•'■'k a- . tr iE S D A ^ m S b c B B R 8.1949 3.':^ TlteW tedlwt Avw ifs DslV Nri Prsss Baa a ( D. {' cil of Parent-Teaohere Aaeoda- .Fsc -Rw Moaai eC Oetobar, 1S4S ^ Fair tola .The Men’a Club of the tln l^ Kart Schweiger wW conduct a tlone is lending ite eptauUd oor- Methodiat church of Bolton^ prayer meeting Tburaday evening Chosen Chairman To Co-Operate pmration by sponsoring a taa dur­ aad Thnmteyi ( U t t o w n give a box aodal and enteiwn- at eight o'clock at toe home of ing toe hours mentioned. Mrs. 9 , 7 4 S tia dmage la Mrs. Rudolph Ht^ner, 87 Chest­ B r ■?- ment Saturday evening at 7:80. R. C. Bchalier is chairman of toe day. nut street. On Book Week V af «*a AoSIt ^ an a ntw^rtkA* tor con- The.women will proyWe toe ooxm P. T. A. group aerring as hoateas- and their partnere will be adnUl- aa. io4( Manchester^A CUy of Village Charm I and b7>Uwa win ba talnn Unne Lodge, No. 78, KnighU of V r > ■ » E%«t « meattof o< Monch^ Ud free. The children will have their own Pythias, will meet tomorrow night Mary Cheney Library opportunity to “Make Friend* Btor No. lirTo. A. V.. to b« Emanuel Lutheran Brotherhood at eight o’clock In Orange haU. (THIRTY PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CBNTB _olght o’clock at the Silver And PTA to Unite With Books” by seeing free mov­ (ClaaaUM ASvartMag On Page FIttaaa) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1949 of Hartford will be gueoU of the ies at the library, all schoola be­ __>'C(ii]UDuntty Houee. All ineni- The Past Mlatresa clpb of £ - liaB isra uraed to attend. Newly* loeal chapter at toe meeting to bo During Observance ing Invited. An adapted version, offlMM will meet with the held at e l^ t tonight in the veatry Daughters of Liberty, No. 128, of "Robinson Cnieoe" will be giv­ LO.L.I., will meet tomorrow eve­ executive eomrolttoe at 7:80 p. m. of the Emanuel Lutheran church. en tor them later in toe week. The vlaiting Brotherhood wlU eup- ning at the home of Mre. Lily Mary Cheney Library and toe H eads SE C Manchester CouncU of Parent- Poll Tax Laws Itancheater Orange hat aet the piy the program for the .evening, Dunlop, 89 Ridge street ......... News Tidbits All membera are urged to attend. Teacher Associations are cooper­ Tnimam Chortling Bowles Benews Plea date of Tueeday, November J6 for The Ladiea' Aid Society of~Zft>h ating in toe celebration of toe CuUtd Fron (/P) Wirts a rummage aide, to open at nine Repeal Moves An error waa made in toe adver- Lutheran church will have anoth­ 30th annlvetkary of Book Week. o’clock in Orange hall. Ponations er doughnut fry Thursday, under Book Week, celebrated this year win be eaUed fo r tf membere will tleement of toe turkey aupper INSJ|JRE The “ unknown soldier marching Tburaday evening at the South toe chalrmanehlp of Mrs. Henry from Nov. 18-19, waa started in UT telephone Mra. Wilbur Little. 3787, Preiheit, made from her favorite 1919 by FrankUn K. Matolewa, Over ’50 Outlook Meet Defeat away" —who gave 8289,000 to his Methodist church in connection or Mre. Haael Andereon, 4510. one-time Ubrarian for toe Boy McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s frleads, ekoiltl^ schools ood Mty State Use Bond Plan recipe. Many requests have al­ with toe fair, toe” Merry Mart." Real Estate ^ad lasaraiMt govMnunent-— Is identified os re­ A correction has been made in the ready been received, and others Scouts of America. Ita purpose The Covenant - Congregational was to arouae public interest in 505 Main St. TeL 6060 m/re gunbcOr tired Aurora, HI., business man, wishing to order doughnuts should ehuich w ill omit iU midweek aer- price of too supper in toe adver^ As LdiniRIl Fail ^ Virginia and James Powell!. Brooklyn Dodgers tlsement appearing pgain today contact Mrs. Albert Petke, tele­ more and better booka for cbll- Amasiag; ril-^ flat JTE.SD i-iv/m K***K*** I Texas; BonusPpoposal vioa thia week oh account of th.e dren. purchase Elmira club of Class A adwol vUdtoUon. Laat night tte and tomorrow. phone 6998, or Mrs. Clarence tn a m s lf Frelhelt 8880, l^ore Wednesday Mr. Matolewa, aaaUted by Fred­ Eastern league. teadiora vlalted with the famillee A ppears to B e Los- Czech cartoonists depict Amer­ For Building Schools noon. eric Melcher, now editor of toe Smashing Victories in m m atl SeeS o f their pui^le. and w ill continue Dr. Htwvard Boyd will speak to Publiahers' Weekly, published a RUPTURED? ican embassy in Prague aa aest the vlaltation tonight and tomor­ in g in N ew Jersey the registered nurses this evening Past