Read Professor Swing, James Whitcomb Riley and 8iU Nye, this Week. ----=======- -=-====--- -- ---- TERMS:{TEN CENT S PE~ COPY. VOL. VI, No. IS. CINCI NNATI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1886. $4.00 per Year, III Advance. -- --====--=-= --- -----======= NEW YORK.-CHARLES ROOME, THE NEW GRAND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS TEMP LAR. THE GRAPHIC NEWS. VOLUME VI, NO.1:,. THE Salt Lake Tribune continues to deal hard blows what thunders in the index in this case will come to an at the Mormon Church. Their semi-annual general impotent conclusion at the ballot-box. The true poli­ AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. conference was held this week at Coalville, U. T. It tician placates everybody; the union tyro-politician has been the work of a great soul-the course which begins by antagonizing everything, even his own PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, has been pursued. There was also a just judge out there brother unionists. At the election he will be covered SIMULTANEOUSLY IN -Zane. He went there from Illinois. with confusion, for his labor vote will seem ridiculously CHICAGO, Times Buildt'ng. CINCINNATI, I35 Main St. small. But however small that vote may be, tbe sight ST. LOUIS. 2IO N. Third St. DETROIT, 99 Griswold St. THE geographers have once more discoyered the of an imposing body of delegates, one from each NEW YORK, 28 Bond St. largest water-course in Alaska and named it the Jones union, gives the true politician ~Ieep' ess nights. To C. F, BRAGG, PROPRIETOR River. The last greate~t river before this was called the that vigilant soul who never forgets a face or a name, JOHN McGOVERN, Editor Stecheon. When we all went to school, the Yukon was to whom every baby is a delight, and every saloon a =============--- rega~ded with distinguished consideration. The times ~ rendezvous of spirits that he can not forego-until after Prose Sketches, of between 2,000 and 4,000 words, written by change, and we and the rivers and Territories change election-to him, the array of workingmen is a.fright­ experienced literary people, will be carefully read and promptly returned if found unavailable. with them. ful spectre, foretelling defection now, defeat thereafter. And while the city politician is thus plagued,. the great NEXT week, as previously announced, we shall offer HIGH WATER MARK, statesmen are equally at their wits' ends to keep at the 51,389 our readLfs, as a supplement, a valuable full-page por­ head of the army. Mr. BLAINE has sat at Bar Harbor trait of Miss FRANCES E. WILLARD, the head of the ADVERTISING RATES, 50 CENTS PER AGATE LINE all Summer and wondered on which party the wrath of \Vomau's Christian Temperance Union, and a woman the Prohibitionist would fall most heavily. Mr. CLEVE­ beloved and respected beyond the lot of most people. OOTOBER 9, 1886. LAND has been astonished at the strength of the West­ We feel confident that the thousands of friends of Miss ern idea of bi-metallic finance, and has lately set his \Villard will take a delight in preserving the handsome sail to catch the wind of popularity. Mr. CARLISLE IT is the intention of THE ILLUSTRATED GRAPHIC portrait that we shall be able to furnish. and Mr. MORRISON have been dismayed to find that NEWS to successfully accomplish the work it has so while the Democratic party might desire a lower tariff earnestly begun. In furtherauce of this purpose, ar­ SOME POLITICAL ASPECTS. in its platfonns, it was not wi1!ing-or able 'even with rangements with editors and artists have just been the aid of Free-trade Republicans-to consider a meas­ Each of the two political parties of the United States ure looking to reduction. Governor HILL, of New completed which are for the first time herewith an­ is now wrestling with unknown foes. It was evident, York, a stron.~ candidate for the Democratic Presidential nounced. This journal will have no superior. It will last March, from the anxiety of Congressmen to secure nomination, is making speeches which sound uncom­ aim to be respectful and good humored. It will secure places on the Labor Committee, that the demagogues monly sweet to the laboring man and stret:t car dri'·er. of the country were jubilant in the belief that the the indQrsement and aid of the best literary men of the In the West, General LOGAN'S interest seems to center trade unions would soon act as a separate political United States. Our paper will now enter even more in the old soldiers (now developing the strongest body. Of course, the same signs and portents had guild we have), and the country fairs, where he is hopefully upon the field before it. It will by no means come to naught in 1868, but another set of