RESEARCH MANUFACTURING COMMUNICATIONS • BROADCASTING Hadiomariiie's Radar Scope Picture (ap- Matching Navigation Chait, same aiea. South- proximately Vi actual size). 1%-mile range. bound. Livingston Channel, Detroit River. You need RAMOMABIMM's 3.2 cm RADAR for large/ sharply defined pictures Only in the 3.2 cm super-high fre- scale shows how accurately the radar Radiomarine's Radar is postwar quency band utilized by Radio- picture portrays the same area. Com- designed from the ground up to marine's Radar do you receive ex- pare the channel lights, the land con- meet the rigid requirements of to- ceptionally clear, and large pictures tours, the low earthworks— in both day's commercial shipping, \ycre of high resolution and definition. the radar picture and the chart. See taking orders now! FOR PRICES how clearly the ship's position is in- With a Radiomarine Model CR- AND FULL INFORMATION dicated with water \isible between Radiomarine Corpora- 101 Radar, the area scanned by the WRITE TO: the ship and the earthworks in a tion of America, Dept. 9-C,75 Varick antenna is easily viewed on a channel onlv 500 feet wide. Street, York York. 12-inch diameter "scope." Closely New 13, New spaced objects are shown separately in sharp detail, free from blurring. For close-in navigation, when op- CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES: orating on the shortest range, you • Exceptional detail and sliarpncss can accuratelv pick out low-lying • Use of super high-frequency band (3.2 targets from 80 yards to 1.5 miles. centimeters) When navigating at sea or making • Unexcelled range and bearing resolution landfalls, the longer ranges of 5, 15, • Instant choice of true or relative bearing presentation and 50 miles enable the navigator to • Electronic heading and range indications distinguish between surface objects • Four ranges: lU-, 5, 15, and 50 miles. Close- their bearings —read and distances in ranges as low as 80 yards accurately. • Provision for radar beacon operation • Suppressor for rain, snow or sea return Reproduced above is a Radio- • AC or DC Power Supply marine Radar "scope" picture taken while navigating a narrow channel ill the Detroit River. A standard MODEL CR-101, SHIPBOARD RADAR iia\ igatioii chart of about tlic same RADIOMARINE CORRORA TIOM of AMERICA A SERVICE OF RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA RADIO AGE RESEARCH • MANUFACTURING • COMMUNICATIONS • BROADCASTING • TELEVISION VOLUME 6 NUMBER 3 APRIL 1947 CONTENTS {OVER PAGE SCIENCE AT NEW ALTITUDES |CA image orthicou camera by Brig. General David Sarnoff 3 ^ispended above operating ble at Johns Hopkins CAN STORMS BE CONTROLLED? 9 'ospital permits surgical chniques to be studied by HOW RECORDS ARE MADE ledical staff in nearby by W. T. Warrender 11 ewing rooms. HOSPITAL TELEVISION 14 TELEVISION FOR ST. LOUIS 15 SCENES IN RCA PLANTS AND LABORATORIES 16 RCA MAKES ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS 18 NEW TUBE HAS "MEMORY" 20 RADIO AND TELEVISION USE PLASTICS J- *''^^C (jtL^ by J. • A. MilUng T^ %^ " ^^ MINIATURE RADIO TUBES 24 STUDENTS IN NBC COMPETITION by Dr. James R. Angell 26 COIN-OPERATED RADIOS 27 S ervices of RCA are: TURKEY EXPANDS RADIO SYSTEM 28 ^tCA Laboratories Division • DR. ZWORYKIN ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT 29 ; RCA Victor Division 30 • CONGRESS OPENING TELEVISED |itCA Communications, Inc. MOVIES AS YOU RIDE 31 ijniarine Corporation of America • { ttial Broadcasting Company, Inc. RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA RCA Building, New York 20, N. Y. RCA Institutes, Inc. David Sarnoff, President Lewis MacConnach, Secretary Arthur B. Tuttle, Treasurer {tCA Service Company, Inc. Radio Age is published quarterly by the Department of Information, I Radio Corporation of America, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. !<CA International Division RADIOTELEGRAPH MESSAGES IN MORSE CODE ON TAPE ARE AUTOMATICALLY TRANS- LATED INTO TELETYPE CODE BY THIS MACHINE AT RCA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SCIENCE AT NEW ALTITUDES Inventions Open New Vistas and Widen Man's Communication Range Beyond the Surface of Our Planet, Brig. General SarnoflE Tells Scientists at Cincinnati Meeting. Ohio quickly took to the air. It President William Howard Taft, became an important center of radio a native son of Ohio, approved and as the unseen waves carried words signed the Communications Act of and music over the neighboring 1912, the first law to recognize the communities of Kentucky, West importance of radio communication Virginia, Pennsylvania and Indiana. in the United States. Cincinnati, with its powerful trans- Ohio was the first State from mitter radiated the name and fame which a Republican National Con- of Ohio to nationwide listeners. vention was broadcast. That was in Today there are 37 broadcasting 1924 when Calvin Coolidge was Address delivered by Brigadier stations in Ohio, and 33 of them nominated at Cleveland. The won- General David