Competitive Relationships between Tree Species of Scalesia (S. pedunculata, S. cordata, S. microcephala) and Introduced Plants (Cinchona succirubra, Psidium guaiava, Lantana camara) with Reference to Regeneration Mechanism of Scalesia Forests in the Galttpagos lslands Yoshikazu SHIMIZU* Synopsis Regeneration mechanism of Scalesia forests and competitive relationships between tfuee species of tree &alesia (5. pedunculata, S. cordata, S microcephala) and some introduced spcies (Cinchona succintbrg Psiilium gaajava, Lantona carnara. etc.) were studied in 80 plots ofsix siteg in Santa Cruz, Isabela and Floreana. Especially, the oneyear change ofvegetation after the 1994 fire was survcyed in connection with the regeneration of S. cordan forest and the invasion of Psidium guajava in Isabela. The ecology of shrubby Scalesia (5. afinis) was also studied in 8 plots of four sites in the same islands. Two regeneration types were detected: ( 1) Synchronous Type in moist for*ts with closed canopy: old trees of Scalesia die synchronously because of much rain at an Bl Niflo event, new seedlings of Scalesia germinate all at once, and tley make an even-aged population, and (2) Continuous Type in drier for6ts with sparse canopy: regeneration ofscalesia trees occur turn by turn in canopy gaps continuously, making a different-aged population. Cinchona succirubm is spreading rapidly to the vast Highland area in Santa Cruz, but it has not invaded theS. pedunculato for6t with closed canopy yet' because it needs bright and moist condition for establishnent. It is speculated that Cinchona may invade the S pedunculara forest rapidly at the next El Nifro event when the canopy collapses all 8t once. Psidium gttajava is making a vast secondary forest on the windward slope of Sierra Negra' Isabela. The 1994 fire burned a large area in this region. New shoots (l-2 m hieh) sprouted from the base of dead stems of Psidium, while no burnt trees of S. cordata hsld such new shoote. So the fire accelerated replaceme nt of S cordata 1lirth Psidium. S. cotdata saplings (2-3 m high) were growing near adult trees which had survived the fire at forest margins and fire'break belts. Small parches of S. cordaU forest may recover in these places. S. micrccephala makes a sparse foreet on the north-east slope of Alcedo, Isabela. No introduced tree and ehrub species were found there. Lantana camom covers tlc ground of S pedunculata forests densely in Florcana. This may prevent establishment of S. pe&nctlata seedlings at the next regeneration event' resulting in dirappearance of the forests. The distribution of tree Sbalesrd and S, cfinir never overlap with each other. Low seed dispersibitity.of Scalesia s€ems to be related with this distribution pattern. Compared with the introduced plant species, the rapid growth rate of seedlings and eaplings is a great advantage of tee Scalesia, but the low seed dispersibility is the largeet weak point. If wc hclp tree Scalesia by making an olrcn land and dispereing seeds at the appropriate time, it would be possible to restore,Scclesia forest in disturbed area. Pacific Ocean, 960 km west of the South Ameri- I. Introduction can Continent. They form a province of the Republic of Ecuador, consisting of sixteen main 1. Location & Geology islands and more than 40 islets with a total land The Galfupagos Islands are located in the east area of 7882 km2 (Fig. 1). Seven islands have an * Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Komazawa University, Tokyo. 一- 23 -― Regional Views No. 11 1997 DARWIN 屁b P:NttA S woLF 6 0 GENOVESA 92° W MARCHENA 。 。 ′/こ 漁 ―――――――――― Foユ F p._.| ふ km ―― ―――― I A R I I I 1 0 r SAN CRiSTOBAL SA需電 選電‖lttA Cerro― 二 γ Lrt」 Vi二 二aコ己二 :SA:ELA I FLOREANA 静 ESPANOLA a“ 二as C 90° Fig. 1. Geographicel map of the Galipagos Ishndr. Broken lines on the nap show the 200n, 500n and 1000 n contours ftom the sea level. Table 1. Islands of the Galipagos Islands area of more than 100 km2 lTable 1). The larg- est, Isabela, has an area of 4588 km', more than Name Area (k-') Altitude (m) the total area of all the other islands combined. Isabela 4,588 1,707 The islands are dispersed just under the Equator, Santa Cruz 986 864 ranging from approximately 1"40'N to lo25'S Fernandina 642 1,494 latitude and from 89" 20'W to 92o 00'W longi- Santiago 585 907 tude. The highest peak in the archipelago is 1707 San Cristobal 558 739 m of Volcan Wolf in Isabela. Floreana 173 640 The islands have been formed by the activity Marchena 130 343 of Espafiola 60 206 the hot spot which seems to be located at the Pinta 59 777 north-western end of the archipelago. The islands Baltra 27 100 are made up of basaltic lava flows built one upon Santa F6 24 259 another and deposits of volcanic ash, cinders, and Pinz6n 18 458 scoria thrown out of craters during eruptions Genovesa 14 76 (Jackson 1993). Three rows of island chains are Rabida 5 367 detected running from the northwest to the south- Wolf 1。 