Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89974-1 - Nazi Crimes and the Law Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander Index More information Index accessories, accomplices vs. main Austrian Research Center for Postwar perpetrators, 11, 30–3, 95–7, 98–9, Trials, 150 137 Adenauer, Konrad, 10, 66, 116, 159, Babi Yar massacre, 40 162 Badoglio, Petro, 119, 121, 123 policies of amnesty and reintegration, 9, Balkans, 11, 12, 120, 174 83, 115, 158 Barge, Hans, 120–22, 125 Adorno, Theodor, 87, 116 Bartesch, Martin, 140, 142 Alexandria, 103, 104 Barthel, Heinrich, 46–51 Allied Control Council, 3, 43, Baunbuch (“brown book), 167 60 Befehlsnotstand. See defense arguments Allied High Commission, 158 Belgium, 76, 141 Alzey, 22 Benda, Ernst, 170 amnesty. See reintegration of former Bergen Belsen, 69 Nazis Bergerhoff, Hans, 78 Ankenbrand, Adam, 74–6 Berlin, 35, 54, 120, 129 Anschluss, 17, 67, 143 Berlin Wall, 114, 134, 166 anti-Semitism, 63–4, 67, 84, 97, 104–5, Bernburg, 23 111–12 Bernotat, Fritz, 52, 55–62 archives. See documents, documentary Birkenau concentration camp, 31, 204, 210 evidence Black, Peter, 186, 188, 192 Aristarco, Guido, 128 blacks, legislation against, 20 Arys, East Prussia, 104 Blum, Leon, 73 Auerswald, Willy, 79 Blum, Philipp, 55–61 Auschwitz, 76, 141, 142, 147, 179, 181, Blume, Manfred, 106, 110–11 211, 213 Bolker, Hermann, 57 war crimes trials, 28, 31, 141, 153, 164, Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 92 180 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 39 Austin, Elmore, 47 Bradfisch, Otto, 95–7 Austria, 11–12, 15, 17, 27, 73, 139–42 Brandenburg, 23 people’s court (Volksgerichte)andwar Brassi, Claudio, 136 crimes prosecutions, 12, 142–50 Bratislava, 186 War Criminals Act, 143–6 Braunsteiner Ryan, Hermine, 33, 175 217 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89974-1 - Nazi Crimes and the Law Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander Index More information 218 Index Breitman, Richard, 192 administration of, 21, 179–82, Brentano, Heinrich von, 49 193 Brno, 186 medical experiments, 68, 73, 77 Broszat, Martin, 180, 211 treatment of prisoners, 32, 33, 67–8, Browning, Christopher, 192 73–4 Bruchsal Prison, 59 trials, 26, 31–3, 69–72, 73–6, 77–9, 162, Brunner, Alois, 148 177 Brunner, Anton, 147 Control Council Law No, 10 (1945) 3, Buchenwald concentration camp, 65, 73, 26–7, 35, 43, 60, 92, 76, 77 crimes against humanity charge, 6, 10, prosecution of personnel, 73–6 27, 54, 61, 87, 94, 131, 152, 173 Bucher, Ewald, 163–71 Control Council Law No, 2, 59 Bulgaria, 164 Cracow, 142 Bundesgerichtshof, 92–3, 98, 152 Czechoslovakia, 76, 147 Bundestag, 151, 165, 170 Bundeswehr, 9, 98, 116, 128, 136 Dachau concentration camp, 21, 65, 67–8, Buuck, Heinrich, 74–6 76, 77, 177, 180 prosecution of personnel, 69–72, 147 Calley, William, 84 Dallin, Alexander, 37 Cambodia, 12 Darfur, 12 Canada, 9, 114, 188, 197, 198, 201, 205 Darmstadt, 46–51 Canaris, Wilhelm, 92 Daum, Georg, 46–51 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (de Bernieres),` de Bernieres,` Louis, 133 133 de Gaulle, Charles, 73 Carr, E. H., 204 De Negri, Marcella, 135 Casablanca conference (1943), 12 defense arguments, 6–7, 26, 58, 78, 79–80, Center for Research