Mormugao Port Trust

Mormugao Port Trust

AmB©EgAmo 9001 … 2015 VWm AmB©EgnrEg g§{hVm AZwnmcH$ nÎmZ An ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISPS CODE Compliant Port df©df© 2019-20202019-2020 H$sH$s dm{f©H$dm{f©H$ àemg{ZH$àemg{ZH$ [anmoQ>©[anmoQ>© ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2019-2020 _waJm§d nÎmZ Ý`mg (AmB©EgAmo 9001:2015 à_m{UV VWm AmB©EgnrEg g§{hVm AZwnmcH$ nÎmZ) hoS>c¡ÊS> gS>m, _waJm§d-Jmodm MORMUGAO PORT TRUST (AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED & ISPS CODE COMPLIANT PORT) HEADLAND SADA, MORMUGAO-GOA dm{f©H$ àemg{ZH$ [anmoQ>© 2019-2020 Annual Administration Report 2019-2020 _waJm§d nÎmZ Ý`mg MORMUGAO PORT TRUST dm{f©H$ àemg{ZH$ [anmoQ>© 2019-2020 Annual Administration Report 2019-2020 {df` gyMr CONTENTS n¥ð> H«§$. Page Nos ‹Ý`mgr _§S>c .............................................................. (vii -x) Board of Trustees …………………………………………. (vii -x) _§S>c Ho$ à_wI A{YH$mar.................................. (xi-xii) Principal Officers of the Board…………………………… ... (xi-xii) AÜ`j H$s [anmoQ>© ........................................ (xiii-xx) Chairman’s report……………………………………… .... (xiii-xx) ^mJ - I PART – I {ZînmXZ H$s énaoIm 2019-2020 ............................................ 1-50 Performance profile 2019-20…… ............................................ 1-50 ^mJ -II PART – II gm§p»`H$s` {dda{U`m§ 2019-2020 .......................................51-128 Statistical statements 2019-20…………………………... ... 51-128 {ddaUr g§»`m Statement No. I. {XZm§H$ 31-3-2020 VH$ nÎmZ H$s ñWcmH¥${V ............. 53 I. Topography of the Port as on 31.03.2020………….. .... 53 II. {XZm§H$ 31-3-2020 VH$ nÎmZ _| ^ÊS>maU j_Vm ..... 54-56 II. Storage capacity at the Port as on 31.03.2020………….............. ....................... 54-56 III. {XZm§H$ 31-3-2020 VH$ KmQ>m| H$m {ddaU .............. 57-58 III. Berth particulars as on 31.03.2020…………………57-58 IV. {XZm§H$ 31-3-2020 VH$ nÎmZ _| ßcmdr Oc`mZ ......... 59 IV. Floating crafts at the Port as on 31.03.2020….......... .... 59 V. {XZm§H$ 31-3-2020 VH$ nÎmZ _| Zm¡^ma V. Cargo handling equipment at the Port g§^cmB© CnH$aU .......................................... 60-63 as on 31.03.2020 ..................................................... 60-63 VI. df© 2015-16 go 2019-2020 VH$ nÎmZ _| VI. Commodity wise traffic handled at the Port during the g§^cm¶m J`m dñVwdma `mVm`mV ......................... 64-70 year from 2015-16 to 2019-20……...………....... .. 64-70 VII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ dñVwAm| Ho$ àH$ma Ho$ AZwgma g§^cm¶m VII. Overseas/Coastal traffic handled according to type of J`m g_wÐnma/VQ>r` `mVm`mV ............................ 71-75 commodities during the year 2019-20……………. 71-75 VIII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ g§^cmE JE Zm¡^ma ¶mVm¶mV VIII. Flag-wise distribution of cargo traffic vessels handled OhmOm| H$m nVmH$mdma {dVaU ............................ 76-79 duringthe year 2019-20. ........................................... 76-79 IX. df© 2019-2020 _| J§Vì` VWm ñÌmoV ñWmZ Ho$ IX. Distribution of Overseas loaded and unloaded cargo AZwgma g§^cmE JE g‘wÐnma ^m[aV d A^m[aV handled during the year 2019-20 according to Zm¡^ma H$m {dVaU......................................... 80-89 destination and origin .............................................. 80-89 X. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ g§^cmE JE X. Number and type of containers handled during the H§$Q>oZam| H$s g§»`m Am¡a àH$maŸ ............................... 