1963 C0NGRESSI0NAL RECORD- SENATE 14807 A. James D. Mann, 839 17th ·Street NW., A. Sessions & Caminita, 917 15th Street Washington, D;C, NW., Washington, D.C. SENATE B. National Association of Motor Bus B. Floyd A. Segel, 215 West Oregon Street, Owners, 839 17th Street ·NW., Washington, Milwaukee, Wis. T UESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963 D.C. A. Clifford Setter, 55 West 44th Street, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, A. Morison, Murphy, Clapp & Abrams, the New York, N.Y. and was called to order by the President Pennsylvania Building, Washington, D.C. B. United States Plywood Corp. pro tempore. B. William S. Beinecke, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown A. Laurence P. Sherfy, 1102 Ring Build­ Harris, D.D., offered the following ing, Washington, D.C. prayer: A. Raymond Nathan, 1741 DeSales Street B. American Mining Congress, Ring Build­ NW., Washington, D.C. ing, Washington, D.C. B. Associated Fur Manufacturers, 101 Our Father God, bowing at this way­ West 30th Street, New York, N.Y. side shrine where spirit with spirit may A. Gerald H. Sherman, 1000 Bender Build­ meet, we thank Thee for the ministry A. Raymond Nathan, 1741 DeSales Street ing, Washington, D.C. of prayer through whose mystic doors NW., Washington, D.C. B. Association for Advanced Life Under­ we may escape from the prosaic hum­ B. Glen Alden Corp., 1740 Broadway, New writing, 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW., drum of "day-by-day-ness" and, lifted to York, N.Y. Washington, D.C. a wider perspective, return illumined and empowered. A. National Club Association, 1028 Con­ A. Shipley, Akerman & Pickett, 1366 Na­ necticut Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. tional Press Building, Washington, D.C. As today in the setting of his south­ B. National FHA Apartment Owners Asso­ ern home in the State which gave him A. National FHA Apartment Owners As­ ciation. to the Nation all that is mortal of an sociation. honored Member of this body who fell · A. Mrs. Cornelia Shuford, 400 First Street at his post is laid to rest, and as towering A. National Football League Players Asso­ NW., Washington, D.C. figures thus disappear from our sight and ciation, 19th and Walnut Streets, Philadel­ B. Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Rail­ phia, Pa. side, we pray that from the cloud of wit­ road Trainmen. nesses which surround us the mantle of those who refused to barter their convic­ A. William R. Noble, 1317 F Street NW., A. Leonard L. Silverstein, 1000 Bender Washington, D.C. Building, Washington, D.C. tions for any price that could be offered B. National Farm & Power Equipment B. Association for Advanced Life Under­ may fall upon the shoulders of all in the Dealers Association, Material Handling writing, 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW., Wash­ Nation's councils who are striving in the Equipment Distributors Association, and Na­ ington, D.C. most difficult and dangerous days the tional Retail Hardware Association. Republic has known to make our free A. A. W. Perdue & Son, Inc., Salisbury, A. James E. Smith, 730 °15th Street NW., land as great in virtue and truth as she Md. Washington, D.C. is mighty in power. B. The American Bankers Association, 12 For Thine is the power and the king­ A. Franklin P. Perdue, Salisbury, Md. East 36th Street, New York, N.Y., and 730 dom, for whose coming we pray. Amen. B. A. W. Perdue & Son, Inc., Salisbury, Md. 15th Street NW., Washington, D.C. A. Peter T. Posmantur, 485 Lexington Ave- A. Milan D. Smith, 1133 20th Street NW., THE JOURNAL nue, New York, N.Y. Washington, D.C. B. National Football League Players Asso­ B. National Canners Association, 1133 20th . On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and ciation, 19th and Walnut Streets, Philadel­ Street NW., Washington, D.C. by unanimous consent, the reading of the phia, Pa. Journal of the proceedings of Monday, A. Wayne J. Smith, 132 Third Street SE., August 12, 1963, was dispensed with. A. Ramsay D. Potts, Jr., 910 17th Street Washington, D.C. NW., Washington, D.C. B. Legislative Council for Photogram­ B. Investment Company Institute, 61 metry, 132 Third Street SE., Washington, D.C. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ Broadway, New York, N.Y. APPROVAL OF BILL A. Graydon R. Powers, Jr., 1735 DeSales A. S. L. Sommer & Associates, 1700 K Street Messages in writing from the President Street NW., Washington, D.C. NW., Washington, D.C. of the United States were communicated B. Association of Maximum Service Tele­ B. Glass Container Manufacturers Insti­ tute, 99 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his casters, Inc. secretaries, and he announced that on August 8, 1963, the President had ap­ A. Robert E. Redding, 1710 H Street NW., A. Steptoe & Johnson, Shoreham Building, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. proved and signed the act (S. 1122) re­ B. Committee for Time Uniformity, 1710 B. American Claims in Cuba Committee. lating to the exchange of certain lands H Street NW., Washington, D.C. between the town of Powell, Wyo., and the Presbyterian Retirement Facilities A. James W. Riddell, 731 Washington A. Eugene L. Stewart, 1001 Connecticut Corp. Building, Washington, D.C. Avenue, Washington, D.C. B. Entertainment Law Committee, 731 B. Glass Container Manufacturers Insti­ tute, 99 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. Washington Building, ~ashington, D.C. EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED A. Walter W. Roberts, 1608 19th Street A. David Teetor, 1346 Connecticut Avenue As in executive session, NW., Washington, D.C. NW., Washington, D.C. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ B. Partido Estadista Republicano, San B. National Aviation Trades Association, fore the Senate'a message from the Pres­ Juan,P.R. 1346 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, ident-of the United States submitting the D.C. nomination of Maj. Gen. Robert Hackett, A. Royall, Koegel & Rogers, 1730 K Street NW., Washington, D.C. U.S. Army, to be assigned to a position of A. Mrs. Phillip Thorson, 7001 MacArthur importance and responsibility designated B. Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Boulevard, Washington, D.C. Inc., 154 Nassau Street, New York, N.Y. by the President, in the grade of lieuten­ B. National Congress of Parents and ant general, which was referred to the Teachers, 700 North Rush Street, Chicago, Ill. A. Dwight H. Scott, 425 Park Avenue, New Committee on Armed Services. York, N.Y. B. National Biscuit Co., 425 Park Avenue, A. Gladys Uhl. NewYork; N.Y. B. Citizens for State 51. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE . A. Wilkinson Cragun & Barker, H A message from the House .of Repre- A. Selvage & Lee, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, 1 1616 New York, N.Y. Street NW., Washington, J:>.C. sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its B. The Bo·urbon Institute, 71-1 Third Ave­ , B. Frank B. Rowlett, 143 Chatham Road;- r.eading clerks, communicated to the Sen­ nue, New York, N.Y. Ellicott City, Md. ate the resolutions of the House adopted 14808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE August 13 as a tribute to the memory of Hon. Estes EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, entitled: to cast the total number of electoral Kefauver, late a Senator from the State ETC. - votes allocated to that State irl'espective of how many votes may have been cast for of Tennessee. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ other elector candidates; and The message announced that the fore the Senate the following letters, "Whereas this method of electing the Pres­ House had disagreed to the amendment which were referred as indicated: ident and Vice President is unfair and unjust (H.R. 5555) in that it does not reflect the minority votes of the Senate to the bill to REPORT ON AGREEMENTS UNDER TITLE I OF amend title 37, United States Code, to in­ AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT . AND cast; and crease the rates of basic pay for members ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1954 "Whereas the need for a change has been of the uniformed services, and for other recognized by Members of Congress on nu­ A letter from the Administrator, Foreign merous occasions through the introduction purposes; asked a conference w~th the Agricultural Service, Department of Agricul­ of various proposals for amending the Con­ Senate on the disagreeing votes of the ture, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report stitution: Now, therefore, be it two Houses thereon, and that Mr. RIVERS on agreements concluded during July 1963, "Resolved by the assembly (the senate con­ of South Carolina, Mr. PHILBIN, Mr', under title I of the Agricultural Trade Devel­ curring), That application is hereby made to HEBERT, Mr. WINSTEAD, Mr. NoRBLAD, Mr. opment and Assistance Act of 1954 (with ac­ Congress under article V of the Constitution companying papers); to the Committee on -of the United States for the calling of a con­ BATES, and Mr. BRAY were appointed Agriculture and Forestry. managers on the part of the House at the vention to propose an article of amendment conference. REPORT ON PERSONAL PROPERTY RECEIVED BY to the Constitution providing for a fair and STATE SURPLUS PROPERTY AGENCIES AND just division of the electoral votes within The message also announced that the REAL PROPERTY DISPOSED OF TO PuBLIC the States in the election of the President House had passed a bill (H.R. 7525) re­ HEALTH AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS and Vice President; and be it further lating to crime and criminal procedure A letter from the Secretary of Health, Edu- "Resolved, That if and when Congress shall in the District of Columbia, in which it cation, and Welfare, transmitting, pursuant have proposed such an article of amendment requested the concurrence of the Senate. to law, a report on personal property received this application for a convention shall be by State surplus property agencies and real deemed withdrawn and shall be no longer property disposed of to public health and of any force and effect; and be it further educational institutions, for the quarterly "Resolved, That the secretary of state be ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED period ended June 30, 1963 (with an accom­ and he hereby is directed to transmit copies The message further announced that panying report); to the Committee on Gov­ of this application to the General Services the Speaker had affixed his signature to ernment Operations.
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