Initial Environmental Examination July 2014 Philippines: Angat Water Transmission Improvement Project Prepared by Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 6 June 2014) Currency unit – peso (Php) Php1.00 = $.0228076 $1.00 = Php43.85 ABBREVIATIONS AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ADB Asian Development Bank ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines AQ Aqueduct AP Affected Person D&B Design and Build Contractor Brgy Barangay BH Borehole BOD5 Biological Oxygen Demand (5 Days) CADT Certificate of Ancestral Land Domain Title CBFM Community-based Forest Management CEMP Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan CITES Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CNC Certificate of Non-coverage COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan CPDO City Planning and Development Office CPF Common Purpose Facility CWA Contractor’s Work Area DAO Department Administrative Order D&B DBH Design and Build Diameter at Breast Height DED Detailed Engineering Design DENR CO DENR Central Office DENR MO DENR Memorandum Order DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways DOST DS Department of Science and Technology Downstream DQP Design Quality Plan ECA Environmental Critical Area ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate ECP Environmental Critical Project EMB Environmental Management Bureau EMP Environmental Management Plan EO Executive Order EU Environmental Unit FED Fire and Explosives Division FGD Focus Group Discussion FIDIC Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils (International Federation Of Consulting Engineers) FVR Friendship Village Resources GOP HH Government of the Philippines Household IEC IEE Information, Education and Communication Initial Environmental Examination IP Indigenous People (Dumagat) IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IRA IV Internal Revenue Alignment Importance Value LGU Local Government Unit LWUA Local Water Utilities Administration Mbg Meters Below Ground MENRO Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Office MMT Multipartite Monitoring Team MOA Memorandum of Agreement MWCI Manila Water Company Inc. MWSI Maynilad Water Services Inc. MWSS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples NCSO National Census and Statistics Office NGA National Government Agencies NIPAS National Integrated Protected Area System NPC National Power Corporation NVH North Village Housing NWRB National Water Resources Board O&M Operation and Maintenance OSP- Office of Special Project for Angat Water Transmission AWTIP Improvement Project PA Protected Area PAGASA PAMB Protected Area Management Board PAWB Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau PCR Physical Cultural Resources PD Presidential Decree PGA Peak Ground Acceleration PNP PO Philippine National Police People’s Organization PPTA Project Preparation Technical Assistance QMP RA Quality Management Plan Republic Act RCE Riparian Channel Evaluation REA Rapid Environmental Assessment ROW Right of Way SAPA Special Use Agreement in the Protected Areas SPS 2009 ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, June 2009 SPSC TA Scoping/Procedural Screening Checklist Technical Assistance US Upstream WHO World Health Organization WVF West Valley Fault NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This Initial Environmental Examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Initial Environmental Examination – Output 2 Document history Initial Environmental Examination Angat Water Transmission Improvement ADB/MWSS This document has been issued and amended as follows: Version Date Description Created by Verified by Approved by 1 Draft Rustica Romero Maynard Delfin Marissa De Guzman 2 2 Feb 2014 Draft Final Rustica Romero Marissa De Marissa De / Delfa Uy Guzman Guzman 3 14 Feb 2014 Final Rustica Romero Delfa Uy Marissa De Guzman 4 1 Mar 2014 Revised Final Rustica Romero Delfa Uy Marissa De Guzman Initial Environmental Examination – Output 2 Contents Executive Summary i 1 Introduction 1 1.2 IEE Report 1 1.2 IEE Approach and Methodology 2 2 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework 5 2.1 National Policy and Regulatory Framework 5 2. 2 Administrative Framework 9 3 Project Description 11 3.1 Project Rationale 11 3.2 Proposed Scheme 13 3.3 Contracting Method 18 4 Environment Description 21 4.1 Climate 21 4.2 Air Quality and Noise Level 22 4.3 Topography and Soils 25 4.4 Geology 27 4.5 Seismology 28 4.6 Ecological Resources 36 4.7 Economic Development 57 4.8 Social and Cultural Resources 58 5 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 63 5.1 Approach 63 5.2 Issues and Concerns Relative to Siting, Planning and Design 63 5.3 Issues and Concerns Prior to Construction 68 5.4 Impacts during Construction 68 5.5 Impacts during Operation 75 5.6 Project Benefit, Positive Impact and Outcome 78 6 Environmental Management Plan 79 6.1 Introduction 79 6.2 Environmental Mitigation Plan 79 6.3 Institutional Arrangement 94 Initial Environmental Examination – Output 2 6.4 Environmental Monitoring Plan 101 6.5 Performance Indicators 104 6.6 Reporting 111 7 Public Consultation, Information Disclosure and Grievance Redress Mechanism 113 7.1 Public Consultation 113 7.2 Information Disclosure 114 7.3 Additional Public Consultation and Information Campaign 114 7.4 Grievance Redress Mechanisms 114 8 Findings 118 9 Conclusions and Recommendations 120 References 122 Initial Environmental Examination – Output 2 List of Figures Figure 1: Project Location .................................................................................................................................. 1 Figure 2: Segments of Tunnel 4 Project Component ......................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Timeline for Securing Required Clearance/ Agreement/ Permit/ License ........................................... 9 Figure 4: Manila Water Demand with and without 15% Buffer......................................................................... 11 Figure 5: Ipo-La Mesa Transmission System Schematic ................................................................................. 12 Figure 6: Inlet Structure including Coffer Dam ................................................................................................. 14 Figure 7: Outlet Structure and Temporary Spoil Disposal Area ....................................................................... 16 Figure 8: Projected Tunnel Geology and Ground Elevation ............................................................................. 26 Figure 9: Geology in the Study Area ................................................................................................................ 28 Figure 10: Surface Water Quality and River Ecology Sampling Stations at Ipo Watershed ............................ 29 Figure 11: Average Turbidity Level at Ipo Dam................................................................................................ 29 Figure 12: Surface Water and Groundwater Sampling Stations along Tunnel Segments ............................... 33 Figure 13: Raintree and Mahogany-Dominated Vegetation in Bigte Proposed as Contractor’s Work Area ... 38 Figure 14: Tree-Dominated Vegetation (Raintree and Balete) in Bigte Tunnel Outlet ..................................... 39 Figure 15: Brushland Vegetation in Segment 2 ............................................................................................... 39 Figure 16: Residential Subdivision and Cultivated Area cum Brushland in Segment 3 ................................... 39 Figure 17: Brushland Vegetation in Segment 7 above the Tunnel Outlet in Bigte ........................................... 40 Figure 18: Open-type Vegetation in Bigte Proposed for Disposal Area ........................................................... 40 Figure 19: Angat River Mollusc Dendogram .................................................................................................... 48 Figure 20: Angat River Fish Dendogram .......................................................................................................... 49 Figure 21: Project Segments ............................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 22: Location of the Inlet and Associated Works ....................................................................................... 50 Figure 23: Location of the Outlet Structure. ..................................................................................................... 53 Figure 24: Defective Housing Unit of AFP Subdivision in Segment 3 .............................................................. 57 Figure 25: MWSS Organizational Structure ..................................................................................................... 95 Figure 26: MWSS Office of Special Projects ...................................................................................................
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