East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary (Modern Apprenticeship and Employability Fund) 2020/21 Supplementary Local Authority level data to complement SDS' MA and EF Official Statistics publications. / Context What is included within this report? This report provides a breakdown of equality information by local authority for Modern Apprenticeship (MA) and Employability Fund (EF) starts in 2020/21. This report is produced annually and is designed to supplement the MA and EF Official Statistics publications. Impact of Covid-19 Throughout 2020/21, the Covid-19 pandemic affected the way MAs and EF are delivered. Although there were limited numbers in Q1, the end of year figures were 18,655 MA starts and 7,955 EF starts. Useful Links MA Official Statistics 2020/21: https://www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk/media/47807/modern- apprenticeship-statistics-quarter-4-2020-21.pdf EF Official Statistics 2020/21: https://www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk/media/47809/employability-fund- statistics-quarter-4-2020-21.pdf In your area: https://www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk/local-national-work/ Any comments or suggestions regarding the content of this report are welcome and can be emailed to: [email protected] / East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary 2020/21 Contents Page 3 - Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Gender Page 4 - MA Gender and Framework Page 5 - MA Disability Page 6 - MA Ethnicity Page 7 - MA Care Experienced Page 8 - Employability Fund (EF) Gender Page 9 - EF Disability Page 10 - EF Ethnicity Page 11 - EF Care Experienced Page 12 - Notes (These pages include information on how data is collected and reported. SDS recommends that this is read prior to any further analysis to ensure the figures are interpreted correctly) / East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary 2020/21 3 Context Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Starts by Gender in East Dunbartonshire 34.5% Starts by Age Band and Gender Gender Female Male In 2020/21, there were 307 MA starts in of MA starts in East East Dunbartonshire. This equates to Dunbartonshire in 93 1.6% of the total MA starts (18,655). 2020/21 were female. 67 46.3% of these starts were over 25, compared to 44.1% of all MA starts in Scotland. 39.7% 49 39 41 of MA starts in Scotland Female 34.5% in 2020/21 were female. 18 16-19 20-24 25+ Starts by SCQF Level and Gender Gender 57.4% Gender Female Male Male Female of the 16-24 working population in East 180 Dunbartonshire were female. Male 65.5% 97 48.9% 90.2% of MA starts were training at SCQF of the 16-24 working Level 6 or above, compared to 81.4% of all population in Scotland MA starts in Scotland. were female. 21 SCQF 5 VQ 3/ SCQF 6+ / East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary 2020/21 4 Context Frameworks with the highest number of starts Volumes of MA starts by STEM Status 7.7% in East Dunbartonshire by Gender and Gender in East Dunbartonshire of MAs undertaking a STEM framework in East Gender Female Male Top 5 Frameworks Female Dunbartonshire were female, compared to Social Services and Healthcare 33 132 Social Services (Children and Young People) 29 11.4% Business & Administration 7 for all female starts in Digital Marketing 6 Scotland. 95 for all female 92.3% starts in Scotland. 69 Top 5 Frameworks Male of MAs undertaking a STEM framework in East Freight Logistics 29 Dunbartonshire were male, Electrical Installation 20 compared to Construction: Building 17 Construction: Technical 17 88.6% Automotive 11 for all male starts in 11 Scotland. STEM Not STEM / East Dunbar C on te xt tonshir 12 .3 e Equality Summar E o % a f M Modern Apprenticeship Starts by Disability in East Dunbartonshire st A D s I u ta n s in nb r im 2 e a ts p 02 lf 20 r in 2 a 0 -id 2 to 5 ir /2 e 0/ ns % m 1 dis nt 2 h e , 1 a ifie 1 ire nt 2 b d , h .3 le a 20 e % d s % % % a . .0 lt o .7 h f y 2020/21 1 % M 3 2 co 2 .4 n A 1 0 d s 5% 2 it ta 1 % io r 3 6 n ts o . S f 0 8 o w c M % 1 % r h o 1 4 le o t A 0 . a r s la s % 7 rn es e nd ta 1 % in id lf- r .4 g e id in ts 6 % e in 1 1 d in d n 20 . iff E is t 2 5% 6 % ic a if 1 7 u a b ie 0/ . lt st le d 2 5 % y D a 1 1 2 ( d s . I/ u . 