2246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 16 Estonia, ap.d Latvia; to t~e Co~ittee on wife Joyce Mary Vargha (known as Joyce By Mr. RIJllHL~N~ . Foreign Affairs. · · Mary Gracza); to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4496. Pi. bin· tor the relief of ·Ingrid By Mr:DENTON: ·- diciary. Henriette Bela Wolff; tO the Committee on H. Res. 169. Resolution creating a select H.R. 4482. A bill for the relief of Urszula the Judiciary. · ' committee to conduct an investigation and Sikora; to the Committee on the Judi­ . By Mr. ROGERS of Florida: study of the effects of automation on em:­ ciary. H.R. 4497. A bill for the relief of George W. ployment; to the Committee on Rules. H.R. 4483. A bill for the relief of Simon Roberts; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. LIPSCOMB: Karasick; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4498. A blll for the relief of Maryellen H. Res. 170. Resolution to authorize the diciary. Boone; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Banking and Currency to H.R. 4484. A bill for the relief of Miss Liu By Mr. SMITH of Mississippi: conduct an investigation and study of the Lai Ching; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4499. A bill for the relief of Mrs. operation of the Export Control Act of 1949 diciary. Margaret Ruda Daniel; to the Committee on and related matters; to the Committee on H.R. 4485. A bill for the relief of Giovanna the Judiciary. Rules. Cancelliere; to the Committee on the Ju­ BY. Mr. STEED: By Mr. STRATTON: diciary. H.R. 4500. A bill to donate to the heirs of H. Res. 171. Resolution creating a select Anthony Bourbonnais approximately thirty­ committee to conduct an investigation and H.R. 4486. A bill for the relief of Radoslav six one-hundredths acre of land in Potta­ study of the operation of Federal Milk Mar­ Vulin and Desanka Vulin; to the Committee watomie County, Okla.; to the Committee on keting Order No. 27; to the Committee on on the Judiciary. Interior and Insular Affairs. Rules. By Mr. JONAS: By Mr. TOLL: H.R. 4487. A bill for the relief of Lee Kwai H.R. 4501. A bill for the relief of Margarete Sim; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Zgodda; to the Committee on the Judiciary. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 4488. A bill for the relief of Lee Haw By Mr. CURTIS of Missouri: Sim; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 241. Joint resolution to authorize Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. JOHNSON of California: the appointment of General of the Army bills and resolutions were introduced and H.R. 4489. A bill for the relief of Fook Q. Douglas MacArthur as General of the Armies severally referred as follows: Yip; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the United States; to the Committee on By Mr. ABBITT: By Mr. KILDAY: Armed Services. H.R. 4476. A bill for the relief of Cato Bros., H.R. 4490. A bill for the relief of Federico Maizumi Najera; to the Committee on the Inc.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. AUCHINCLOSS: Judiciary. H.R. 4477. A bill for the relief of Donald By Mr. KING of Utah: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions M. Peterson; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 4491. A bill for the relief of Ahmad and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk diciary. Nikbakht; to the Committee on the Ju­ and referred as follows: By Mr. DADDARIO: diciary. By Mr. MADDEN: 61. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Petition of the H.R. 4478. A bill for the relief of Aldo Plattsmouth, Nebr., Women's Club that Francesco Carbone; to the Committee on the H.R. 4492. A bill for the relief of Constan­ legislation be passed granting the State Judiciary. tin Zarna and his wife, Eva Zarna, and their Department authority to refuse passports to By Mr. FISHER: two sons, Pavel Zarna and Constantin known Communists and other legislation for H.R. 4479. A bill for the relief of Con­ Zarna; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the protection of national security against stantinos Kavadias; to the Committee on H.R. 4493. A bill for the relief of Salvatore communism in the United States of Amer­ the Judiciary. Spatafora; to the Committee on the Judi­ ica; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. HALPERN: ciary. 62. By Mrs. ST. GEORGE: Petition of the H.R. 4480. A bill for the relief of Jeffrey H.R. 4494. A bill for the relief of Concetta Greater Newburgh Chamber of Commerce, J. Powder; to the Committee on the Judi­ Casola; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Newburgh, N.Y., approving the location of ciary. By Mrs. PFOST: a major airport in Orange County, N.Y.; to H.R. 4481. A bill for the relief of George H.R. 4495. A bill for the relief of Yu Liao; the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Vargha (known as George Gracza) and his to the Committee on the Judiciary. Commerce. