WEST CENTRAL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES- JULY 28, 2016 Minutes of the Meeting of the West Central Municipal Government Committee held in the Unity Golf Course Clubhouse, Unity, Saskatchewan on Thursday, July 28, 2016. Urban Co-Chairman: Gwenn Kaye Rural Co-Chairman: Absent Administrator: Stacy Hawkins Urban Co-Chair Gwenn Kaye called the meeting to order at 10:30 am. On behalf of the Town of Unity and RM of Round Valley, Mayor Sylvia Maljan and Assistant Administrator Rhonda Brandle welcomedthe delegates to the Town of Unity. The 17 delegates introducedthemselves and stated where they were from. 67/16 AGENDA Stew Seversen, Town of Kerrobert/Kathy Heilman, Town of Wilkie: THAT the agenda be accepted as presented. CARRIED 68/16 MINUTES Lloyd Holmes, RM#470/Alicia Leclercq, Village of Landis: THAT the Minutes of the June 23, 2016 meeting in the R.M. of Wilton be adopted as presented. CARRIED Sheri Watkins, Co-ordinator of Sask Central Victim Services, provided a presentation on their organization, a copy of which is annexed as Attachment “A”. 69/16 HEALTH Stew Seversen, Town of Kerrobert/Kathy Heilman, Town of Wilkie: REPORT THAT the Health Report as submitted by Heartland Health Region be accepted and annexed to these minutes as Attachment “B”. CARRIED Robert Dewey, Sun West School Division, presented his written report which is annexed as Attachment “C". 70/16 ED Robert Dewey, Sun West S.D./Gerald Gerlinsky, RM#379: REPORT THAT the Education Report as presented by RobertDewey be accepted and annexed to these minutes as Attachment “C”. CARRIED 71/16 FINANCE & Stacy Hawkins, RM/#380/Kathy Heilman, Town of Wilkie: MEM.RPT. THAT the Finance and Membership Report be accepted and annexed to these minutes as Attachment “D”. CARRIED TRANS Stew Seversen reported the ATPC road tour will be going ahead on August 9, 2016. REPORT The next ATPC meeting will be held on August 15,2016 and work continues on the Transportation Plan. The ATPC Provincial Conference will be held at Elk Ridge in October, 2016 and Minister Heffner will be in attendance. 72/16 TRANS Stew Seversen , Town of Kerrobert/Robert Dewey, Sun West S.D.: REPORT THAT the Transportation Report as presented by Stew Seversen be approved. CARRIED NEW Due to low attendance at this meeting, we will postpone the by-election for the ATPC BUSINESS Region 4 Rural representative to our August meeting in Neilburg. The Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corporation sent a handout which provided information on running an EcoCentre in Zone 20. This matter will be forwarded to the ATPC meeting on August 15, 2016. OLD Discussion was once again held regarding the possibility of amending our Terms of BUSINESS Reference relating to membership and voting rights for Community Planning District Boards. Further discussion will be held again in Neilburg. MEETING August 25, 2016 RM of Hillsdale (Neilburg) DATES September 22, 2016 Town of Cut Knife, RM of Cut Knife October 27, 2016 Village of Landis November 24, 2016 Town of Kindersley (AGM) 73/16 ADJOURN Don Robertson, Town of Unity: THAT this meeting be adjourned. CARRIED / / ,¢__4 A _ CO-CITAIRMAN ADMINISTRATOR ATTACHMENT"A" 7/22/2016 Sheri Walklns - Coordinator Marlensvllla,SK Phnna: (ans) ass-15:: Who are we? I We are a hlliy new non-pm?t nrganilallnn delivering SEIVIEES tovicllms nicrima and lnumalic uventswilhin the sask cenlnl Raglan. —\‘le beam: fully upuauonal in (lnohnr 1015. - we are a pnuce-based prugrim Walking out of 11 RCMP Dalachments and 4 Rural Munlcipal Pullce ssrvlces. - W: ans a ualunlau based service - We havza 9 person mm nfllilecluls made up nfcamrnunltv and acmvmembers. (50 “\ More about us.,. - We recelve funding through the Saskatchewan Minlsiry of Jus?ce [Viciim Services Branch). - W: pannerwilh RCMP whn nnavldauswilh af?<e SDIEE, of?ce supplies and the majority uf our referrals. - We became fully m?ed Navambev1“, 201.5. - Cunenlly we have 34 Vnlunteers Ihrougllnut the reginn [17 ave lully mum with ncw Security Clearance, the olhar 17 awaiting clearance and naming) are G43 % 7/22/2016 SCVSBoardof Directors i'.a....:;;.5,s‘..;.u.y_ Saskzlnnn‘,sx lynnx| Nendusnn LilaHask:}~Mukh M:n:nsvlHe.sx Halmmls, sx H(MP_5xlGrag\tl1Iuk ncmgnctgsv/5;:l(wIn'W||l|J'hmn Unllv/\M1ke,S)< Cenlnl umna.sasxaum,-sx Staff - Sher! wmklru,caaudhmnrlmanensvivle) ?aifand — Suppun uh. hoard, minagepmg?m nplnxinnx, volumearmaverseean and Admlnlslnliva dulles and pvuvid: \I'\:lTmSarvku. - Enrahandnsuv, Aslmnl comdinunr mndersley) rmzzyshewzlw, Asslmnl Comdlnalnrlfmmhnldtl managavulunlezls in - ProvideService deiively, mum, main, spzd?c veglunil liens and keep updudale on hen pracuus. crynal thuhley, AdmlnlmalhluAsslsnnumanansvnla) rzlatadduties, rq v Suppan Ih: Eaurdinalar in Boardand Pmgnm manage Ih: ?ninus, mainnln puny-am dncumuns, mm wan ‘N