Cambridge University Press 0521770556 - Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes, 1250-1625 Joan-Pau Rubies Index More information Index Abag-DevõÁ, queen of Olala 359, 363±6, 364, ambassadors as travellers 50, 136±40, 186, 375 198±9 Abano, Pietro d' 57 ambiguity of sacred images 107 Abbas of Persia, Shah 365, 376, 384 ambivalence towards native religions 108 «Abd al-RazzaÅq 23±4, 33, 287 Amuktamalyada (attr. Krishna Deva Raya) and Varthema 147, 152, 158 238, 239±40, 266 Abelard, Peter 42, 397 analogies between European and oriental Abencerraje (anon.) 257 realities and traditions 68, 219, 232, accommodation to indigenous religion see 233, 240±1 missionaries, accommodation brahminic thread and Trinity 221, 336±7, Account of the main things of the kingdom of 341 Vijayanagara (Rubino) 330 classical sources 346, 357 accuracy see truthfulness in writing Kircher's originality and 347 Achyuta Deva Raya 17, 195, 235, 240 Nunes on kingship and society 291 in Nunes' account 256, 266, 269±70, 271 Paes on festivals 246±7 Achyutarayabhyudayam (Rajanatha) 240, Ancona, Ciriaco d' 90 271±2 Andaman Islands 38, 39 Acosta, Jose de 174±5, 320 Anegondi fortress 14±15 Acqui, Jacopo d' 57 animals and birds 39, 59, 60, 215, 218, 224 Adam, relics of 65 see also horses; monsters Adil Shah/Khan 191, 194, 270 antiquarianism 18±34, 27±8, 87, 89, 260, Ibrahim 272, 281 346±7, 370±3 Advaita philosophy 235 seventeenth-century European 383 agriculture 224 see also della Valle; Kircher; Rogerius Akbar, Mughal emperor (1542±1608) 1, 10, Aquaviva, Claudio 324 286, 323 Aquaviva, Rudolf 10 Al-Biruni 286 Aquinas, Thomas (and Thomism) 81, 82, Albuquerque, Affonso de, 189±93, 196±9 84, 341, 377 Albuquerque, Braz de 5 Arabic as intermediate language 166±7, Albuquerque, Francisco de 4 168 Alexander the Great 101, 102, 280 Aragon, Crown of 252 Alexander romance 55±6 Aragona, Cardinal Luigi d' 139 Alfonso of Aragon, king of Naples 104 Arakan 38±9 Aliya Rama Raja 193, 271 La Araucana (de Ercilla) 257 allegory and travel, religious 78±9 Araucanian Indians of Chile 257 Almeida, Francisco de, 186, 187±9 Aravidu dynasty 17, 332 423 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521770556 - Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes, 1250-1625 Joan-Pau Rubies Index More information 424 INDEX Arca Noe 347 as colonial ethnographer 202, 204±6, archaeology as evidence 29±30 211±12 architecture 227, 231, 236, 237, 244, 245 confusion of identity 204n12 see also cities; landscape descriptions on geography and customs of Arghun Khan of Persia 40 Vijayanagara 217±22, 218 Aristotle 7, 81, 82, 298n118 on Malabar and Calicut customs 215±17 Armenians 53 perception of cultural difference 211±14 art, Hindu 155±6, 158±9 structure of narrative on Vijayanagara artha 229, 238, 240, 244 182 Artha Sastra (Kautilya) 238 Barbosa, GoncËalo Gil 205 Arthurian literature 57, 72, 82 Bardes, island of 314 Asad Khan 273, 282 Baronius, Cesare 371 asceticism see ritual; sacri®ce, human; self- Barradas, Manuel 345 immolation; juggernaut Barros, JoaÄo de 5, 21, 26, 117, 135n22, 223 A sia (Barros) 21 and imperial ideologies 177±81, 252±3, Asia in the making of Europe (Lach) xii 254, 273 Asia portuguesa (Faria y Sousa) 304, 345 `mythical' character of Indian historical Assassins 54 traditions 277±8 astrology 106 and orientalism 292±3 astronomy 110, 325 Bartlett, Robert 43, 44 atheism 346, 347n61, 351 Bayle, Pierre 347, 378 atlases and maps 47±8, 92, 94±5, 300±1 Beatis, Antonio de 139, 140 Aubin, Jean 128±9, 161 Bellarmino, Robert 373 Augustine of Hippo 84, 138n30 Belleforest, FrancËois de 293±4 Augustinians 314; see also Azevedo, Belour (`Lar'?) 