urban development programme for the somali region BERBERA first steps towards strategic urban planning 1 The designation employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions or recommendations of the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), the Governing Council of UN-HABITAT or its Member States. Excerpts from this publication, except the satellite image, may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2008. This publication was prepared by Ombretta Tempra and Michael Bergmann. Substantial inputs were given by Katja Schäfer, Filiep Decorte, Marco van der Plas and Edward Miller. All pictures by the © UN-HABITAT Somalia office. The Berbera Satellite image is provided by DigitalGlobe © 2004 DigitalGlobe. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HS/942/07E ISBN: 978-92-113-1918-7 United Nations Human Settlements Programme publications can be obtained from UN-HABITAT Regional and Information Offices or directly from: P.O.Box 30030, GPO 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Fax: +(254-20) 762 40 60 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.unhabitat.org Printed at UNON/Publishing Services Section/Nairobi 2 BERBERA first steps towards strategic urban planning INTRODUCTION ÀUVWVWHSV REMHFWLYHVRIWKHUHSRUW VWUXFWXUHRIWKHUHSRUW 7KH FLW\ RI %HUEHUD KDV EHHQ XQGHUWDNLQJ LQ 7KLV GRFXPHQW LOOXVWUDWHV WKH ¿UVWV VWHSV WR FLW\ Ë EDFNJURXQG– the present: general information FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 81+$%,7$7 D VHULHV RI VWHSV planning through a participatory strategic approach. DERXW%HUEHUDWKHPDLQSRUWFLW\RI6RPDOLOand. WRZDUGVHIIHFWLYHDQGLQWHJUDWHGXUEDQGHYHORSPHQW ,WFRPELQHVWKHUHVXOWVRIWKHSDUWLFLSDWRU\SODQQLQJ on – the future: SURFHVVXQGHUWDNHQE\WKHFLW\RI%HUEHUDWKURXJK Ë YLVL WKH VORJDQ IRU %HUEHUD¶V development, chosen by the participants of the Ë D FLW\ SUR¿OH XQGHUWDNHQ E\ D WHDP RI ORFDO FLW\SUR¿OLQJDQGWKHFLW\FRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKWKHVSDWLDO city consultation. experts, prepared the necessary database for the DQDO\VLVRIWKHFLW\GHYHORSHGE\81+$%,7$77KH %HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQDQGJDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ PDLQREMHFWLYHVRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Ë SODQQLQJVWUDWHJLHV IRUDFWLRQ – building the WRLGHQWLI\DQGPRELOL]HNH\VWDNHKROGHUVIRUWKH future: GXULQJWKH%HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQORFDO participatory planning process. Ë GRFXPHQWLQJ WKH SURFHVV XQGHUWDNHQ E\ actors highlighted basic services, urban governance, %HUEHUD 0XQLFLSDOLW\ XVLQJ FLW\SUR¿OLQJ DQG WKH economic development, the environment, strategic Ë DFLW\FRQVXOWDWLRQ EXLOWDFRPPRQYLVLRQIRU city consultation. planning, and urban poor and displaced population WKHGHVLUHGIXWXUHRIWKHFLW\ LGHQWL¿HGSULRULW\ >>> more on this on page 46 settlements as priorities to be addressed; precise needs and related areas of strategic intervention, operational strategies and action plans were DQG UHDFKHG DQ DJUHHPHQW RQ WKH DFWLRQ Ë UHFRUGLQJ WKH RXWFRPHV RI WKH ¿UVW EURDG s. plans to be implemented and on the roles of the consensus on urban issues, priority urban LGHQWL¿HGLQOLQHZLWKWKHVHSULRULWLH GLIIHUHQWVWDNHKROGHUVFRQFHUQHG7KLVSURFHVVLV interventions, action plans, and the urban pact. Ë spatiDO IUDPHZRUN – putting actions in >>> see the ‘planning strategies’ section on pages 12–20 UHÀHFWHGLQWKH%HUEHUD8UEDQ3DFW place(s): a spatial analysis of the city, which puts >>> more on this on page 46–48. the required priority interventions into a spatial Ë LQWURGXFLQJ VSDWLDO DQDO\VLV as a tool for perspective. Ë DQ XUEDQ VSDWLDO DQDO\VLV carried out by strategic planning. 81+$%,7$7 H[SHUWV JLYHV D EDVLF VSDWLDO >>>see the ‘spatial analysis’ section on pages 22–33 Ë GHVLUHGVWUXFWXUH– turning vision into reality: a understanding of the city and highlights concrete SURSRVHGVWUDWHJLFGHYHORSPHQWSODQIRU%HUEHUD challenges and priority areas of intervention in a Ë SURYLGLQJDFRPSUHKHQVLYHPHWKRGRORJLFDO to serve as an example and basis for discussion proposed strategic development plan. WRROIRUVWUDWHJLFXUEDQSODQQLQJ in the urban planning process. >>> more on this on page 44. Ë complementing the documentation of the process Ë WRZDUGVLPSOHPHntation: an idea of an indicative Ë DQDFWLRQSODQDJUHHGE\WKHORFDOVWDNHKROGHUV XQGHUWDNHQ ZLWK WHDFKLQJOHDUQLQJ WHFKQLTXHV road map for the implementation of the strategies during the city consultation, aimed at testing and and didactic tips for local authorities and technical SURSRVHGE\WKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRIWKH%HUEHUD&LW\ demonstrating the validity of the applied principles persons involved in the urban development of the Consultation. of strategic development planning. The projects city. VHOHFWHG LQYROYHG WKH UHKDELOLWDWLRQ RI %XUVDGH Ë tabOHV methodological information and further playground. >>> more on this on page 50. details on the urban spatial analysis, city