Sarnoff, President, are linked in coast-to-coast net- der of that day was that twelve works. Radio Corporation of America, at States, as far west as Kansas City, Cincinnati Technical and Scientific Ohio is called the mother of were linked into a network! Presi- Societies Council, Cincinnati, Ohio, Presidents. In Canton, McKinley dent Warren G. Harding, the first "front February 11, 1947. introduced porch campaigii- Chief Executive to broadcast while ing" in 1896, but his voice could in office, was born in Ohio. So we TODAY is the 100th Anniver- not carry beyond his lawn. At that .see that the history of radio, in its sary of the birth of Thomas A. time there was no broadcasting. service to the Nation and its peo- Edison. It is a special privilege Now from any porch or portico, the ple, is not only linked with this and a great pleasure to be with you presidential candidate can address State through science, but also on this day for it was Ohio that the entire electorate. Before many through its social and political life. gave Edison to the world. years pass the entire country will All these have had an important in- see him It is particularly fitting that the by television. fluence on the growth of America. Cincinnati Technical and Scientific Societies Council should observe the great inventor's birth. With his Centennial as a keynote, this day in Ohio history inspires us to look THE MODERN STRUCTURE OF RADIO IS ahead and to survey the great forces BUILT UPON THE FOUNDATION WHICH of science which mankind now com- EDISON HELPED TO ERECT. mands as a result of pioneering in- stituted by Edison. Exploration and discovery are woven through the pattern of Ohio's history. First the Indian tribes ex- plored and inhabited its fertile ex- panse. Later— in the 17th Century —came the first French and English traders. As smoke signals and foot- runners were their only "lines of contact", they were lost to the world as far as communication was con- cerned. In our own times wireless had not been in existence long, before Ohio cities felt the beat of electro- magnetic pulses in earphones at Cleveland, Toledo and Ashtabula, as ships on Lake Erie first began to spark their invisible messages to the shore. With the advent of broadcasting, RADIO AGE 3] DURING THE WAR, SCIENCE REACHED SKYWARD AND A MIRACULOUS INVEN- TION CALLED RADAR SAVED ENGLAND IN THE BLITZ. "the younjr man who had the monu- mental audacity to attempt and suc- ceed in jumping an electric wave across the Atlantic!" So staggering is the list of Edi- son's inventions, and so practical is their usefulness, that he is recorded in history not only as the "lamp- lighter", but as "the supreme inven- tive genius of the industrial age." The applications of his inventions to peacetime pursuits reveal the tremendous potentialities of science for the benefit of mankind. For science lifts man's burdens, saves his time, adds to the comforts and the pleasures of his life. Mankind Looks Upward Edison left us fifteen years ago. Those who have followed him in sci- ence have travelled close to trails which he blazed. Within the past decade, they have succeeded in meet- ing the demands of global war. As a result, science emerged from the war as a powerful force that created new instrumentalities and promised many others for use in peacetime, As a boy in the little town of that diffused or spread in all direc- if man would only direct his Milan, Edison must have been im- tions, he called "etheric force." His thoughts to peace instead of war, bued with the spirit of the pioneer discovery in 1883 of elusive elec- and his scientific research to higher which Ohio engendered as trails trons at play within the incandes- elevations. were blazed westward. Imagination, cent lamp led to the development of Spiritually, mankind has always dynamically related to a persistent the electron tube detectors, ampli- looked upward for guidance and soul, never discouraged by defeat, fiers, and oscillators. History re- eternal truths. It is not strange comprised the sinew of his fame. cords ttiat phenomenon as "the Edi- therefore that the physical sciences Every disappointment, every fail- son Effect." should strive also to explore the ure of an experiment was a new Edison's storage battery, his dy- higher altitudes in the search for challenge to his curiosity, a new namos, motors, microphones and the scientific truths. spur to his determination to suc- phonogi-aph all became vital parts During the war, science reached ceed. He triumphed through crea- of radio. Now the motion picture, skyvs'ard and a miraculous invention tive thought and left the world a which he made an accomplished fact called radar saved England in the rich inheritance of knowledge. His in 1889, is finding a new and wide- blitz, guided bombers to their tar- tireless efforts and his creative spread medium of expression in gets, doomed the U-boat, genius now shine out across the television.
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