![The National Melodist. [A Collection of Songs.] First](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE GLEN COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH MUSIC Presented by Lady Dorothea Ruggles- Brise to the National Library of Scotland, in memory of her brother, Major Lord George Stewart Murray, Black Watch, killed in action in France in 1914. 28th January 1927. : THE NATIONAL MELODIST, #cv^t ^«vie&. "Sing away, sing away by day and by night, " — Fashionable ballad. EDiNBURGH PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY IF. GLASS, 44, SOUTH BRIDGE, AND SOLD BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS. MDCCOXXXVir. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2011 witli funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/nationalmelodi.stOOmelo ADVERTISEMENT. An actor on his benefii night is usually compelled at the fall of the curtain to return thanks to his audience for their liberality, — in like manner do we, on the termination of this, our first volume, sponta- neously appear before the tribunal of our numerous subscribers and correspondents for the same pur- pose. Among ouf correspondents we do not class original conti'ibutors, for the}", we take it, are more obliged to us than we to them. We would be very glad, by the way, if they could send better things than they usually favour us with. The most of those which we have yet received are a hetei'ogenous mass of words, and it often astonishes us how people contrive to write such nonsense, for we had thought it next to impossible. We did not knovv,—as certainly we should have done—that the effusion entitled " Bon. nie Lizzie," is the production of Mr Robert Gilfillan. It was sent to us anonymously, and he may I'est as- sured that our admiration of his poetical powers did not in any way influence us in discarding two stanzas of it as execrable rubbish. Until the commencement of our second series, we respectfully bid our readers adieu ! Edinburgh, &th May, 1837. INDEX, Adrice (The) Flatraan. 188 A famoas man wi Robin Oood. Pocock. 317 Ah : Chloiis. Forbes. 191 All ! County Gny. Sir VV. Scott. 80 Alice Gray. 303 A life in the woodds for 84 All round my bat. Hansell 104 . All's well. sob; All that's bright must facie Moore. All up the spout. In vis. Gent. 182 ' Anaci'eontic. Beaumont & Fletcher. 252 Anacreontic, Cowley. 99 Anchor's weighed Braham. 156 Angels' whisper. Lover. 40 Parody thereon. Invis. Gent. 4] Second Parody^ Editor. 285 Anne Eliza. Douoghue. 263 Arethusa. Floare. 245 Art thou a form of mortal birth ? Thackeray. 97 Auld Robin Gray. .. Lady Anne Lindsay. 37 Ave Maria. Sir W. Scoit. 239 Awa, Whigs, awa, . unknown. 65 Away to the mountain's brow 92 .. .. .. ... Away with melancholy. 256 A weary lot is thine. Sir VV. Scott. 160 Bacchanalian Song. Randolph. 138 Banish, maiden ! . 158 Banks of the Dee. 208 Banks of the blue moselle. 268 Banks of the Tyne. Ainslie. 313 Barcarole and Chorus. Kenny. 153 Bay .of Biscay Dibdin. 123 Beautiful bride of my soul. Peake. 207 Beautiful lay. 315 Beautiful War. Planche 255 Bide ye yet. 9 Billy Lackaday. 266 Billy O'Roorke. 193 Billy Taylor. 117 Blackeyed Susan. Gay. 61 Blighted Hope Invis. Gent. 43 Bloom is on the Rye. Fitzball 30 Parody thereon. Invis. Gent, 30 Bonny Blue Caps. Sir W. Scott. 11 Bonnie Jeannie Gray. 55 Bonny lass o' Branksome. Ramsay. 15 Bonnie lass ye're dear to me. W. Graham. 132 Bonnie Lizzie. R. T. 107, Boys of Kilkenny. 159:' Braham's Polacca. 182 Bridal Ring. 8 Broken heart. Lotherington. 111 By Celia's arbour. 157 By the margin ot fair Zurich's waters. 287^ Calm simmer gloamin'. R. 116 Captain Bell. 215 Canadian Boat Song. Moore. 211 Can 1 forget the days of bliss ? 35 . Cans't thou love yet coldly fly me ? 104 Challenge . Invis. Gent. 1260 r Chorus from Peveril of the Peak. 321c ^. Chevaleer. Miss Betsy F. 73 Child and old man. Boz. 290 Chimes of Zurich. Horn. 112;. -r Chough and Crow. Bailie.- 315; 4 Come silent evenin;? 157., -^ Come unto these yellow sands. Shakespeare ]5Cr ^ Concealed Grief, Invis. Gent: 55 u Conjugality and Conviviality. Ditto. 41 Convivial Song. T. Young. 547/ Couatiy Fair, 273^/ ; Crambambuli. Prof, Wilson. Cruiskeen Laun, 184f^' Cupid's disaster, Robert. 26]nf Death Song of the Cherokee Indians, Deck not with gems, .. TU. Deep in a forest dell, • • Thackeray. 97'7 d Deep deep Sea. 27J^. Der Freischutz Songs, &c. Logan & Arnold. 72^ 74" 121. 136. 137i;0 Dirge of M'Gregor, .. T.Young. 88- Donald and Marion, .. .- 114 Fletcher. Drinking Song, . Beaumont & 288 Drink to me only, . Ben Jonson. 311 Ellen Boideachid, 205 Epicurean Song, Author of Jerningham. 145 Exciseman, 30^ Exile of Erin, .. .. Campbell. 