6114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JUNE 18, By Mr. ERMENTROUT: Affidavit of Mary Ann Snyder, late The Government has spent $50,000 on this side of the creek in the nurse in medical department of United States Volunteers, for pen­ purchase of land to bring the avenue up to the creek; and on the sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. other side of the creek there has not only been a donation of the By Mr. GROUT: Petition of Hedding Methodist Episcopal quantity of land necessary to extend the roadway to the bridge, Church, Barre, Vt., Rev. W. R. Davenport, pastor, in favor of the but the avenues themselves on that side have been donated to the passage of a bill to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in all city. There are 5 miles of avenues laid out and completed on that Government buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor side. Traffic. · · I hope members of the House will not confuse this with the Also, petition of Mrs. J. R. George and 30 members of the Massachusetts avenue bridge. I am speaking of the Connecticut Woman's C~istian Temperance Union of Barre, Vt., asking for avenue bridge. · · the passage of the bill to raise the age of protection for girls to Mr. BALL. Is this the same bridge in which it was stated 18 years in the District of Columbia--to the Committee on the some school on the other side of the creek was interested? District of Columbia. Mr. LIVINGSTON. No, sii': it is the Massachusetts avenue Also, petition ofT. J. Cochron..and_the Woman's Christian Tem­ bridge in which the Methodist University was stated to be inter­ perance Union of Groton, Vt., to forbid the transmission of lot­ ested. On these avenues extending 5 miles on the western side of tery messages by telegraph-to the Committee on Interstate and the creek there are 250 to 350 residences already. Parks as well Foreign Commerce. as avenues have been laid out and dedicated. The people who own Also, petitions of T. J. Cochran and tha Woman's Christian. those residences and other property on that side of the creek are Temperance Union of Groton, and Hedding Methodist Episcopal paying their share of taxes into the city treasury. They have Church, of Barre, Vt., Rev. W. R. Davenport, pastor, praying for never received any benefit by an expenditure of taxes in that sec­ the enactment of legislation to protect State anti-cigarette laws­ tion, the revenues of the city being expended in paving streets and to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. other expenses within the city limits. By Mr. KING: Petition of attorneys and citizens of the State In vi~w of the fact that this bridge is recommended by the Dis­ of Utah, in support of Senate bill providing for another judicial trict Commissioners, that the Government has already expended circuit court of the United States, to be known as the "Tenth cir­ 50,000 up to the creek on this side, that the people on the other cuit," and to have jurisdiction in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, side have made such large donations on that side, I think it only Idaho, and Montana-to the Committee on the Judiciary. right that this bridge should be built. The project has been Also,lettel' of James Glendinning, of Salt Lake City, in support twice approved by the Senate, and the only reason it was not of the claim of Frank Harigan, for extra compensation under tlie embraced. in. the appropriation bill before it left the House was contract for sewer connecting Fort Douglas with Salt Lake City, the fact-that-the report on the subject did not reach our commit­ Utah-to the Committee on Claims. _ tee in time to be put in the bill. Mr. KING. Do I understand the gentleman to take the posi­ tion that the: city or the Government ought to bridge Rock Creek HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. at every place where an avenue will cross it? Mr.. LIVINGSTON. No, sir. I hope the gentleman does not SATURDAY, June 18, 1898. understand any snch thingL I am making no such statement or claim. • The House met at 12 o'clock m., and was called to order by the Mr. 1\fAHANY. Mr. Speaker, we would_ like to hear this dis· Speaker. cnssion. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CounEN. The SPEAKER~ The. House will be in order. The Journal of yesterday'~roceedings was reoo and approved. Mr. LIVL.