THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMUNITY RESPONDS TO ISSUES OF THE DAY: A COMPENDIUM* JEWISH COMMUNITY of Jewish academics in search of new methods of meeting needs of Jewish community (March Institutional Concerns 30). American Jewish Congress and Joint Advisory National Jewish Welfare Board convention Committee of National Jewish Community held leadership workshops for Jewish com- Relations Advisory Council and Synagogue munity center and YM-YWHA presidents and Council of America stated laws permitting executives to discuss pressing national and Jewish ritual slaughter of livestock are consti- local issues of Jewish community (April tutional (January 6). 12-16). Agudath Israel of America protested proposed National Jewish Welfare Board received U.S. Department of Agriculture regulation $100,000 grant earmarked for helping local outlawing use of ritually slaughtered poultry, Jewish community centers to deal with social as infringement on "freedom of religious change (April 14). practice" (January 19). Central Conference of American Rabbis American Jewish Congress published Direct- launched program of special six-week semi- ory of Aids, Facilities, and Services Available nars for members to devote themselves to to the Jewish Aged in the City of New York to intensive study in Jewish sources, away from be distributed free as public service (January regular duties (May 10). 20). Central Conference of American Rabbis re- National Jewish Welfare Board conducted commended, on basis of its comprehensive National Orientation Institute for new profes- research studies of Reform rabbinate and sionals on community center staffs throughout intermarriage, that Reform movement accept country, dealing with social problems, profes- disciplined set of Jewish laws for daily living sional skills, and programming (February and Jewish practice (June 12-15). 1-5). Union of American Hebrew Congregations Leadership Conference of National Jewish instituted program of direct consultation ser- Women's Organizations formed committee to vices to 200 Reform congregations in small spearhead efforts in 28 cities to aid Jewish cities with declining Jewish population to poor (February 29). provide "renewed vitality" and "future via- bility" (June 12). National Jewish Welfare Board announced arrangement for Passover Seders to be held National Orthodox Jewish organizations con- around world for U.S. Jewish military person- ducted emergency drive to help Wilkes Barre, nel (March 15). Pa., Orthodox institutions and individuals rebuild after severe flood. Synagogue Council National Jewish Welfare Board held consulta- of America delegation met with city's com- tion on services for Jewish aged at which munity leaders to discuss aid to damaged specialists considered how various Jewish Jewish synagogues and other institutions agencies would jointly develop programs to (August 17). meet essential needs of senior citizens (March 19-21). American Jewish Congress announced spon- sorship of ten scholarships for Jewish students Synagogue Council of America announced enrolling in business management course at formation of Institute for Jewish Policy New York Community College (August 28). Planning and Research, drawing on resource American Zionist Federation convention was scene of revival of American Sephardic •Compiled mainly from press releases supplied by organizations. Federation to serve as American arm for Reference to items may be found in Index under World Sephardic Federation's activities (Octo- the various agencies. ber 24). 226 AMERICAN JEWISH COMMUNITY RESPONDS TO ISSUES / 227 American Jewish Committee published report lems as threat of "Jesus revolution," security of Task Force on the Future of the Jewish of Israel, Soviet Jewry, Jews in Arab Community in America, in which 34 scholars countries, urban crisis and social justice, and and communal leaders predicted a reordering Jewish civil rights (June 24-26). of priorities for Jewish communal organiza- Yavneh, college-based Orthodox student or- tions, a consolidation of organizational re- ganization, addressed its annual convention to sources in regional centers, and greater problems of man's relationship to his fellow- representation in decision-making by wider men, calling upon members to work with other segments of Jewish community (October 27). Jewish groups on campus (September 20). National Jewish Welfare Board established American Jewish Congress Commission on camping department to provide and coordinate Youth made available flyers on coffee houses consultation services to Jewish communal for teenage youth as part of concerted effort to camps in order to raise standards and enhance increase numbers of attractive meeting places Jewish educational and cultural aspects of for unaffiliated Jewish youths (October 3). programs (December 1). American