90 year 2019-20 .................................................................. 90 XI. df© 2019-2020 H$o$ Xm¡amZ g§^cmE JE H§$Q>oZa Zm¡^ma Am¡a XI. Container cargo and tare weight of containers handled H§$Q>oZam| H$m Imcr^ma ......................................... 91 during the year 2019-20 ………………… ................... 91 XII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ OhmOm| go ^maU H$aZo Ho$ XII. Inland (landward) Container Movement – Outgoing níMmV nÎmZ go OmZodmco A§VX}er¶ (c¡ÊS>dS>©) H$ÝQ>oZam| from port after loading from ship during the H$m g§McZ ................................................ 92-94 year 2019-20 ............................................................ 92-94 XIII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ OhmO na A^maU hoVw nÎmZ ‘| XIII. Inland (landward) Container Movement – Incoming to Port AmZodmco A§VX}er¶ (c¡ÊS>dS>©) H$ÝQ>oZam| H$m g§MmcZ.... 95-97 for unloading on to ship during the year 2019-20… 95-97 XIV. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ nÎmZ {ZînmXZ .............. 98-99 XIV. Performance of Port during the year 2019 -20...... .. 98-99 XV. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ KmQ> cJZo go nyd© XV. Distribution of Pre-berthing Waiting Time during the àVrjm g‘¶ H$m {dVaU .............................. 100-101 year 2019-20 ..... ..................................................100-101 _waJm§d nÎmZ Ý`mg III MORMUGAO PORT TRUST dm{f©H$ àemg{ZH$ [anmoQ>© 2019-2020 Annual Administration Report 2019-2020 XVI. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ àMmcZ KmQ>m| na AH$m¶© g‘¶ XVI. Distribution of Non-Working Time at Working Berths H$m {dVaU ............................................. 102-104 during the year 2019-20 …..... .............................102-104 XVII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ àñWmZ {H$E OhmOm| H$s g§»`m, àH$ma XVII. Number, Type and Size of Ships sailed during the d AmH$ma ................................................... 105 year 2019-20..…………………………...................... 105 XVIII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ dñVwdma XVIII. Commodity-wise Performance Indicators during the {ZînmXZ gyMH$.............................................. 106 year 2019-20……………………………………..... .. 106 XIX. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ {d{^Þ n[adhZm| go XIX. Commodity-wise Loaded cargo received by different àmá dñVwdma ^m[aV Zm¡^ma ................................. 107 modes of transport during the year 2019-20 ............... 107 XX. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ {d{^Þ n[adhZm| go ào{fV XX. Commodity-wise Unloaded cargo dispatched by different dñVwdma A^m[aV Zm¡^ma ............................... 108-109 modes of transport during the year 2019-20… .... 108-109 XXI. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ OhmOm| H$s KmQ> A{Y^mo{JVm 110 XXI. Berth Occupancy of ships during the year 2019-20 … 110 XXII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ VQ>r¶ H$m‘Jmam| XXII. Shore labour productivity during the H$s CËnmXH$Vm ............................................. 111 year 2019-20............ ................................................... 111 XXIII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ JmoXr H$m‘Jmam| XXIII. Dock labour productivity during the H$s CËnmXH$Vm ......................................... 112-114 year 2019-20...... ..................................................112-114 XXIV. df© 2019-2020 H§o$ Xm¡amZ Zm¡^ma g§^cmB© CnH$aUm| XXIV. Availability of cargo handling equipments during H$s CncãYVm.......................................... 