~GSTON. Mr. Speaker, I do notwish to be under, INSIGNIA OF RED CROSS. stood as saying that we ought to build a bridge at every place on Mr. HENRY of Indiana. I ask unanimous consent -for the Rock Creek where one may be surveyed or requested. That is present consideration of the. bill (S. 1913) to protect the insignia not my point. I am confining my remarks exclusively to the Con­ and name of the Red Cross. · necticut avenue bridge. This- improvement is embraced in Sen­ The bill, with the amendments of the Committee on theJ udiciary, ate amendment No. 79, in which I have moved that ·the House was read. concur. The SPE.AKER. Is there objection to the present considera­ For the benefit- of gentlemen on the other side who, on account tion of this bill? of conversation among members, did not hear the statement just· :Mr. BAILEY. I shall have to examine this bill before I can made, I will repeat that this bridge ought to be built for these consent to its consideration. I object. reasons: First, it has been recommended by the District 9ommis­ sioners and approved by the taxpayers of this city; it has been ENROLLED BILLS. SIGNED. universally indorsed by the newspapers-the Post and the Star, Mr. HAGER, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported and I believe by everyone who has paid any attention to the ques­ that they had examined and found tru.Iy enrolled bills of the fol­ tion. In the second place, the Government has already spent lowing titles; when the Speaker signed the same: $50,000 in the purchase of land extending up to the creek on this H. R. 9856. An act for the relief of Anna Merkel; side, and the citizens on the other side have dedicated a large H. R. 5879. An act to amend sections 1 and 2 of the act of March area of land to facilitate the opening of the bridge. In the next B, 1887, 24 Statutes at Large, chapter 359; and place, there are 5 miles of avenues laid out and dedicated to the H. R. 3071. An act for the 1·elief of James A. Stoddard. city on the other side, and on these avenues the people are build- ­ ing residences and improving the property rapidly. These people DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APPROPRIATION BILL. on the outside are entitled to consideration. Mr. LMNGSTON. I call for the regular order. Mr. MAHANY. May I ask the gentleman a q_uestion right The SPEAKER. The regular order being demanded, the gen­ here? tleman from Vermont fMr. GROUT] is recognized to bring up the Mr. LIVINGSTON. Yes. conference report which was under consideration at the adjourn­ Mr. MAHANY. I am not sure that I am so much opposed to ment yesterday. the Connecticut avenue extension. I realize the fact that there 1.1r. LIVINGSTON. I believe the pending question is upon a is a denser population at that point than there is at the Massachu­ motion by myself to concur in Senate amendment No. 79. setts avenue proposed extension. If the gentleman is speaking The SPEAKER. The Chair undeTstands that the gentleman's for the Connecticut avenue extension-- - statement is correct. Mr. LIVINGSTON. Exclusively. Mr. GROUT. How much time does the gentleman from Georgia Mr. MAHANY. That is what I want to make clear._ [Mr. LIVDl"GSTONl want? Mr. LIVINGSTON. That is my motion. I was saying, Mr. 1\fr. LIVINGS'rON. Only a little. Speaker, and I undertake to say without fear of successful con­ Mr. GROUT. I yield t-o the gentleman such time as he may tradiction, that the only way to enlarge this city is on the outside. desire. There is no room on the inside. We have got to cross the preek. Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I think there is no objection We have got to go in other directions, and this city will grow. to the construction of the bridge referred to in this amendment. It ought to grow, and we are proud of the fact that it does grow, I discover by reference- to the RECORD of February 1 that there and is becoming more beautiful as a city for residence purposes was considerable objection to another bridge-the. Massachusetts every da~ avenue bridge. Mr. SIMPSON. Can the gentleman inform us what this bridge Mr. CLARK of Missouri. Is this part of the conference report? is to cost? lVIr. LIVING-STON. This is not the bridge which the gentleman Mr~ LIVINGSTON. Yes; it-is all given. in. the report. here, fought when this bill was up before. This bridge, called the Con­ Mr. MAHANY. Two hundred thousand dollars, if not more. necticut avenue bridge, leading over Rock Creek, is, I believe, con­ Mr. LIVINGSTON. If o.na plan is accepted! it-is to be 200t000. sidered by the citizens of W a.shington of all classes a necessity; If that is c.o:nsidere<l too expensive, the Couunis.sioners say; then, It is recommended and approved by the District Coiillllissioners.
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