MARS Facsimile Resources: Carleton College Gould Library Special Collections Version 1.1. Produced by J. O’Brien, August 2008. This numbered list of facsimile documents is organized in chronological order according to the production of the original. There are currently unused numbers in each chronological bracket for future additions. To access further catalog information on any of the facsimiles, simply enter the provided call number into the online Bridge catalog. To access the facsimiles themselves, please contact the library’s Special Collections Department. You may find the following index of suggested document groups to be a helpful starting place: Biblical Manuscripts: Full Bibles: 45, 47, 93. OT texts : 1, 95. Psalters: 13, 17, 60. Gospels: 2, 8, 12, 16, 36. Apocalypses: 15, 54, 57. Books of Hours: 76, 90. Carolingian Manuscripts: 13, 15-23. History of Cartography: 53, 66, 82, 85, 87, 96, 98, 134, 136 History of Medicine: 30, 50, 55, 68, 69, 131. Incunabula: 105-119. Middle English Literature: 65. 67, 78, 79, 80, 86. Middle High German Literature: 48, 49, 51, 56, 58, 59. -5th C. 1. Codex Washingtonensis: Deuteronomy and Joshua, Early 5th C. Greek OT. BS764 .W29 1910 2. Codex Washingtonensis: The Four Gospels, early 5th C. Greek NT. BS2551 .W37 1912 3. Vergilius Vaticanus, c. 400. Major fragments of the Georgics, bks. 3-4, and of the Aeneid, with notable ilustrations. PA6804 .A73 1980 4. Vergilius Augusteus, c. 500 Fragments of the Georgics. PA6804 .A7 1976 5-7th C. 8. Rabbula Gospels, completed 586. Syriac gospels. ND3359.R3 S3 9. Leonine Sacramentary, 7th C. Oldest known sacramentary. BX2037.A3 L4 1960 8-9th C. 12. Lindisfarne Gospels, early 8th C. Northumbrian gospel book. BS2554.A63 L5 (2 vols.) 13. Golden Psalter (Dagulf Psalter), 783-795. Illuminated Psalter dedicated to Charlemagne. BX2033.A35 P763 1980 (2 vols.) 14. Moore Bede, 8th C. Early manuscript of the Ecclesiastical History of the English People. BR746 .B42 1959 15. Trier Apocalypse, c. 800. Carolingian illustrated Book of Revelation. BS2822.5 .T7 2001 16. Lorsch Gospels, early 9th C. Carolingian court production presented to the Abbey of Lorsch. BS2552.L6 B7 1967b 17. Utrecht Psalter, c.820-835. Carolingian psalter. BX2033.A35 U86 1982 18. Book of the Praises of the Holy Cross, Hrabanus Maurus; after 844. Text with “picture-poems.” PA8330.H8 A65 1973 (2 vols.) 19. The Martyrology for Emperor Lothar I, 855. Verse martyrology by Wandalbert of Prüm. BX4660 .A1 900a 20. Book of the Gospels (Evangelienbuch), Otfrid of Weissenberg; c. 870. Old High German verse paraphrase of the gospels. PF3989 .A1 1972 21. Lorsch Rotulus, c. 870. A Rogation Days litany bearing 534 names from the Abbey of Lorsch. Z105.5.L67 V65 1994 22. Sacramentary of Metz, c. 870. Sacramentary often associated with King Charles the Bald. BX2037.A3 M4736 1972 (2 vols.) 23. The Karlmann Diploma of 878. Legal document: the king’s donation of Carinthian land to a Bavarian monastery. DB297 .K37 1996 10-11th C. 30. Kitab al-abnija an haqu'iq al-adwija, Muwaffiq ibn ʻ Alī al-Harawī; between 960-980. Persian medical text. R128 .M8815 1972 31. Joshua Roll, 10th C. Byzantine illustrations with Greek captions and selections from the OT book of Joshua. ND3358.J8 J67 1983 