91^ 221^ Fair Isabel, . J- K. 24" Fairy Dance, Faithless Sally Brown, .. Hood. 305 Farewell, and when to-morrow, &c. L. E. L. 179 .. ' ' Farewell, but whenever you welcome the hour. Farewell, oh ! farewell, . I. T. M. 277 -r Farewell to the mountain, Thackeray. 108 ;V! Farewell to the straight'un, Gent, in Black. 109' Far, far, at sea, 2.39 Flowers of the Forest, . old set 90 new set. Mrs Cockburn. 89 . Flow on thou shming river, . Moore. 192 Forlorn and broken hearted. 292 Friend, dearest friend. J. B. L. 171 Full fathom five. Shakespeare. 142 Gallant Troubadour, Sir W. Scott. 68 Glazier Murdei'er, Editor. 296 Gloomy Winter's now awa' Tannabill. 130 Glorious Apollo, 1 Go lovely Rose, "waller. 135 Good old woman, Morgan Rattler, 220 Great Sea Snake, 289 Green hills of Tyrol, Linley. 214 Groves of Blarney, Millingne. 154 Gustavus, Sougs, &c. in 127 Gypsy Queen, Moncrieff. 253 Hail, smiling morn. 27 Haste thee ! J 33 Haughty fair one. Young. 107 Heather bell, ... S. S. 38 Helen Trevor, Sharp. 272 Here's a health to all good lasses, 69 Here's a health to dear woman, 16 Here's a health to the friends far awa 43 Highland Minstrel boy, .. Van Dyk 314 Highland Whisky, .. G. W 7 Hope told a flattering tale. 266 How blythe hae I been wi' my Sandy 162 How great is the pleasure, ; 207 Flow sha'l i woo her ? Author of Lilian. 141 Mow stanrls the arlass around ? Wolfe. 28 I gaed a waefa' gate yestreen, Burns. 283 T hae naebody noo, Hogg. 230 I know a bank, 122 I know well what to do, VViicos. 31 rii remember thee, ,, 206 I'll watch for thee, Moore. 133 I love iiei', 127 I love thee, Hood. 246 I 'm saddest when I sing, . 12 I'm the dandy, O ! Crossfield 231 f'm wearin' awa', Jean, Burns. 85 Inch-cape rock. 225 In George's Town, .. 84 Invocation, Trevelle. 286 1 rish banquet song, Colman. 234 I saw thee weep, Byron.. 99 I sigh to leave my native land, Allan. 253 Isle of Beauty, fare thee well. T\ H. Bayly. 236 I stood amid the glittering throng, 262 I think of thee. 2 It was a' for our rightfu' king, Ogilvy. 93 I've watched with thee, Lemon. 84 I would not that the world should know, 318 Jim Crow, Rice. 81 Jim Crow's trip to Greenwich, ., 82 trip to France, 242 Jessica's song, .. 293 Jolly good ale and old, Still. 58 Kate Kearny, 86 Kathleen O' More, .. 263 King Death, Proctor. 76 King 1 God bless him. 270 Kissing, 259 Kitty of Coleraiue, 285 Lament of the genius of the T.R. E. 109 Land of Beauty's smile, •• Lotheriugton, 45 Land o' Cakes, 17 Lass of Arranteenie, •• TannahilL 219 Lass of Govvrie, 72 Lastfare-rell, •• .. J. T. M. 53 Last hal f glass, • . Greenhorn. 60 Last in the office, (Parody,) 138 Last rose of Sunnner, .. Moore. 137 Last May a braw wooer, &ic .. Burns. 251 Laughing trio, S(!4 Laura sleeping, .. Cotton. 140 Legacy, .. •• J'loore. 299 Parody thereon, •• .. Editor. 30 Lie stilh my love, .. Hobhouse: 15! Life is darkened o'er with woe, Logan. 72 Light gnitar, 78 Light li ussar, --^^ Murray. 72 Light of other days, .. Euan. G8 Like summer stars, •• D.Moore. 21 Love in thine eyes, .. Jackson. 323 Love, .. .. Byron. 67 Love's young dream, . Moore. 222 Love's Ritornella, .. Planche 189 Lover's hate, •• •• Suckling. 235 Low down in the broom, 63 Luckla hill, . T. Young. 110 Lucy's flittin' 56 Macgregors' Gathering, Sir W. Scott. 29 Madeline, Marlyn. 130 Magic-wove Scarf. Thackeray. 49 Maid of Cashmere, Sloman. 18 . Maid of Judah, 13 Maid of Llanwelly u, 147 Maid of Lorn, .. 79 Maltese Boatman's Song, .. 13 Man's misfortune glads my soul, Thackeray. 119 Mainer's glee, .. Boison. 20 Mariner's song, . 279 Mariners of England, Campbell 47 Mary of Castlecary, Macneil, 241 Mary Shearer, Atkinson. 44 Mary's dream, Lowe. 143 Massaniello, Songs, &c. in, Kenny. 153 188 Meeting of the waters, Moore. 173 Parody thereon, Ignatius 174 Meet me by moonlight, Wade. 125 Meet me at six. Invis. Gent. 126 Merry may the keel row. 11 Mine host's invitation, Beaumont & Fletcher, 309 Misseltoe Bough, T. H. Bayly. 172 Morning dream, Lover. 199 Mountain Sylph, Songs, &c. in Thackeray. 49 97. 104. 108. 119. 124 Mountain Warrior, .. 40 Mnirland Willie. 163 My fatherland, JNIoncrieff. 198 My harp has one unchanging theme. Moore. 98 My Jamie is far o'er the sea. 227 My love and cottage near Rochelle, Filzball. 232 My mountain heath, J. T. M. 190 My wife has come, Greenhorn. 156 My wife has ta'en the gee. .. 3 Mynheer Vandunck, Colman, 268 Napoleon's grave. W. Ball. 59 Nice young maidens, 194 Night before Larry was stre tched, Burrowes. 209 No more by moonlight, Waldron. 147 ... .. .. Say, my heart, why wildly beating? Arnold 121 Scolding wife, -.
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