event planning,elc. What we do - Our Missinn: Helping vlnirns afclimzand traumrrtlzevenu thraugh Suppnrr, Inlwmmlan, Referraland Ammy. - Awiilarsufservicez -supponr -INFORMATIDN «REFERRAL -ADVDCACV Ci‘ 7/22/2016 Support - Pmvldeshort term crisis support. - Assess the needs of indMdui| ciients. - Meat Immediateand basic physicalneeds fursalety and shelter. - Assure vlctimslhattherearaservlzesavailableto halt:them. - llsten In a ennvidenriai,suppnrtive and non-judgemenralwav. - Providemun support and orientation. Information Prnvlde updates on pallc: ?les [aims of inuestigatiuns, charges, orders, mnditiuns, et:.). Pmvideupdates on court matters (ccrun dates, uutcames, sIc.). Infnrrn vlztlmsof the variaus \rrt-rimServices PraEl1rns(VI:tims campensatlan, Rastltutian, Victim/Wilness,etr:.i. Assist with completing ind submlttlniuHa1ms(5d:ia| Assistance, child Tax, Lnw-IncomeHnusing, etr.‘.). Assist withVictim Impact statements. '62 Referral Deiermlne riient needs fur reierreis to a variety of community agencies (MentalHealth,KidsFirst, GriefSuppart Groups, Emergencyshelters,etc]. Refer and connect clienl to specialited ProvincialVldlm ServicesPrugrams as needed [Vlclim/Witness,Vlnlms Campensiliun, AboriginalResource Ul?cers, etc.]. Connect vlclims to other victim services agencies when veincating 7/22/2016 Advocacy (ummunity I Determine nezds afviclims and walk with N1: In have them rnetlcanrequire 2 Inrolcreatmtyl). - Advocatewith pclize, swclalservices, pmserutluns, mental hezllh,jus1i<e, cmrrts. - Identify gaps in services and assess iflhowthese gaps can he addressed. What we do, con I Buildingand Maintaining Relationships with RCMP DetachmentCommandersand uf?cers. valuntaer nermnmenr,Training and Supnrvising. Keenup-la-date with best practices, training, current nragnms and services‘ Buildingand Maintaining Community Partnerships (ia. ems, Fire, SchoolCounsellors, Haspltais/Clinins,Tamra, C805, 21:). Prummionand Awareness Ihmughnm the raglan. ‘Q Our Clients ?_ Vlcllms nlCr|rn2: VlnlmsaiTI'4umall:EveMs: SexuaIAssauil - Fire lnlupersonal Viuience (IPV) Hand ChildAbuse suicide Robbery Maturvehicle Accidenu Home Invasions Menlal HealthAn Assault Etc. Hnrnicidz M|1IorVahiI:ia Culiislun Etc‘ 7/22/2016 SCVSGeographicalService Delivery Area s;.sxcn1rnALincnMssavI(E: u mi; Dunmunu; (l.0|nd\diMCo:v\Inur.VyIzzuniurumi o I amP¢l'uSIMu: =1“ nmmwdxia?niqkwfmh-sisal SCVSOrganizationalChart Outcomes I lndiulciualifeel hind believed. - individualsfeelthey have been given «gig. - indiuiduaiiieei that their needxarabeing undenlood and met. - Individualsfeel xgggarled and leis (Liege. - Indlviduaixhave knowledge and understanding afuxlal Juppvr! tytlerm and merdmlnal/urllrepmcm. understanding of nut! ouimmex I individualshave inaeuxed - inviividuuishave Increuxedxemeof emgowarrnent and ? enaem. - lndividuaisreciuimtheir tame af security and misty. 7/22/2016 Volunteer Opportunities - Valnnleers are essential to our prugram. - Volunteers will pmvlda the majority nl direct services. - AllVolunteers must receive RCMPSeuurily Clearance and will receive extensive training prinr lo working withvictims. erestd? canummascvsa/‘?zznear yau, ynul lam!RCMPDetuchmenrur(all Gm 1ans1351-9111 _‘ Thank you to our Partners Government J __ up ._ /5%Saskatchewan Mlnl?ry RCMP ullusrire How to Contact Us SASKCENTRALVICTIMSERVICESINC. MartensvilleRCMPDetachment 515 CentennialDrive South Manensville, SK SOK2T0 Phone: (306) 355-2653 Fax: (306) 975-1612 Email:sheri,wat|[email protected].:a Or Contact your nearest RCMPDetachment G4‘ \ ATTACHMENT "B" mllgllvestCentralGovernmentCommitte_e_July . aith. Outbreaks Heartland Health Region declared an outbreak of respiratory illness in the Dinsmore Health Centre effective June, 2016. Precautions and visitor restrictions were put into place. It was lifted on July 1“. Community Paramedicine Community Paramedicine programming is now available in Biggar, Davidson, Eston, Kerrobert, Kindersley, Outlook and Unity. We will be expanding the programming to Rosetown soon. We are collaborating with Home Care and Primary Health. Standard work is being developed as we progress to try things and make adjustments. Initial work has begun on developing a post-acute discharge follow-up program. Four regional EMSstaff attended the international round table on Community Paramedicinein Saskatoon in June. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Medicalassistance in dying is a deeply personal matter for many people. It is a complex issue that has implicationsfor patients and families, health care providers, and health policy and programs. There is a linkon our Heartlandwebsite to the Ministry of Health's website regarding information on MAID. http://hrha.sk.ca/about~us—3/medical-assistance-in—dying/ of More information
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