32. Marriage Diploma of Empress Theophanu, 972. Presentation copy of marriage diploma of Otto II and Theophanu. DD137.9.T39 N54 1980 33. Exultet Roll, late 10th C. Exultet (hymn of Easter liturgy) with music in Beneventan neumes, and other prayers. BX2045 .E88 1975 34. The Passions of Kilian and Margaret, late 10th C. Hagiography. BX4700.K48 P3 1988 35. The Sacramentary of Bishop Warmund of Ivrea, late 10th C. North Italian sacramentary. ND3370.5.I9 S23 1990 36. York Gospels, late 10th/early 11th C. Anglo-Saxon illuminated gospels and ecclesiastical oaths. BS1970 .Y6 1986 37. Ruodlieb, c.1050. Fragmentary Latin romance. PA8420 .R9 1974 (2 vols.) 38. The Old English Illustrated Hexateuch, first half 11th C. First six books of the OT in Old English. BS1214.A53 C67 1974 12-14th C. 43. Life of Matilda of Canossa, early 12th C. Tuscany. DG737.24.M4 D6 1984 44. Liber Floridus, Lambert of St-Omer; c. 1120. Miscellany. AE2 .L36 1968 45. Bury Bible, c.1130/5. Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, England. BS70 .B87 2001 46. Life of St. Severin, Eugippius; mid 12th C. Salzburg; copy of 6th C. text. BR1720.S4 E8 1982 47. Bible of St. Louis, 1226-1234. Facs. of last eight pages. ND3361.R52 B43 1995 48. Eneas Romance, Heinrich von Veldeke; later 12th C. Middle High German Romance. PT1540.E6 H5 1992 49. Carmina Burana, 13th C. Latin and German songs. M2 .P95 no.9 50. Medicina antiqua, 13th C. Medical text from Italy. RS81 .M43 1996 51. Parzival, Titurel, Tagelieder, Wolfram von Eschenbach; c.1250. Middle High German epics. PT1682 .A23 1970 52. The Falcon Book of Frederick II, mid-13th C. Falconry manual, “De arte venandi cum avibus.” SK321 .W39 2000 53. Peutinger Table, 1265. Medieval copy of late Roman map. G1026.P4 W4 1976 54. Douce Apocalypse, c. 1270. English illuminated copy for Prince (later King) Edward (I). ND3361.R52 B63 1981 55. A Medieval Herbal, c.1300. Italy; Tractatus de herbis. QK99.A1 T7 2003 56. The Weingarten Manuscript, c. 1300. Middle High German songs/poems. PT1419.W4 W4 1969 57. Cloisters Apocalypse, early 14th C. Produced in Normandy. BS2822.5.C58 D48 (2 vols.) 58. Codex Manesse, early 14th C. Middle High German songs/poems. PT1419.H4 59. Willehalm, Wolfram von Eschenbach; c.1320. Middle High German epic. PT1682 .W4 2005 60. Luttrell Psalter, c.1320-1340. Incl. illustrations of rustic life. ND3357.L8 L8 2006 61. Oldenburg Sachsenspiegel, 1336. Low German; jurisprudence. KK205.45 .O43 2006 62. Sarajevo Haggadah, c. 1350. Produced in Northern Spain. ND3385.H4 H145 1967 63. Golden Bull: King Wenzel Manuscript, 1356. A constitutional document of the Holy Roman Empire. KK253 1356g 64. Mirror of Human Salvation, c. 1360. Speculum humanae salvationis. BT750 .S633 2006 65. Piers Plowman, William Langland, < c.1370? “Z-text,” MS Bodley 851. PR2010 .B7 1994 66. Catalan Atlas, 1375. World map from Majorca. G1001 .C73 1977 67. Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain, late 14th C. Middle English alliterative verses. PR1119 .A2 no. 162 68. Tacuinum sanitatis (Vienna MS. 2396), 14th/15th C. Wellness handbook. RS79 .T33 1984b 69. Tacuinum sanitatis (Vienna MS. Series Nova 2644), 14th/15th C. Wellness handbook. RS79 .T335 2004 15-16th C. Manuscripts: 75. The Prayer Book of Michelino da Besozzo, early 15th C. Lombard illuminations. ND3380.M53 P7 76. The Grandes Heures of John of France, Duke of Berry, 1409. Luxury French Book of Hours. ND3363.B5 G713 77. The Council of Constance, 1414-1418, Ulrich Richenthal. German chronicle of the council. BX830 1414 .R517 1964 78. Troilus and Criseyde, Geoffrey Chaucer; c.1415-1425. English deluxe MS. PR1895 .A2 1978 79. Ellesmere Chaucer, early 15th C. Canterbury Tales. PR1866 .W66 1997 80. Hengwrt Chaucer, early 15th C. Canterbury Tales. PR1866 .R8 1979 81. The Imitation of Christ, Thomas à Kempis; 1441. Facs. of autograph manuscript. BV4820 1879 82. Estense World Map, c. 1450. Catalán mappamundi. G3200 1450 .M3 1996 83. The Roman Alphabet, Felice Feliciano; 1463. Geometrical construction of letters. Z40 .F43 1985 84. The Metamorphoses of Ovid, 1480. Translated by William Caxton. PA6522.M2 C3 1968 (2 vols.) 85. Walsperger Map, 1488. Constance: mappa mundi. G3200 1448 .W3 1987 86. Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Kingis Quair, late 15th C. Scottish literary miscellany; Arch. Selden. B. 24. PR1203 .B57 1997 87. The Map of Christopher Columbus, c.1492-1500. Portolan chart of Europe, Mediterranean, NW Africa. G3201.P5 1492 .C3 1995 88. Life of Saint Clare the Virgin, Ugolino Verino; 1496. Florence; hagiography. BX4700.C6 V4 1921 89. The Towneley Cycle, c.1500? English drama. PR1260 .T74 1976 90. Book of Hours, late 15th/early 16th C. Bruges, Flanders. ND3363 .V36 1996 91. Pannonhalma Evangelistarium, 1511-1515. Liturgical gospel texts from the Hungarian abbey. BS2552.A2 P25 1996 92. Grimani Breviary, c.1515. Produced in the Netherlands. ND3365 .G7 1979 93. Jordánszky Codex, 1516. Hungarian-language Bible. BS245 1516 94. Roman de la Rose, c. 1516-1519. For King Francois I. PQ1527.A1 2007 95. Bilder Pentateuch, Moses dal Castellazzo; first half 16th C. Venetian Hebrew/Italian Bible. N8023 .C35 1983. 96. Atlas Miller, c.1519. Portuguese maps. G1026 .A85 2003 (2 cases) 97. The Six Triumphs and Six Visions of Francesco Petrarca, first half 16th C. Illustrated Petrarch. PQ4481 .S444 1988 98. Castiglioni World Map, 1525. Produced in Spain. G3200 1525 .C322 2002 Incunabula: 105. Gutenberg Bible, 1452-55. Facs. pg. of 42-line Bible: Genesis 1:1-25. Z241.B58 A4 2000z 106. Gutenberg Bible, 1452-55. Facs. page, Psalm 23. Z241.B58 A4 1936 107. Gutenberg Bible, 1452-55. Facs. leaf of 42-line Bible: 1 and 2 Peter. Z241.B58 A4 2000zb 108. Lucius, or the Ass, c.1477. Augsberg. PA4230 .L8 1992 109. Six Most Elegant Epistles (Sex quam elegantissimae epistolae), 1483. Letters of Pope Sixtus IV and Venetian Doge John Mocenigo on the Ferrarese War, printed by William Caxton. DG677.85 .A4 110. Le morte d'Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory; 1485. Printed by William Caxton. PR2043 .C3 1976 111. The Game of Chess, Jacobus de Cessolis; c. 1483. Translated and printed by William Caxton. Z241 .C42 1976 112. Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer; 1484. Second impression printed by William Caxton. PR1866 .C3 1972 113. The History and Fables of Aesop, 1484. Translated and printed by William Caxton. PA3855.E5 C33 1976 114. Koberger Bible, 1487.
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