5^^^^^^^%^^^^^^#PivS'i^P^i^^£^^M^|^^ffl^p ^ ,^^'^wf ^ "W *#•:!#••>#. CBANTOBP^crnzpt^ ji^ <»IWNICI cationai-civic and frateraal •#- H» Harrington, president; Of " St fain, m-- <**»• k iRuWe «>H Michael's parish executive board, pom jbhainnan aad a trustee of Bishop Will will talk on "The Expansion of a Vnipa Junior College and public Discussion Club. Program-" ; : rdafions chairman and executive Following the general sewlohi fcaerd member «f the Mew Jersey eSunday il«w win be held OPEN THURSDAY NITE „ Aiuaiiaty i^op "iaW W. Curtis, S. T. O. aiixiUar* £Arrt* at Which time refireahmemTwUI be ^tidwp^Kat^Boland of Newark and.archdloce^n director-of served by nwjmbers «f the parish KENILWORTH (•:. -.^.- i ;SS2«tt«t«rnitypf Christian IJcWrine^wUI^ CCDin'^^j^^}^^!!^^:i;'-:S:'-l G A R W 0 0 D CRANFORD ttTthe Lay Institute of the CCD on' - '-*— ^ ~ The workshop session of 45 mln- Ml ^.30 jMU. and will hi; pf>iPntfld >»« will hPgln at 3:45 p.m. The Sunday at j^._Bgicbael> Church. by Thomas Jv Brettt president of schools of instruction, have been •'•:•;':••*••!•$$ .Theme Of the. Instate, -"The Par. the archdloccsan board.(Our Lady prepared by the lay members of Plans for a __—.,..__. a^XIV. NoTS • iph Executive Board" htls been of All Souls parish, East Orange). CCD and' will' cover the following hike around Surprise Lake, a trip planned and organised entirely by The main speaker, the. Rev; Wil- 'categories:! ' ',.. .'••. •.-, ', V ,"• ''•••'•Vv .k\ to the States Island Zoo* attend- Schools List ' members of the laity-from Union, liam Conner, director of CCD for "CCD and other Parish Societies ance at a Weft Point football game Cranford Faces Curtailment Red Cross Essex, Hudson and Bergen County the diocese of Springfield. Mass., by /the 'Sev.' Randolph Gibbons, and a father-and-«on swim at the parishes/ / •••"•' .• .',- :•'/ • . • • will- explain 'the opportunities O.F.M. (St.* Ann's Fairlawn);,Exe^ Westfleld YMCA were outlined by Considering ;. "Registration for the session Will Which the movement presents . to fUtive. Board Training Course ;Cubmaster Roland Graham as Cub Of Mental Hygiene Services begin «t 1:30 p>m. in the main foyer the laity to aid in the teachings oT (Closed session for two,members [Pack 76 held ita first meeting of Cranford's services at the Mental Hygiene Clinic of Union Countyt , of. St. Michae>s\ School The (Rev;Christian Doctrine. , fVcnueach parish specified by the season to .'.the, American', Le- will be drasUcally curtailed beginrung in January i unless this com- Mergeg r M William B. Donnelly. pastor,1 will parish spiritual' cjlrcctbr-flrs t of • 8 '•?- C^ord-Odkwood-iR^Uwo :nt munity coi>tributes approximately, IsjbvO,, to, the cUnic, It was an- welcome the members in the school <r General Session Talks ., sessions others to be* held 4 sUccesf Chapter, American Red Cross, is stu- 1 "A Parish. Board-r-A "Personal Committee Chairman Edward • • • "—^=-^ 'nounced last Wednesday .evening •'.' auditorium iJt, 2p.m., after;[which sive Saturdays at the : Chancery GM introduced new cubs exploring the possibility of merg- £xt>orience" Is the topic of discus- Office auditorium. Newark) by b t at a meeting in the Walnut Ave- ing with the Summit Red Cross lay. from Bishop Curtis will present the the pack: Greg Ol Aji ; nue school under auspices of the buffering . members of the first Archdjocesan sion by John J. Garrlty (Our Lady Mrs. Evelyn Rather, vice-president MayoV JohnX iBifenna» an- Chapter, lt'was learned this week. 1 1 • Bayok. Mrs. Charles Cranford Community Council. ;'• '•'. On U>c eve. Of. the 1937 Cranford United Fund drive, W» J . .Miller,! Board of the CCD. The nrchdlo-. of Mercy, park Ridge). Following of the ardlocesan board (St. Franr •iniinced at Tuesday night's meet- Committees of the two chapters, and other was announced *f new SLi th Township Committee More than 30, residents, repre- ; cesan calendar for 1957-58 will be , this, Mrs. John Miller (Our Lady els; Ridgefield Park.) .. V;'_.••:•; succeeding Mrs. ._. together with a field representa- !| executive chalrmah, today issued an. appeal to Cranford'residents fth senting varloui local organizations welcome the United Fund solicitors and to. contribute as generously - ' explained by the Rev. Roger Rey- |,of- Sorrows, _ South Orange) .will :: .Teachers by Dr. Walter F. v Mrs. Raymond King artordinan<»provldta tive of the National Red Cross, R. Best, superlii- present "The Development of ah:.' ,/•' Schools of Religion !' ; trucUon of sidewalks Interested in mental 'health, at- discussed the proposed merger at possible. • •",,; ';- ;..•: . ' *..•.•' .•-'•:. '' :.. .. •'•'/:,.,..".', . ,•;';:..••. nolds, executive secretary of; CCD, son; chairman of teachers of the sale. \\s, reported that The General Session will begin Religious Vacation School:;; James High School of Religion (or Layboard <St' Vincent^ Bayqnne); Mrsi Mathew ItoinlObdt win serve Ul b itrod tended the meeting at which the meeting here last Thursday, residential campaign will'open tomorrow under direction of need for securing a stable .source afternoon^ 's".'