A COMPANION TO THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO THE ANCIENT WORLD This series provides sophisticated and authoritative overviews of periods of ancient history, genres of classical literature, and the most important themes in ancient culture. Each volume comprises approximately 25 to 40 concise essays written by individual scholars within their area of special- ization. The essays are written in a clear, provocative, and lively manner, designed for an international audience of scholars, students, and general readers. ANCIENT HISTORY Edited by Ian Worthington A Companion to the Roman Army A Companion to Ancient Epic Edited by Paul Erdkamp Edited by John Miles Foley A Companion to the Roman Republic A Companion to Greek Tragedy Edited by Nathan Rosenstein and Robert Morstein‐Marx Edited by Justina Gregory A Companion to the Roman Empire A Companion to Latin Literature Edited by David S. Potter Edited by Stephen Harrison A Companion to the Classical Greek World A Companion to Greek and Roman Political Thought Edited by Konrad H. Kinzl Edited by Ryan K. Balot A Companion to the Ancient Near East A Companion to Ovid Edited by Daniel C. Snell Edited by Peter E. Knox A Companion to the Hellenistic World A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language Edited by Andrew Erskine Edited by Egbert Bakker A Companion to Late Antiquity A Companion to Hellenistic Literature Edited by Philip Rousseau Edited by Martine Cuypers and James J. Clauss A Companion to Ancient History A Companion to Vergil’s Aeneid and its Tradition Edited by Andrew Erskine Edited by Joseph Farrell and Michael C. J. Putnam A Companion to Archaic Greece A Companion to Horace Edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub and Hans van Wees Edited by Gregson Davis A Companion to Julius Caesar A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds Edited by Miriam Griffin Edited by Beryl Rawson A Companion to Byzantium A Companion to Greek Mythology Edited by Liz James Edited by Ken Dowden and Niall Livingstone A Companion to Ancient Egypt A Companion to the Latin Language Edited by Alan B. Lloyd Edited by James Clackson A Companion to Ancient Macedonia A Companion to Tacitus Edited by Joseph Roisman and Ian Worthington Edited by Victoria Emma Pagán A Companion to the Punic Wars A Companion to Women in the Ancient World Edited by Dexter Hoyos Edited by Sharon L. James and Sheila Dillon A Companion to Augustine A Companion to Sophocles Edited by Mark Vessey Edited by Kirk Ormand A Companion to Marcus Aurelius A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Edited by Marcel van Ackeren Edited by Daniel Potts A Companion to Ancient Greek Government A Companion to Roman Love Elegy Edited by Hans Beck Edited by Barbara K. Gold A Companion to the Neronian Age A Companion to Greek Art Edited by Emma Buckley and Martin T. 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Kyle A Companion to the Flavian Age of Imperial Rome A Companion to Plutarch Edited by Andrew Zissos Edited by Mark Beck A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities and Rome Edited by Thomas K. Hubbard Edited by Georgia L. Irby A Companion to the Ancient Novel A Companion to the City of Rome Edited by Edmund P. Cueva and Shannon N. Byrne Edited by Amanda Claridge and Claire Holleran A Companion to Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean A Companion to Greeks Across the Ancient World Edited by Jeremy McInerney Edited by Franco De Angelis A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art Edited by Melinda Hartwig LITERATURE AND CULTURE A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World A Companion to Classical Receptions Edited by Rubina Raja and Jörg Rüpke Edited by Lorna Hardwick and Christopher Stray A Companion to Food in the Ancient World A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography Edited by John Wilkins and Robin Nadeau Edited by John Marincola A Companion to Ancient Education A Companion to Catullus Edited by W. Martin Bloomer Edited by Marilyn B. Skinner A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics A Companion to Roman Religion Edited by Pierre Destrée and Penelope Murray Edited by Jörg Rüpke A Companion to Roman Art A Companion to Greek Religion Edited by Barbara Borg Edited by Daniel Ogden A Companion to Greek Literature A Companion to the Classical Tradition Edited by Martin Hose and David Schenker Edited by Craig W. Kallendorf A Companion to Josephus in his World A Companion to Roman Rhetoric Edited by Honora Howell Chapman and Zuleika Rodgers Edited by William Dominik and Jon Hall A Companion to Greek Architecture A Companion to Greek Rhetoric Edited by Margaret M. Miles A COMPANION TO THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST SECOND EDITION Edited by Daniel C. Snell This Second edition first published 2020 © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Edition History Blackwell publishing Ltd (1e, 2005) All rights reserved. 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Identifiers: LCCN 2019051981 (print) | LCCN 2019051982 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119362463 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119362487 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119362494 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Middle East–Civilization–To 622. Classification: LCC DS57 .C56 2020 (print) | LCC DS57 (ebook) | DDC 939.4–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019051981 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019051982 Cover Design: Wiley Cover Image: Photo by Daniel Snell Set in 10/12.5pt Galliard by SPi Global, Pondicherry, India Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Illustrations List ix Notes on Contributors xi Introduction 1 PART I The Big Picture 9 1 A History of the Ancient Near East 11 Mario Liverani 2 From Sedentism to States, 10 000–3000 BCE 27 Augusta McMahon PART II The Physical World 45 3 Archaeology and the Ancient Near East: Renewing a Culture‐Historical Partnership 47 Marie‐Henriette Gates 4 The Degradation of the Ancient Near Eastern Environment 65 Carlos E. Cordova PART III The Social World 85 5 Gender Roles in Ancient Egypt 87 Ann Macy Roth 6 Royal Women and the Exercise of Power in the Ancient Near East 97 Sarah C. Melville 7 The Family in the Ancient Near East 111 John P. Nielsen 8 Pastoralism in the Ancient Near East 125 Anne Porter vi Contents 9 Money and Traders 145 Christopher M. Monroe 10 Law and Practice 165 Bruce Wells 11 Working 181 David A.
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