Table B.3: Details of expenditure for infrastructure by category - Department of Roads and Transport 1. New constructions (buildings and infrastructure) (R thousand) Project Project Other Other Other Other Other No. Project name Region/ district Municipality Project cost Programme Total Total Total Total Total description duration costs costs costs costs costs Date: Date: At At Contract Start Finish start completion price EQUITABLE AND OWN REVENUE PROJECTS 56,141 56,14190,500 90,500 147,915 147,915 43,00043,000 38,000 38,000 Ehlanzeni Region - Bridge on D2973 Sep- May - Roads 1 17,391 17,391 17,400 6,000 6,000 11,500 11,500 870 870 - Bridge on D2973 Clau-Clau EhlANZENI Mbombela Clau-Clau 04 05 Infrastructure - Bridge Sibange Feb- Feb - Roads 2 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 17,000 17,000 - Bridge Sibange (D2945 - D2952) EhlANZENI Nkomazi (D2945 - D2952) 05 06 Infrastructure - P17/6 White - Roads 3 River - Hazyview 9,919 - - - - Infrastructure - P17/6 White River - Hazyview (Phase 2) EhlANZENI Mbombela (Phase 2) - Road D636 Roads - 4 2,000 - - - - - Road D636 Plaston - Karino EhlANZENI Mbombela Plaston - Karino Infrastructure - Road D636 - Roads 5 Plaston - White 2,000 - - - Infrastructure - Road D636 Plaston - White River Phase II EhlANZENI Mbombela River Phase II - P33/4 Sabie to Roads - 6 - 22,000 22,000 - - P33/4 Sabie to Hazyview EhlANZENI Mbombela Hazyview Infrastructure Mbombela/ - P10/1 Nelspruit Roads 20,000 7 - 24,190 24,190 23,00023,000 20,000 - P10/1 Nelspruit to Baberton EhlANZENI Umjindi to Baberton Infrastructure Roads Nkangala Region Infrastructure - P207/1 Moloto - Roads 8 Kwamhlanga 33,767 34,724 34,724 - Infrastructure - P207/1 Moloto -Kwamhlanga Phase I NKANGALAREGION Thembisile Phase I - P207/1 - Vlaklaagte to Sep- May - Roads 9 71,426 71,426 3,000 35,000 33,426 - Moteti (Moloto 04 06 Infrastructure 3,000 35,000 33,426 - P207/1 Vlaklaagte to Moteti (Moloto Phase 3) NKANGALAREGION Thembisile Phase 3) Govan - P52/3 Bethal - Sep- Roads 10 Jul-06 64,499 64,499 7,417 34,000 23,082 - - P52/3 Bethal - Kriel NKANGALAREGION Mbeki Kriel 04 Infrastructure 7,417 34,000 23,082 - Govan - P 26/4 Ermelo to Roads 11 - - - - P 26/4 Ermelo to Breyten NKANGALAREGION Mbeki Breyten Infrastructure - - P81/5 E rmelo to Roads 12 - 22,347 22,347 - - P81/5 Ermelo to Sheepmoore NKANGALAREGION Msukaligwa Sheepmoore Infrastructure - Govan Roads 13 - - 20,00020,000 18,000 - P26/4 Ermelo to Breyton NKANGALAREGION Mbeki Infrastructure 18,000 Gert Sibande Roads Gert Sibande Region Region Infrastructure - P36/4 Balfour - Roads 14 - - - P36/4 Balfour - Grootvlei GERT SIBANDE Dipaleseng Grootvlei Infrastructure Govan - D823 Tri chard to Roads 15 - - - D823 Trichard to Charl Cillier GERT SIBANDE Mbeki/Lekwa Charl Cillier Infrastructure 264 - P48/1 Bethal to Roads 16 - - - - - P48/1 Bethal to Mogernzon GERT SIBANDE Lekwa Mogernzon Infrastructure - 17 - 5 x Weigh Bridge - 5,000 5,000 Total new constructions (buildings and infrastructure) 56,141 56,141 90,500 90,500 147,915 147,915 43,000 43,000 38,000 38,000 265 2. Rehabilitation/upgrading (R thousand) Region/ Municipalit Project Project Project Other Total Other Total Other Total Other Total Other Total Other Total No. Project name