To my mother PIOTR MIERZEJEWSKI ULTRASTRUcrURE, TAXONOMY AND AFFINITIES OF SOME ORDOYICIAN AND SILURIAN ORGANIC MICROFOSSILS (PI :lIe~ 19-37) M IfRz rJrWSKI. P.: Ultrastructure, taxonomy and a ffinities o f som e Ordovic ian a mi Siluri..n o rga nic microfossils. Palaeontolog i.. Pol onica. 47, 1~ 9 - ::' ::'O , 19RIi. The work pre sent s the results of morphological a nd ultrast ructural (TEM a m! SE MI studies o n Ordovician a nd Silur ian organic (non-ca lcareo us) fossi ls amo ng which representa tives o f scyphozoans, hyd rozoans, pogonophorans a nd pterobranch s a re recognized , A few forms o f uncerta in systematic po sition are a lso de scribed . Scyph ozoa : well pre ser ved scyphotheca e of Byronia robusta (KOZL.) are desc ribed a lo ng with ultrastructural o bservations made o n other Byr..nia spec ies . Part of the so-ca lled d ithecoid graptolites is recognized a'i col oni al scyp ho po lyps , Hyd rozoa : form, described by R. KOZLOWSKI ami A. EISf.SACK as hyd roid s a re revised . The asrogenesis of Rhubdohydra tridens KOZL. is reconst ructed. Two new taxa a re designated. The periderm ultrastructure of five species i~ described ami interpreted. Some forms known as dirhccoid graptolites a nd the group Chaunogruptidae are recognized as colonial hydropolyps. Pogonophoru : Brklrrnishcvitrs grundis gen . et sp. n. is described. Tube ultrastructure i'i studied for IWo species reveal ing in one case the presence of a chitiu-protci n co mplex. Ptc ro­ branchi a : forms described by R . Kozr.owsx I are revised and a new taxon om y is proposed fo r Rhabdopleurida. Some forms clusvified previou sly as hydro ids lire identified a'i rh abdopleurids and five new taxa a re des ignated. T he as togcnexix o f Rhabdopleuritcs primacvus KOZL. is reconstructed and new types of , 10 11 \11:1 1 tubes [wi tho ut lig·ng suture and Iusell i) are described. The ult rast ru ct ure o f cysts . vto lons a nd sto lo na l tubes is studied in severa l forms, A congene rity of Rhabd...plrurites with so me forms described previously as tubo id or sto lonoi d graptol ites and hydroids is sugges ted . Miscellanea : ult ra structure of live pr oble­ mal ic rnicr ofos..ils a re studied. A few new tax a a rc de scribed includi ng t wo new genera. Key word s : Ul trastructure. taxonomy, rnicrofossils, Scyphozoa , Hyd rozoa. Po­ gonophora, Pterobranchia, Graptolithinn, Miscellan ea, Ordo vician, Silurian , glacial erratics, Balt ic Reg ion . Poland. Piotr Mierzejewski, Zaklad Paleobiologii, Polsku Akadrmia Nauk, AI. Zwirk] j Ij'j. gur), 96, Ol-()89 Waruawa. Poland, Received: March. 1983. ~ - Pa laecntclcg ta Po lcn l ~. t i 130 PIOTR M IERZ EJ E\VSK I 1:1 TR ASTIli T n ;RA , T .\I\ <; n ~()\ II . \ 1 P OKR E WI F ~ S T \\'lI :-;IH ("f I) II H 11 O IlJ)nWWK IC II I S Yl l :RSKIC II \ 1I " I I O ' K .~ ,\ IIE 1'o I A I ll;'l I OIlC; \ :-;11 / .N \ l 11 S treszczenie -- Op rucowano, przy wykorzystuniu tcchnik clektronowo-mikros kopowych ordowickic i sylurskie mikrosknmienialosci orga nicznc, rozrozniajqc wsrod nich kra zkoplawy, stulbioplawy. pogonofory, pioro skrzeluc i rozma ite fl)J'JU Y inccrt ae scdis. Scyphozou. - - Opisuno dobrze zachowunc scyIo 11: ki ltyronia robustu (K01.1.), zbada no ultra­ strukture pcriderrny 2 gatunkow, w jcdny m przypadku ujawniono jej chit ynowo-proteinowy charak tcr. C z ~ ~c tzw. graptolitow ditckoidowych uznano zu kolonijne scyfopolipy. Hydrozoa, --- Przcp .owadzono rewizjc form opisanych przez R. K OZ I.O W SK ([GO i A. Ersr­ N ACKA. Zrck onstruowano kormogcncze Rhabdohydra tridens Ko/I. , wyrozniono 2 nowc tak sony, zbud.ino uluu strukturc peridermy 5 gutun kow. ('z,,'se ( I. W , gr.ip to litow ditekoidowych i Chau­ nogrupt iduc uznano za kolonijnc hydropolipy, Pogonophoru, - Opisano Bek lcntishcvit cs griuulis gen. n. sp, n.. zbadano uhrastrukture rurck 2 g.u unkow, w jcdnym przypadku ujawniono obecnosc kompleksu proteinowo-chi­ tynowcgo. Pterobra uchia. - Przepr owadzono rewizjc form op isunych przez R. KOZl.OWSK ir co, przccl-rawiono nowq konccpcje tuksunomii Rhabdopleu ridu, wykazano rubdopleuridowy charukter szercgu form uwazanych dotad za Hydroidu, wyrozniono 5 nowych tak sonow, Zrckonstruowano korrnogencze Rhabdoplcurites prinu tcvus Ke)Z!.., opisano nieznune dotad typy rurek stolonalnych (bcz SZWll zygzakowatcgo i bczfuzcllarn e), zbaduno ultrastrukture cyst, stolonow i rurek stolonalnych niektorych form. Sugeruje sie kongcncrycznosc Rhabdo­ pleurites 7. niektorymi dornnicmanyrni grap tolitarni tuboidowyrni lub stolonoidowymi oraz Hydroida. Miscellanea. - - Zbadano ultrustruk ture 5 problematykow i op isuno kilka dalszych, usta­ nawiajac t1 W:1 mon otypowe nowe rodzajc. ( UNTEN1S Int rod uction . .. DI Acknowledgment s I ~ I Mat erial . 