presidents o f Mary Buah- general catalogue called "The Washable! Grand t i r o . New Yorii Senate Con­ of spies and gangsters.. East row night. at eight o'clock in the nurses' din­ ■M bt delay " see the new mod­ nell Cheney Auxiliary, No. 18, OeL Junes H. McVeigh Bookshelf for Boya and Girls,’’ em ts a ia r s e of.AKRON German dommunlst government ProposBl Quiekly Runs ing room on too subject of "Pur­ U.S.W.V., wlU meet Friday at with toe coUaboratlon of Clara 1. Wont 9. Wastfwerfi test and in Wide­ By The Associated Press rumbles with discontent over la- pura." All registered nurses are TRUOSB* fitted by experts. Voters Back 1:80 at toe home o f Mra. Lottie Cd. James H. McVeigh, of 81 WhltehiU Hunt of Brooklyn, one Private fltttag room. Two attempts to repeal state trodnetion of IliuMtaa Mesa into Lewis Suspends Coal Into RepubUcan Oppo­ Invited. A social period with re- t. CeW»i8 4. THm spread Qty Elec­ Soviet zone industry.. Political Behrend, 411 Center street. Oxfqrd street, waa elected to the of toe nation’s outstanding cbil- poll tax laws failed in yesUrday’a sition Bs Special Ses­ COSM ETICS fretoments win fonow. chairmanship of toe Zoning Board dran’a IlhrariaM and an author Quinn's Pharmacy letters circulated in recent Hart­ tions Pleases Presi­ Of Tair Deal’lelections. Apparenriy, so did a 'The Emblem Club will hold its of Appeal! laat night. WlUlam H. of note. Further support wak fo rd ’election un4er name o f myth- sion of Assembly We carry all leading The Ladles' Aid Society of monthly meeting tomorrow eve­ Stuck of 73 Thomsa Drive waa given by toe first Children's Li­ dent and Democrats New Jerwy propoeal for financ­ leal LeiMtiie o f Jewish Voters are Strike for 3 Weeks Emanuel Lutheran . church will brands. ning at eight o’clock at toe Elka nominated to the poaition of aec- brarian session - of toe American Jubilantly Reads Elec­ ing a |106,0(X>,000 veterans' ho- branded “shabby and shoddy"' by Opens Today; G.O.P. meet TTiuraday afternoon. The so­ home in Rockville. A aocial time retary. U b r ^ Aasociation, and a pub­ Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman, who ciety has set toe date of Thura By Ths Asspeiaied Prsss ntu. says unidentified sponsors of or­ Bill to Insist Aid Be Fi­ Arthur Drug Stores will follow. McVeigh, well-knowa fo r hta licity campaign was planned that tion Results to^ 40 Ceiled Off Today Pend­ day, December 8, for its annual Included slogans and posters. Smashing Democratic vic­ But Pennsylvania approved. ganization "ought to be ashamed Christmas sale and supper at toe military record, has been a mem­ HALE'S CJieerins Democrats at 1 nearly four to one, a »50o,()oo,ooo Hopes Stand nanced Witb Current The Ooemopolltan Club will hold ber of toe board alnce November Posters and slogans have con­ torias in Nsw York’s U. S. of themselves.” ing Further Efforts to church. Mrs. Am y Carlson w ill be tinued to be a feature of Book ® * I plan to Join more than a doxen Kid’s game o f soccer with hu­ a deaaert bridge tomorrow after­ 13, 1947. He waa elected as toe S t^ te rac9 and in wide- W ashington t s i n n e r other states in providing bonuses Revenue of State lU charge of toe supper and Mrs. Week ever .since toe first Nation­ Headquarters man skulls touches off big debate Settle Dispute in Fred Lavey wiU make arrange­ noon at one-tolrty in Woodruff board’s secretary on November 8, __ ipraad city elections set Pres­ ■ 'for World Var H GU. The ”New — Will Change HaU of Center Church House. 1948, and baa served in that ca­ al Book Week poster wax painted in Britain; how to go about clean­ MODEL ments for toe sale. Members who ident TVuman .and the party Washington, ftov. S—(ff)— jersey proposition was touch-and- Soft Coal Fields State Ckipitol. Hartford, Tabla prises and door, prisea wUl pacity until hie election to fill the by Jessie Wilcox Smith in’ 1919 FOR Harry A. McDonald, above, took ing up after German Isiftwaffe., have articles completed-' may with toe slogan "More Books tor high command chortling t(v President Truman, once again to­ go. Jesuit publlcaUon in Vatican City Nov. 9.—</P)— Gov. Cheater bring them t^ toe meeting Thura bo awarded. yacancy of chairman laat night. He Other Provislone Not Liked over as first RepubUcan chainnan Bowles Urges Reversal AIRPLANES succeed Martin E. Alvord who toe Home." day over the outlook for day toe leader of a triumphant ef the Securities and Exchange says that Comlnform plans to By The Associated Press .
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