www.casinos.at Hotline +43 (0) 50 777 50 Welcome It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to this historic 70th Anniver- sary Congress in Bregenz. For the fi rst time the Congress is being jointly hosted by three national associations – Austria and Switzerland, with the help of their neighbor, Liechtenstein. The amount of preparation and fore- Zambia as they affi liate and become thought that has gone into the con- fully-fl edged member countries. gress organization has been incredible. I would like to take this opportunity Haiti and Nepal, together with Serbia to offi cially thank the wonderful team will re-affi liate, bringing the number of the Congress Organizing Com- of member nations to 152 – a record! mit tee, who have worked together As AIPS continues to grow I urge you with President of the Organizing all to use our organization as a tool Commit tee, Barthli Hunger – General for world peace and understanding. Secre tary of sportpress.ch, and Fredy Stau besand, President of sportpress. I encourage each and every delegate, ch, Michael Kuhn, President of guest, observer and member – it does Sports Media Austria, and President not matter in which capacity you are of Sports Media Liechtenstein, Jürg here – to make the most out of the Schmellentin. Congress. Keep an open mind, absorb the information and ideas you will It is not easy to put together a con- hear and learn, be tolerant, and go gressional program, and I can assure home enriched by our eclectic gathe- you that the Organizing Committee ring representing the world’s sporting has done a fi rst class job! The Con- media, and use what you have learnt gress 2007 will be one to remember. each and every day to make the world and your profession a better place. The Congress 2007 will welcome a number of new nations to our fold Gianni Merlo – Gambia, Montenegro, Oman and AIPS President 1 The idea came up in the train May, 14th of 2004, shortly before kick-off of football EURO in Portu- gal. Exhausted by an interesting but exertive trip to the biathlon-centre Hochfi lzen, we were sitting in the shuttle train’s palace car riding us back to Innsbruck where Sports Media Austria was to hold the annual conference. Suddenly, the Swiss guest Barthli The presidents of Swiss and Austrian Hunger, secretary general of his sports sports journalists, Fredy Staubesand and journalists’ association, asked his Michael Kuhn, with OC-President Barthli Hunger (from left). Austrian colleagues for their opinion: “What do you think? Shouldn’t we apply together for holding one of pleased when the princedom of Liech- the next AIPS-Congresses? After all, tenstein invited us for one day to its EURO 2008 will take place in our capital Vaduz. countries, as well.” Our fatigue was cleared out in sudden bursts. The Congress right in Central Europe’s heart, arisen in a fl ash of And we did not have to discuss much. genius in a train, enjoyed acceptance All of us were enthusiastic about the from all over the world. Never before, idea because both countries just had delegated from more than hundred been host once so far and that was nations have participated in an AIPS- actually in the world’s association’s Congress. Stone Age: The Swiss in 1954, the year of the World Cup, and Austria We are delighted to spend the next fi ve years later in Vienna. That is how days with you, dear AIPS-members. this Congress was born so unusually. We all welcome you sincerely. Quickly, the modern Festival Hall in the border town Bregenz was found Michael Kuhn, Alfred Staubesand, as the venue. We were particularly Barthli Hunger 2 making much materialise ... ...such as the promotion of up-and- coming football players. In 2007 the Austrian Lotteries will contribute roughly 60 million euro towards sports promotion. For the winners of tomorrow. Dear AIPS members It gives the great pleasure to welcome you in the Principality of Liechten- stein on the occasion of the 70th AIPS congress in Bregenz. The extraordinarily high attendance fi gure of the congress is proof of your interest in the greater Lake Constance area of which Liechtenstein is part of. • Liechtenstein‘s skiers won 20 me- We see it therefore as a wonderful op- dals at world championships. portunity to give you an inside view • Liechtenstein has won a total of of our unique and very versatile coun- 11 Olympic medals, all in Alpine try. However short your visit may be Skiing. This corresponds to 1 medal – we invite you to discover Liechten- per 3,000 people in Liechtenstein stein and some of its many faces: which puts us at the top of the world ranking! Liechtenstein, • an internationally connected small Thanks to their success the Liechten- State. stein athletes are worldwide impor- • A vibrant economy with a diverse tant ambassadors of our country. And business sector. journalists like you play an equally • A competitive and secure fi nancial important role when reporting about centre. sports events from all over the world. • A friendly vacation destination. • With a surprisingly rich culture. I wish you a very pleasant