Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE YANGCHENG TO HlJAIYIN 500 kV POWER TRANSMISSION l'ROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized V.i.. 3 Public Disclosure Authorized Jiangsu Provincial Electric Power Company No. 20 West Beijing Road Nanjing, Jiangsu Province People's Republic of China October 1997 Public Disclosure Authorized Table of Contents Pages 0. Executive summary 0-0 1. Introduction and background 1-1 I.1 The necessity of 500kV power transmission project construction 1-2 41.2The basic of environmental impact assessment for 1-2 500kV power transmission project 2. Project description 2-1 2.1 The route and composition of power transmission lines 2-1 2.2 Svitchyard. substation 2-2 2.3 power transmission line 2-2 2.4 Yellow river crossing 2-4 3. Environmental background status 3 3.1INatural environment 3-1 3.2 Ecological environment 3-3 3.3 Noise level 3-4 3.4 Electric field level 3-5 3.5 Social economic environment and living quality environment 3-5 4. Construction periiod environmental impact 4-1 4.1 Environmental impact identification 4-1 4.2 The impact on natural environment 4-1 4.3 Impact on ecological environment 4-4 4.4 Impact on social environment 4-6 4.5 Impact on living quality environment 4-8 5. Operation period environmental impact 5-1 5.1 Environmental impact identification 5-1 5.2 Impact on natural environment 5-1 5.3 Impact on ecological environment 5-3 5.4 Impact on social environment 5-5 5.5 Impact on living environment 5-8 6. Analvsis of alternatives 6-1 6.1 No action 6-1 6.2 Alternative voltage 6-2 6.3 DC transmission line 6-2 6.4 Comparisons 6-2 7. Mitig tting measurs 7-1 7.1 Residential quarters etc. sensitive areas in the vicinity of 7-1 po'wer transmission line 72 Crossing traffic 7-2 7.3 Crossing waters 7-2 7.4 Switchyard and substation 7-2 7.5 Agricultural land and agricultural production 7-3 7.6 Land occupation and compensation 7-4 7.7 Migrants settlement 7-4 7.8 Cultural Resources 7-5 7.9 Landscape 7-5 7. 10 Fcological environment protection 7-6 7.1 1 Constructing access 7-6 7. 12 Labor safety and protection 7-6 S. Environmcnt management an(l monitorinia 8-1 8.1 Switchyard, substation 8-1 8.2 Power transimiissioi line 8-1 8.3 Environmental protectioni and safel) trainino 8-l 9. Public DartiCiDlation 9-I 9.1 Tlhcputblic participation in tilc process of Ilin. routingl 1n1ddeTsigninT (-I 9.2 Thef sleurveyrcsult OftIC ,tpiblicparticipali(Inl )-2 RZf'efrenies Awpendixes A: TIhcecological enivironment survey of the rcoions aloing Yangclehiegto H-wuiying S00k V power transmiiissioniline 13: ELlviiirolnmilelitalinipact assessmenlt on poer\\. tasI.IlSMISSion1lineC aILIdSwN itCh1 Staitioln lnotice C: Field monitoringzandec surveying on power tralnSIiXSiOIi lilnC 11ndSUIbSta iO0 (switch stationi) D: part representations list in puiblic participation 1: List ot conitacts EIA report for the Project Executive Summary Jiangsu Province Electric Power Company (JPEPC) suggests to build 500kV Yangcheng to Huaiyin power transmission project, to have Shanxi Yangcheng power plant power transmitted to Jiangsu 500kV power grid, in alleviating Jiangsu power shortage situation. Resources for the project investments will be realized. in part, with funds available from the existing Yangzhiouthermal power project. A satisfactory EA had been accepted by the World Bank for the Yangzhou thermal power station during project preparation. However, the transmission project, as described above. was not icluded in the orignal project scope and in accordance with World Bank enviromilentalpolicies and procedures (OD 4.01. Environmental Assessment) a supplemental EA will now be requir-edfor the transmission project. Project Description ShanixiYangcheng is one of the China major energy bases, abulidant in coal storage and water resources, but deficient in transport capability. Jiangsu is one of the Chinia economiiicallydeveloped area but is deficient in energy, witli electric power shortage. To have Yangcheng electric power tralnsimiittedto Jiangsu can bring the superiiority of Shanxi energybase into full play and alleviate the Jiangsupower supply intense situation. ThlieYangcheng to Fluaiyin 500kV power transimiissionproject will include the following: * Two (2) new 500kV switchyards at Shandong Donoming and Jianosu Sanbao * Expand 500kV HLuaiyinsubstationi vith a 750 MVA tranisforimler Expand 500kV Renzhuang set-up station in-linleseparation * Build tranisimiissionilines as follows: a) Three circuits fiom Yangcheng power plant to Dongining switchlyard (length: 256.3km) b) Two circuits fiom Donoming switchyard to Sanbao switchyard (lengtih: 269.3km) c) Two circuits fi-om Sanbao switchyard to FILuaiyinisubstation (length: 207.1 km) d) One circuit from Sanbao switchyard to Renziluang set-up station (lengtlh: 37.9km) 0-1 EIA report for the Project The project passes through Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu etc. five provinces and their 26 municipalities,(counties) administrative district of respective municipality (county), shown in Fig.l. The