115-118 the year 2019-20.....………..…............................ 115-118 XXV. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ CnH$aUm| H$s CncãYVm XXV. Availability and utilization of Equipments during the year VWm Cn¶mo{JVm (H§$Q>oZa g§^cmB© ‘| ¶mÌr ¶mVm¶mV... 119-121 2019-20 (other than Container Handling)………. 119-121 XXVI. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ nÎmZ ‘| ¶mÌr ¶mVm¶mV ...... 122 XXVI. Passenger Traffic at the Port during the year 2019-20 .... 122 XXVII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ S´>oOam| H$m {ZînmXZ ........... 123 XXVII. Performance of Dredgers during the year 2019-20 ...... 123 XXVIII. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ XþK©Q>ZmAm| H$m {ddaU ........ 124 XXVIII. Particulars of accidents during the year 2019-20 ......... 124 XXIX. {X. 31-3-2020 VH$ ‘waJm§d nÎmZ ‘| {Z¶moOZ ............ 125 XXIX. Employment at Mormugao Port as on 31-3-2020…… 125 XXX. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ nÎmZ Ho$ XXX. Financial Indicators at the Port during the {dÎmr¶ gyMH$ .......................................... 126-127 year 2019-20 .........................................................126-127 XXXI. df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ n§yOr 춶..................... 128 XXXI. Capital Expenditure during the year 2019-20 ............... 128 ^mJ III PART III {dÎm FINANCE {dÎmr` [anmoQ>© ....................................................129-134 Financial Report ........................................ 129-134 n{a{eï> "§H$' : {X. 31 _mM© 2020 H$m VwcZnÌ ....... 141-143 Appendix - A : Balance sheet as on 31st March 2020… 141-143 n{a{eï> "I$' : {X. 31 _mM© 2020 H$mo g_má df© H$o {cE Appendix - B : Profit & Loss Account for the year ended cm^ Am¡a hm{Z coIm .................... 144-145 31st March 2020………………… .........144-145 n{a{eï> "J$' : {X. 31 _mM© 2020 H$mo g_má df© H$o Appendix - C : Schedule to Profit & Loss Account for the cm^ VWm hm{Z coIm H$s AZwgyMr ...... 146-152 year ended 31st March 2020…… ..........146-152 _waJm§d nÎmZ Ý`mg IV MORMUGAO PORT TRUST dm{f©H$ àemg{ZH$ [anmoQ>© 2019-2020 Annual Administration Report 2019-2020 aoIm{MÌm| H$s gyMr List of Diagrams aoIm{MÌ 1 … df© 2019-2020 Am¡a 2018-2019 Ho$ Xm¡amZ _hmnÎmZm| _| DIAGRAM 1 : Overall Traffic handled by Major Ports during the g§^cm`m J`m g_J« `mVm`mV years 2019-20 & 2018-19. aoIm{MÌ 2 … df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ g§^cm`m J`m _hmnÎmZdma DIAGRAM 2 : Major Port - wise traffic handled during the year `mVm`mV 2019-20. aoIm{MÌ 3 … df© 2019-2020 Am¡a 2018-2019 Ho$ Xm¡amZ _hmnÎmZm| _| DIAGRAM 3 : Iron Ore & Iron Ore Pellets traffic handled at the Major g§^cm`m J`m cm¡h A`ñH$ Am¡a cm¡h A`ñH$ Jw{Q>H$mAm| H$m Ports during the years 2019-20 & 2018-19. ¶mVm¶mV aoIm{MÌ 4 … df© 2015-2016 go 2019-2020 _| _waJm§d nÎmZ _| DIAGRAM 4 : Traffic handled at Mormugao Port during the years g§^cm`m J`m `mVm`mV from 2015-16 to 2019-20. aoIm{MÌ 5 … df© 2015-16 go 2019-2020 VH$ _waJm§d nÎmZ _| DIAGRAM 5 : Container Traffic handled at Mormugao Port during g§^cm`m J`m H§$Q>oZa `mVm`mV the years from 2015-16 to 2019-20. aoIm{MÌ 6 … df© 2015-2016 go 2019-2020 VH$ H$s Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ DIAGRAM 6 : Average pre-berthing waiting time, average turn round Am¡gVZ àr ~{WªJ àVrjm g_`, Am¡gVZ cXmZ \o$am g_` time of ships and average ship berth day output during Am¡a Am¡gVZ OhmO KmQ> {XZ CËnmXZ the years from 2015-16 to 2019-20.

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