21 st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Vol. 8, No.4 Winter 1995-1996 Features 22 Johannes Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum A Guide to the Harmony of the Mind and the Universe Ralf Schauerhammer Four hundred years later, Kepler's first work still tells us more about the solar system and human creativity than Newton or any other empiricist is capable of doing. 35 First English Translation: RIEMANN'S PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS FOREWORD 36 Riemann Refutes Euler Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. TRANSLATION 50 Philosophical Fragments Bernhard Riemann 50 Introduction to Second German Edition 50 Translator's Note 51 I. On Psychology and Metaphysics 55 II. Epistemological Issues GESAIlXELTE 57 III. Natural Philosophy MA'l'HEMATISCHE WERKE SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL WI8SY.NSCHAFTLICHER NAmILASs, 44 On the Hypotheses Which Lie at The Foundations of Geometry [excerpts] Bernhard Riemann 47 Riemann in English Translation 48 Euler's Lying Attack on Leibniz NACHTRAGE 52 Herbart on the Thought Process M. NOETllER UND .... WIRTINGER oon:R PUBUCA.TlO�S.INC. News Bernhard Riemann (7826- 7 866), with SPECIAL REPORT: THE DARWIN DEBATE title page from the second German 10 In Defense of Darwin edition ofhis works. 11 Bury Darwin-It's Overdue! FUSION REPORT 63 Tokamak Plasma Advances Made But Budget Cuts Threaten Program GEOMETRY 66 In the Footsteps of Kepler: On the cover: Two polyhedra built by Fa­ A Master Polyhedra Builder Demonstrates His Art ther Magnus Wenninger: The larger model is a perfect polyhedron with the vertices of the Archimedean icosadodecahedron, which has 30 rectangular faces and 20 per­ Departments fect hexagons. With it is a small stellated EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT dodecahedron. Philip Ulanowsky photo­ 2 5 8 NEWS BRIEFS graphed the models; cover design is by 4 LETTERS The Infamous 69 BOOKS Rosemary Moak. Delaney Clause EDITORIAL EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-In-Chief Carol White Managing Editor Ma�orie Mazel Hecht The Kepler Year Associate Editors David Cherry cience today is under very brutal at­ War II, but that is certainly not the root Marsha Freeman Laurence Hecht tack. The pay-as-you-go idea that all cause of the problem_ Nor even are the Carol Hugunin Sresearch must have an immed iate, prac­ openly Malthusian goals of the environ­ Rogelio A. Maduro Jim Olson tical goal means the death of fundamen­ mentalists at the root. Charles B. Slevens tal science. Then there are the myriad We could not have come to this pass Mark Wilsey environmentalist frauds promoted in the were there not a far graver problem, ex­ name of science_ Indeed, young people empl ified by the steri Ie orthodoxy of Books David Cherry today are taught pagan ideology-a res­ modern mathematical physics. Nature is urrection of the cult of the earth god­ expected to conform to a preconceived, Art Director dess Gaia-as science. If these trends axiomatically closed mathematical the­ Rosemary Moak continue, scientific inquiry will soon be orem structure, accord ing to the pre­ a thing of the past, and we will have cepts of Aristotelian logic. Advertising Manager Marsha Freeman doomed ourselves and our posterity to a At 27 st Century, therefore, while we misery and banality still unimagined deplore the present crisis in science, we SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD today. see it as an opportunity to get rid of the Francesco Celani, PhD Things were certainly better in the dead weight of the past, in order to al­ Hugh W. Ellsaesser, PhD BerthaFarfa n, MD United States of John F. Kennedy, but it low the birth of a new scientific renais­ James Frazer, PhD would be wrong to look for simple an­ sance, based upon the principles of cre­ Emmanuel Grenier swers to the question of how we got ative discovery. We commit ourselves Wilford Hansen, PhD Hideo Ikegami, PhD from there to here. One reason for the to this, in the spirit of Johannes Kepler, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. institutional destruction of American who 400 years ago, in 1 S96, published Wolfgang Ullge,MD Ramtanu Maitra science today lies in the increasing bu­ his first major work, The Secret of the Giuliano Preparata, PhD reaucratization of science since World Universe_ B.A. Soldano, PhD B.P. Sonnenblick, PhD Jonathan Tennenbaum, PhD Daniel R. Wells, PhD 21st Century Science & Technology (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 4 times a year in 1995, every third month, by 21st Century Science Asso­ Those Impossible Waves ciates, 60 Sycolin Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, Va. 22075. Tel. (703) 777-7473. Address all correspondence to 21sl Cenlury, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, D.C. 20041. In the Solar Wind Second-class postage is paid at Leesburg, Va. and additional mailing offices. n July, three AT&T Bell Labs scientists th is should destroy the waves, the text­ Dedicated to providing accurate and compre­ reported their discovery that the solar books say. Finally, the solar wind even­ hensive information on advanced technologies I and science policy, 21st Cenluryis committed to wind-the flow of plasma from the tually becomes so rarefied and colli­ restoring American scientific and technological Sun-carries waves that originate in the sions so rare, that no wave could leadership. 