DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1916, NO. 19 II Ii ( STATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF IOWA A REPORT TO THE IOWA STATE BOARD Cr EDUCATION OF A SURVEY MADE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION WASH1NCITON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ERRATA. SO. Mange 68,000 innext to last lineto 72,000; change9,900 to 10,600. 43. Totalexpenditures, University "fIowa, shouldread$1,017,805.72, insteadof $1, 017, 806.72. 44. Totalexpenditures, Iowa StateCollege, shouldread $1,462,684.25,instead of $1,461,684.25. 45. Expendituresfor extension and industrialservice, StateCollege, shouldread $449,348.74, insteadof $449,348.79. 84. Line5 sholuilcriad, " Departmentof the Interior,"instead of"Department of Agricult 189. Omit (d)under "Utilizationof Buildings." Same changeas on p. 44. 4 ADDITIONAL COPIES OP THIS ITIILICATION MAY DE PROCURED PROM THENUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENT/I GOVERNMENT PRINTING urncs WANDINGToN, D.C. AT S CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 5 Introduction 7 Chapter I.Higher education in Iowa, with incidental reference to 0 public secondary education 15 Chapter. II. Expenditures of Iowa State institutions of higher education_ 38 Chapter M.Duplication and the principle of major lines 48 Chapter IV.Graduate work 59 Chapter V.Liberal arts work in the Iowa State College 66 Chapter VI. Extension work 75 Chapter VILDuplication of work in psychology and education 78 Chapter VIII.Home economics In the three State educational institu- tions 83 'Chapter IX.Subcollegiate work 88 Chapter X.Courses in journalism__ 93 Chapter XI.Courses In commerce or a school of commerce 96 Chapter XII.A study of the use of buildings at the Iowa State institu-. Aorta 99 I Chapter XIII.Building costs 114 Chapter XIV.The physical education of women 116 Chapter XV.The work and remuneration of the instructional staffs of the Iowa State institutions_____ 117 Chapter XV1.Observations on State and institutional administration 125 Chapter XVILGeneral summary of recommendations 136 u APPENDIXES. (A) Discussion of certain departments at Iowa State College 141 ( B) Extension work 145 (C) The housing of women-students 153 (D) Substance of letter tattireised to the editors of journals published In the State of Iowa 155 (IC) Buildings and classification of space I 56 (F) Student clock hours, salaries. expenditures 158 IND= 221 - 3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, , BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Wa8Itington, August 21, 1916. -I Sin: I am transmitting herewith for publicationas a bulletin of the Bureau of Education the report of thesurvey of State higher educational institutions of Iowa,. made undermy direction for the Iowa State Board of Education by the following committeeap- pointed by me for that purpose: Dr. James It. Angell, dean of the faculties of liberal arts. literature,and science of the University of Chicago. Dr. Kendric C. Babcock, dean of the college of arts and sciences of the University of Illinois. Dr. Liberty H. Bailey, formerly director of the New York State College of Agriculture. I rr. Hollis Godfrey, president ofDrexel Institute, Philadelphia. Dr. Raymond M. Hughes, president of Miami University. Mrs. Henrietta W. Calvin, specialist in hothe economics, Bureau of Education. Dr. Samuel P. Capen, specialist in higher education, Bureau of Education (chairman). This report and the conclusions in the form of constructiverecom- 'mendations were unanimously agreed upon by the membrs ofthe survey committee and approved by me. The publication of this and reports of somewhat similarsurveys made by this bureau should .tend towardthe establishment of more definite standards in the various fields of education and tte formation of certain nationalpolicies which'. may gradually be adopted,always of' course with necessarylocalmodifications, dirougtout the country. Respectfully submitted. P. P. CLucros, Commissioner. LThe SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. 5 44; 9 STATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF IOWA. INTRQDUCTION. In the latter part of February, 1915, the Iowa State Board of Education requested the assistance of the United States Bureau of Education in the preparation of a budget for the three State higher institutions under the board's control.The invitation to the Com- missioner of Education, in addition to rehearsing the recent history of the Iowa State institutions And suggesting the matters on which advice was desired, stated specifically : That the State board of education has no desire to reopen the coordination question in the sense of combining the colleges of engineering and home economics as organized at the State University of Iowa and the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, or the abandonment of the