M/s. JONES FOUNDATIONS PVT LTD CCINCEPTUAL PLAN List of Figures Figure 1: Location map for project si1e............... ...................... 38 Figure 2 Environmental sensitivites of the project si1e.............. ..............40 Figure 3 Water balance chart........... ......................48 Figure 4: Solid Waste Management during construction phase ............ 68 Figure 5: Solid Waste Management................. ...................... 70 For JONES FOUN 36 M/s. JONES FOUNDATIONS PVT LTD CffiNCHPTUAE. PIAhi CEIAPTER. X - TNTRCIDIICTIGN I.1 BACKGR.OUNS GF'THE PR.O"FECT M/s. Jones Foundations Pvt Ltd has Proposed proposes to construct a multistoried residential group development S.No: 55lIB2,58l7A,IB,2AL,2A2,2B &, 2C Sithalapakkam village, St Thomas mount panchayat union, Sholinganallur taluk, Kancheepuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu. The total plot area of the project is about 7639.10 Sq.m will have a total built up area of about 30303.24 Sq.m. As per EIA notification 2076, any new or modernization building and construction project with built-up area more than 20,000 sq m and less than 1,50,000 sq m falls under Project schedule 8(a) and category B and thus requires to obtain environment clearance frorn concerned authority prior to the start of construction. The Conceptual Plan describes all the detaiis of the project and its specific activities that will be considered for investigation of the significant adverse impacts. The report also provides specific measures that will be put to practice to minimize the impacts on the Environment. T.2 SITE DESCRIPTtrON The project site is located at Sithalapakkam village, St Thomas Mount Panchayat Union, Sholinganallur Taluk, Kancheepuram District in the state of Tamil Nadu at latitude 72"52',43.65"N and longitude 80o1 1'15.12"E. Site Connectivity The Project Site is well connected by road, rail and air ways. The project Site is well connected by 5th cross street (18m approach road) in the Eastern direction, and Ottiyambakkam main raod is NE direction, The nearest railway station is Thambaram Railway Station at 8.98 km, North western direction. The Chennai International Airport is situated at a distance of 1 1.66 Km from project site on North western directiqn, $co T**h ["abs Pvt i"t<i 37 M/s. JONES FOUNDATTONS pVT LTD e*N(:FpTIJAL pLAr'{ 1Ntlt,4, 5tcie: cr{i Unicit Ig,rjDr'le: ' .;' * ai*.ia\::'1 - ! i:' ?' \.'r. lrl' .. .-_i .. Sithalapakkam Village, Sholinganallur Taluk, Kancheepuram District Figure 1: Location map for project site For JONES FOU ing Direetor {.r.cs Ttth i.,;rbs Fvf i..te.{ M/s. JONES FOUNDATIONS PVT LTD EONf EPTUAL PI-AT{ The Environmental setting of the project site is given in Table 1. Table 1: Environmental Settins of the Proiect Site S. No Par:,ticulars :' ..: '' Dptailst ' : 1 Site Location Villaee Sithalapakkam District Kancheepuram State Tamilnadu 2. Coordinates Latitude: 12" 52' 43.65"N Loneitude: 80' 1 1' 7 5.I2"8 a Nearest IMD station Nungambakkam = 16.79 km, N A T. Highway (SHA{H) Vandalur - Kelambakkam is = 5.58 km (SW) 5. Nearest Bus Stand Karapakkam Bus Stop = 0.6 Km (SW) 6. Nearest Railway station Tambaram Railway Station - 8.98 Km NW) - Nearest Airoort Chennai International Airport = I1.66 Km NW) 8. Nearest town/ city Sholinganallur = 5.03 Km NE) 9. Topography Plain 10 Reservoir/Lake * Arasankazhani lake = 1.03 km E .f. Ottibakkam Lake = 2.35 km SE * Sithalapakkam lake = 1.80 km N {. Vadakkupattu lake = 5.50 km N t Large lake = 6.68 km N * Nasavalaer nagar lake = 3.38 km NE t Selaiyur lake = 6.50 km NW * Kovilambakkam lake =7.0I km N t Nanmangalam lake = 6.50 km NW t Balaji Nagar lake = 8.02 km NW * Oonamanchery lake = 9.50 km SW n Oorapakkam lake = 11.6 km SW t Kadaperi lake = 8.68 km NW * Chitlapakkam lake = 7.92 km NW .f. Puzhuthivakkam lake -9.05 km NW t Perunsudi Eri -1 1.06 km NE 11 Rcscrvcd/ Protcctcd Forests t Namnangalm R.F = 5.50 lan NW .lr llnnrnnnchari R F - I | 0S lrm Fl\\I * Pallikaranai Marshland R.F = 7.78 km NE 12. National Park .i. Guindy National Park = 13.82 km NE I3 Seismicity I Seismic ZoneIII ATIONS PVT. I-TD. {icu Terh !,air.s {ivt {.,td 39 o o o 5 o # .