BROOKMAN STAMP COMPANY PO BOX 90, VANCOUVER WA 98666 MARSHALL IS., MICRONESIA & PALAU 2021 Edition (Formerly parts of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific) FAX 1-360-695-1616 LOCAL 1-360-695-1391 TAKE A 10% DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES OF $50.00 OR MORE ORDER TOLL FREE 1-800-545-4871 ——————————————————————————————————————————- Prices are for Fine to Very Fine, Never Hinged. email: info@brookmanstamps. website: www.brookmanstamps.com Add 25% for Very Fine, Never Hinged quality. Se-tenants are attached unless noted. MARSHALL ISLANDS MARSHALL ISLANDS MARSHALL ISLANDS Scott Mint Sheet F-VF Scott Mint Sheet F-VF 1984 COMMEMORATIVES No. Description (Size) NH NH No. Description (Size) NH NH Scott Mint Sheet F-VF 195-99 25¢ Christmas, Santa and Sleigh Strip of 5 .. 2.75 316 29¢ Lidice Destroyed. .......................... (12) 16.00 1.00 No. Description (Size) NH NH 200-4 25¢ John F. Kennedy Strip of 5 ........... (15) 15.00 3.00 317 29¢ Fall of Sevastopol ......................... (12) 16.00 1.00 31/62 #31-4,50-62 Set of 17 ............................... .. 11.50 205-8 25¢ Space Shuttle Strip of 4 ............... (12) 7.50 2.50 318-19 29¢ Atlantic Convoy, U-Boats Pair.... ... (12) 18.50 2.15 31-34 20¢ Postal Service Block of 4.. .................. .. 2.25 205-8 25¢ Shuttle Strip of 4 with tabs .................. .. 3.75 320 29¢ Marines land on Guadalcanal ..... (12) 16.00 1.00 1984-85 MAPS & NAVIGATION REGULARS 1989 COMMEMORATIVES 321 29¢ Battle of Savo Island....... .............. (12) 16.00 1.00 35-49A 1¢-$1 Regulars, Set of 16 ........................ .. 12.75 209/345 #209--31,238a,341-45 Set of 29 ............... .. 100.00 322 29¢ Dieppe Raid........ .......................... (12) 16.00 1.00 39a 13¢ Booklet Pane of 10 ............................. .. 10.50 209-12 45¢ Links to Japan Block of 4 .................... .. 3.75 323 50¢ Battle of Stalingrad. ...................... (12) 27.50 1.65 40a 14¢ Booklet Pane of 10 ............................. .. 10.50 213-15 45¢ Alaska Statehood 30th Strip of 3 .... (9) 9.75 3.25 324 29¢ Battle of Eastern Solomons .......... (12) 16.00 1.00 41a 20¢ Booklet Pane of 10 ............................. .. 11.00 216-20 25¢ Seashells, Pontifical+ Strip of 5 .......... .. 3.25 325 50¢ Battle of Cape Esperance. ............ (12) 27.50 1.65 41b 13¢ & 20¢ Booklet Pane of 10 ................... .. 11.25 221 $1 Hirohito & Akihito Enthronement Souvenir Sheet 2.25 326 29¢ Battle of El Alamein. ..................... (12) 16.00 1.00 42a 22¢ Booklet Pane of 10 ............................. .. 11.00 222-25 45¢ Migrant Birds Block of 4 ...................... .. 4.00 327-28 29¢ Battle of Barents Sea Pair ............. (12) 16.00 2.00 42b 14¢ & 22¢ Booklet Pane of 10.. ................. .. 12.00 226-29 45¢ Postal History Block of 4 ..................... .. 4.25 1993 - 1943 WORLD WAR II ANNIVERSARIES 1984 COMMEMORATIVES (continued) 230 25¢ Postal History Souvenir Sheet of 6 ..... .. 11.00 329/477 1943, #329-37,467-77 Set of 20 ................ .. 28.75 50-53 40¢ Universal Postal Union, Hamburg Block of 4 3.25 231 $1 Philexfrance Postal History Souvenir Sheet .. 11.50 329 29¢ Casablanca Conference ............... (12) 17.50 1.00 54-57 20¢ Ausipex'84, Dolphins Block of 4 .......... .. 