![Horabagridae Jayaram, 2006 - Horabagrid Catfishes [=Horabagridae, Horabagrinae] Notes: Horabagridae Hardman, 2005:714 [Ref](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
FAMILY Horabagridae Jayaram, 2006 - horabagrid catfishes [=Horabagridae, Horabagrinae] Notes: Horabagridae Hardman, 2005:714 [ref. 32181] (family) Horabagrus [not published according to the rules, not available] Horabagrinae Jayaram, 2006:141 [ref. 28762] (subfamily) Horabagrus GENUS Horabagrus Jayaram, 1955 - horabagrid catfishes [=Horabagrus Jayaram [K. C.], 1955:261] Notes: [ref. 5614]. Masc. Pseudobagrus brachysoma Günther, 1864. Type by original designation (also monotypic). See Das 2003:379 [ref. 27706] and Ferraris 2007:429 [ref. 29155] for comments on status. •Synonym of Pseudobagrus Bleeker, 1859 -- (Lee & Kim 1990:120 [ref. 24033]). •Valid as Horabagrus Jayaram, 1955 -- (Jayaram 1977:19 [ref. 7005], Jayaram 1981:195 [ref. 6497], Burgess 1989:69 [ref. 12860], Pethiyagoda & Kottelat 1994:110 [ref. 21421], Jayaram 2006:141 [ref. 28762], Ferraris 2007:429 [ref. 29155] but unplaced in Siluriformes, Plamoottii & Abraham 2013 [ref. 32985], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989], Ali et al. 2014:373 [ref. 33555]). Current status: Valid as Horabagrus Jayaram, 1955. Horabagridae. Species Horabagrus brachysoma (Gunther, 1864) - Gunther's catfish [=Pseudobagrus brachysoma Günther [A.], 1864:86, Pseudobagrus chryseus Day [F.], 1865:290, Horabagrus melanosoma Plamoottil [M.] & Abraham [N. P.], 2013:281, Figs. 1-3, 6c, 6e] Notes: Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Cochinchine [? southern Vietnam or Cochin]. Current status: Valid as Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864). Horabagridae. Distribution: Southern and southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater. (chryseus) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1865 (pt 1); ref. 5295] Kurriavanoor [Kariyannur] River, Kurriapudnam or Cochin, India. Current status: Synonym of Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864). Horabagridae. Habitat: freshwater. (melanosoma) [International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology v. 1 (no. 4); ref. 32985] West Venpala, Monimala River, Kerala, India. Current status: Synonym of Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864). Horabagridae. Distribution: West Venpala, Manimala River, Kerala, India (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. Species Horabagrus nigricollaris Pethiyagoda & Kottelat, 1994 - Chalakudy horgabagrus (author) [=Horabagrus nigricollaris Pethiyagoda [R.] & Kottelat [M.], 1994:110, Fig. 13] Notes: [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 21421] Chalakudy River, 26 kilometers upstream of Chalakudy town, near Vettilappara, Kerala, India. Current status: Valid as Horabagrus nigricollaris Pethiyagoda & Kottelat, 1994. Horabagridae. Distribution: Chalakudy River, Kerula, India. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Pachypterus Swainson, 1838 - horabagrid catfishes [=Pachypterus Swainson [W.], 1838:346 et seq., Neotropius Kulkarni [C. V.], 1952:231] Notes: [ref. 4302]. Masc. Silurus atherinoides Bloch, 1794. Type by subsequent designation. Dates to 1838:346; also in Swainson 1839:189 and 306 [ref. 4303] (species added). Type designated by Swain 1882:281 [ref. 5966]. Not preoccupied by Pachypterus Lucas, 1846 in Coleoptera (Solier in Dijean 1834 a nomen nudum). See Ferraris 2007:359 [ref. 29155] for the use of Neotropius over Pachypterus. •Synonym of Neotropius Kulkarni, 1952 -- (Ferraris 2007:359 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Platypterus Swainson, 1838 -- (Kottelat 2013:252 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Pachypterus Swainson, 1838. Horabagridae. (Neotropius) [ref. 2698]. Masc. Neotropius khavalchor Kulkarni, 1952. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Neotropius Kulkarni, 1952 – (Jayaram 1977:17 [ref. 7006], Jayaram 1981:218 [ref. 6497], Burgess 1989:98 [ref. 12860], Mo 1991:133 [ref. 19952], Jayaram 2006:72 [ref. 28762], Ferraris 2007:359 [ref. 29155], Ng & Vidthayanon 2011:45 [ref. 31522]). •Synonym of Pachypterus Swainson, 1838 -- (Kottelat 2013:252 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Pachypterus Swainson, 1938. Horabagridae. Species Pachypterus acutirostris (Day, 1870) - Burmese pachypterus (author) [=Pseudeutropius acutirostris Day [F.], 1870:618] Notes: [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869 (pt 3); ref. 14093] Throughout Myanmar. Current status: Valid as Pachypterus acutirostris (Day, 1870). Horabagridae. Distribution: Irrawaddy, Sittang and Bago rivers, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. Species Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794) - Indian pachypterus (author) [=Silurus atherinoides Bloch [M. E.], 1794:48, Pl. 371 (fig. 1), Pimelodus angius Hamilton [F.], 1822:180, 377, Pl. 29 (fig. 59), Pachypterus trifasciatus Swainson [W.], 1839:306, Pimelodus urua Hamilton [F.], 1822:177, 377, Pseudeutropius atherinoides var. walkeri Chaudhuri [B. L.], 1912:444, Pl. 41 (fig. 3)] Notes: [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 