--•'.'•'•"••''•'. • :, ...? (teelsm average has re- Elementary School of Religion byas afnrirt""* chairman. , William of J. B. Warrington, Jr? of 15 Ken- Mrs. Eleanor Juelke (St. August- Murnick will serve as trip com- October 22. The side- of community funds to finance James F. Kervlck. chairman of approxlmately the same •••Pwm the mental hygiene clinic services ' *' - sington avenue, and a house-to- ine's; Union City); Religious Yas mittee chairman. Mrs. John B. oiriH be installed asa local the Crtnford-Garwood-Kenllworth y__ >ut the week here* : Asks Drive Support house canvass- will be made in be- 'cation Schools' by Lawrence' ,Musi Connors was appointed ovement and the costs ^ was discussed. • ' ..: . .:.••.'.,••'.•'••••'. .• Chapter, said yesterday, l»0 def- Iranford/High School absences acainst the benefiting prop- Mrs. Charles Redden, council inite action woqld be taken until half of the fcranfor^rWelfarc^As- . ella (St. Francis, Ridgefield Park); chairman; • • '. • ; • " . • • •, - a bit higher earlier. in the Sedation, Visiting Nurse Associa- Helper-Fisher Schools of Religion Den mothers who ?jti& serve president, who presided, outlined the proposal had been presented to ^^r announced that the the council's • Interest which, shethe chapter's'full board of direct- ..... but dropped to approximate- tion, Boy Scouts and GW Scouts. by James P. Farrell, chairman of during the month of October axe: ly 15 percent yesterday, Dr. Besj home, visitors of the board (Our Den 1. Mrs. Edward Gill; Den 3. proposed sidewalks are outUnedjm said. Is to promote the general ors and suiticleni time given for A. goal of $24,100 has been set. Lady of Peace, Nejtf Providence).. Mrs. Paul McConnell; Den 3/Mrs. J \Efi the townshlpengtaeer-i welfare of the community with the the directors to study JU phases of iiaid. The elementary figure has re- in the 1957 campaign, with allo- cooperation of and through the the suggestion. While admitting mained' "quite constant" at about cations as follows to' the partici- .Organization of1 Religious Dis- Roland Scheller; Den 4. Mrs. Al- tcrcstcd townspeople. He coordinated efforts of existing or- that a fulMnectlng' of the bbatd. 12 percent.Jwhileiunior_ high ab^ pating agencies: Visiting Nurse cussionClubs by^Thomas Flammia fred Brown;-Den 5, Mrs. John will be called soon, he declared no Association, $2^00; Welfare As- Connors. haVthc committee "would ganizations and individuals having sences run about Ifl percent, he (Stl Ahthfony's, •EtoBbetK>;<\Exi ltto^coniments an' interest.' in • community prob- hlndlnrdeekion.probably^would^be sociation, $5,006; Boy Scouts, $9,- WMM ' lere :Iehisr- • . • . Roy Irving shown of Pack. 76 acuviuW of'the lTiH made' for several months. Feotbali Game Off. • Miss.A. Cella Mantia, secretary of \Robert. M; Crane, vice-presi- $800, ' ... •••• ••:•'•. '.'.•.• the board (St. Anthony's); Parent- past season. These included the proposed ordinance : It was learned that the original Saturday's scheduled football "The United Fund participating trip^to West Ptoint. the Walker- sidewalks In the following dent of the Union County Mental Fills Vacancy game between Cranford and North Education Program by Mrs. Clar- Hygiene Clinic, outlined mental suggestion; for a merger cf the local agencies have become an 'integral ' Snce Blrksrieyer, chairman of par-Gordon Dairy trip, the Memorial chapter with some other: chapter PUinficld was. postponed yester- 2Sy side of Brookslde hygiene clinic service which was day because, of the" illness of six part ot Cranford UfcVv Mr. Miller.;: ,«/nt-educ»tion bf the .board (St Day; parade, the picnic and award first Offered to Cranford residents came from a field .representative On Committee pointed out; "The services they' scenes of the. last meeting. Slides place between Orchard andlSpru« of the National Red Cross. The Na- key Cougar players and members I John the Baptist, HUlsdale); Apos- In IM4. He said it has been ap- v v ; 11 v ; prbvide^could^notibe purchased^ di- ffa ,,,„. fogvj; Were furnished by Roland Schel* 'SrUts; easterly side of Orchard tional organization, it b under- of 'tne opposing team; -^-' '- --.-'.-v^,' . /' tolatXof Good Will by Miss Joseph- treet from Torbush street to parent for: some time that stable was swjwn in a* •member of the rectly for many times the aniotmt ine L.^lutchinson, chairman of- the lerr George Freese, Roland Gra- continuing financial support for stood, is endeavoring to consol- ip Committee Tuesday: . G; Frank Zimmerman, 'high of the United Fund goal, and they ham and John Connors. \ A color Brookside place; westerly slde^of idate as many chapters as. possible ccbool principal, said it is; hoped apostlesN^f good will of the board Orchard street from Woodshole this vitally essential community fill' the vacancy for the. I are made possible only by the ,of .Sorrows, South Or- motion picture fAm, This is New Health service eventually, must: be throughout the country in the in- kf the year .caused by thethe.
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