Libraries, 37 92, 96, 112, 176, 179, 185 Central Office for Investigation of Nazi-Era acts of atonement/reprisal, 74, 88–90, Crimes (Dortmund), 114, 118, 119, 104 129–31, 134 Befehlsnotstand, acting under superior Central Office for the Investigation of orders/duress, 4, 6, 30, 64, 70, 74, National Socialist Crimes. See 75–6, 79, 88, 95, 102, 107–9, 125, Zentrale Stelle Ludwigsburg 185 Cephalonia, Greece, 10, 119–36 sovereign immunity, 4, 7 Chelmno, 210 Dejaco, Walter, 141 war crimes trial, 31 Del Roio, JoseLu´ ´ıs, 136 Christ und Welt, 151 denaturalization and deportation Christie, Douglas, 199–206, 207, 212 proceedings, 140, 173, 175–8, 179, Churchill, Winston, 2, 5, 12, 44 185, 194 CIA, 10 denazification. See reintegration of former Ciampi, Carlo Azeglio, 133 Nazis Clemenceau, Georges, 4 Denson, William, 69–70, 79 Cold War, 9, 10, 61, 113–19, 131–7, 174, Destruction of the European Jews (Hilberg), 37 182–4 Deutscher Juristentag (Association of communism, communists, 7, 23, 67, 88, German Jurists), 95 89, 114, 117, 143, 168, 174, 182–4 Deutsch-Schutzen,¨ 148 concentration camps Dicks, John, 56–9 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89974-1 - Nazi Crimes and the Law Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander Index More information Index 219 “Did Six Million Really Die?” Final Solution, 9, 107–10, 192, 206, 210, (Harwood/Verrall), 198, 200 211 Die Welt, 151 Flossenburg concentration camp, 65, 92 Die Zeit, 151 Formato, Rumualdo Father, 123 Ding-Schuler, Erwin, 73 Fraenkel, Ernst, 90 disabled persons France, 3, 46, 76, 120 legislation against, 18 Frankfurter Rundschau, 112 murder of, 22–3, 52 Franz, Kurt, 31 Dobbins, James C., 56–9 Frei, Norbert, 154 Documentation Center of Austrian Frick, Wilhelm, 20 Resistance (Dokumentationsarchiv des Friedlander, Henry, 192 osterreichsichen¨ Widerstandes), 149 Friedrich, Jorg,¨ 84 documents, documentary evidence, 36–41, Fritsch, Werner von, 38 113, 118, 132, 134, 150, 159, 162, Fugmann, Karl, 46–51 163–71, 174, 178–9, 182–4, 190–2 Funke, Hajo, 207, 209 double jeopardy, 110, 111 Douglas, Lawrence, 198, 213 Galicia, 142, 189 Dubnow, 94 Gandin, Antonia, 120–5, 128 Dumont, William, 47 Geneva conventions, 5, 11, 48 German Military Code of Justice East Germany. See Germany, German (Militarstrafgesetzbuch¨ ), 30, 109 Democratic Republic German penal code, 26–33, 107, 151 Ebensee, 78 German Rule in Russia (Dallin), 37 Ehrenboeck, Karl, 71–2 Germany, Federal Republic, 8–11 Eichmann, Adolf, 10, 139, 141, 148 prosecution of war crimes, 2, 24–33, 60, trial of, 28, 79 65, 87, 89–90, 92–3, 95–9, 111, 113, Eicke, Theodor, 67, 180 115–19, 128–37, 146, 150, 151–66, Einsatzgruppen, 32, 87, 93–7, 98, 99, 102, 168–72 118, 162, 192 public opinion of war crimes Ulm trial (1958), 28, 117, 161 prosecutions, 7, 9, 82, 97, 115 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 51, 59, 64 Germany, German Democratic Republic, Elster, Jon, 8 9, 27, 114, 116–18, 134, 155, 156, Engerau labor camp, 148 158–60, 163–72 Erhard, Ludwig, 163–71 Germany, Imperial, 18 Ertl, Fritz, 141 Germany, Nazi, 8, 16–24, 29, 38–9, 40, Erzberger, Matthias, 27 67–8, 70–73, 76–7, 93–5, 102–10, ethnic German. See Reich German/ethnic 119–27 German distinction Germany, Weimar Republic, 5, 8, 16, 