1.80 238a 25¢(6),$1 Moon Landing Booklet Pane of 7 .. 19.75 330 29¢ Liberation of Kharkov .................... (12) 19.50 1.00 58 20¢ Christmas, 3 Kings Strip of 4 ........ (16) 12.75 2.75 341-44 25¢ Christmas, Angels Block of 4 .............. .. 4.00 331-34 50¢ Battle of Bismarck Sea Block of 4 . (16) 50.00 7.75 58 20¢ Christmas Strip of 4 with tabs ............. .. 4.25 345 45¢ Milestones in Space Sheet of 25.. ..... .. 37.50 335 50¢ Interception of Yamamoto.......... ... (12) 28.00 1.65 59-62 20¢ Marshall Is. Constitution 15th Anniv. Block of 4 2.00 1989 - 1939 WORLD WAR II ANNIVERSARIES 336-37 29¢ Battle of Kursk Pair. ...................... (16) 25.00 2.25 1985 COMMEMORATIVES 239-45 1939, Set of 7 ......................................... .. .. 9.00 Note: #341-45 is listed after #238a. 63/C2 #63-94,C1-2 Set of 34 ............................... .. 21.50 239 25¢ German Invasion of Poland ......... (12) 12.00 .75 467-70 52¢ Invasion of Sicily Block of 4 .......... (16) 38.50 7.50 63-64 22¢ Audubon Bicentennial Pair ................. .. 1.40 240 45¢ Sinking of HMS Royal Oak . ......... (12) 20.00 1.40 471 50¢ Bombing of Schweinfurt ................ (12) 25.00 1.70 65-69 22¢ Seashells, Cymatium+ Strip of 5 ........ .. 2.25 241 45¢ German Invasion of Finland. ......... (12) 20.00 1.40 472 29¢ Liberation of Smolensk ................ (12) 16.00 1.00 70-73 22¢ Decade for Women Block of 4 ............ .. 2.10 473 29¢ Landing at Bouganville ................. (12) 16.00 1.00 74-77 22¢ Reef & Lagoon Fish Block of 4 ........... .. 1.95 474 50¢ Invasion of Tarawa. ...................... (12) 23.50 1.70 78-81 22¢ Youth Year, Atile Museum Block of 4 . .. 1.95 475 52¢ Teheran Conference...... ............... (12) 23.50 1.70 82-85 14¢,22¢,33¢,44¢ Christmas (4) ................. .. 2.50 476-77 29¢ Battle of North Cape Pair. ............. (12) 15.00 2.25 86-90 22¢ Halley's Comet Strip of 5............(15) 45.00 5.75 1989 COMMEMORATIVES (Continued)) 86-90 22¢ Halley's Strip of 5 with tabs.. ............... .. 22.50 1990-92 BIRDS REGULAR ISSUE 91-94 22¢ Medicinal Plants Block of 4 ................. .. 2.00 346-65A 1¢-$2 Birds, Set of 21 .............................. .. 29.50 1986-87 MAPS & NAVIGATION REGULARS 1990 COMMEMORATIVES 107-9 $2-$10 Regulars, Set of 3 ........................ .. 35.00 361a/390 #361a,66-69,76a,77-90 Set of 20 ............ .. 40.00 107 $2 Wotje & Erikub, 1571 Globe ................. .. 5.25 361a 95¢ Essen '90 Miniature Sheet of 4 ........... .. 5.25 108 $5 Bikini, Stick Chart ................................. .. 11.00 366-69 25¢ Children's Games Block of 4 ............... .. 4.50 109 $10 Stick Chart of the Atolls (1987) ........... .. 21.75 376a 25¢ (6), $1 Penny Black 150th Anniv. Booklet of 7 17.50 1986 COMMEMORATIVES 242-45 45¢ Battle of River Platte Block of 4 .... (16) 25.00 6.00 377-80 25¢ Sea Turtles Block of 4 ......................... .. 5.50 110/C12 #110-31,C3-12 Set of 32 ........................... .. 28.50 1990 - 1940 WORLD WAR II ANNIVERSARIES 381 25¢ Joint Issue Micronesia & U.S. ............. .. 1.25 110-13 14¢ Marine Invertebrates Block of 4 .......... .. 2.50 246-70 1940, Set of 25.......................................... .. 27.50 382 45¢ German Reunification ......................... .. 1.50 114 $1 Ameripex, C-54 Globester Souvenir Sheet .. 