college courses at the Iowa State Teachers College; but the Iowa State Board of Education would like to know whether It would be possible, without resorting . to such radical action as mentioned above, to reduce duplications. It was the board's expectation that the necessary examination of the institutions and study or' their needs might be made during the academic year 1914-15. The importance of' the task, together with other ebgagei ts of the Commissioner of Education and his subordinates, made it m am unwise 'to undertake the enterprise within the period Contemplated by the board.The tommissioner of Education was convinced that such an investigation should be made with due deliberation.He ac- cordingly informed the board of his inability to assume the direction of it until the following autumn. On May 15, 1915, a meeting of the board was held at Des Moines, which was attended by the Cbmmissioner of Education and Dean K. C. Babcock, of the University of Illinois, special collaborator of the Bureau of Education. At this meeting formal sanction for the ,survev of the three State institutions was voted by the board and a memorandum furbished of the questions upon which infor- mation: and counsel- were especially desired.The following reso- lutions were passed : Be it resolved, That the Iowa State Board of Education hereby requests Eton. P. P. Claxton, Commissioner of Education, to mike a survey of the Instil tutlons of higher learning under this board, said survey to be made aceordthg to the plans suggested by the commissioner, who is hereby authorized to 7 8 STATE HIGhEB INSTITUTIONS OFIOWA. employ such assistance as he deeibis necessary, e amount of compensation for such assistants to be agreed upon by the commissionerand the board; and Be it further resolved,That the president or the Iowa State Board ofEduca- tion and the finance committee be authorized torepresent the board in all mat- ters relating to the survey; alal that the commissionerbe requested to matte a report,. of said survey, to the State board of education,not later than March 1st, 1916. In its mernorandlim to the commissioner,the board requested that inquiry be made into the followingmatters: 1. The duplication in courses in education andpsvrhology between the State university and the college ofagriculture and Mechanic arts. 2. The extent to which courses in liberalarts are offered at. the- Iowa State College of Agriculture and MechanicArts. 3. The advisability of givingcourses in journalism at the State college of agriculture and mechanicarts and the desirability of establishing a school of journalism,' witha recommendation as to its location. 4. The status of graduate work at each of thethree State institu- tions, with the expression ofan opinion by the investigators as to . the; ossibilities of preventing duplication inthis department. 5. The -feasibility of consolidating the extensionwork of the three State-supported institutions. 6. The adequacy of the buildings, and theeconomy exercised in their use, at the State university, the Statecollege of agriculture and mechanic arts, and the State teacherscollege.Specifically the opinion of the investigatorswas requested as to whether a general library and auditorium,or a botany and geology building, should be provided at .the State university within thenext biennium. 7. The best avenues of expansion of the Stateuniversity and the State college of agriculture and mechanicarts, with special refer- ence to the advisability of adding new collegesor departments to meet present or future educational needs of the State. Theinvesti- gators were asked especially fora recommendation concerning the establishment of a college of commerce. The Commissioner of Education believedthat such an inquiry could best be undertaken by agroup of persons whose training and experience would fit them to deal with genera]administrative prob- lems in higher education in a constructiveway, and who as individ- uals might respectively bring special knowledgeto bear upon the definite questions raised hi the board's memorandum.He therefore appointed, with the approval of the State board of edhcation,the following persons to act as asurvey commission: ,Dr. James R. Angell,dean of the faculties of liberal arts; literature.and science of the Universityof Chicago. tor.Kendric C.Babcock, dean of thecollege of arts and sciences of the Uni- versity of Illinois. INTRODUCTION. 9 Dr. Liberty H. Bailey, formerly director of the New York State College of Agriculture. - Mrs.'Henrietta W. Calvin, specialist in home economics, Bureau of Education. Dr. Hollis Godfrey, president of Drexel Institute, Pidladelphla (consulting member). Dr. Raymond M. Hughes, president of Miami University. Dr. Samuel P. Cupen, specialist in higher education, Bureau of Education (chairman). The commission was organized in
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