3 253 east: (l) Pinta-Marchena-Genovesa-San Cris- Darwin 1.1 168 tobal, (2) Santiago-Rabida-Pinz6n-Santa Crvz- Santa F6-Espaflola, (3) Fernandina-Isabela- Floreana (Itow 1983). According to the Plate 一- 24 -一 Competitive Relationships between Tree Species of Scc/esia and Introduced Plants (Shimizu) Tectonics theory, the present islands formed within 2.8-6.3 million years on the Nazca Plate have been moving from the northwest to the southeast at a speed of 3.7 cm per year, so the older islands with eroded landscapes are located at the south-eastern part of the island chains, while the younger ones with active volcanoes at part Recently a the north-western (Geist 1996). o .'- 10 million-year-old submerged island was dis- i;:T i::; covered east of San Cristobal, so the age of the Fig. 2. Monthly mean temperatures and preci- archipelago must be older than the present islands pitation recorded from 1965 to 1994 at CDRS (Christie at al. 1991). There are historical re- Meteorological Station, Santa Cruz. cords of volcanic eruptions in Pinta, Santiago, Fernandina and Isabela. As water percolates (a) rapidly to considerable depths, there are virtually ( no permanently flowing streams with the excep- E 5 0 0 ) 8 tion of a small stream in San Cristobal. 0 0 0 引 一 o 一 「 5 0 0 , o o Climate 0 0 0 2. と The climate of the Galiryagos Islands is excep- tionally cool and dry for equatorial islands due to the influence of the cool Hunbolt current running through the islands from the south. The annual □ 1969 層調 1970 average temperature and precipitation is 23.9"C and 473.8 mm (1965-1994) at CDRS Meteoro- (b) logical Station, Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz (Fig. 2). Two seasons are detected: (1) rainy season from January to June with sunny sky, hot temper- 目 ature and occasional squall, and (2) dry (garua) season from July to December with cloudy sky, cool temperature and little rainfall (Jackson 1 ee3). The south-east trade wind is prevailing and the Hunbolt current is dominant in the dry season. Fig. 3. Precipitation of the Galipagos Islands As the air cooled by the ocean current makes an (a) Altitudinal change of precipitation on the inversion layer at the altitude of 300 m-600 m, southern slope of Santa Cruz in 1969 and 1970. ascending cloud is suppressed at this height and Drawn from the data of Werfr (1979). (b) brings precipitation to the mountain slope (Fig. Annual change of precipitation at CDRS 3a). But the lowland area remains arid. The Meteorological Station, Santa Cruz. windward side of the islands gets far more precip- itation than the leeward side. The difference in rain fall is a main cause of the difference of drought sometimes hits the Islands. The occa- vegetation between the windward and the leeward sional occurrence of El Nifro and drought has sides. much influence on the life of plants and animals In the rainy season, the south-east trade wind in the Galhpagos. becomes weak and the warm Panama Basin flow comes closer to the islands. So the sea tempera- 3. History ture arises and the inversion layer disappears, The Gal6pagos Islands were discovered by bringing the typical tropical weather with sunny Tom6s de Berlanga accidentally in 1535. For skies and occasional squall. When the sea temper- many years the islands were used chiefly as a base ature continues to be unusually high once in of pirates, and later as a port of call by whalers several years, the total rainfall becomes 5 times for repairs and capturing tortoises for fresh meat. and more larger than usual years (Fig. 3b). This Scientific collection was done in the first quarter event is called "El Nifio". On the contrary, severe of the nineteenth century. Charles Darwin visited 一- 25 -― Regional Views No. 11 1997 four islands of the archipelago on the voyage of The 229 species (42.3Vo) out of the 541 species HMS Beagle from September 15 to October 20, are endemic to the Galiryagos. Progenitors of 1835. He collected 209 plant specimens which 94Vo of the non-endemic natives and 87Vo of the was the primary foundation for subsequent work endemics might have come from Tropical Amer- on the vascular plants of the islands (Wiggins & ica and the Andean region including pantropical Porter l97l). It is famous that he got an inspira- elements which are distributed in both the Amer- tion of evolution theory here which materialized ican and the Old World Tropics (Porter 1984).
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