P E N NSYLVANIA State Library r \ i I- V* • . M I* ( V;.. o 'T.' ' I/,.'.. w \ • J "t-. I' I-.. >1 L' » I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries https://archive.org/details/notesquerieshistOOunse_ NOTES and QUERIES HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL--GENEALOGICAL RELATING CHIEFLY TO INTERIOR PENNSYLVANIA. EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M. D., M. A. Annual Volume, 1896. HARRISBURG, PEInNA. : Harrisburg Publishing Company, S-R 929.3748 N845 1896 C.4 Notes and queries . .. 5 5 ) INDEX. Anti-^Masonic Throes, in, 146, 160 “Buy a Broom,” 37 j “Big Tree,” death and burial of Cameron School Building, dedica- at Philadelphia, 159 tion of, 228 | Biographical Notes, 26, 43 “Canal Literature,” 66 Biographical Sketches; j Capp Family in Pennsylvania,.... 155 Atlee, Samuel John, 94 Capitol, the first, and where the | Babb, Samson 205 Governors lived, 225 | ' Ball, Thormond, 180 Centenarian, a Dauphin County, . 14 Benner, Gen. Philif), 215 Chillisquaque Presbyterian Church, 187 Black, John and James, 180 Chisolm, Judge W. W., assassina- j Blair, Dr. Isaiah, 193 tion of 199 [ Brady, “Old Sam,” 20 Cumberland Valley Worthies, ..43, 122 Butler, Lord, 95 Diamond Wedding Anniversary, . 114 Butler, William, 200 Disberry, Joe, 204 '51 I of, O-' Buj'ers, John, 181 Earl 3% John, ninetieth birthday' 151 j 0 Chambers, James, 191 Early', Martin, golden wedding of, 150 In Chambers, Stephen, 171 Election Muddle in 1777, 164 > Curry, William 192 Ephrata Brethren, tombstone re- Dale, Samuel, 101 1 cords of, 67 01 Gettig, Christopher, 203 Farmer Lad’s Day Off, fifty years Gist, Christopher, 8 ago, 161 Guyasutha, 31 i Fishburn Meeting House in Derry', 120 Harris, Samuel, 218 Fisher Family, 119 J Hoge, David, 193 Fort Granville, 174 Hopson, John, 38 Fort Pitt, distances from to mouth Lodge, Benjamin, Jr., 220 3 219 of the Ohio, J Martin, Robert, 235 Freeburg and its Founder, 175 IMause, Philip, 203 French and Indian War, Soldiers | Meylert, Secku, 193 ' in the, 220 Proudfit, John, 192 Genealogical Data: j Selin, Capt. Anthony, 203 Allison, . Simpson, John, 171 Armstrong Smith, Isaac, 172 Babb, .... Smith, Robert, 172 Baird, .... Stoever, Rev. John Casper, . 2 Black, . Bradford, William, grave of, 7 Boal, 26 Brady, “Old Sam,” 20 Brenneman Bible, a, 33 Bracken, . British Prisoners at Lancaster,... 55 Brandon, Butler, William, of Berks county,. 200 Buchanan, .5 Ji- 39844 e ....... iy Notes and Queries. Burd, 183 Laird, 218 Butler 37 Lewis, . 60 Cabell, 187 Bong, 159 Campbell 143, 170 McClane, . 141 Capp, 155 McClean, . 94 Carson, 186 McClelland, 161 Cavin, 187 McDaniel, . 65 Chamberlin, 187 McPherson, 94 Chambers, 191 Maharg, . 219 Chesney, 187 Mitchell, . 87 Clingan, 187 Martin, . .130, 335 Cooke, 180 IMeylert, . 196 Cosine, 187 Moore, 219 Covode 138 Motter, . 220 Crain, 26 Neff, 8 Criswell, 131 Paxton, . 43 Curry, 192 Penn, 233 Bill, 143 Pickering, 180 Douglass, 158 Powell, . 60 Ewing, 184 Price, 180 Eertig, 87 Proudfit, . 192 Fisher, 119 Ealston, . 87 Fleisher, 127 Eamsey, . 37 Gottschall, 230 Eeed, 115 Grubb, 183 Eeid, 48 Gruber, 219 Eing, 180 Hamilton, 43 Eobinson, . 139 Hammond, 198 Sharp, 73, 86, 87 Hand, 184 Sharpe, . 143 Harris, 213 Sheesly, . 87 Hendricks, 31 Shifipen, . .181-186 Henry, 125 Shooj), . 