![G R E E T I N G S Volume Lv](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
G R E E T I N G S VOLUME LV PUBLISHED BY THE JUN IOR CLASS OF HOBART COLLEGE MCMXVI To THE REV. JOHN BRE,\iVSTER HUBBS , A.B., B.D., D.D., D.C.L., 'I> B l( CHAPLAIN OF THE COLLEGE AND INSTRUCTOR IN HISTORY Is THIS BOOK AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED By THE CLASS OF NINETEEN SEVENTEEN s AN evidence of the high esteem and res.pect which we, the A members of the CLASS of 1917, hold h1m, we respectfully · dedicate this, the fifty-fifth volume of the E CHO OF TI-IE SENE CA, to a loyal friend of H obart and her students, JOHN BREVi'- STER H UBB S, A.B., B.D., D.D., D.C.L., Chaplain of the College and Instructor in Hist ory. Doctor Hubbs was graduated from Union in 1877, a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and went directly t o the General Theological Seminary, from which he got his B.D., in '80. Franklin presented him with the doctor's degree in '97, and the Chicago Law School with a D.C.L. in the sam e year. Doctor Hubbs became rector of St. James' Church, Oneonta, N. Y. , immediately after leaving the seminary, and remained there one veal'. From 1881- 82, he was rector of St. Augustine's, Ilion, N. Y. In 1882 he became assistant rector of St. Paul's Church, Albany. In 1884 he was called to St. John's parish, Johnstown, N. Y., where he remained for six years. H e then accepted a call to Grace Church, Grand R apids, Mich., where he remained until 1897, when he becam e rector of St. P eter's, Geneva. In 1913 he accepted the position of chaplain of Hobart College and instructor in History . H e has also been Lecturer on Ethics and Evidences, DeLancey Divinity School, Geneva, since 1902. H e was a dele­ gate to the General Convention at St. P aul in 1895 and Cincinnati 111 1912. During the years of his ministry in St. P et er's, he tborough1y endeared himself 'to tbe hearts of bis parishioners. When he re­ signed to take up his position at Hobart, they presented him with a handsome watch and a beautifully illuminated t estimonial of their affection for him. Dr. Hubbs was made a m ember of Phi Beta K appa by this college. "Books cannot please however good, Minds are not craving for their food." s WE look back and count up the number of E CHOES which have been presented before ours, we find that there helve A been no less than fifty-four, and it almost seems impossible t hat a nything could have been left out of the "Foreword" of all these E CHOES. W e have left no stone unturned in our efforts to produce, good reader, the best ECHO we could produce, and still have it the best yet produced. This is a matter which you, dear reader, must decide for yourself, and in attaining you decisions, we trust that you will overlook the defect s and t emper it with mercy. EDGAR F . POWELL Editor-in-Chief J OSEPH N. FROST D . MAX HENRY Art Editor Club Editor F . DOUGLAS CLARK LA -VVREN CE J . THORNTON Business lv'I anager A thletic Editor l REGINALD MOODEY RALPH \ 7iJ. G. ViTYCKOFF Asst. Business Manage7' Erstwhile Busi17 ess Mann-gel' 10 THE ECHO OF THE SENECA Can You P ay) VOLUME LV. 1916 II DOUGLAS l\IERR ITT. E sC[ .. Chairman PTlTLIP N ORB ORNE NrclfOLAS , A .:'.r. , Secretary F i r ~· t Term Elcctc(; E :-:pi rcs C HARLES R . ' iV ILSON, A.M., Buffa lo, 1R95 19 I 6 \iVILLJAi\'[ M. V. HOFFi\fAN , E sq., New York, T897 19 16 \iVILLIAl\[ Ross PROCTOR, E sq .. N ew Y ork C ity , 19 1 S 19 16 The R ev. ALEXANDER .MANN, A.:\1. , D .D., B oston, 19TO 19 16 THOMA S H. C HEW, B.S., G en eva, rq10 19 1 7 DOl. CLAS MERRITT, Esq., Rhinebed::, I Rk S 19 I 7 T'HEODO RE J. SM ITH, A.M. , Geneva, 1907 19 17 HENRY AXTELL WHEAT, B.S. , Geneva, 1<)0/, 19 1 7 MRS. HAHPER SIBLEY, Roch est er , N. Y., IC) I,::; 1918 J AME S ARMSTRONC, A .M., LL.D. , New York, 1898 19IR The R ev. E. VVORCESTEH , P h.D., D .D., Boston. 1900 19 18 The R ev. DAVID L. F ERRI S,A.M., R ocllcstcr, 1<) 13 T9 1R ALFHED G. LEWIS, E sq., G eneva, 'C)J S J9 19 HENHY B. GRAVES, E sq ., G en eva, 1907 19 1 9 MRS. ANNA B. COMSTO CK, Ithaca. 