2151 Cenlury covers the frontiers of science, focusing on the self-developing qualities vast number of vibrations or oscillations continue to propagate. of the physical universe in such areas as plasma physics-the basis for fusion power-'-as well as of the Sun itself. What is apparently But they do! biology and microphysics, and including ground­ happening is that the densities of the This is good news for solar-terrestrial breaking studies of the historical development of science and technology. Opinions expressed in various particles thrown off by the Sun science precisely because it upsets articles are not necessarily those of 21st Century have stable variations with time. That these fundamental ideas imposed on Science Associates or the scientific advisory board. is, they have a wave structure, and it the field by the Newton-Euler mindset. Subscriptions by mail are $25 for 6 issues or continues out into the solar wind. Indeed, the news continues, as of this $48 for 12 issues in the USA and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries are $50 for 6 is­ This is not supposed to be possible, writing, to create excitement among sues. Back issues are $5 each ($6 foreign). Pay­ ments must be in U.S. currency. as can be seen in the comments of specialists, who express "surprise, won­ POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 21st other scientists reported below_ Accord­ der and skepticism"-in the words of Century, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, D.C. 20041-0285. ing to the textbooks, the upper atmos­ one commentator-even though they phere of the Sun is so in homogenous have yet to scrutinize those hegemonic, Copyright © 1995 that the neat patterns of the solar oscil-. fu ndamental assumptions that are im­ 21s1 Cenlury Science Associates lations would be disrupted and not car­ plicitly being challenged_ Printed in the USA ISSN 0895-6820 ried out into the solar wind_ Moreover, Presumably, the key is in the behav­ the solar wind itself is turbulent, and ior of the interplanetary magnetic field, 2 Winter 1995-1 996 21 st CENTURY EDITORIAL but certainly not in particle-particle in­ were all systematica lly higher by a factor in Physics Today in September, the re­ teractions. of 1.00078. Thomson et al. th ink the sults of Thomson et al. "are particularly So me Details factor of 1.00078 might be a conse­ interesting because they imply that the Since th is editorial is also the first re­ quence of a Doppler effect. Or, it might Sun's core and the solar wind are cou­ port of the discovery in 21st Century, be a variation in the solar cycle, since pled, although half a billion kilometers some details are in order here. In "Prop­ the two data sets were taken at different of largely turbulent plasma and 24 to 26 agation of Solar Oscillations Through points in the cycle. orders of magnitude in density separated the Interplanetary Medium" (Nature, July Charged particles from the Sun enter the solar core from where the satell ite 13), David Thomson, Carol Maclennan, Earth's magnetosphere, where they are measured the solar wind ion flux." and Louis Lanzerotti report on their best known fo r damaging spacecraft So we have a picture of these waves analysis of 1992-1 994 data from the electronics and inducing voltage surges "lasing" through the inhomogeneities of Ulysses spacecraft, with earlier Voyager in telephone and power lines. Now that the upper solar atmosphere and the tur­ 2 data as a cross-check. They find that the particles have been found to be or­ bulence of the solar wind. Additionally, the spectra of temporal variations of dered in waves, it would be useful to the waves continue to propagate even low-energy hydrogen and helium ion ask what implications th is has for the when the solar wind has become so flows coming from the Sun show very workings of nature on Earth. rarefied that, from the standpoint of sharp, distinct frequencies. percussive propagation, they Most of these waves should re­ should not. sult from g modes in the Sun, ac­ Ladbury goes further. Confi r­ cording to Thomson et al. These g mation of the results of Thomson modes are hypothetical standing and his colleagues, he writes, density waves in the Sun for "would go a long way toward es­ which gravity is said to be the tablishing their results as a truly restoring force, and which are revolutionary contribution to supposed to originate deep within space physics." the solar interior.
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