dodd Tells Democratic The UCCA delegation in the been one of the main contrib­ continually before the eyes of stituted by one of 'co-existence' world opinion the genocidai acts, ples and nations in the eyes he learned personally from persons, of Mr. Dmytro Haly­ uting factors to the formation which tends to be harmful to the slave labor barbarities and of the victims of Soviet Rus­ Ukrainian witnesses whom he Platform Committee chyn, president of the UCCA America and the entire world. and development of the Repub- other heinous crimes of the Com­ sian cоm munis m ; < oppression and head of the Ukrainian Di­ heard in the United States The statement also pointed J ц роЦ у of peaceful libera CHICAGO: — A strong De-,in admissions by government vision of the National Advisory с&п С munist dictatorships. and enslavement. and in Europe about the trUe out that the policy of non-1 mocratic Party plank for the'leaders in East Germany, Po- Committee of the Republican tion. The Republican Party Is "The peaceful liberation of Mr. Jarema recommended, in nature of Russian communism, predetermination weakens the land, Czechoslovakia and else­ National Committee, Prof. Leo proud of Its members preserv­ captive peoples In. indeed, one addition to the broad libera­ therefore he would always sup­ peaceful liberation of the Com­ liberation movements of the where of key economic short­ Dobriansky, Chairman of UC­ ing these rich bonds, and I, of our noblest goals. These re- tion policy, a few specific re­ port the Ukrainians in their munist oppressed nations of enslaved nations and simulta­ ages, especially in consumer CA'and attorney Michael Piz- for one, take pride in voicing I commended points for our Par- commendations on a legislative quest for freedom and inde­ Europe and Asia was urged by neously allows the Soviets to goods. The Communists have nak, Treasurer of UCCA, was here their unanimous views on ty Platform contribute to the level, such'as H.J. Res. 433 in pendence. Similar commenda­ Representative Thomas J. the second on a list of 27 rumor that America and the been forced to a partial demo­ Western World are indifferent the foreign policy plank of I positive, dynamic and imagina- troduced by Congressman Mi tion of the UCCA representa­ Dodd. Democratic candidate various organizations to testi­ bilization of their huge armies to the fate of the enslaved na­ our Platform: 1 tive features of this process." chael A. Feighan of Ohio on tives' statement was expressed for Senator from Connecticut. fy before the Committee.
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