8; ref. 463] Tranquebar [Tharangambadi], India. Current status: Valid as Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794). Horabagridae. Distribution: South central Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. (angius) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal. Current status: Synonym of Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794). Horabagridae. Habitat: freshwater. (trifasciatus) [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] Current status: Synonym of Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794). Horabagridae. Habitat: freshwater. (urua) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Rivers and ponds of Bengal, India. Current status: Synonym of Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794). Schilbeidae. Habitat: freshwater. (walkeri) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 7 (pt 5); ref. 14837] Siripur, Saran, Bihar, India. Current status: Synonym of Pachypterus atherinoides (Bloch, 1794). Horabagridae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Pachypterus khavalchor (Kulkarni, 1952) - Krishna pachypterus (author) [=Neotropius khavalchor Kulkarni [C. V.], 1952:232, Fig. 1] Notes: [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 49 (pts 3-4); ref. 2698] Panchaganga River, near Kolhapur, Mumbai State, India. Current status: Valid as Pachypterus khavalchor (Kulkarni, 1952). Schilbeidae. Distribution: Krishna River basin, India. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Platytropius Hora, 1937 - horabagrid catfishes [=Platytropius Hora [S. L.], 1937:352, Nemasiluroides Fowler [H. W.], 1937:137] Notes: [ref. 6575]. Masc. Pseudeutropius siamensis Sauvage, 1883. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also described in Hora 1937:39 [ref. 2210]. See Das 2003:380 [ref. 27706] dating to ref. 2210. •Valid as Platytropius Hora, 1937 -- (Burgess 1989:99 [ref. 12860], Kottelat 1989:14 [ref. 13605], Huang in Chu et al. 1999:93 [ref. 24534], Diogo et al. 2004:92 [ref. 27670], Ferraris 2007:361 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:252 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Platytropius Hora, 1937. Horabagridae. (Nemasiluroides) [ref. 1425]. Masc. Nemasiluroides furcatus Fowler 1937. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Platytropius Hora 1937 -- (see Böhlke 1984:136 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:361 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:252 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Platytropius Hora 1937. Horabagridae. Species Platytropius siamensis (Sauvage, 1883) - Thai platytropius (author) [=Pseudeutropius siamensis Sauvage [H.-E.], 1883:154, Nemasiluroides furcatus Fowler [H. W.] 1937:138, Figs. 16-19] Notes: [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 7; ref. 14348] Menam River at Bangkok, Thailand. Current status: Valid as Platytropius siamensis (Sauvage, 1883). Horabagridae. Distribution: Chao Phraya River basin, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. (furcatus) [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Bangkok, Thailand. Current status: Synonym of Platytropius siamensis (Sauvage, 1883). Schilbeidae. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862 - horabagrid catfishes [=Pseudeutropius Bleeker [P.], 1862:398] Notes: [ref. 391]. Masc. Eutropius brachypopterus Bleeker, 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also in Bleeker 1862:14, 74 [ref. 393]. •Valid as Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862 -- (Jayaram 1977:14 [ref. 7006], Jayaram 1981:216 [ref. 6497], Burgess 1989:99 [ref. 12860], Roberts 1989:128 [ref. 6439], Rahman 1989:181 [ref. 24860], Ataur Rahman 2003:201 [ref. 31338], Diogo et al. 2004:92 [ref. 27670], Jayaram 2006:120 [ref. 28762], Ferraris 2007:362 [ref. 29155], Ng & Vidthayanon 2011:45 [ref. 31522], Kottelat 2013:252 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862. Horabagridae. Species Pseudeutropius brachypopterus (Bleeker, 1858) - Bleeker's pseudeutropius (author) [=Eutropius brachypopterus Bleeker [P.], 1858:169] Notes: [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 4; ref. 365] Palembang, southern Sumatra, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Pseudeutropius brachypopterus (Bleeker, 1858). Horabagridae. Distribution: Borneo and Sumatra. Habitat: freshwater. Species Pseudeutropius indigens Ng & Vidthayanon, 2011 - Toh Daeng pseudeutropius (author) [=Pseudeutropius indigens Ng [H. H.] & Vidthayanon [C.], 2011:46, Fig. 1] Notes: [Zootaxa No. 3037; ref. 31522] Toh Daeng peat swamp, Khlong Pak Pla, 6°11'11°N, 102°01'32"E, Narathiwat Province, Thailand. Current status: Valid as Pseudeutropius indigens Ng & Vidthayanon, 2011. Horabagridae. Distribution: Toh Daeng peat swamp forest, Mae Nam Sungai Kolok drainage, southern Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. Species Pseudeutropius mitchelli Gunther, 1864 - Kerala pseudeutropius (author) [=Pseudeutropius mitchelli Günther [A.], 1864:59] Notes: [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Madras Presidency, India. Current status:
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