131 Methods ..,. 138 C hemica l met hods J.11! Electron microscopy 138 Systema tic pa rt , . 140 Scyphozoa .. 140 D ith eco idea - - pr irnitive gral'to lit e ~ or co lonial ~c Y l' h lJ po ly l" ? 142 Descript io n ... " . 145 H ydrozou ; . , .,. ,.. 14S Some remarks o n Il y,lrllida skeleto n 149 De scription 151 Pogonophora . ..,. 169 Pterobranchia . .. , t 70 The structure o f the Rhabdoplcui ida co encc iurn 172 Remark s on th e sys teui.u ics " I' the R hubdopleui id Ol 174 Stolonoideu -- grupto lites or pterobrunc hs 175 Descri ptio n 176 M iscellanea .. ., 194 Re ferences . ... , :!03 Ex plana tion of plates 19- 37 :!Oll Ind ex of generi c and specific names 217 ORDO VICIAN AND SILURIAN ORGAN IC ~nCROFOS S ILS 131 IN TRODUCTION In 1973, the late Professor ROM AN KOZI.OWSK I kindly passed me for further st udy some orga­ nic microfossils he had extract ed by chemical method s from Balti c er ratics of Ordovician and Silurian age. The material comprised vari ou s microfossils, usually in the form of branching or simple tubes. Some specimens of th at collection have been previously described as Hydroid a by KOZLOWSK I (1959a). In discussion s, he repeat edly suggested th at some of th e forms pre­ viou sly interpreted by him as Hydroida may actually ha ve nothing in co mmon with coelente­ rates. He also used to emphasize the neces sity of revising some taxa described by him . My studies show a high degree of homeomorphy of tubular orga nic skeleto ns or fragmen ts of such, often representing quite distant systema tic groups, thus confirming his opinion than rev ision was necessary. This paper deals with animal microfossils built of orga nic matter and ofdebat ab le or unknown systematic position. An atte mpt to esta blish their taxon omi c affinities has result ed in an ine­ vita ble break in the compactness of the pap er. However, I regarded it necessar y to present as com plete as po ssible a n a na lysis of the taxonomy of the microfossils that represent dif­ ferent systematic groups but are poorl y kn own, sim ilar in shape and often very difficult to dis­ tin guish and to classify. ACK NO WLE DGME1'.'TS Warm th anks are du e to Professor ADAM U RBANE K (Warszawa ) for help in the co urse of preparation of thi s paper, valuable discussion s on the studied materi al and rema rks co n­ cerning methods of laboratory wo rk. Thanks are due to Professor NOEL P. DILLY (London) and Or. CYPRIAN KULICK I (Warszawa) for discussion s on some problems con cerning pt e­ robranchs, and Professor DONAT V. NAUM OV (Leningrad) for comments of fossil hydrozoan s. Professor T AD EUSZ G UNIA (Wroclaw) a nd Professor H UBERT SZANIAWSKI (Warszawa) kindly reviewed the manuscript and provided helpful corrections a nd comment s. I am very much inde bted to Professor J6ZEF KAZMI ER CZAK (Warszawa) for fruitful discussion s on several probl ems as well as a co nstructive review of the manuscript. Special th anks are extended to Dr. R. B. Rickards (Cambridge) who kindly made a complete linguistic revision of the text. The studies were conducted at the laborator'es of electron microscop y of the follow ing institution s : M. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology and Centre of Expe rime nta l Medicine (Polish Academ y of Scienc es), Zo ology and Botany Departments of Warsaw U niversity and the Ana tomy Department of the St. George's Hospital Med ical School (Lond on ). MATERI AL The material studied comes from one localit y ill situ, four borings, and some dozens of glacial erratics (fig. 1). Soko lovites pogonophoroides K ozr.. was derived from the cha lcedonites of Chojno w 061 by Zbilutka. The age of these chalcedonites was estimat ed by SZAN IAWSKI (1979) as Upper Trem ad oc. Some fossils were extracted from the following borings : Biala Podlaska 2. Middle Ordovici an (W . BEDNAR CZYK , person al informati on). Depth 680-687 m. Rhabdohydra tridens KOZLOWSKI , TRhabdopleurites sp. Kystodendron ex gr. longicarpus (EISENACK) sensu KOZLOWSKI. 9' 132 PIOTR MIERZEJ EWSKI - ----- ---- - -- --- - ---,-- -------- _._-- ----_._._---- -- Or ze chowo p o~ Jaro s t awi e c • Or t owo A = , _ . ... / ., ., Ust r an i e Mor sk l e _ ------:::::YJ - - --.-. = - _ . • GDANS K [~I " o ° KOS ZAL I N Hewa ! KOf, ORRZE G l \ _ H i ~ d l Y l d r o j.- . o Ol.S 7.T YN \ , ~ , \ S Z(' Z ! '( '! N \ ') \ Pu dbo r owl ska i' I" Kr z yie ~ . ~ ./ "" Hi e l oi k l ' O ( ~ .
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