PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hnttquai'feyo f Scotlano s b OF THE SESSION MCMXXXI.-MCMXXXII. VOL. LXVI. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. VI . E PRINTESOCIETTH R NEILY COMPANYDB D FO LAN Y LTD, MCMXXXII. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . Anniversar . y Meeting . , Earth-houses at Garry lochdrach and Bac Mhic Connain, in North Uist. By the late ERSKINE BEVERIDG];:, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot. With Notes on the Structures and the Relics found therein, by J. GRAHAM CALLANDKR, F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, ........ 32 Short Cist t Eumgallysa . TENNAN,J Fifey B . T GORDON, O.B.E., J.P.7 , 6 F.S.A.Seot, . , Two-storeyea ) Note(1 n so d Grav t Littlea e Asta, Shetlan Certai) (2 d; n Prehistoric Relics from Vikina Shetlan) (3 d g an Broocd ; f Silveho r from Skaill Bay. , OrkneyM . J y B . CORBIE, F.S. A.Scot., ........... 69 Lesmoir Castle and the Church of Essie: With some further Notes on Auchindoir. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., Notes on a Romano-British Cemetery in Hertfordshire. By W. PERCIVAL WESTELL, F.S.A.Scot., F.L.S., M.R.A.I., ........5 10 . Interim Report on the Excavation of a Bronze Age Dwelling at Tarlshof, Shetland, in 1931. By ALEXANDER O. CURLE, C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot. , ..... 113 The t Blane'SitS f eo s Chape . LACAILLERannochn li D 8 . A 12 y B .,. F.S.A.Scot. , Corn Byke . DUF Caithnessf L so s F Mr DUNBA y B . Ackergillf Ro 6 13 , F.S.A.Scot. , An Interpretation of a Drawing entitled " Our Lady Kirk of Field, Edinburgh." in H.M. State Paper Office. By HENRY F. KERB, A.R.I.B.A., F.S.A.Scot., . .140 Standing Stone othed an s r Antiquitie Juran i sy ERI B .C HARDWIOKE RIDEOUT, M.A., B.Sc., F.S.A.Scot., ........... 146 Excavation IroForte o nAg t Barn'Tw sa n si s Heugh, near Coldingham Professoy B . r V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., and Professor C. DARYLL FORDE, . 152 Rudh' anDunain Chambered Cairn . ,LINDSA SkyeW y B . Y SCOTT, D.S.C., B.A., F.S.A.Scot.3 18 , Notes on the Roman Forts at Old Kilpatrick and Croy Hill, and on a Relief of Jupiter Dolichenus r GEORGSi y B .E MACDONALD, K.C.B., F.B. A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., 21!) Inventorn A Objectf yo Romaf so Provinciad nan l Roman Origin foun Siten o d Scotn si - land not definitely associated with Roman Constructions. By JAMES CDRLE, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ..........7 27 . Unrecorded Urns from Different Parts of Scotland. By J. GRAHAM CAI.LANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum of Antiquities, . 401 . vi TABL F CONTENTSO E . PAOB Cross-slabs recently discovered at Millport and Fowlis Wester. By J. JEFFREY WADDELL, I.A., F.S.A.Scot.,.........9 40 . The Ochiltree Flag. By the Rev. G. AIRD SIM, F.S.A.Scot., ..... 413 Chambered Cairns near Kilflnan, Argyll. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 415 Perte Th h Psalter FKANCTy B . EELESSC , F.S.A.Scot., ."....6 42 . Inscriptio a Cros n no s from Kilchoman, Islay Professoy B . r W . WATSONJ . , LL.D., D.Litt.Celt., F.S.A.Scot. .442 Two Long Cairns (One Horned) and an Ogham Inscription, near Poltalloch, Argyll. By J. HEWAT CRAW, Secretary, .......... 