Hedon Haven Evidence Base Baseline Cultural Heritage Study October 2012 Prepared for: East Riding of Yorkshire Council UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hedon Haven Evidence Base REVISION SCHEDULE Rev Date Details Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by 1 July 2012 Draft Annie Calder Annette Roe Kirsty Cobb Principal - Technical Director Associate Heritage - Heritage Amy Jones Principal - Heritage 2 September Final Annie Calder Annette Roe Kirsty Cobb 2012 Principal - Technical Director Associate Heritage - Heritage Amy Jones Principal - Heritage 3 October Revised Final Annie Calder Annette Roe Kirsty Cobb 2012 Principal - Technical Director Associate Heritage - Heritage Amy Jones Principal - Heritage URS WestOne Wellington Street Leeds LS1 1BA 0113 204 5000 Hedon Haven Baseline Study October 2012 Cultural Heritage i East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hedon Haven Evidence Base Limitations URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited (“URS”) has prepared this Report for the sole use of East Riding of Yorkshire Council (“Client”) in accordance with the Agreement under which our services were performed. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this Report or any other services provided by URS. This Report is confidential and may not be disclosed by the Client nor relied upon by any other party without the prior and express written agreement of URS. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report are based upon information provided by others and upon the assumption that all relevant information has been provided by those parties from whom it has been requested and that such information is accurate. Information obtained by URS has not been independently verified by URS, unless otherwise stated in the Report. The methodology adopted and the sources of information used by URS in providing its services are outlined in this Report. The work described in this Report was undertaken between May 2012 and October 2012 and is based on the conditions encountered and the information available during the said period of time. The scope of this Report and the services are accordingly factually limited by these circumstances. Where assessments of works or costs identified in this Report are made, such assessments are based upon the information available at the time and where appropriate are subject to further investigations or information which may become available. URS disclaim any undertaking or obligation to advise any person of any change in any matter affecting the Report, which may come or be brought to URS’ attention after the date of the Report. Certain statements made in the Report that are not historical facts may constitute estimates, projections or other forward-looking statements and even though they are based on reasonable assumptions as of the date of the Report, such forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results predicted. URS specifically does not guarantee or warrant any estimate or projections contained in this Report. Where field investigations are carried out, these have been restricted to a level of detail required to meet the stated objectives of the services. The results of any measurements taken may vary spatially or with time and further confirmatory measurements should be made after any significant delay in issuing this Report. Copyright © This Report is the copyright of URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited. Any unauthorised reproduction or usage by any person other than the addressee is strictly prohibited. Hedon Haven Baseline Study October 2012 Cultural Heritage i East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hedon Haven Evidence Base Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Land at Hedon Haven ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Site Description, Current Land Use and Topography ...................................................... 1 2 Methodology .................................................................................... 2 2.1 Study Area ...................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Sources of Information/ Data .......................................................................................... 2 2.3 Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Resource ................................................................. 2 3 Baseline Conditions ........................................................................ 5 3.1 Archaeological and Historical Overview .......................................................................... 5 3.2 Previous Archaeological Work ...................................................................................... 10 3.3 Site Walkover Survey ................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Historic Buildings .......................................................................................................... 13 4 Limitations or Difficulties ............................................................. 18 4.1 Access .......................................................................................................................... 18 5 Conclusions ................................................................................... 19 6 References ..................................................................................... 20 Figures Figure 1: Site Location Plan Figure 2 Designated Heritage Assets within 5 km Study Area Figure 2A: (Inset) Listed Buildings within Hedon Figure 3: Non-designated Heritage Assets within 1 km Study Area Figure 3A: (Inset) Non-designated Heritage Assets within Hedon Appendices Appendix A: Catalogue of Non-designated Heritage Assets within 1 km Study Area Appendix B: Listed Buildings within 5 km Study Area Appendix C: Photographic Record of Site Walkover Hedon Haven Baseline Study October 2012 Cultural Heritage i East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hedon Haven Evidence Base 1 Introduction 1.1 Land at Hedon Haven 1.1.1 The land at Hedon Haven comprises approximately 240 ha of farmland, owned by Associated British Ports (see Figure 1). 1.1.2 The parcel of land to the south of Salt End, adjacent to the Humber Estuary (approximately 80 ha) is allocated for employment uses by the Holderness District Wide Local Plan in 1999 (East Riding of Yorkshire Council, 1999). The allocation of the wider 240 ha site for port- related employment uses is being considered through the emerging East Riding Local Plan. 1.1.3 A series of baseline environmental studies are being undertaken to inform the emerging Local Plan Strategy and Allocations Documents, and the supporting Sustainability Appraisal/ Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment. 1.1.4 The report summarises the cultural heritage baseline information as informed through a detailed desk-based assessment and a site walkover. The objectives of the assessment are to identify the baseline assets and their conditions. 1.1.5 For ease of reference, the 240 ha site is referred to throughout this report as follows (see Figure 1): • Hedon Haven North site; • Hedon Haven South site; and • Paull site. 1.2 Site Description, Current Land Use and Topography 1.2.1 The site is bordered to the north by Hull Road, to the west by a British Petroleum Chemical Works and to the east by the A1033 with the town of Hedon immediately beyond. The site is bordered to the south by the Paull to Hedon Road; the River Humber is located to the south- west with the village of Paull beyond. Hedon Haven which is outside of the site boundary separates Hedon Haven North from Hedon Haven South and the Paull site. 1.2.2 The land use is predominantly arable and the majority of the land parcels are under crop, apart from the southern area of Hedon Haven North which comprises set aside. The topography is generally flat at 4 m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) apart from a slight ridge aligned north- west/ south-east through the centre of Hedon Haven South, and the course of Hedon Haven/ Burstwick Drain which is defined on either side by a low bank, rising to a height of approximately 1.5 m above the surrounding farmland. 1.2.3 The solid geology comprises Flamborough Chalk of the Cretaceous period. The soils of the area are classified as the Newchurch 2 Association which is a marine alluvium comprising calcareous clayey soils and also the Landbeach Association which is glaciofluvial sand comprising calcareous course loamy soils over chalky gravel (Brigham et al ., 2008). Hedon Haven Baseline Study October 2012 Cultural Heritage 1 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hedon Haven Evidence Base 2 Methodology 2.1 Study Area 2.1.1 For designated heritage assets, both statutory and non-statutory, a search area of 5 km from the site boundary was used. For non-designated heritage assets a study area of 1 km from the site boundary was used. Each asset within this area has been examined to identify its physical form and its setting to enable the identification of significance and to provide a context for the historic development of the area. 2.2 Sources of Information/ Data 2.2.1 This baseline has been carried out in accordance with the published Standard and Guidance for Desk-based Assessment (IfA, 2011) and the Code of Conduct (IfA, 2010) of the Institute for Archaeologists.
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