86 Hershey, 306 Skelton, . 141 Holliday, 170 Smith, . ..139, 185 Horter, 87 Spidle, . 87 Houston, 138, 146 Stewart, . 232 Hubley, 183 Stroh, 170 Imboden, 14 Swineford, 170 Irvine, 135 Sytez, . 123 Jack, 54, 138 Tintorff, . 86 Johnson, 180 Todd 220 Kelly, 198 Troxel, . 86 Kennedy, 333 Valentine, . 32 Kirkbride, 60, 73 Weber, ..108, 159 Kiinkel, 33 Wierman, . 139 Historical and Genealogical. V Williamson 14 McClellan, Capt. John, Company of Wilson, 54, 125, 210 in the Eevolution, 204 Wolf, 191 Marsh Creek, some early settlers Yeates, 184-186 on, 139 Young, 220 Martin, Eobert, first settler at Genealogical Alemoranda, 20 Xorthumberland Point, 234 Guyasutha, 31 Martins of Washington county,.. 130 German Sects, Defunct, in Penn- Mennonite Church, oldest in Dau- sylvania : phin county, 60 The Labaclists, 167 Meredith and Clj'mer estate, .... 175 The Society of the Woman in the Mexico’s Capitol, first Old Glory Wilderness, 167 at, 76 Die Xeugeborne, 168 Monroe, The County of 132 Eondoerifer, 172 Montours, The, 102 Zion’s Bruder, 173 Moravian Congregation in Phila. Die Inspiriten, 173 in 1766 212 Separatisten, 177 Kecrology, Dauphin County: The Quietists, 178 Adams, William J., 217 Die Gichtelianer, 178 Bergner, Frederick Uhler, 145 Dipi^els-Leute, 179 Eyster, Cajit. Jacob !M., 144 Hammond and Kelly families, .... 198 Fahnestock, William Eppley, . 138 Harrisburg, The, of 1785, 130 Gross, Daniel Wiestling, 79 Harris, John, grant of to the town, Hamilton, Adam Bo 3'd, 152 county and State, 207 Henderson, Dr. William B., .... 227 Henrys of Chester and Lancaster Kirbj', William C., 137 counties, 125 !McAlarnej% Joseph C., 143 Hershey family, 206 Ott, Leander Kicholas, 216 Historical Memoranda, 123 Keffs of Lancaster, 8 Home-Missionarj’ episode, 154 Negro Slaves belonging to mem- Houston or Hueston family, 123 bers of Moravian Congrega- j Hummel, Frederick, will of, 31 tion in Phila. in 1766, 215 j Jack. Matthew, a hero of the Eevo- Northern Pennsjdvania, a pioneer lution, 175 of 193 Kennedy family data, 233 j Northumberland County licenses, I Kloppen Kirche, 114 earljy 213 Laneaster County, Historical So- Worthies, 171, 180 ciety of, 153 Ohio, the settlement of, 128 Lawson’s Island, 197 Parthemore, E. W. S., address at Lee, Captain Andrew, correspond- dedication of Cameron school ence relating to 109 building, 230 Lee, Washington, recommenda- Paxton Boys, the, 141 tion 110 Penn famil 3^ the 233 Lititz Churchyard, inscriptions in, 87 Pennsylvania-German Society, . 154 Long’s Church. Powell’s Valley, in- Pennsylvania Eailroad, the passen- scriptions in grave-yard, .... 115 ger department of, 141 . VI Notes and Queries. Pequea, old, graveyard of, 133 Sharp family record, 73 Pine Spring, the Legend of, .... 191 Stewart, John, of Tuscarora, 197 Provincial Correspondence, 164 Stoever, Eev. John Casper, records Families, some, 181 of; Peed family, 115 Baptisms, 3, 10, 16, Eeid, Major James E., will of, 66 22, 27, 33, 39, 44, 74 Eevolution, Matrons of the: 51, 55, 61, 68, Marriages 80, 88, 96, 104, 111 Davidson, Catharine Martin, . 102 Davies, Anne Schenck, 208 Stroh’s graveyard, 170 fifty Grant, Deborah Martin, 236 Tavern licenses years ago, . 120 Hamilton, Margaret Alexander,. 50 Todds of Hanover, 221 Hartley, Katharine Holtzinger,. 