18, euthanasia programs, 22, 26, 51–4, 57, 68, 39 139, 142 Germany and the Soviet Union (Weinberg), Evans, Richard, 207, 209, 213 37 Gerstein, Kurt, 212 Faurisson, Robert, 204 Gestapo, 29, 32, 91, 129, 147, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 182 184 Fedorenko, Fedor, 176–7, 186 Giordano, Ralph, 113, 137, 154 Felmy, Helmuth, 88 Gleichschaltung,16 Felsch, Friedrich, 78 Globke, Hans, 9, 117, 159 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89974-1 - Nazi Crimes and the Law Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander Index More information 220 Index Globocnik, Odilo, 31, 139, 141, 193 historians as expert witnesses, 13, 190–92, Goeller, Sigwart, 126 214–15 Goering, Hermann, 129 Hitler, Adolf, 31, 38, 98, 106, 107, 110, Gogl, Johann Vinzenz, 140 111, 120, 126, 129, 137, 180 Goldhagen thesis, 177 anti-Semitism of, 63–4, 66, 84, 207 Goring,¨ Hermann, 31 attempted assassination of, 8, 119 Goth,¨ Amon, 142 decrees, orders, and laws promulgated, Gottfried Weiss, Martin, 69 17, 19, 23, 26, 32, 57, 88, 95, 96, 120, Grabner, Maximilian, 147 124, 129–30, 211 Grafeneck castle, 23 public support for Nazism, 7, 8, 97, 115 Gray, Charles Sir, 208–9, 211, 212–13, Hitler We Loved and Why, The (Zundel),¨ 199 215 Hofle,¨ Hans, 139 Great Britain, 3, 15, 24, 27, 44, 69 Hohnstein concentration camp, 21 Grebe, Friedrich, 94 Holtzman, Elizabeth, 175 Greece, 76, 88–90, 119–36 Holtzman Amendment, 175–7 Gros-Raming, 78 Hoss,¨ Rudolf, 79 Gross, Heinrich, 142, 147 Hoßbach, Friedrich, 38 Gude,¨ Max, 161 Hrubieszow, 189 Gumkowski, Janucz, 169 Huber, Irmgard, 55–61 Guns¨ (Koszeg),¨ 148 Hungary, 132, 164 Gusen subcamp, 76, 77, 78 Hussein, Saddam, 12 Guth, Paul, 79 Gutlich, Philipp, 46–51 Illing, Ernst, 146 Guttenplan, D. D., 212 Institut fur¨ Sozialforschung, 98 gypsies, 67, 139 Institute for Contemporary History, 38 legislation against, 18–20 Institute of Historical Review, 205 Intelisano, Antonino, 132 Hadamar sanatorium, 23, 51–4, 65 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism prosecution of personnel, 54–62, 69 Prevention Act (IRTPA), U.S., 194 Hague, 12 International Military Tribunal (IMT), 3, Hague conventions, 3, 4, 5, 48, 58 15, 38, 43, 64, 79, 144 Hallstein Doctrine, 162 Iraq, 12 Hamburg Institute of Social Research, 118 Irving, David, 197, 204, 214 Hantscharenko, Victor, 74–6, 81 Italy, 15 Hartgen, Josef, 46–51 military, 9, 10, 119–27 Hartheim, 23, 68, 139 prosecution of war crimes, 127–8, 132 Harwood, Richard, 198 Haussmann, Wolfgang, 169 Jackson, Robert, 2, 4, 6–7, 70 Heer, Hannes, 130 Jager,¨ Herbert, 80–2 Henkel, Peter, 112 Jahn, Gerhard, 170 Herbert, Ulrich, 83 Jaworski, Leon, 48–51, 54–9 Heydrich, Reinhard, 31, 76, 98 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 67, 193 Hilberg, Raul, 37, 192, 199, 201, 206 Jewish Institute (Warsaw), 167 Himmler, Heinrich, 31, 38, 67, 98, 104, Jews, 67, 73 105–12, 129 confiscation of property, 8, 23, 26, 177 Hindenburg, Paul von, 4, 16 exclusion from economic activities, 8, 20 Hirschfeld, Harald von, 125 legislation against, 18–21, 91 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89974-1 - Nazi Crimes and the Law Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander
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