district y description duration cost costs costs costs costs costs costs Date Date: At : Finis start Start h EQUITABLE AND OWN REVENUE 146,200 146,20 137,850 137,85 222,327 222,32 255,077 255,07 156,194 156,19 97,500 97,500 PROJECTS 0 0 7 7 4 Ehlanzeni Region - - - - - - D2945 Ehlanze Ntunda - Feb- Feb- Roads 20,000 20,000 - 960 960 - 30,000 30,000 18 19,20 - D2945 Ntunda - Mgobode - ni Mgobode - 04 05 Infrastructur 9 Boschfontein Region Nkomazi Boschfontein e - D1411 - - Ehlanze Shweni - Roads - 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 19 ni Mphathwa Infrastructur - D1411 Shweni - Mphathwa (D2690) Region Mbombela (D2690) e Ehlanze Roads - - 20 ni - D2975 Infrastructur - 15,000 15,000 23,000 23,000 20,000 20,000 - D2975 Dantjie - Luphisi Region Mbombela Dantjie - Luphisi e Ehlanze - D2944 Roads Feb- Feb- 21 ni Middelplaas to 15,01 15,01 Infrastructur 10,000 10,000 5,012 5,012 04 05 - D2944 Middelplaas to Schucendal Region Nkomazi Schucendal 2 2 e - D1870 & - D1869 - - 10,538 10,538 22 Ehlanze Tenbosch- Roads - D1870 & D1869 Tenbosch- ni Marlothpark- Infrastructur Marlothpark- Komatipoort Region Nkomazi Komatipoort e - D2277 - - Ehlanze Ohrigstad Roads - 10,000 10,000 23 - D2277 Ohrigstad P116/1 to Echo ni Thaba P116/1 to Echo Infrastructur Caves Region Chweu Caves e Ehlanze Roads 4,485 24 ni - P77/1 Infrastructur 4,485 - 20,000 20,000 - P77/1 Bulembu Road Region Umjindi Bulembu Road e Ehlanze - D1411 Roads 7,000 25 ni Ngodini- 18,13 Infrastructur 7,000 11,138 11,138 - D1411 Ngodini-Khumbula Region Mbombela Khumbula 8 e Ehlanze - P33/2 Roads - - 26 ni Thaba Lydenburg to Infrastructur - 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 - P33/2 Lydenburg to Burgersfort Region Chweu Burgersfort e Ehlanze Roads 5,630 - 27 ni Thaba - P9/1 Sabie - Infrastructur 5,630 10,500 10,500 - P9/1 Sabie - Pilgrim Rest Region Chweu Pilgrim Rest e 266 Ehlanze Roads - - 28 ni Thaba - P189/1 White Infrastructur - 10,500 10,500 - P189/1 White River - Sabie Region Chweu River - Sabie e Ehlanze - D 2943 Roads - - 29 ni Schoemansdal Infrastructur - 13,139 13,139 8,300 8,300 - D 2943 Schoemansdal - Mabondeni Region Nkomazi - Mabondeni e Ehlanze - D 514 Roads - - 30 ni Kiepersol - Infrastructur - 3,600 3,600 - D 514 Kiepersol - Sabie Region Mbombela Sabie e Ehlanze - P8/1 Roads - - 31 ni Thaba Lydenburg - Infrastructur - 17,000 17,000 - P8/1 Lydenburg - Bambi Region Chweu Bambi e Ehlanze - D 799 Roads - - 32 ni Nelspruit - Infrastructur - 14,500 14,5 00 - D 799 Nelspruit - Ngodwana Region Mbombela Ngodwana e 33 Roads Maintenance Projects - - - 18,691 18,691 Nkangala Nkangala Region Region - - Road D2900 8,570 Phase II, Mar- Roads 8,570 9,427 9,427 10,370 10,370 10,778 10,778 36 - Road D2900 Phase II, Allemansdrift - Nkangal Dr JS Allemansdrift - 05 Infrastructur Senotlelo a Region Moroka Senotlelo e - D2925 - Rapotkwane - Roads - 7,500 7,500 8,000 8,000 37 - D2925 Rapotkwane - Nokaneng ( For Nkangal Dr JS Nokaneng ( For Infrastructur Unit C) a Region Moroka Unit C) e - D2907 Roads 6,030 May- Dec- 38 Nkangal Dr JS Pieterskraal - 22,33 22,33 Infrastructur 6,030 16,300 16,300 03 04 - D2907 Pieterskraal - Waterval a Region Moroka Waterval 0 0 e - D2901 & Roads Feb- Feb- 39 Nkangal Dr JS D2740 Loding 21,71 