suggested power transmission lines starting from Shanxi Yangcheng power plant ending at Jiangsu Huaiyin substation, between them. there install Dongming switchyard, Sanbao switchyard and Renzhuang step-up station (see Fig.l) , is to newly build Yangcheng to Dongming switchyard power transmission line three circuits (including Yellow River cross stride), Dongming switchyard to Sanbao switchyard power transmission line two circuit, Sanbao switchyard to Huaiyin substation power transmission line 2 circuit. Sanbao s\\ itchyard to Renzhuang step-up station transmission line one circuit (seeFig.2). The project power transmission line, bolstered by transmission towers, totally used 2397 towers with 44 structures. The single circuit line are mainly to adopt wine cup and cat head structures, and the double circuit lines are conductors drum-shaped tower (Fig.3). The Yellow River crossing segment is 10.555km in lenght. There will be 40 towers used at there. vary in height from 45.5-113.3m. To pass through 26 counties of 5 provinces, the power transmission line routes are to stride Tailiaig mouLIntainsarea. Yellow River valley and Xu Huai plains, where. having cultivated for 6000-S000 years. arc mostly farm fields. rivers and forest. Thledistributioll of various topography are: plain 760/%. water area 10 /%,mounltailnuis region 14 %. Potential Environmental Impact (1) Construction Period A. Some land would be temporarily occupied durinig line construction, and the original ecological environment would be temporarily effected. * During the line to be constructed in the Taihanig mountain'area, some low bushes would be cut do\Nn; * and in thie plain area, some crops would be affected. B. During the lines, switchyards and substations construction period, the constlruCtioninoise level at the boundary will meet tile China National standard within 70 dB(A). Normally, the COIlstrCtion sites are far away fi-omtihe population area, the construction noise has no impact on the residents. (2) Operationi Period A. The design of the Project will be implemilenitin accordinig with the regulations of China and MOEP. P.R.C. 0-2 EIA report for the Project * The lowest sag should be guarantee when transmission lines cross over highways, railways, power transmission lines and navigable rivers, specially the Yellow River crossing. There are no impact on transportation and navigation. * The transmission lines steer clear the communication lines, radio stations, TV stations and . airports during the line routes selection, and have no impact on them. B.Effects on land use * Some land would be occupied by the transmission lines constructed and the agriculture would be affected. * The two switchvards will occupy land of 17 ha: * The tower foundations of the transmission lines will occupy a total land area of 43.28 ha: * and be 0.00226% of farm land of the area along the line routes. The tower foundatiolis are separately located alone the line routes Witil the length of 770.6 kim,and occupy land 56 1.6 ml /lkm. So there is very small impact on the land use and local farmers. C. Houses Removal There are residential houses and commercial property of 35893 m2 .including of 128 families to be removed and 538 people to be affected, need be removed for n1oway to avoid. For those affected people, new houses will be built and a resettlement action plan will be carry out to guarantee tileir living quality not be lower. D. Impact of Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) on huminanhealth * The width of the line corridor is 65 rn. DUring the line route selection, the protected distance regulation for the houiseremoval is implemented. and the line steer clear the populationi area to reduce the impact of EMF. * In accordance with the EMF recommended standard limit value of Chinia and the researchi studies of the Bonneville Power Adtninistr-ation. USA, the impact of the EMF incrlircd by the transmission lines durinig operation period will hiaveno impact on the h1umllallhealth. * Durinig the route design period, the lines steer clear the schiools, hospitals, public places of entertainment. etc.. and hiaveno impact onithem. E. Noise It is predicted that under normal electric power operation frequency, the noise level ulider power transmissioni line corridor will be below 5OdB(A), that at 20m distant to corridor centre is also below 5OdB(A). It is predicted that under normal operation condition, the noise level at switchyards anid substations boundary will be lower than 5OdB(A) . Bothiare all lower tilan the World Banki standaid 7OdB(A). F. Impact on ecological environimient * The transmission line will pass througIl the Taihang mountains area. There will be some impact on ecological environment incuired by the land occupied for the tower foundations construction. * There are some impact on the agriculture in plain area alone the routes. Total of 32195 trees 0-3 EIA report for the Project that planted under the transmission line corridor would be cut down if necessary.
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