COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2008 SESSION OF 2008 192D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 44 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that in this great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, natural The House convened at 1 p.m., e.d.t. resources will be treasured and respected. Give courage which no unworthy attraction may deceive and bring down. Give strength to withstand the challenge of defeat. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O'BRIEN) Give honor which no fast and easy purpose can mislead. PRESIDING Let their work be known for this. Let it be for love and justice. Let it be for truth and commitment to others. Let it be a vision PRAYER of the new world that is not the old world. Let it be for this reason they seek excellence. The SPEAKER. The prayer will be offered by the Reverend We are here and the job is ours, and no one will do this well Sherry Elliott, guest of Representative Phillips. without remembering it is for the people that we serve. Never let them forget this, gracious and merciful God. Amen. REV. SHERRY ELLIOTT, Guest Chaplain of the House of Representatives, offered the following prayer: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE All-knowing and ever-present Creator, give grace to hear and (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and know the truths of justice and mercy, and in knowing, we ask visitors.) for Your hearing. We pray for peace in our world. We pray for the healing of our environment. We pray for hope to live well. As this day of negotiation and decisionmaking begins, guide JOURNAL APPROVED these leaders and staff. Ease their personal burdens that they may bring into the chambers and hallways of this Capitol The SPEAKER. The Journal of Tuesday, January 15 of Building. 2008, is now in print. Will the House approve the Journal? Stir up commitment to weigh each issue with perspective and patience to hear both sides of the argument. Give them that they On the question, may bring a spirit of wisdom, kindness, and justice in their Will the House agree to the motion? conversations, in their considerations, and their writing. Motion was agreed to. With this authority which they have been entrusted, give them the perception and strength to know justice and mercy and The SPEAKER. The Journal is approved. then do it. Give them laughter to soften the edges of conflict. Expand their sensibilities to let a sense of being the good citizen JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED nurture respect for neighbors whose views are conflicting and different from their own. In this citizenship of respect, The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal extinguish partisan anger in order that they may work through of Wednesday, June 18, 2008, will be postponed until printed. the issues that divide us. The Chair hears no objection. In these days of hostile and careless indifference in industry and commerce, closed-mindedness and negotiations, and ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER divisions that corrupt any seeming hope of an honorable way of life, give strength that these leaders will be able to renew the The SPEAKER. The Chair gives permission to the ties of mutual regard that are the basis of our civic life. Consumer Affairs Committee to continue to meet. Endow these leaders with honesty and the ability to do the work that is before them. Give them fire to lead and the skill of LEAVES OF ABSENCE their work to wield the lawmaker's pen. Inspire these leaders with vision and imagination, humility and fairness, to eliminate The SPEAKER. The Chair turns to requests for leaves of poverty, prejudice, and oppression and to bring equal protection absence. of the law and equal opportunities for all. The Chair recognizes the majority whip, who requests Guide these leaders to use our limited wealth and dwindling that Representative CURRY of Montgomery County, resources in ways that will allow all people to find suitable and Representative PALLONE of Westmoreland County, and satisfying employment and receive fair wages for their labor, 1370 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE JUNE 23 Representative PETRONE of Allegheny County be placed on ADDITIONS–0 leave. The Chair hears no objection. Leaves will be granted. The Chair recognizes the minority whip, who requests that NOT VOTING–0 Representative MOUL of Adams County, Representative PYLE of Armstrong County, Representative STEIL of Bucks County, EXCUSED–8 and Representative FLECK of Huntingdon County be placed Curry Moul Petrone Rubley on leave for the day, and Representative RUBLEY of Fleck Pallone Pyle Steil Chester County for the week. The Chair sees no objection. The leaves will be granted. LEAVES ADDED–4 Members will report to the floor. Benninghoff Gerber Quigley Smith, S. LEAVES CANCELED–3 MASTER ROLL CALL Fleck Gerber Pallone The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. Members will proceed to