The TIMES CatholicThe Diocese of Columbus’ Information Source February 28, 2021 • SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT • Volume 70:11 Inside this issue Bridgettines expanding: The Order of the Most Holy Savior of St. Bridget of Sweden, also known as the Bridgettines, is growing in Columbus and planning to build a new chapel and guesthouse next to their convent near Holy Family Church just west of downtown Columbus, Page 7 Little miracle: Thea Margaret Frank was born with Trisomy 18, which is often fatal, but she is approaching her second birthday and her parents and extended family are thankful for the gift of life, Page 10 Rite of Election: The annual Rite of Election for catechumens preparing to enter the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil took place on Sunday, Feb. 21 at Columbus St. Catharine Church, Page 12 DIOCESE LAUNCHES REAL PRESENCE, REAL FUTURE INITIATIVE Page 3 Catholic Times 2 February 28, 2021 Chancery staff member welcomes opportunity to evangelize The following story is the fourth in school. a series on missionary discipleship “Starting when I was young, when- in the Diocese of Columbus. Video ever I’ve had a difficult time in life, I interviews with the missionary have always turned to prayer. It makes disciples are available on the me feel good, like God is carrying me diocese’s YouTube, Facebook, to Him. It’s a great gift He has given.” Twitter and Instagram accounts. Reategui said her spiritual life has grown significantly since the arrival of the sisters of the Missionary Servants By Tim Puet of the Word from Mexico in 2009 to Catholic Times Reporter serve the large Latino population of St. Stephen Church. “Thanks to the sisters, I’ve really gotten to know Je- sus,” she said. As executive assistant in the dioce- “I was one of the first lay mission- san Chancery, Yvette Reategui never aries who went with them from house knows when she might be called on to house in the parish, visiting the to perform the work of a missionary people, praying the rosary and doing disciple. Bible studies. The parish has grown “Every day when I come to work, I steadily thanks to their efforts.” ask for God’s help and protection for The sisters’ presence also has re- when I take phone calls or deal with sulted in a growing devotion to the visitors to the Chancery,” said Reate- Eucharist within the parish. Eucha- gui, who has been employed there ristic Adoration takes place there on for seven years. “Bishop (Emeritus Wednesdays from 6 to 6:30 p.m., and James) Griffin told me that, in my po- Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. each sition, I am the voice and face of the week. Adoration also is scheduled diocese. I’ve always kept that in mind. from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the first Fri- “Most calls I take involve everyday day of the month, and from 7:30 p.m. activities, such as parishes asking for Saturday to 7 a.m. Sunday on the first help on different things or requests for Yvette Reategui, an executive assistant in the Diocese of Columbus Chancery office, Sunday. information in diocesan files. Once in discusses her work and faith life. Photo courtesy Andy Mackey “Many times I go into Adoration, a while, a caller will ask for guidance and at the beginning, I’m in a rush,” in a certain faith-related situation. I mated. The caller asked if the Cath- is a student at Cristo Rey Columbus Reategui said. “My mind is every- usually refer this type of caller to a olic Church permitted that person’s High School. where. But after a while, I get calmer. particular priest or a diocesan office, ashes to be scattered on the beach. I “Megumi means ‘Blessed’ in Japa- I would encourage people at Adora- but sometimes I’m able to help. told the caller the Church permitted nese,” said Reategui, who is of Japa- tion to take your time and relax. It’s a “Once, a woman called and said she cremation but wants remains to be nese descent. She said her grandpar- practice you get used to. If you really was the only Catholic in her family kept in a sacred place like a church ents immigrated to Peru in the 1930s. want to feel God’s presence, you’ll and was always fighting with relatives cemetery and not scattered or kept in They were among about 30,000 Jap- feel it and sense that God is talking about things like the role of Mary, an urn at home. anese who came to Peru from the to you. He will give you answers you the Eucharist or the authority of the “You get all sorts of little things like beginning of the 20th century until feel in your heart.” pope,” Reategui said. this, little opportunities to evange- World War II because Peru was the Her weekday duties at the Chan- “We began talking about Mary, and lize,” said Reategui, 51, who came to first South American nation to estab- cery keep her busy, but Reategui says I told her Mary is very important, but the United States from Peru 19 years lish diplomatic relations with Japan. that on Fridays, she enjoys going to she needed to talk to a priest about ago. “I’m still shy about speaking En- “I grew up Catholic and went to Mass somewhere or to Adoration in Mary’s role. I also sent her the book glish, but I’ve gotten better at it with Catholic schools where the teachers the morning at Columbus Holy Fami- 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father practice and with God’s help.” were German nuns,” she said. “Most ly Church. On Saturdays, she and her (Michael) Gaitley, which talks about Reategui is a member of Columbus people in Peru label themselves as husband attend the 8:30 a.m. Mass at consecration to Mary. The woman St. Stephen the Martyr Church. She Catholics, but they’re really ‘Catho- Columbus Holy Name Church, and called me later to thank me for the and her husband, Marco, have three lics lite,’ like my parents. They went on Sundays, the couple and their two book. She said reading it made her be daughters: Naomi Minotti, 26, who is to church on Christmas and Easter, younger daughters are at Mass at St. more in love with Mary. married and lives in Cleveland; and but that was about it. Most of the time, “Another person had a friend who Frances, 23, and Megumi, 17, both of I went to Mass by myself and learned was dying and planned on being cre- whom live with their parents. Megumi the basics of the faith there and in See DISCIPLESHIP, Page 8 Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher REAL PRESENCE, Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) REAL FUTURE K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer The diocese has announced Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 a strategic planning initia- Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 tive to increase the presence newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 of Christ throughout its 23 published every other week throughout the year. Subscrip- ([email protected]) counties over the next sever- tion rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements with Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus al years. Photo courtesy CLI your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. February 28, 2021 Catholic Times 3 Diocese announces Real Presence, Real Future strategic initiative to plot future The Diocese of Columbus has an- to the religiously non-affiliated. nounced Real Presence, Real Future, Father Adam Streitenberger, Bish- a strategic planning initiative aimed op’s Coordinator for Evangelization, at increasing the presence of Christ said, “Evangelization is the most im- throughout its 23 counties over the This initiative aims to reimagine 2. Articulating a plan for a compre- portant means by which the Catholic next three years and upholding the how the Church serves her people hensive Catholic presence for each presence will continue. For this work Faith for future generations. through a process of listening to their county/deanery by integrating mis- of evangelization to truly increase The Most Reverend Robert J. Bren- needs, ideas, concerns, and desires. sionary outreach, parish and school our Catholic presence, all of the bap- nan, Bishop of Columbus, launched This planning and consultation phase footprints, and leadership require- tized must respond to the call and be the initiative to priests on December will be held throughout 2021 and the ments for the next five years. formed as missionary disciples, and 1, 2020 and to parishes and schools findings will be implemented over 3. Defining and developing the nec- to be equipped to bring Christ to their on February 27-28, as a method of the next few years. The full scope of essary Diocesan resource structures to families and communities.” discerning the Diocese’s future and to the Real Presence, Real Future initia- support priests, deacons, and lay lead- “Each of the evangelization sub- usher in a new wave of evangelization tive will prepare the Diocese to in- ers in parishes and schools. committees will develop a plan to initiatives to foster a greater sense of crease its Catholic presence over the Much of the initiative’s work will be address the needs and initiatives for missionary discipleship.
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