= o- o en ct) z. o _6, F = Lr-o U) ul z. O -L o lJ- q) a q) -7 q) k ef I L n* *J q) d L-- (n q) UJ &-v s U) q) U) Ir N q) L OD I6 CL z,1, o zo f o d- t! * .n zIJ,J o & 8 a; F- u M/s. JONES FOUNDATIONS PVT LTD f;ONCHPTUAL PLAN X.3 PRO.SECT COMPONENTS The proposal involves construction of Multistored residential Group development with total built up area of 30303.24 Sq.m. The area split up and space utilization details are given below, the project comprises of Combined Basement Floor for Block A,B & C -with Slit + 12 Floors at S.No: 551182, 58/14, 78, 2A7, 2A2, 2B & 2C Sithalapakkam village, St Thomas mount panchayat union, Sholinganallur taluk, Kancheepuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu. Detailed areabreak up is given in below Table 2. Table 2: Land Use Break up Details S.No Details Area in Percentage (Sq.m) I Total Land Area 7639.10 2. 12m wide CMDA sifted road area 706.29 3. Land area for future development 374.48 4. Total Land area for proposed 6558.33 development 5. Total Ground Coverase Area of 1800.75 27.46 Buildinss 6. Roads and Pavements Area 2797.77 42.6 7. Surface or open Parking Area 805.2 12.2 8. STP, Solid Waste Disposal and Other 170.61 2.6 Utilities Area 9. Greenbelt development Area 984 15 Total Built up Area and Floor wise area break up: Built up area is calculated as per the latest Circular of MoEF, Dated: 2" April2012. Built-up area is defined as "The built-up or covered area on all the floors put together including basement(s) and other service areas, which are proposed in the building / construction project" as per the latest Circular of MoEF, Dated: 2" Aprll2012. Detailed built- up area calculations are given in Table -l below. For J0NES I-TD. Fir:a T'*th ?..a'os 'fvt ! tt! 4t M/s. JONES FOUNDATTONS pVT tTD E#NC€PY{JAL PI-AP{ Table 3: Built up Area statement BLOCK NOS TOTAL NON FSI FSI PARKING (Sq m) (sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) Block -A 8650.88 784.02 7340.64 526.22 Block- B 6259.11 544.34 535t.52 363.25 Block -C 10651.99 r106.99 8916.84 628.16 Others 474r.26 494.84 0.00 4246.42 Total 30303.24 2930.19 21609.00 s764.0s Total Built up Area = 30303.24 Sq.m Total no. of dwelling unit :240 Nos. BLOCKWISE AREA STATEMENT T .A ential Floors TOTAL NON FSI FSI PARKING (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (So m) Stilt Floor 664.04 131.07 0.00 526.22 1" Floor 665.57 53.85 611.72 0.00 2"u Floor 66s.57 53.85 611.72 0.00 3'" Floor 665.s7 53.85 61t.72 0.00 4'" Floor 665.57 s3.85 6t1.72 0.00 5'n Floor 665.s7 53.85 611.72 0.00 6"'Floor 665.s7 53.85 611.72 0.00 7"'Floor 66s.57 53.85 61t.72 0.00 8"'Floor 665.57 53.85 611.72 0.00 9"'Floor 66s.57 53.85 611.72 0.00 10"'Floor 66s.57 53.85 61r.72 0.00 I 1'n Floor 665.s7 s3.85 611.72 0.00 12'n Floor 665.57 53.85 61t.72 0.00 Total 8650.88 784.02 7340.64 526.22 BIock-B Residen Floors TOTAL NON FSI FSI PARKING (Sq m) (sq m) (Sq m) (Sa m) Stilt Floor jrFloo. 115,-14 ( ), ( l(-) l6l,r5 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 2nu Floor 481.7 | 35.7 5 44s.96 0.00 3'u Floor 48t.71 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 4"'Floor 481.7r 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 5"'Floor 481.71 J). /) 44s.96 0.00 6"'Floor 481.71 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 7"'Floor 481.71 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 8"'Floor 481.71 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 For JONES FOUNDA PVT. LTD] Yk:aT*th tr,abs $vt I.td M/s. JONES FOUNDATIONS PVT LTD CON#HPTUAL PLAN 9"'Floor 481.7r 35.7 5 445.96 0.00 10"'Floor 481.71 35.75 445.96 0.00 I 1"' Floor 481.71 35.75 445.96 0.00 12"'Floor 48t.7r 35.7 5 44s.96 0.00 Total 6259.r1 544.34 5351.52 363.25 Floors TOTAL NON FSI FSI PARIflNG (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) Stilt Floor 832.99 204.83 0.00 628.16 1"'Floor 818.25 75.18 743.07 0.00 2"',Floot 818.2s 7 5.18 743.07 0.00 3'" Floor 818.25 75.18 743.07 0.00 4"'Floor 818.25 7 5.18 743.07 0.00 5"'Floor 818.25 7 5.r8 743.07 0.00 6"'Floor 818.2s 75.1 8 743.07 0.00 7"'Floot 818.25 7 5.t8 743.07 0.00 8"'Floor 818.25 7 s.18 743.07 0.00 9"'Floor 818.25 7 5.r8 743.07 0.00 10"'Floor 818.25 75.r8 743.07 0.00 I 1"' Floor 818.25 75.1 8 743.07 0.00 l2'n Floor 81 8.25 75.1 8 743.07 0.00 Total 10651.99 1106.99 8916.84 628.16 Table 5 Others Floors TOTAL NON FSI FSI PARIilNG (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) G Floor 4741.26 494.84 0.00 4246.42 Total 4741.26 494.84 0.00 4246.42 I.4 VEITICLE PARKING FACILTTXES Parking will be provided as per the building bye laws of CMDA.
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