21,71 Infrastructur 15,000 15,000 6,712 6,712 04 05 - D2901 & D2740 Loding to Nokaneng a Region Moroka to Nokaneng 2 2 e - D2923 Kgobokwane to Feb- Dec- Roads 18,000 18,000 9,359 9,359 40 27,35 27,35 - D2923 Kgobokwane to Philadelphia Nkangal Dr JS Philadelphia 04 04 Infrastructur 9 9 Hospital a Region Moroka Hospital e - D2926 8,000 Marapyane- Nov- Mar- Roads 8,000 41 Nkangal Dr JS Senotlelo(D274 04 05 7,199 Infrastructur - D2926 Marapyane- Senotlelo(D2740) a Region Moroka 0) e - D2927 1,520 Marapyane - Roads 1,520 221 221 10,579 10,579 15,500 15,500 15,000 15,000 42 Nkangal Dr JS Lefiso/Lefisoan Infrastructur - D2927 Marapyane - Lefiso/Lefisoane a Region Moroka e e Roads - 43 Nkangal - D 567 Moloto Infrastructur - 23,000 23,000 - D 567 Moloto - Ekangala a Region Thembisile - Ekangala e 267 Roads - 44 Nkangal - P52/3 Bethal Infrastructur - 23,000 23,000 13,000 13,000 - P52/3 Bethal - Kriel a Region Emalahleni - Kriel e - P 62/2 Roads - 45 Nkangal Greater Stoffberg - Infrastructur - 13,000 13,000 - P 62/2 Stoffberg - Sehlekwane a Region Groblersdal Sehlekwane e - P207/1 - Siyabuswa - - 7,000 7,000 46 Roedtan Roads - P207/1 Siyabuswa - Roedtan (Moloto Nkangal Dr JS (Moloto Phase Infrastructur Phase 4) a Region Moroka 4) e - D1948 Philadelphia Roads - 3,000 3,000 4,500 4,500 47 - D1948 Philadelphia Hospital - Nkangal Greater Hospital - Infrastructur Gamatlala a Region Groblersdal Gamatlala e GERT Roads 48 SIBAND - P48/1 Bethal 82,17 Infrastructur - 25,000 25,000 - P48/1 Bethal to Mogernzon E Lekwa to Mogernzon 8 e - P30/1 - Gert Portion D, Sep- May- Roads - 24,895 24,895 49 Sibande 57,85 57,85 - P30/1 - Portion D, Middelburg - Bethal Govan Middelburg - 04 06 Infrastructur Region 9 9 phase II Mbeki Bethal phase II e 48 Roads Maintenance Projects - - - 21,524 21,524 Gert Sibande Gert Sibande Region Region - Gert - D267 Roads 8,181 49 Sibande Albert Mayflower - Infrastructur 8,181 7,495 7,495 8,495 8,495 9,409 9,409 - D267 Mayflower - Lothair Region Luthuli Lothair e Gert - D2548 Roads Nov- Feb- 50 Sibande Mkhondo/ Driefontein to 57,73 Infrastructur 6,000 6,000 26,000 26,000 25,739 25,739 04 06 - D2548 Driefontein to Piet Retief Region Seme Piet Retief 9 e GERT Roads 51 SIBAND - P30/2 Bethal Infrastructur 9,685 9,685 18,525 18,525 975 975 32,000 32,000 25,000 25,000 - P30/2 Bethal to Standerton E Lekwa to Standerton e Gert - D 481 Roads 52 Sibande Albert Elukwatini to Infrastructur 7,000 7,000 1,500 1,500 15,000 15,000 4,000 4,000 - 8,500 - D481 Elukwatini to Mooiplaas Region Luthuli Mooiplaas e Gert Albert - P15/1 Roads Sep- Dec- 53 Sibande Luthuli/ Carolina - 49,41 49,411 Infrastructur 7,956 7,956 27,000 27,000 14,455 14,455 - - 04 05 - P15/1 Carolina - Wonderfontein Region Highlands Wonderfontein 1 e - P53/2 - Gert Leandra- Roads - - - 9,435 9,435 - 54 Sibande Govan Standerton Infrastructur - P53/2 Leandra- Standerton (P90/1) Region Mbeki (P90/1) e Gert - P 78/1 Piet Roads - 55 Sibande Retief to Natal Infrastructur - - - 20,000 20,000 - - P 78/1 Piet Retief to Natal Border Region Mkhondo Border e 268 Gert - P 81/4 (N17) Roads - 56 Sibande Ermelo to Infrastructur - - - - 25,294 25,294 25,00 - P 81/4 (N17) Ermelo to Oshoek Region Msukaligwa
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