3.50 246-47 25¢ German Invasion of Norway & 383-86 25¢ Christmas Block of 4 ........................... .. 4.00 115-18 22¢ Operation Crossroads, Atomic Tests Block of 4 2.25 Denmark Pair........... ........................... (12) 12.75 1.50 387-90 25¢ Breadfruit Block of 4 ........................... .. 3.50 119-23 22¢ Seashells, Ramoses+ Strip of 5 ........ .. .. 2.50 248 25¢ Katyn Forest Massacre ................ (12) 12.00 .75 1991 COMMEMORATIVES 124-27 22¢ Game Fish Block of 4 ......................... .. 2.25 249-50 25¢ Bombing of Rotterdam and 391/413 #391-98,98a,99,406a,7-13 Set of 18 ......... .. 49.50 128-31 22¢ Christmas, Year of Peace Block of 4 .. .. 2.75 German Invasion of Belgium Pair ........ (12) 11.50 1.60 391-94 50¢ U.S. Space Shuttle Flights Block of 4 . .. 4.50 1987 COMMEMORATIVES 251 45¢ Winston Churchill, Prime Minister . (12) 20.00 1.50 395-98 52¢ Flowers Block of 4 .............................. .. 6.00 132/C20 #132-63,C13-20 Set of 39 ........................ .. 30.00 252-53 45¢ Dunkirk Evacuation Pair ............... (12) 22.50 3.00 398a 52¢ Phila Nippon, Flowers Miniature Sheet of 4 6.00 132-35 22¢ U.S. Whaling Ships Block of 4 ............ .. 2.25 254 45¢ German Occupation of Paris ......... (12) 20.00 1.40 399 29¢ Operation Desert Storm ...................... .. 1.50 136-41 33¢,39¢,44¢ Flights, Pilots 3 Pairs ............ .. 5.25 255 25¢ Battle of Mers-el-Kebir....... ........... (12) 12.50 .75 406a 29¢ (6), $1 Birds Booklet Pane of 7. .......... .. 27.50 142 $1 CAPEX, Amelia Earhart Souvenir Sheet .. 2.75 256 25¢ Battles for Burma Road........ ......... (12) 12.50 .75 407-10 12¢,29¢,50¢ (2) Air Marshall Is. Aircraft, Set of 4 4.50 143-51 14¢-44¢ U.S. Constitution 257-60 45¢ Destroyers to Gt. Britain Block-4.. (16) 30.00 6.00 411 29¢ Marshall Is. U.N. Admission ................ .. 1.00 Bicentennial Strips of 3 (3).... .............. (12) 22.00 5.50 261-64 45¢ Battle of Britain Block of 4 ............. (16) 30.00 6.00 412 30¢ Christmas, Peace Dove ...................... .. 1.10 265 45¢ Tripartite Pact, 1940...... ............... (12) 18.00 1.40 413 29¢ Peace Corps in Marshall Islands ......... .. 1.10 266 25¢ F.D. Roosevelt’s Third Term ......... (12) 12.00 .75 1992 COMMEMORATIVES 267-70 25¢ Battle of Taranto Block of 4........... (16) 20.00 3.65 414/29 #414-17,24a,25-29 Set of 10.. ................... .. 26.00 1991 - 1941 WORLD WAR II ANNIVERSARIES 414-17 29¢ Ships Strip of 4 ................................... .. 4.50 271-96 1941, Set of 26.......................................... .. 30.75 424a 50¢ (6), $1 Voyages of Discovery Booklet of 7 .. 18.50 271-74 30¢ 4 Freedoms Block of 4 .................. (16) 18.00 4.00 425-28 29¢ Traditional Handicrafts Block of 4 ....... .. 3.50 275 30¢ Battle of Beda Fomm ................... (12) 12.00 .75 429 29¢ Christmas ......................................... .. .. .90 276-77 29¢ German Invasion of 1992 BIRDS REGULAR ISSUE 152-56 22¢ Seashells, Magnificent+ Strip of 5 ...... .. 2.50 Greece and Yugoslavia Pair ............... (12) 15.00 1.80 430-33 9¢-45¢ Birds, Set of 4 .............................. .. 4.65 157-59 44¢ Copra Industry Strip of 3 ..................... .. 2.65 278-81 50¢ Sinking of Bismarck Block of 4 ....
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