1907 19 19 H EN RY A . PRINCE, A. /[., Jew Y ork, ' 9 10 19 19 PHILIP N. N ICHOLAS, A.lV1., G en ('v~ , 188-J. 1<)20 JOlIN K. VVAL KER, A .B., B1.1ffalo, 190.) 1920 D. J. V AN AUKEN, E sq., G en cva, 18 9<) 1920 RlCHARD F. RANKINE, A .M ., N ew York, 19T1 J920 The Rt. R ev. THE BISHOP OF V\," ESTERN NE\\, Yom.;:, ('x -o./ncio. THE PR'ESIDE NT OF TI-IE 9 0LLEGE, e:r-o.Di6o . TREASU RER AND BCRSA R OF H OBJ\ RT COLl.E(;[ D. J. VA l ACKEN, E sq., G eneva. Office : R oom 7, Coxe l\ rcmorial Hall. ( 12 THE ECHO OF THE SENECA § il:21nn illlinng Ccomrrmnrnli il:il:cece§ C[D jf il:1ln ce 1fJ11ll§il:cece§ l(Jj)l5~l6 EXECUT IVE THE PRESIDENT, Chairman, MR. NICHOLAS, 11R . VAN AUKEN, M R . SMITH , M R . G RAVES, M R. \ iVHEAT, M R . C HE W . MR. L E WIS. ON BU ILD INGS AND GROUNDS T HE PRESIDENT , C h a irman, M R. ·W I LSON, M R . VAN AUKEN, M RS. S II3LEY . ON HONORS M R. A RMSTRONG, MR. P RINCE, MR. RANKINE, 'T HE PRESIDENT , MR. PROCTOR. ON INSTRUCT ION M RS. COMSTOCK , C h a irman M R. W ALKER, M R . F E RRIS. ON THE LI BRARY MR. MERRITT, CHAIRMAN, M R. W HEAT, M R. CHEW, R EV. M R. F E RRIS, THE P RESIDENT. ON THE TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS The membe r s of t h e E xecu tive Committee other t h a n t h e P r es1den t and the T reasure r . WAYS AND MEANS M R. H OFFMAN , lVI R. P RINCE, M R. PROCTOR, M R . VAN AUKEN. ON LABORATORI ES, OBSERVATORY, MUSEUM AND APPARATUS M R . G RAVES, DR. MANN, M R . SMITH, D R. W ORCESTER . VOLUME LV, 1916 13 1915- 16 J an. 4, Tuesday, Christmas recess ends 845 A . M . J an . 18, Tuesday , Meeting of the Trustees. J an. 28, Friday, Semi-annual examinations begin. F eb. 7, Monday, Second t erm begins. M ar. 29, W ednesday, Spring recess begins 1:00 P. M. Apr. 7. Friday, Spring recess ends 84S A. M. June 2, Friday, Semi-annual examinations begin. June 10, Saturday, Annual Meeting of Phi Beta K appa . June I I, Sunday, Baccalaureate Sunday . June 14, Wednesday, Class Day, Alumni Day, Meeting of Trus­ tees and Anniversary Meeting of Phi Beta K appa . June 15, Thursday, C OMMENCEMENT DAY . 1916- 1 7 Sept. 18, Monday, Entrance examinations begin. Sept. 19, Tuesday, First t erm begins, r gistrat ion 9 :00 A. M . Nov. 30 , Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. D ec. 20, W ednesday, Christmas recess b egins 6 :00 P . M. J an. 4, Thursday, Christmas recess ends 8 :45 A. M. J an. 16, Tuesday, Meeting of Trustees. J an . 26, Friday, Semi-annual examinations begin. F eb. 5, Monday, Second t erm begins. April 4, W ednesday, Spring recess begins 6 :00 P. M . April 12, Thursday, Spring recess ends 8 45 A . M. June J, Friday, Semi-annual examinations begin. June 9, Saturday, Annual m eeting of Phi Beta K appa . June 10, Sunday, Baccalaureate Sunday. June 13, Wednesday, Class Day, Alumni Day, Meeting of Trus­ t ees and Anniversary Meeting of Phi Beta K appa . June 14, Thursday, COMM ENCEMENT DAY. LYl\l l\ \J PIERSON POWELL ThirLeenth President of Hobart College FACULTY WILLIAM PITT D URFEE, A.B. , A.M ., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the Faculty . A.B. University of M ichi gan, 1876; AJ'vl. , Ph.D., J oh ns H opkins, 1883 . c) 13 1<' Professor of Mathema tics, Uni­ \·ersity M ound Coll ege a nd Berkl ey Gymnasium, 1876- 8 1. F ell ow in ]'vl athematics, J ohns H opkins, 188 1- 83. P rofessor of iVl athemati cs, J ohns H opk ins, 1881- 83. P rofessor of iVlathem etics, H obart , 1883. A u thor of ' ·Elemen ts of 'T'rigonom etry ," 1900. M ember of N ew York l\ Iathema tieal Society . F ell ow of the America n Associa t ion for the Ad­ vancement of Science. Acting President, 19 12- 13 a nd 19 1.5 - 16. JOSEPH HETHERINGTON M CDANIELS , A .B. A .lVI., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Greek Lan­ guage and Literature. A.B. (with fi rst honors) H a rvard, L86 L; A.M ., L870 . <1'13 1\. Instructor in Lowell High School, 1862- 68. Professor of G reek La nguage and Literature, H oba rt , 1868. M eml: er of Insti tute of 1770, Rumford Society. Traveled in E urope, J 872; traveled in Greece, 1892; t raveled in Europe, 1907, [9 1 I.
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