58 Agostinho d'; GonzaÂlez de Mendoza; Bengal 11 RomaÂn Bernardino of SahaguÂn 257 autobiography in travel writing 131±2, Bernier, FrancËois 278±9, 368, 369, 377±8, 137±8, 144n47 385, 398 third person 137 Bhakti cults 237 Azevedo, Agostinho d' 279n67, 315, 335, Bhatkal (Bathacala) 148, 152, 185, 188 345 Bhoj Tirmul Ray (Salakaraju Tirumala) 281 Azevedo, Jeronimo d' 327 Bible, polyglot 384 Aztecs 257 Bijapur 127, 151, 191, 192, 272, 273, 322 Azurara, Gomes Eanes de see Zurara biography as main element in narrative 25 Biondo, Flavio 27, 104, 111 Babur, founder of Mughal dynasty 280 birds see animals and birds Bachali religious group 106 Bisinagar 11, 147, 195 background of narrator, cultural 23±4, 29 see also Vijayanagara Baghdad 45 Bisnaga (kingdom of KanaraÂ) 261±2 Bahmani kingdom 15, 16, 17, 264, 283 Bizengalia see Vijayanagara, capital city Balbi, Gasparo 105, 306 Black Death 77 Baldaeus, Philippus 345 Boemus, Johannes 126, 145 Bandino d'Arezzo, Domenico 57 bonzes, Buddhist 30 bankers and moneylenders 215 Book of John Mandeville (anon.) 49 barbarism 104, 111, 111±12, 113±14, 174 Book of marvels (Llull) 79 Barbaro, Iosafa 114±15, 133±4, 141 Borromeo, Cardinal Federico 294 Barberini, Cardinal Francesco 384 borrowing and copying see sources, Barbosa, Duarte 2, 3, 20, 99, 105, 107, 155 borrowing and copying analysis of religion 221±2, 342 Botero, Giovanni 28, 200, 201, 292, 301 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521770556 - Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes, 1250-1625 Joan-Pau Rubies Index More information Index 425 Relationi universali 21, 294±300 Canary Islands 164, 165, 173 and Samuel Purchas 350 Cannanor (Canonor) 132, 148, 178, 185, 205 Bouchon, GenevieÁve xii cannibalism 39, 40, 113, 121 Bracciolini, Poggio see Poggio Bracciolini Cape Comorin 6, 58 Brahma 157, 221, 337, 344 Capuchins 318 brahmins 9, 15, 28, 56, 63, 66 Careri, Giovanni-Francesco Gemelli 348 Alvaro Velho on 166 Carletti, Francesco 348, 379 Barbosa on 209, 217 Carmelites 318 Christian 340 Carpini see John of Piano Carpini Christian brahmins ordained 318 casados (married settlers) 203, 204, 263 Conti on 106, 108, 110 Castanheda, FernaÄo Lopes de 21, 186, 220, and epic literature 238±40 255±6, 264, 303 GoncËalo Fernandes on 338, 340 caste 7, 68, 102, 202, 210±11, 220, 267 GoncËalves on brahminic thread 336±7 in Calicut and Malabar 215, 216, 217 Nobili and 334±5, 338±9, 341, 344 GoncËalo Fernandes on 338 Nunes on 267 GoncËalves on 336 Paes on 224 Nobili's original attitude towards 335, 337 patronage of 235 see also law perception by missionaries 320 Castello Branco, F. Rodrigues de 204 Pires on 217 Castile, Spain 252 Purchas on 352 Castro, JoaÄo de 194 