Jewish Congress announced new programs to provide students on campuses Youth with continual supply of publications on Jewish religious, cultural, social, and political American Jewish Committee issued fifth issues (November 30). annual edition of Study and Travel Programs for the Teenager and Young Adult, listing Lubavitch Youth Organization invited all programs of study, work, or leadership Jewish college students to attend weekend training designed to strengthen Jewish identity seminars on Jewish affairs and to participate in (January 18). hasidic life (December 21-24, 28-31). Central Conference of American Rabbis Youth Committee met with Yale University academi- Women and Family cians and students to explore youth life styles Lubavitch Women's Organization (Nshei Ub- and religious experience (January 26). 18). nos Chabad) convened to consider challenges American Zionist Youth Foundation's 1972 to Jewish survival and Jewish identity (Febru- summer plans indicated participation of 5,800 ary 11-13) and the responsibilities of Jewish American high-school and college youths in women in today's society (May 12-14). educational programs, kibbutz experiences, Rabbinical Council of America declared and leadership seminars in Israel (March 22). equal-rights amendment for women passed by American Zionist Youth Foundation inaugu- Congress "poses no threat to practice of rated national college campus programs on the Judaism in the United States" (April 10). Holocaust, with weekend seminar for 80 American Jewish Committee convened schol- selected New York and New Jersey college ars, sociologists, rabbis, and researchers to students (April 7-9). discuss status and future of Jewish family in American Jewish Congress invited 32 Jewish America (April 23, 24). youth leaders from ten states to participate in American Jewish Committee announced joint policy-setting meeting at convention (May sponsorship with B'nai B'rith Commission on 10-14). Adult Jewish Education of consultation of American Jewish Committee sponsored na- Jewish women leaders on role of Jewish tional consultation on problems of Jewish women in strengthening Jewish family (De- students in community colleges and heard cember 1). recommendations for bringing such students closer to Jewish community life (May 31). Jewish Education National Conference of Synagogue Youth National Commission on Torah Education (Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of convened to consider effectiveness of Ortho- America) convention considered such prob- dox educational institutions (January 30). 228 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1973 American Association for Jewish Education for month-long event celebrating music of and American Jewish Committee issued New Oriental and Sephardi Jews (February 27). Directives, results of the second annual American Jewish Congress marked 20th cosponsored Jewish education workshop that anniversary of scholarly journal Judaism with explored new techniques of teaching in and publication of cumulative index covering all outside the classroom (March 28). issues through 1971 (April 14). Torah Umesorah affiliates, National Associa- Theodor Herzl Institute paid tribute to contem- tion of Day School Administrators and porary Jewish poetry with readings and National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, lectures by well-known poets at two-day met to discuss crisis in recruitment of teaching conference (April 29-30). staff, prospect for governmental aid to non- public schools, relevancy of day-school cur- Workmen's Circle called on American Jewish riculum, and classrooms "without walls" community to support Yiddish press and (May 3-7). educational agencies to secure future of folk-culture (May 14). Torah Umesorah sponsored retreat for senior rabbinical students to encourage careers in National Jewish Welfare Board awarded cash Jewish day-school education (August 1). prizes to five authors of outstanding 1971 books in the fields of Jewish thought, Torah Umesorah announced granting in Holocaust, poetry, fiction, and juvenile writ- preceding ten-month period $100,000 in loans ing (May 21). to day schools throughout the country, a sign of continuing financial crisis (August 18). American Jewish Committee published The World of the 1970's: A Jewish Perspective, American Jewish Committee inaugurated se- Task Force report dealing with prospects in cond year of adult-education project with world affairs and implications for Jews (June lectures by noted Israeli scholars who also led 12). seminars on development of Jewish people and Jewish philosophical thought (September 25). National Jewish Welfare Board announced State of Israel 25th anniversary as theme of Torah Umesorah reported that Hebrew day Jewish Book Month, October 27-November
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