445 f Bog-butteo g AKe r from Skyd soman e e Notes thereupon y ProfessoB . r JAMES RITOHIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.S.A.Scot. printedTobe nextin year's volume. INDEX, ............. 451 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS An asteris denote) k(* s tha e bloc s borrowedth t kwa . PA«E Beaker foun t Dunsheltda , Fife• , 14 Perforated Bone from Tota Dunaig, Vallay, Bronze Plate from Leuchars, Fife, 16 North Uist, ....... Stone bearing Twig Runes from Locf o h Food-vessel found at Rumgally, Fife, . 68 Stenness, Orkney, 17 Flint Scraper and Knife from Cists at Rum- Stone Bead from Oronsay, .... 20 . ..gally . ., Scottish Rain-water Heads and other Little Asta, Tingwall, Shetland : Section of Object Leadf so , ......1 2 . Two-storyed Cist at, ..... 70 Finger-rin witt gse h Diamonds, ..3 2 . —— —Cover-stone— — , Upper Compart- Steatite Vessel wit bottompatce ha th n ho , ment of Grave at, ...... 70 from Bookan, Orkney, ..... Lowe24— — —r— Compartmen—— f Gravto e Ground Flint Knife from Over Howden, at, ......... 72 Berwickshire, ...... 25 —— —— —— Steatite Urns from Grav, eat 73 Penannular Gold Armlets found near the Stone Adzes in Lerwick Town Hall Col- Kirk Hill, St Abbs, ..... 26 lection, .......7 7 . Plan of Earth-house at Garry lochdrach, Axe of Serpentine from Mailland, White- North Uist, ......1 3 . ness, Shetland, .....8 7 . Bac Mhic Connai n: Pla n of Earth-hous3 4 , eat Polished Stone Knive Lerwicn i s k Town —— —— Clay Vessel from, .... 47 Hall Collection, .....9 7 . —— —— Par Hammef to othed ran r Objects Arrow-heads of Stone and Flint from Parish of Bone from,....... 51 o0 f 8 Sandsting . , Shetland . , —— —— Weaving Comb f Cetaceaso n Bone Penannular Bronze Brooch from Pinhoul- from, .......1 5 . land, Walls, Shetland, ....1 8 . —— —— Borer Awld san Bonf so 2 5 e from . , Silver Brooch from Gulberwick, Lerwick, —— —— Harpoon and other Objects of Bone Shetland, ....... 82 from, ........ 53 Ornamented Stone Disc from Gletness, —— —— Spear-heads of Bone from, . 54 Nesting, Shetland, ..... 83 —— —— Sawn and Pierced Segments of Stone Club from Sandness3 , 8 Shetland . , Deer-hor Bond nan e from, ...5 5 . Brooc Silvef ho r from Skaill4 8 , Orkney . , —— —— Bone Handles from,... e Earl. th f yo 5 5Routep Ma s r frointmMa o —— —— Knife-handle of Cetacean Bone Moray, ......... 87 bearing an Ogham Inscription from, . 56 Lesmoir Castl e: Key-map , ...8 8 . —— —— Obj ects of Cetacean Bone and Deer- Craig Castle: Plan of Mural Chamber in horn from, ....... 57 Tower, .......0 10 . —— —— Implement f o Cetaceas n Bone —— —— Leaded Glas Tower n . si .10 . , 1 from, .......8 5 . Baldoc kPotter: y Vessels fro mGrava , eat —— -— Cetacean Boue Ornament from, . 58 109, 110 —— -— Object Bonf so e from, ..9 5 . —— Vessels of Glass and Pottery from do., Ill —— -— PicPointed kan d Tine f Deero s - —— Vas Rhenisf eo 2 11 h war. e . from . , hor pard Toota f nan o t f Morsho e Ivory Yarlshof: Commencement of Excavation from, ........ 60 of a Bronze Age Dwelling at, . 114 —— -— Crucible Mouldd 2 s6 an s. from . , —— Plan and Section of do., .... 