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac-Defender of sermons, by his pastoral letters, by his the persecuted Jews in Europe. At the whole life and saintly death, Cardinal time of his Communist-held trial in 1946 Western Ideals Stepinac showed the way out of the the evaluation of Stepinac by the Ameri­ crisis and wreckage in which the world can Jewish Committee was that: EXTENSION OF REMARKS lives. This man, now the victim of a sham trial, OF Stepinac stood for the Christian values all during the Nazi regime spoke out open­ of Western man in countless ways. He ly, unafraid against the dreadful Ni.irnberg HON. JESSICA McC. WEIS defended the freedom and worth of the laws and his opposition to the Nazi terror­ OF NEW YORK individual as an independent entity; the ism was never relaxed. He also cried out IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES freedom and respect for religion ; the against the infamous "yellow tag" system, contending that i~ violated the dignity of Thursday, February 16, 1961 freedom and respect for all races and man and he is credited with being the main nations; the freedom and respect for pri­ force of having it abandoned. Mrs. WEIS. Mr. Speaker, a little vate property as the basis of the freedom more than a year ago, on February 10, of the individual and the family; and the Because of the diametrically opposite 1960, Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac, a freedom and respect for the rights of aims of Christianity and communism it stanch and unremitting defender of his every nation to its full development and was inevitable that Stepinac, by ex­ Roman Catholic faith, the freedom and independence in its national life. He pounding Christian teachings and the independence of the people of Croatia, was one of very few men in Europe who rights of the church, clashed head on and the Christian values of the West, zealously and openly defended these re­ with Tito's . communism. On October died in bondage in his native village of ligious and civil rights of man before, 11, 1946, after a typical Communist­ Krasic, now controlled by Yugoslavia. during, and after the tumultuous period type trial, Archbishop Stepinac was sen­ In his life, and in his death, there is a of World War II. tenced to 16 years of imprisonment, and message of courage and steadfastness ·cardinal Stepinac set an example. of he spent the remaining years of his life which ought never to be forgotten by any courage that will live for ages to come in prison in Lepoglava and later under of us who still cherish those things for not only in his native Croatia, but house arrest in his native village of which Stepinac lived and died. throughout the world. He scorned to­ Krasic. At the age of 36 Aloysius Stepinac be­ talitarianism, materialism, racism, and Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac has now came the youngest archbishop in the atheism, and protected the wartime vic­ been dead for a few days more than a world, and from that time until his death tims of these philosophies irrespective year, but I have no doubt that his spirit the world came to know him as an heroic of race, religion, or political background. continues to live on in the hearts and crusader in the cause of human freedom Along with Pope Pius XII, Cardinal minds of all of the oppressed peoples of and the brotherhood of man. By his Stepinac was the greatest defender of Eastern Europe, and I am. certain that 1961 . .. CON-ciRESSIONAL RECORD _- HOUSE 2247 the memory of his heroic struggle against tigation. Their report, published ln 1912, ceeded in ·taking control bf Vilnius ·and stated that a low form of explosive exterior typinny in all o~ i~ heinous forms will Kaunas, as well as postprovincial towns to the ship caused the first explosion. Euro­ and proclaimed a provisional national forever serve as an inspiration to de­ pean experts, perhaps .influenced by several cent, freedom-loving people everywhere. internal explosions in warships in the inter­ government even before a single Ger­ vening years, still, however, maintained the man soldier arrived. theory of an internal explosion. No further After a few weeks, however, this pro­ evidence has ever been found to solve the visional government was suppressed by The Sinking of the U.S.S. "Maine" mystery. the Germans, some of its members were arrested and deported to Germany as EXTENSION OF REMARKS hostages.
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