consultation, urban pact, action plans, and DGGLWLRQDOSURMHFWVLPSOHPHQWHGLQ%HUEHUD TABLE OF CONTENTS EDFNJURXQG – the present SRWHQWLDO IRU GHYHORSPHQW YLVLRQ– the future WRZDUGV LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ – the road map SODQQLQJVWUDWHJLHVIRUGHYHORSPHQW– building the future WDEOHV basic services ..............................................................................................12 XUEDQVSDWLDODQDO\VLV XUEDQJRYHUQDQFH FLW\FRQVXOWDWLRQ HFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW XUEDQSDFW HQYLURQPHQW DFWLRQ SODQ VWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJXUEDQSRRUDQGGLVSODFHGSRSXODWLRQVHWWOHPHQWV FRPPXQLW\GULYHQGHYHORSPHQWDQGUHFRYHU\ SURSHUW\VXUYH\ VSDWLDODQDO\VLV– putting actions in place(s) WHFKQLFDO DQG LQVWLWXWLRQDO DVVLVWDQFH SURJUDPPH structuring elements ................................................................................ 81+$%,7$7 DFWLYLWLHV LQ 6RPDOLODQG functional layout .................................................................................. services and infrastructure ..................................................................... XUEDQPRUSKRORJ\ BACKGROUND the present chronology Strategically located on the Gulf of 1286 $GHQ%HUEHUDLVWKHPDMRUSRUWRI Berbera is mentioned for the first time Somaliland, and one of the most by Ibn Sa’id and other Arab geographers and travellers. important entry points for goods KHDGLQJWR+DUJHLVDDQG(WKLRSLD around 1600 Berbera replaces Saylac as the foremost Economic recovery is inhibited SRSXODWLRQ commercial and cultural centre of by widespread destruction of the $UHFHQW81+$%,7$7VXUYH\HVWLPDWHVD Islamic influence in the Horn of SRSXODWLRQRISHRSOHLQFOXGLQJD urban and industrial infrastructure Africa. Known as the capital of the GLI¿FXOWWRYHULI\QXPEHURIGLVSODFHGSHRSOH. medieval Muslim state of Adal, 2WKHUVRXUFHVHVWLPDWHDWRWDORI Berbera remains under the authority of DQGE\ZHDNJRYHUQDQFH the sharifs of Mocha and the Ottoman Turks until 1875. The city has seen a decrease in population ,QVXI¿FLHQWSURYLVLRQRIEDVLF over the past years, accentuated by seasonal services is one of the main migrations to the cooler inland cities during the 1875–1884 problems for the local population. hot season. The city is ruled as an Egyptian protectorate. The British explorer WRSRJUDSKy Richard Burton describes the city as Situated on the southern shores of the Gulf of the ‘true key [to] the Red Sea [and] WKHFHQWUHRI(DVW$IULFDQWUDI¿F¶ $GHQ%HUEHUDVLWVDWDQDYHUDJHHOHYDWLRQRI three metres above sea level. The landscape 1891–1941 DURXQGWKHWRZQLVVHPLGHVHUW After the British occupation of the north-eastern Somali region, Berbera FOLPDWH serves as the colonial capital and the %HUEHUD¶VFOLPDWHLVYHU\KRWDQGKXPLGDQG main seaport of British Somaliland temperatures in the summer can approach until 1941, when the capital is moved to Hargeisa. & 1945–1970 WHPSHUDWXUH FHOVLXV UDLQIDOO PP Soviet influence leads to improved port facilities and increases in trade. 1970–1991 Warfare destroys much of the port and the wider infrastructure of the city. Both the cement factory and the water distribution system become unusable. from 1991 onwards With growing political stability in Somaliland, the port of Berbera remains a key source of income for the region. Exports include sheep, goats, camels, hides, ghee, frankincense, myrrh, and gum Arabic. Satellite image by © 2004 DigitalGlobe. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ALL Satellite image by © 2004 DigitalGlobe. vision the future ³'\QDPLFEHDXWLIXOSHDFHIXODQGPRGHUQFLW\RILQWHUQDWLRQDO WUDGHZLWKLQWHQVHSRUWDQGLQGXVWULDODFWLYLWLHVDFOHDQ HQYLURQPHQWDQGH[FHOOHQWVHUYLFHVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUH´ WKHVORJDQIRU%HUEHUD¶VGHYHORSPHQWFKRVHQE\WKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRIWKH%HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQ Berbera historical area: men in a cafeteria planning strategies for development building the future 'XULQJWKH%HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQWKHORFDOVWDNHKROGHUVDJUHHGRQSULRULW\LQWHUYHQWLRQV IRUWKHLUFLW\EDVHGRQNH\GHYHORSPHQWDOFKDOOHQJHVLGHQWL¿HGLQWKH%HUEHUD&LW\3UR¿OH 7KLVVHFWLRQRIIHUVDQRYHUYLHZRIWKHSUREOHPVWKDWZHUHLGHQWL¿HGE\WKHVWDNHKROGHUV LQUHODWLRQWR¿YHNH\SUREOHPDUHDVEDVLFVHUYLFHVJRYHUQDQFHHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW environmental degradation, and city strategic planning. )RUHDFKSUREOHPDUHDWKLVFKDSWHULOOXVWUDWHVVSHFL¿FVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHVDQGNH\DFWLRQV DVRXWOLQHGE\WKHSDUWLFLSDQWVLQWKH%HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQ 11 strategies for development building the future 7KHPRVWXUJHQWQHHGWREHDGGUHVVHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRIWKH%HUEHUD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQLVWKHSURYLVLRQRIDGHTXDWH DQGHTXLWDEOHVHUYLFHVIRUDOOUHVLGHQWV3URSRVHGVWUDWHJLHVDQGDFWLRQVDUHSUHVHQWHGRQWKLVSDJH
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