weather­ always a strong card. The Greenbackers are no become a merely local undertaking. It must, of neces­ cocks are now telling which way the wind blows. longer fiatists, but are crying aloud: "Where is he sity, reproduce the portraits and monuments of the Following the opening of Congress came MARTIN that is born to beat the old parties, for we have IRONS' unsuccessful strike and the awful affair of the people who have made or inherited this Western Em­ seen the star in the East, and have come to wor­ Anarchists at Chicago'. The trade unions thereupon pire; we shall also dedicate its columns a, repositories ship him!" The star does not rise. \Vhatever these abandoned the eight-hour fight and took whatever the forces of disintegration may be, we have only this of the best,anc1 brightest thoughts of those contempo­ employer cotJ.ld afford to give as wages. In some fact: They are acting slowly. Anyone of the pres­ raneous men who are to commend our age to the favor- cases, where cities were rivals for trade, the eight-hour ent disorganizing ogres has threatened before, and question was one greater than anybody of employers able attention of later times. then gone back into its cave. Labor, Liquor, Money in anyone city could settle. If Kansas City was con­ and Tariff have each fought their fight against the tented to work ten hOllrs, at certain vocations, then so GREAT ARTISTS. political status quo. But the peculiarity of the present must Chicago, or Chicago would surely be undersold­ situation lies in the fact that these questions all seem to particularly where Kansas City might have the ad­ The following great artists, the leading ones in be in insurrection at one and the same time, It must vantage in freights, America, have been engaged on The Grand Annual be more than the demonstration of "an off-year in With the passage of only six months of comparative Number of the ILLUSTRATED GRAPHIC NEWS: politics.' , JESSIE SHEPHERD, "The Hope of the \Vorld," Front­ industrial peace, we again see the trade unions active ispiece. New York. at all the principal cities. In New York, Mr. HENRY MR. PENDLETON'S DEPARTURE AND RETURN. T. DE THULSTRUP, "In The Trenches." grand GEORGE, a San Franciscan and cosmopolitan, at pres­ double supplement in eight colors. New York. ent domiciled in the metropolis, offered to stand for The cable brings us the intelligence that Minister F. S. CHURCH, "My Lady's Favorites." New York. Mayor if thirty thousand petitioners should ask him so GEO. H. PENDI.ETON has been granted a leave of ab­ RUFUS F. ZOGBAUM, "Military Sketch." New York. to do. The signatures were secured, and he has been sence from the German Mission, and will return to E. W. KEMBLE, "Kentucky Huntsman." New nominated. Ohio this fall. This piece of news suggests a train of York. At Chicago, the trade unions met one Saturday after­ interesting thoughts. Mr. PENDI.ETON, on his return DANIEL C. BEARD, "Autumn Signs," "The Raven," noon in a delegated body, nearly seven hundred strong. here, will not find things as he left them, and the "The Infan (tile) Club." New York. Like the wrangles of the overcrowded Hungarian Lower changes that have taken place are so significant that HARRY BEARD, "What is it to Sow, Sew, So, etc.," House, nothing could be done. It is a lamentable fact they deserve more than a passing notice. Mr. PEN­ "The Tattooed Doll," "Fashionable Pets," "Illus­ that nowhere is arbitrary power more securely en­ Di.ETON left for Gennany a defeated caJ.1didate for re­ trated Puzzle," "Three Games." New York. trenched than in a trade union, or a body of trade election to the United States Senate. His appointment HARRY A. OGDEN, "A Passing Salute." New York. unions. In this case a Committee of Twenty-one held by the President, under ordinary circumstances, was HARRY FENN, "Music in Damascus." New York. this central power. Of course, there was much desire more than a compensation for the loss of his seat in W. P. SNYDER, .. A Letter to Mail." New York. by hack politicians to get into the Convention and ad­ the Senate. Still, he had been defeated by personal JOHN N. HYDE, "How Do I Look." New York. vance the interests of certain old-party candidates. To enemies, who had set out boastingly to accomplish that WM. ST. JOHN HARPER, "My Model New Wife." call the roll with so many voters was impracticable; to end, and when he sailed away from his native land, he New York. trust to viva voce nominations would be unwise. The left them shouting loud hosannas over what they W. P. BODFISH, "A Delayed \Vheelman." New committee thereupon pronounced the Convention ad­ tenned their own brilliant victory and his eternal down­ York.
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