.. .t. / h N. t Nx / < > x 1 z ... / >R/' Xax j . .-') -- ' 2rjj' l - ') jjIJI . x ' - >. J' ' > N R A hf 8 &l N: B é' T H E KEN YA QAZETTE Published by Authority of the R epublic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXXVI- NO. 28 NAIROBI, 21st June, 1974 Price : Sh. 2 GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE'I'TE NoTIcEs- (Corl/#.) Pàc;s Public Service Commission of Kenya Appointments, Trado (Marks .. .. 740-743 etc. ' ... ... ... ... ... Probate and Administration 743-745 The Cereals and Sugar Finance Corporation Appoint- fncRt ... ... ...' ... ... ... ... **. Bankruptcy Jurisdiction ... 745 The Water Act Appointments, etc. The Companies Act Notice of Dividend, etc. ... The Kisii Town Council- List of Fees and Charges . The Societies Rules Registration, etc. The Karatina Town Council- t-ist of Fees and Charges The Trade Unions Act Registration 747 Judicial Servicô Commission- Assignments Loss of Policies ' ... 747-748 The Prisons Act- cancellations, etc. Local Government Notices . .. 748-749 The Armed Forces Act, lg68- commissions Tenders 750 Loss of L.P.O.s Change of Names 750 The Mining Act- Exclusion 'Vacancies . .. SUPPLEM EM No. 42 The Records Disposal (Courts) Rules-Notice .. Bills, 1974 The High Court of Kenya at Kisii- cause List (Published as a Special Tssue on 15th June, 1974) The Land Acquisition Act, 1968- Notice of Intention SUPPLEM ENT No. 43 Notice -of Inquiry Acts, 1974 The Government Lands Act- plot at Garissa Township The Registered Land Act- lssue of New Certïcates 732-733 SUPPLEMEN T No. 44 Legisla?ive Supplement The Animal Diseases Act- scheduled Areas TrV sport Licensing . 115 The Customs Taris (Remission) (Amendment) Industrial Court Awards (lrder, 1974 . The W eights and M easures Act- Notice to Traders ... 116 The Price Control (Beer and Stouts) Order, 1974 . ' . Air Selwices Licensing . .. , . .. .. 739-740 E.A. Customs and Excise Department Excise Licence 1 17- The Prikz Control (Fats and ' Ediblo Oi1s) ' ' 1Ss&le.tl .. ... ... ... ... ... ' ... (Amendment) Order, 1974 . .. .. i99 (721 722 THE KEN YA GARETFE 21st June, 1974 GAZE'I'TE No'rlcE No. 1918 GAZBTTB NoucB No. 1921 PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION OF KENYA THE W ATER ACT (Cap. 372) Appozxw sxTs APPOINTMENT OF SVATER UNDERTAU R ROBERT STANLEY KIAMA, to act as Conservator Of Forestss IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 124 of the Ministry of Natural Resources, with eseet from 22nd W ater Act, the Minister for Agriculture, after consultation with December, 1973. the W ater Resources Authority, llereby appoints- NJAGI KAMWANA MwARA, to be Assistant Computer M anager, Ministry of Pinance and Planning, with effect from 1st July, THs DzltzscloR, W ATSR DISU I-OI>MENT DSPARTMSN'r 1973. to be a Water Undertaker responsible for provision of adequate supplies of water for Lelmwoko, Torongo, Ongata Rongai, JAMES MWANGI KAMUNGE, to act as Deputy Dirvtor of Ebtlca- ' K inyang, Olenguruone, Lokitaung, K wanza, Iten, M erti, tion (Secretary, Teachers' Service Commission), Ministry of Dembwa W usi and Ikanga M utomo which areas are delineated Education, wlth esect from 16th April, 1974. in red on Plan Nos. LS /222, LS/ 164, M /231, LS/228, LS/232, LS /233, LS /234 ïLS /235, LS /221, LS /209, LS /230, LS /229 PRosfolqoxs respectivel#, coples of which are deposited at the oëce of- S'rspHsx KAHUBA KCHNANGE, to be Senior Assistant Secretary, (a) the Provincial W ater Omcer, Nakuru, in case of Plan Nos. Omce of the President, with elect from 10th September, 1973. L5/233, LS/231, LS/228, LS/235, 13/232, M /222 and DAvlo LIK:KO ODEDE, to be Senior Assistant Secretary, L5/234 ; M inistry of Poreign Asairs, with efect from 17th December, (b) the Provincial Water Oëcer, Embu, in case of Plan Nos. 1970. LS /221, LS /229 and LS /230 ; RICHARD STEPHEN KIMANZI t to be Senior Veterinary Oflicer, (c) the Provincial Water Bngineer, M ombasa, in case of Plan Ministry of Agriculture, wlth effect from 3rd September, 1973. No. LS/209. NJAGI KAMWANA MwARA, to be Head of Systems and Pro- Dated this 13th day of June, 1974. gramming, M inistry of Finance and Planning, with effect from 13th December, 1972. J. J. M . NYAGAH, JAMES OMOLO KAYILA, to be Sengor Financial Oëcer 1, M inistry M inister kor Agriculture. of Local Government, with efect from 8th May, 1974. S/NG SINGH DHILLON, to be Chief Personnel Oëcer, Vicer President's Omce and M inistry of Home Asairs, with eiect GAZBTTE Nozqcs No. 1922 from 9th M ay, 1973. THE KISII TOW N COUNCIL By Order of the Commission. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, 1963 , (L.N. 256 oj 1963) Dated this 14th day of June, 1974. THs TowN COUNCIL OF KISII HBRBIJNDBR IMPOSES NEw FEES DANIEL G. KIMANI, ANo CHARGBS UNDBIP TI4E PowERs CONFERRED UPON THEM BY Secretary, REGIJLATION 148 or THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, 1963, Public Service Ctpznrzlfxuit?rl oj Kenya. wITH EFFECT FROM 1sT JANUARY, 1974 0ld Extended Ft?ww Areas Sh. ' Sh. M eals, Drinks, Boarding and Lodgfng THE CEREALS AND SUGAR FINANCE CORPORATION Licence-- ACT . 1. Hobtoeal rdClnagss aAnd (lCoadtgelqningg) for. meals. , . drink. s. s .*500 100 Tap. 329) 2. Hotel Class B (Catering for meals, drinks, boarding and lodging) . 300 50 APPOINTMENT 3. Restaurants, meals and drinks only . 100 40 4. Coflke Kiosk . 100 40 IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 3 of the 5. Tea Room s . 100 40 Cereals and Sugar Binance Corporation Act, the M inister for 6. Sale of Ice-cream (Shops) . 100 40 Finance and Economic Planning hereby appoints- 7. Mobile Ice-cream (Carts) , . 30 15 8. Kiosks and Canteens . 150 100 J'o> I4AMAU Mucolu 9. M eat Roasting . .. 60 40 10. Lodging business up to 10 beds 100 50 to be a member of the Cereals and Sugar Flnance Corporation. 11. Lodging business 11 to 15 beds . 150 75 12. Lodging business 16 and over beds . 200 100 Gazette Notice No. 456 of 9th February, 1965, is' hertby 13. Lodging houses on semi-permanent building 50 25 cancelled. General Licences.- Dated this 7th day of June, 1974. 14. Generql Retail Trade u. r . ' 200 M W AI KIBAKI, 15 . Tailonng : (aj 5 Machines and over including Minister ltpr Finance and Economîc Planning. knitting . 400 200 (bj Less than 5 machines each , including knitting . 1% 50 (c) Less than 5 rpachines without -'' GAZE'I'TE NoTlcs No. 1920 shop . 60 40 16. Drapers and Grocers . 100 50 THE W ATER ACT 17. Fruits and vegetables . 