115 —— -— Perforated Metatarsal Bonef o s —— Secondary Pavin d Uprightsgan , with Sheep from, ....... 65 later wall in the background, . 116 vin LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. P40E Yarlshof: Chambe lookin, rC g inwards7 11 . , Earn's Heug hAre: a of Sections III-V- Re . —— Sheep Bones beneath wall at entrance, 118 surveye . Excavatorse ICOth . y db . , —— Main Chamber with entranco t e —— —— West Fort: Revetment of Middle Chambe , "ash-pitC r d blocke"an - en d Bank in Section IIU, ..... 161 trance on right, . • . 110 —— —— Sectio , nIV ....2 16 . —— Pierce0 d 12 bloc Sandstone. f ko . , —— —— Pla Sectiond nan Hut-circlesf so 4 16 . , —— Scapul a Shee f o a p whic s beeha h n —— —— Cell at south-east end of Circle 5, . 165 used as a shovel, ...... 121 —— —— Vie f wsouto h corne f Circlo r , e5 —— Perforated Sheep's Vertebra witn hpi showing Inner Wall of Hut-circle built inserted in foramen, ..... 121 against Inner Bank, ....7 16 . —— Chamber sees Da n from2 Chambe12 . , rC —— —r~ Vie f wnorth-easo t Quadranf o t —— South-eas f Chambeo d en , t witD r h Circle 5, showing probable entrance and bac unexcavatef ko d structure beyond3 12 . , junction of lower and higher paving, . 168 —— Heart-shaped object of Sandstone and —— —— View from Inner Bank of Walling fragments of a second, .....9 16 12 . 4 . separatin . , g , Circle5 d an s4 —— Sectio f unexcavateno d ground show- —r— —- Pla Sectiond nan f Hut-circlso 0 17 , e2 ing secondary leve5 occupationf 12 o l . , —— —— Hut-circle 2 after deturflng West- —— Stone Tablet inscribed with Rune-like ern Half, .......1 17 . figures, .......7 12 . —— —— Hut-circle 2, from the east, . 173 Cross-slab at Lassentullich, Perthshire, . 131 —— —— Section V, ... .174 Holy-water Stoup from St Blane's, Rannoch, 132 —— —— East Fort: Inner Bank, Inner Holy-water Stoup from Fail, Tarbolton, Wall . ......, . .17 . .5 Ayrshire, . ... .133 —— ——East.Fort: Inner Bank (outer 6 face)17 , Corn Byke at Mirelandhorn, Caithness, in —— —— Outer Wall of East Fort (inner 1905, ......... 136 face), .......7 17 . Our Lady Kirk of Field, from H.M. State —— —— Pottery, ...... 180 Paper Offic Roug: e h Uncoloured Tracing —— —— Bronze Brooch, ..... 181 from Scot. Soc. Antiq. Library. Plate I., —— —— Fort . sPlatat . facinge2 V. 18 . , facing 144 Rudh' an Dunain, Skye : Map of, . 184 —— —— Plan of Precincts in 1566. Plate —— —— Eastern par f Chambeo t r showing , facing4 14 . II. , Antechamber partly excavated, . 189 —— —— Drawing arranged to show Actual —— —— Doorway into Antechamber from Positions. Plate III., . facing 144 Chamber, ....... 190 —— —— An Interpretation of the Draw- —— —— South Wall of Antechamber . 191 ing, Compiled with Assistance from old —— —— North Walls of Antechamber and map printsd s an Maj.-Gend an , . Mahon's Vestibule, ....... 192 Models, etc., in his Tragedy of Kirk o' —— —— Antechamber, Vestibuled an , Meld. Plate IV., . facing 144 Portal from Chamber, looking east, . 193 Standin ge Churchyarth Ston n i e t a d —— —— Portal, beginning of southern half Tarbert, Jura, . 147' of Facade and Prostrate Slab, looking Standing Ston8 Sannaigt ea 14 .
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