5 % H nb 0% 1 .1 C a 5 % /L rt 1 .9 D on Orkne… 4 % ), s 1 .7 c hir East Renfr… 4 % om e 1 .4 p s City of Edinburgh 4 % a e 1 r lf Dundee City .9 ed -id 3 % e Midlothian 1 .6 to n 3 1 tif Perth & Kinross 1 % 3 ie 5 .7 .0 d Angus 2 % % a 1 s Aberdeenshire .4 o 2 % f ha Fife 1 .3 all v 2 % M in Inverclyde 1 .1 A g 2 % a Shetland Islands 1 s n .7 ta West Lothian 1 % r 1 .6 ts Aberdeen City 1 % . 1 .3 Highland 1 1 % Argyll & Bute .5 0 % East Lothian 1 .5 0 % Moray 1 .4 0 % East Dunbartonshire 1 .1 0 % Renfrewshire 1 .0 Glasgow City 0 1 % West Dunbartonshire .4 9 % South Ayrshire .3 Falkirk 9 % .8 Na h-Eileanan Siar 8 % 7 Scottish Borders . 8 % North Ayrshire .9 Stirling 7 South Lanarkshire Clackmannanshire North Lanarkshire East Ayrshire Dumfries & Galloway / East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary 2020/21 6 Context Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Starts by Ethnicity in East Dunbartonshire 1.6% In 2020/21, 1.6% of MA starts who reside in East Dunbartonshire self-identified being from of all MA starts in East a Mixed or Multiple; Asian; African; Caribbean or Black; or Other Ethnic Group, compared Dunbartonshire in 2020/21 to 2.7% of all MA starts. self-identified as being from a Mixed or Multiple; Asian, Asian Scottish or 8% Asian British; African; Caribbean or % % 7 Black; or Other Ethnic Group. % . 2 4 . 7 . 6 % 7 6 6% . 2.7% 5 of all MA starts in Scotland in 2020/21 self-identified as being from % 4% % 2 % % 1 % . a Mixed or Multiple; Asian; African; 9 9 8 3 . % 3 . % % 2 2 5 % Caribbean or Black; or Other Ethnic 2 . 3 3 2 . % . 2 . group. % 2 9 2 % % % 2 . 8 % 6 . 6 % 6 1 . % 5 . % % 1 4 . 1 2% 1 3 . 1 2 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 6.4% of the 16-24 population in Scotland 0% … … ity e ity n s e ss n d n e rs y s e e e g e e k d b C hir C ia nd hir o ia n ia hir e ra gu hir hir hir lin Fif hir ir self-identify as being from a Mixed er in s th la s r th hla th s rd o n s s s tir s alk b d w w ee o Is w in o ig lo n o M A n rk n S rk F A E go re d t L re K t L H id na B rto a ee a or Multiple; Asian, Asian Scottish or of s nf n s nd nf & s M n h a an d an la e u e la e th a a tis b L er L Asian British; African; Caribbean or ity G R D W t R r E m t un h b h C t he e ck co D t A rt as S P la S t ou o Black; or Other Ethnic Group. E C s S N Ea / East Dunbartonshire Equality Summary 2020/21 7 Context Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Starts by Care Experienced in East Dunbartonshire In 2020/21, * of MA starts who reside in East Dunbartonshire self-identified as being care * experienced, compared to 1.7% of all MA starts in Scotland. 4.0% of MA starts in East Dunbartonshire in % 0 2020/21, . 3 % 3.0% % self-identified as 6 6 . % . % 2 4 2 . % 3 being care % . % 2 2 % 2 % % . 2 1 % . 1 % 0 0 2 % 0 . experienced. 2 % . 2 . % 9 9 2 8 . 2 2 . 2 % . 8 . 1 1 7 % 2.0% 1 % . 1 6 % 5 1 . 4 1 . 1 % % % 1 1 1 1 . % 1 1 1 9 . 1.7% 1.0% 0 of all MA starts in Scotland in 2020/21 0.0% self-identified as … de ay ire ity rs ire ay ity ire n gh ire nd ife ire ire ire irk us ss n ire ire e ly w h C e h r C h ia r h F h h h lk g o ia h h e c s rd rs o e s th bu rs hla rs s s a n r th s s being care rd er allo w ow o y M e w lo in y ig y on rk F A Kin Lo en rk be v G fre g B A d fre id d A H A rt na t e na A In n s h th un n M E st th a a & es rd a & e la ttis or D e f a u nb L th e L experienced.
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