49 War of 1812-14, a muster roll of,. 147 McClean, Sarah Holmes, 209 Washington county worthies, .... 191 Moorehead, Elizabeth Thomp- Weber family, 108 son, 103 Wetterholt, Capt. Jacob, company Stewart, Martha Espy, 49 of in 1763, 220 Eevolution, a muster roll of, .... 72 Wetterholt, Capt. John Nicholas, Eevolutionary Soldiers, 108, 118 company of in 1703, 221 Salona, Penna., tombstone re- Wilson family genealogical cords at, 199 data, 126, 210 St Mary’s Church at Lancaster, . 131 Wyoming Controversy, 189 Schaeffer, Dr N. C., address at 1, dedication of Cameron school York County, a private grave- building at Harrisburg, .... 225 yard in, 119 : sm . j NOTES I® QUERIES. HISTORKJAL AND GENEALOGICAL. NOTES AND QUERIES. of the Governors and delegates from all the then Colonies on the continent from Historical, Biographical and Genealogi- Virginia Eastward—there besides other cal. business to meet the chief Sachems and Warriors of the Iriquois and other In- dian Nations then in Alliance with us. I. That on this occasion several hundred Indians appeared and went into a treaty With this number we begin a new with the Congress for renewing their series of Notes and Queries. It is the antient alliances, as well as for other intention of the publishers whenever suf- purposes. While this business was go- ficient data warrants to issue the work ing on the delegates of Pennsylvania, in permanent form by volumes, probably and the agents of the Proprietors of that twice a year, from the newspaper type, province entered publicly and with the in style and paper similar to the Reprints appobation of the Congress into a treaty of the first, Second and Third Series. with the 6 Nations and some of the In- Notes and Queries will not, therefore, be dians inhabiting the Susquehanna for a published in parts—and those desiring certain tract of Country extending west- these Historical Collections in perma- wardly from the Susquehanna, which nent form can do so by subscribing in treaty ended in a sale and purchase of advance for the volumes when issued. the said country, and deeds were exe- The edition will be limited. cuted and delivered, and the considera- tion. consisting of money and goods, paid and delivered in the presence of the THE WYOMING CONTROVERSY. agents and delegates from Pennsylva- nia. several of the delegates from other (The following document throws some _ Colonies and the principal Sachems and light upon the secret intrigues of the warriors of the above mentoned In- people of Connecticut to possess them- dians: that this deponent was present at selves of the Wyoming Valley.) these transactions and saw the consid- Deposition of William, Earl of Stirling, a eration money and goods divided among Major General in E. S. Army, in con- the Indians. That when the Congress at troversy between Penna. and Connt., Albany was near breaking up and most Deer. 19, 1782, at Albany. N. Y., be- of the principal Sachems and warriors fore Commissioners appointed for that of the Indians gone home, this deponent pnrpose. (Robert Yates. Peter W. saw at Albany the said Colonel Dyer, Yates, Robert Van Ransselaer, Walter and another gentleman from Connecti- Livingston.) cut, whose name he believes was Sey- “To the first Interrogatory.
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