vote. The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will The following roll call was recorded: proceed to conduct business. PRESENT–195 BILL SIGNED BY SPEAKER Adolph Gabig Mann Rohrer Bill numbered and entitled as follows having been prepared Argall Galloway Mantz Ross for presentation to the Governor, and the same being correct, the Baker Geist Markosek Sabatina Barrar George Marshall Sainato title was publicly read as follows: Bastian Gerber Marsico Samuelson Bear Gergely McCall Santoni SB 987, PN 1741 Belfanti Gibbons McGeehan Saylor Benninghoff Gillespie McI. Smith Scavello An Act amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), Bennington Gingrich McIlhattan Schroder known as The Third Class City Code, providing for emergency Beyer Godshall Melio Seip services. Biancucci Goodman Mensch Shapiro Bishop Grell Metcalfe Shimkus Blackwell Grucela Micozzie Siptroth Whereupon, the Speaker, in the presence of the House, Boback Haluska Millard Smith, K. signed the same. Boyd Hanna Miller Smith, M. Brennan Harhai Milne Smith, S. Brooks Harhart Moyer Solobay HOUSE RESOLUTION Buxton Harkins Mundy Sonney Caltagirone Harper Murt Staback INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Cappelli Harris Mustio Stairs Carroll Helm Myers Stern No. 810 By Representatives EACHUS, SWANGER, Casorio Hennessey Nailor Stevenson SURRA, COHEN, JAMES, PARKER, SAINATO, Causer Hershey Nickol Sturla GIBBONS, READSHAW, GEORGE, FRANKEL, PALLONE, Civera Hess O'Brien, M. Surra Clymer Hickernell O'Neill Swanger MELIO, THOMAS, BRENNAN, HENNESSEY, KULA, Cohen Hornaman Oliver Tangretti BENNINGTON, GEIST, STURLA, VULAKOVICH, MYERS, Conklin Hutchinson Parker Taylor, J. MAHONEY, CUTLER, MUSTIO, PHILLIPS, K. SMITH, Costa James Pashinski Taylor, R. BEAR, RAPP, RAMALEY, MOYER, SIPTROTH, CONKLIN, Cox Josephs Payne Thomas Creighton Kauffman Payton True HARKINS, HERSHEY, MARSICO, MENSCH and PAYNE Cruz Keller, M.K. Peifer Turzai Cutler Keller, W. Perry Vereb A Resolution memorializing the Governor to proclaim the Daley Kenney Perzel Vitali Regal Fritillary butterfly as the Pennsylvania State Butterfly. Dally Kessler Petrarca Vulakovich DeLuca Killion Petri Wagner Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, Denlinger King Phillips Walko June 20, 2008. DePasquale Kirkland Pickett Wansacz Dermody Kortz Preston Waters DeWeese Kotik Quigley Watson HOUSE BILLS DiGirolamo Kula Quinn Wheatley Donatucci Leach Ramaley White INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Eachus Lentz Rapp Williams Ellis Levdansky Raymond Wojnaroski No. 2280 By Representatives TURZAI, DeLUCA, BEAR, Evans, D. Longietti Readshaw Yewcic BENNINGHOFF, BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, CAUSER, Evans, J. Mackereth Reed Youngblood Everett Maher Reichley Yudichak CREIGHTON, CUTLER, DENLINGER, EVERETT, Fabrizio Mahoney Roae GEORGE, GINGRICH, HENNESSEY, HERSHEY, HESS, Fairchild Major Rock O'Brien, D., HUTCHINSON, MARSHALL, MARSICO, MENSCH, Frankel Manderino Roebuck Speaker METCALFE, R. MILLER, NAILOR, O'NEILL, PERRY, Freeman PHILLIPS, PICKETT, RAPP, ROCK, RUBLEY, SAYLOR, 2008 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 1371 SCAVELLO, SIPTROTH, SONNEY, R. STEVENSON, SIPTROTH, McILVAINE SMITH, M. SMITH, SWANGER, SWANGER, VULAKOVICH and GILLESPIE TANGRETTI and VULAKOVICH An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known An Act providing for a nonbinding Statewide referendum relating as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, defining "pallet"; and further to convening a limited constitutional convention on the structure and providing for exclusions from sales and use tax. function of the General Assembly. Referred to Committee on FINANCE, June 20, 2008. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, June 23, 2008. No. 2630 By Representatives MARSICO, BUXTON, GRELL, NAILOR, GABIG, CALTAGIRONE, SAINATO, No. 2663 By Representatives NAILOR, READSHAW, HELM, ADOLPH, ARGALL, BAKER, BARRAR, BASTIAN, HARHAI, GOODMAN, ARGALL, BELFANTI, BEAR, BENNINGHOFF, BENNINGTON, BEYER, BENNINGHOFF, BEYER, BOBACK, BOYD, BRENNAN, BLACKWELL, BROOKS, CAPPELLI, CIVERA, CLYMER, CAPPELLI, CARROLL, CASORIO, CUTLER, DeLUCA, CREIGHTON, CUTLER, DALLY, DENLINGER, ELLIS, DePASQUALE, FAIRCHILD, FLECK, FREEMAN, GEIST, J. EVANS, EVERETT, FAIRCHILD, FLECK, GEIST, GINGRICH, GRELL, GRUCELA, HENNESSEY, HESS, GIBBONS, GILLESPIE, HARHAI, HARHART, HARRIS, HORNAMAN, M. KELLER, KILLION, LEACH, HENNESSEY, HERSHEY, HESS, HICKERNELL, LEVDANSKY, MAHONEY, MARSHALL, McILHATTAN, HUTCHINSON, KAUFFMAN, M. KELLER, KENNEY, R. MILLER, MILNE, MOUL, MURT, MUSTIO, PYLE, KILLION, KOTIK, KULA, MACKERETH, MAHER, REICHLEY, ROAE, ROCK, ROHRER, ROSS, RUBLEY, MAJOR, MANTZ, McILHATTAN, MENSCH, METCALFE, SAMUELSON, SAYLOR, SCAVELLO, SIPTROTH, MILLARD, R. MILLER, MOUL, MOYER, MURT, MUSTIO, K. SMITH, SONNEY, STEIL, J. TAYLOR, TRUE, TURZAI, MYERS, O'NEILL, PALLONE, PAYNE, PEIFER, PETRI, VULAKOVICH, WALKO and J. WHITE PHILLIPS, PICKETT, PYLE, QUIGLEY,
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