Third Series1R.63 Friday, May 1, 1964 Vaisakha 11, 1886 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Seventh Session (Third/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS No. 63-Friday, May 1, 1964/VaisaMha II, 1886 (SaMa) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions- *Starred Questions Nos. 1273 to 1275,1277 to 1280, 1282, 1283. 1286A, 1287, 1288 and 1290 13791-827 Short Notice Question No. 22 13827-31 Written Answers to Questions- Starred Questions Nos. 1276, 1281, 1285, 1289 and 1291 13831-35 Unstarred· Questions Nos. 2747 to 2759, 2761 to 2783, 2783A, 2783B, and 2783C . 13835-57 Correction of answer to U.S.Q. No. 1825 dated 3-4-1964 re. Small Scale Industries Corporation, Orissa. 13857 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance- Bomb explosion in Poonch Power House 13857-59 Papers laid on the Table . 13859-61 Messages from Rajya Sabha 13861~2 Presentation of petition 13862 Business of the House and announcement rc: next session of Lok Sabha . 13862-75 Statement rc: Bokharo Steel Project- Shri C. Subramaniam 13875--'78 Coir Industry (Amendment) Bill- Motion to consider 13878-905 Shri Maniyangadan 13887-82 Shri N. Sreekantan Nair 13882- 87 Shri B. K. Das 1388 7--88 Shri Yashpal Singh 13888-90 Shri S. C. Samanta 13890-92 Dr. Sarojini Mahishi 13892- 06 Dr. M. S. Aney . 13896--97 Shri ~anubhai Shah 13897---904 Clauses 2 to 7 and 1 . 13904-05 ~otion to pass as amended Shri Manubhai Shah 1390 5 *The sign +marked above the name ofa Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that ~ember. 555 (Ai) LSD-I. ( II ) COLUMN8 Taxation Laws (Continuation and Validation of Recovery Proceed- ings) Bill- Motion to consider Shri T. T. Krishnamachari Shri Heda . 13910- 14 Shri A. N. Vidyalankar 13914-15 Shri Onkar Lal Berwa 13915-17 Clauses 2 to 7 and 1 . 13919 Motion to pass- Shri T. T. Krishnamachari 13920 Bast Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners' (Delhi Amendment) Bill- Motion to consider 13920-24 Dr. D. S. Raju 13920-23 Shri S. M. Banerjee 13923-24 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- Forty-third Report-adopted 13925 Resolution re : Disparity in Income-withdrawn 13925-89 Shri B. P. Yadava 13926-27, 1398j-B7 Shri Sarjoo Pandey 1392 8-30 Shri D. S. Patil . 1393 1-35 Shri Yashpal Singh 13935-39 Shei Bhagwat Jha Azad 13940-45 Shri Onkar Lal Berwa 13946-50 Shri D. N. Tiwary 13950-54 Shri Priya Gupta 13954-60 Shri S. M. Banerjee 13960-63 Shri Muthiah 13963-66 Shri P. R. Chauaverti 136~8 Shri P. L. Barupal 13969-72 Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha 13972- 85, 13987-88 Resolution re: National Policy in Education- Shri Sidheshwar Prasad LOK SABHA DEBATES 1379 I 13792 LOK SABRA ~ ~t ~ f'f."4t 'lPT ~~~ Friday, Mall 1, 19641Vaisakha 11,1886 ~ ("lit I (Saka) Shri Kanungo: Not necesslU'lly. But in any case this particular manufac- ture is at the lowest priority. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. Shri S. M. Banerjee: May I know the names of companies which have [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] been gran led this import licence? ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Shrl Kanungo: Eufoam (Private) Foam Plastic Uniu, Limited. °1Z73. Shrt Yashpal Singh: Will ~t ~i llf iff;; ~ ~ flr. the Minister of Industry be pleased ~ '!>' f.wi if; ~a 2l"( ,ft ~ m to state: 'f; .... ri~r 'II lffi'f n~ i:r mm ~ (a) the number of fOllm plastic i~ ~ ~ ~ units set up or proposed to be sct up ft, "t'r 'f."r in the public or private sector dvrllll( ~. the Third Plan period; (b) whether it wilI suffice the need Shri Kanunro: I have not got the of the country.; and figures of import but the manuflu:- ture in the country is not)'et ade- (c) the total amount for which im- quate. port licences were issued during 1963-64? Shrl Sham La! Saral: In view of The Minister of Industry (Shrt the answer given by the han. Mlnla- Kanungo): (a) to (c). Two Units tcr that these foam plastics will ulti- including one Unit in the small :;eale mately be used for packlnr, and sector, are in production and one n·,ore knowing as we do that the price of Unit is under installation. No sepA- timber has gone up very much, may rate target has been fixed for 1111stic I know to what extent these foom foam. Import licences for about plastics are used for packing? Rs. 5,51,000 in all have been ls'IUcd. Shrl Kanunro: This will certainly '" Ifff1m'f ~ 4'f ;f.T m<r m<'l not replace timber. It will come for a Ii tUe cushioning. if 'flif 'lit ~ IT'it ~ I 'f'n 1f'1""f,' ~ ~ -z::; .m- m<r ~ .1~ Tit ~ Shrl