and Rogerius 312±13 Catalan Atlas 47n36,92 Rubino's attack against 332±3 Catalani de SeÂveÂrac, Jordanus 39 San Antonio's account of 334 categories see classi®cation Varthema on 157, 158, 161, 162, 217 Cathay see China Brendan, Saint 42 Catholicism see Roman Catholicism Breu, Jorg 155, 158, 160, 161 censorship of works 384 Breve y verdadera relacioÂn de los sucesos del centre, search for the ideal and political reino de Camboxa (San Antonio) 334 241±51 BroquieÁre, Bertrandon de la 131, 138±9 ceremony 33 Buddha 58, 63, 65 see also customs; festivals; ritual Buddhism 9, 30, 52, 53, 65, 339, 373 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 12, 50, 58, 65, 92, 97 Bukka I, king 235, 260±1 Conti on 101 Buonagrazia, Giovanni 175±6 seventeenth-century Portuguese accounts Buonaguisi, Amelio 57 of 279 Burke, Peter xivn11 Varthema on 127, 151 Burma (Macinus/Myanmar) see Pegu Chandragiri 17, 19, 322 Busbalrao see Vira Narasimha Chanoca, Gaspar 190n61 Busbecq, Ogier of 356n11 Chanson de Roland 42 Chardin, Jean 385 Cabeza de Vaca, A lvar NuÂnÄez 131 Charles V, emperor (Charles I of Castile) 3, Cabral, Pedro Alvares 169, 183±4 144 Calicut 12, 152, 153n67, 201 Chengannur temple (sculpture) 159 Pires/Barbosa/Varthema on 215±17 Chellappa Saluva Nayaka (Tamil governor) Portuguese and 168±70, 181 272, 289, 289±90n89 Varthema on 152±63 Chiericati, Francesco 143±4 Calixtus II, Pope 64 China 7, 8n14, 9, 51, 52, 115, 392 Cambay 12, 58, 97, 127, 154, 357 benevolent despotism 299, 347 Camille, Michael 37 and Conti 97, 112±13 CamoÄes, Luis de 234 and Matteo Ricci 315, 317 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521770556 - Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes, 1250-1625 Joan-Pau Rubies Index More information 426 INDEX China illustrata (Kircher) 345, 347 classical models of Indian 101±3 chivalry 37, 44, 56, 71±2, 78 Islamic view of Europe as civilized 115 see also hidalgo and merchant differences classi®cation in reporting conceptual categories of 395 Chola kings 68, 69 cultural 7±8, 54, 82±3, 106, 189±90 Chrisoloras, Manuel 90 Vijayanagara and the Portuguese Christianity 18 164±76 affecting writers' attitudes 24±5, 49, religious 54, 82±3, 162, 165, 171±2, 174, 62±3, 75, 258 198±9 and brahminical religion 340±3 social and ethnic 208±11 classi®cation problems in Vijayanagara Clavijo, Ruy GonzaÂlez de 114, 136, 137, 264 164±76, 183 climate 59, 62, 76, 174, 224 classi®cations within 54 climatic determinism 104 comparable to idolatry 106, 351 and navigation 127±8 European civilization and 317 clothing 59, 149±50, 216, 217, 217, 218 ®delity and heresy 107 Cochin 178, 205 in ideology of Samuel Purchas 350±1 Collatio Alexandri et Dindimi 56 and Indian mythology 104, 222, 232±3 colour discrimination see race, skin colour Nestorians 52, 53, 64, 107, 113 Columbus, Christopher 92±3, 140±1, 168 reaching for the centre 242 commerce see trade; trade routes relationship with Muslims 51±3, 152, Constantinople 45 165, 285 Contarini, Ambrosio 134, 141 and roots of idolatry 346±7 Conti, NicoloÁ 20, 85±9, 91±2, 121±3 Syrian Christians 63±4 account of Vijayanagara 96±117 and rights
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