100. 50 18. Poultry and eggs dealer . , . 100 50 (Ccp. 372) 19. Bata shoe shops . , . 250 - 20. Bata. shoe agents . , . 100 ' 50 APPOINTMENT OF SVATER IJNDERTAKER 21. Shoemakers . 200 100 22. Radio Dealers . , . 250 150 IN BXERCISE of powers eonferred by section 124 of the 23. Second-hand Clothes Hawker- tspecised W ater Act, the M inister for Agrkulture, after consultation with area) . - 150 the Waàer Resources Authoïity, hereby appolnts- 24. Textile Dealers . 200 100 25. Hardware Dealers . 500 200 THB DIRBCTOR, W ATBR DBVELOPMBNT DBPARTMBNT 26. Bookshops . : . 100 50 27. Dealers in Farm im plements and animal ' ' to be a W ater Undertaker responsible for plovision of adequate feeds . 1 . 300 300 supply of water for Laisamis which area is delineated in red on 28. Dealers in Sawlng Machines 600 400 Plan No. LS /205, copy of which is deposited at the ofhce of 29. Godown;s . 200 100 30. Occupatlon Licence . 5'0 50 Provlncial Water Engineer, Embu. 31. Plot Rent . , . - 50 Dated this 13th day of June, 1974. 332. THreardbes lPn eParloerdsu ce . 2100 150 34. Rotaries and Kiosks . 100 100 J. J. M . NYAGAH, 35. Oflie Furniture and Equipment Dealers . 300 150 . M inister for Agrîculture. 36. Charcoal Dealers (Reta51) . 100 50 723 Wholesale and Distributors-'- Slaughter House.'- 37. (J) Cigaiettes . 50û 500 i 10. Cattle per head including skinning . 20 - (b) Soda agent . 500 500 1 11. Goat per head including skinnipg . 5 (c) Beer agent . 500 500 112. Sheep per headrincluding skinnlng. 5 (#) Foodstufr agent . 500 500 (c) Appointed Produce agent . 200 200 1 1 3$. PTig per heal . 10 ' ransportatlon of slatn cattle per head . 5 5 (.f) Charcoal Dealers . ' . 500 . 500 1 1 5-. Transportatlon of slaln goat and sheep per hrad . ) 4 Entertainment.'- 1l 167. Bolllng of cattle . 10 - 38. Cinema and Show Theatres 200 200 . Bollln@ of sheep and goat . 10 - 39. Public amusements per day 10 10 118. Poundlng of cattle per head . - . 5 40. Public amusemrnts per month 50 50 119. Poupdlng of sheep and goat per head . 1 1 41. Trayellïng Mqslcians . , 100 l00 120. Burlal o: cattle per head . 10 - 42. Resldent M uslcians . 150 150 12l . Burlal of sheep, goat, dogs and cats per head 5 43. Jukebox fees . , . 100 80 445. Djsco fees . 100 50 . Nhght Clubs . 500 500 By order of Kisii Town Council, Spec@c Businesses Licence: Dated this 27th day of September, 1973. 46. Bakers . 150 100 x P. N . ANASS' 1, 47. Bptchers . , . 150 60 Town Clerk, 48. Flshmongers : . , 100 50 Kisii Town Council. 49. Posho Mills (fuel propelled) 250 100 50. Posho Mills (water propelled) . , . 100 50 Approved this 9th day of May, 1974. 521. Dry Cleaners anj Dyers , . 500 200 J. C. N . OSOGO, 53. Launéry-Dhobl . 100 50 Minister for Local Government. Sawmllling lndustries . 1,000 500 54. Driving Schopls . 500 500 55. Hïdes and Sklns Stores . 250 100 G AZE' TTE N OTICE No 1923 567. Hides and jkins Banda . 100 50 . Photp Studlos . 300 200 58.' Prbntlng Press . 300 300 TH'E KAM TINA TOWN COUNCIL 59. Quarrying . , . 1,500 1,500 THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT REGULATIONS, 1963 M iscellaneous Licences.'- 60. Byrbers and Hafrdressers . 100 50 (L.N.
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