P. N. J[aYal: Where II the re- gistered office Of this company to Shrt KaDuugo: It is now -nostly whom this import licence baa been used for bedding, cushioning purpos- granted? es and ultimately it has got to be used for packing also. The demand Shrl Kanunp: I have not got that is growing satisfactorily. information. Shrl P. V,enkatuubbalah: The hOD. Minister says that producUon t. not 13793' Oral Answers MAY 1, 1964 Oral Answers 13794 able to meet the demand. In that ed for from U.K.; tenders will be case may, I know whether any new invited for supply of forgings and companies have come forward for castings for the manufacture of stf'am getting licences of it and if so VIlla t turbines, from the various supplier is the reaction of the Government' countries. Shri Kanungo: It is on the lowest Shri SubOdh Hansda: The hon. priority and we do not encourage it. Minister said that the shortcomings will be gradually removed. May ~ 1~~or know when these will be removed Sf1 ... Ti fcrit!1IT and whether the Ranchi Heavy Engi- orr~ ~ iffif ~ i1' "'FiT ~ 'ftIT neering Corporation will be able to ~~ <f'iIT!i Pf ~r mOl ~i r~1 supply, all the forgings and castings? ~ f>r:,-it f'f" '3Xf"1n o"Tr'ii1 'f,?" 11~ I The Minister Of Steel, Mines and Heavy Engineering (Shri C. Subra- Shrl Kanungo: It can be :nade maniam): I do not think Ranchi will from natural rubber as well as urti- be able to supply forgings and ~at flci.al rubber as weI! as various other ings entirely. Our idea is to have a raw materials. The question of pro- separate casting and forging unit to tection does not arise. supply to Heavy Electricals. Heavy Electricals Ltd., Bhopal Shri Subodh Hansda: What is the + foreign exchange requirement for the rShri Subodh Hansda: forgings and castings which have Shri S. C. Samanta: been ordered from U.K.? "1274. Dr. P. N. Khan: tShri S. M. Banerjee: Shrl C. Subramaniam: We 'He try- ing to work out the requirements of Will the Minister of Steel, Mines foreign exchange from the United and Heavy Engineering be pleasE'd to Kingdom, and the Finance Ministry state: . has agreed to take a long-term view (a) whether the initial difficulties for three years and make advanc(' for shortfalJ in production in the provision. for this. Heavy Electricals Ltd., Bhopal have Shri S. C. Samanta: Ma-" I ,(nOw been removed; whether any attempts have been (b) whether advance provision of made to manufacture heavy ~atin raw materials has been made and if and forgings which are being import- so, for how many years; and ed in so much quantity at present? (C) whether orders for the requisite Shri C. Subramanlam: At present quantities of heavy castings and forg- the capaCity is limited and to the ex- ings have been placed and if 50, on tent extra capacity is available we which countries? will be able to get some of these The Deputy Minister in the Minis- castings and forgings in the ~itin try of Steel, Mines and Heavy Enri- unit but, as I stated already, a sepa- neerlng (Shri P. C. SethI): (a) These rate unit is absolutely necessary. are being removed gradually. Shri S. M. Banerjee: I would like (b) Stocks have been built up to know whether the attention :If the varying from 3 to 12. months; this is, hon. Minister has been drawn to a however, a continuous process de- news item in the and the pending upon diversification and ex- Stutesman Times of India of today that produc- pansiOn Of production. tion has not started in full swing and (c) Heavy Forgings and Castings, some labour trouble is apprehended required for the manufacture of and, iJifo, what is the reaction or hydraulic turbines, have been order- the ~ment to that and what 13795 Ora! Answers VAISAKHA 11, 1886 (SAKA) Oral AnsweTi steps are taken to see that normalcy Shri C. Subramaniam: I am sorry returns here? have not got that information. Shri C. &bra,maniam : As the Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah: Has the House is aware, there was a strike hon. Minister's attention been drawn and then a shut-out. After that the to a news that has appeared today factory has reopened and all the sec· that wall posters had been fixed on tions are functioning now. No dOUDt the wall stating that Shiva thandavam it will take time to reach normalcy. will be done, meaning that the entire But my own information is that production will be destroyed, if there is no fresh trouble there, un- arrested leaders are not released, and less the hon. Member has some au- what is the precaution that Govern- vance information about it.
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