stay, and And last but not least – I look forward to welcoming you in • A sports and recreation country. the Principality of Liechtenstein again • 15,000 people in Liechtenstein are soon. members of a sports association. This corresponds to 45 % of the population. • 1 in 240 people in Liechtenstein is Alois Hereditary president of a sports association. Prince of Liechtenstein 4 ZZZIHVWLQDDW 1R +HUUHQ&KURQRJUDSK% 'DPHQ0XOWLIXQNWLRQVXKU% XQYHUELQGOLFKH3UHLVHPSIHKOXQJ ,QIRVXQWHUZZZIHVWLQDDW RGHU7HO 35 Good luck and all the best! Already before reconstruction 2005/2006 the Festival Hall in Bre- genz was known as an international top address to hold congresses. After renovation and extension for approxi- mately 40 million Euro one now may talk about the most modern event centre between Munich and Zurich. Against this background, I am really of venue, which is after Vienna 1959 pleased that our city at Lake Con- only the second Austrian one, was the stance is the venue of an AIPS con- right one. gress. I heartily welcome the sports Another reason for this decision of journalists and delegates from far and course was the fact that next year is near! It is particularly remarkable coming up the football EURO 2008 that there is to register a record high – hosted together by Switzerland and participation in Bregenz: Austria. I wish all visitors not only an While at previous AIPS congresses interesting and successful congress but were represented never more than 100 beyond that an unforgettable stay in countries, this time for Bregenz are Bregenz. nominated delegates of 112 countries from all over the world. This is ano- DI Markus Linhart ther proof for the fact that the choice Mayor of Bregenz Impressum Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger: Verein zur Förderung eines qualitätsvollen Sportjournalismus, 1010 Wien. – Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Josef Langer, 1010 Wien. – Redaktion: Eugen Desiderato, Josef Langer, Roslyn Morris, Alfred Staubesand. – Fotos: GEPA-pictures, Agentur Diener, AIPS, privat. – Übersetzungen (teilweise): Felix Lill. – Layout und DTP: Rubixpress, Dieter Rubik, 1160 Wien. – Druck: Donau Forum Druck, 1120 Wien. Namentlich gezeichnete Artikel müssen nicht mit der Meinung des Herausgebers übereinstimmen. – Diese Broschüre wird kostenlos an alle Teilnehmer des 70. AIPS-Kongresses 2007 verteilt. Mitglieder des OK: Barthli Hunger (Schweiz), Michael Kuhn (Österreich), Fredy Staubesand (Schweiz), Ulisse Carugati (Schweiz), Eugen Desiderato (Schweiz), Josef Langer (Österreich), Norbert Wallauch (Österreich), Günter Pfeistlinger (Österreich), Jürgen Schenkenbach (Österreich), Aristide Cavaliere (Schweiz), Gerhard Stübe (Österreich), Sabine Künz (Österreich), Ruth Weidermann (Österreich), Jürg Schmellentin (Liechtenstein) 6 Supporting the Austrian national team every way we can. www.raiffeisen.at We believe you can‘t do enough for soccer. That is why the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group is the main sponsor of the national team and Austria‘s youth teams. Especially with upcoming international events in mind. 35 Offi cal Program of th 70th AIPS Congress Monday, 14th May 2007 Arrival of the Organising Committee and AIPS Executive Committee Tuesday, 15th May 2007 Executive Committee Meeting Wednesday, 16th May 2007 AIPS Executive Committee Meeting Arrivals of the Delegates, commissions, guests and observers 07,00 pm: Opening Ceremony at Festival house Bregenz, gala-dinner with Austrian Federal Chancellor Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer given by the county of Vorarlberg and city of Bregenz Thursday, 17th May 2007 08,30 am: Continental sections’ meetings 12,00 am: Lunch, given by UEFA – with DI Friedrich Stickler, President of the Austrian Football Association 02,00 pm: 70th AIPS Congress and presentations (until appr. 6,30 pm) Presentations by: Mr. Gian Franco Kasper, FIS President Mr. Ottavio Cinquanta, ISU President PyeongChang 2014 Olympic Candidate City Salzburg 2014 Olympic Candidate City Sochi 2014 Olympic Candidate City Macau 2nd Asian Indoor Games 08,00 pm: Gala-Dinner in the Festival house, given by FIFA 8 Friday, 18th May 2007 08,30 am: AIPS Congress in Bregenz 10,30 am: Transfer by coach to Liechtenstein 01,00 pm: Lunch 02,30 pm: AIPS Congress and presentations, High School Vaduz Presentations by: IOC, BOCOG, FISU (Universiade Belgrade 2009) Evening: Dinner, given by the Principality of Liechtenstein and closing ceremony in Vaduz Saturday, 19th May 2007 09,30 am: Presentation of Prof. Dr. Josef Hackforth, AUDI 10,00 am: Seminar: „Visions in the sports journalism – newest communication possibilities“ mobilkom Austria and editors of big sports newspapers 12,00 pm: Presentation EURO 2008 with Martin Kallen (Director of the EURO 2008) 02,00 pm: Lunch and Trip on a ship over the Lake Constanze 07,00 pm: „Deuring Schlössle“ / Bregenz jubilee 70th AIPS Congress, dinner, given by AIPS Sunday, 20th May 2007 Departure of all participants 9 Bregenz - the Host City Bregenz – the host city of the 70th AIPS Congress, offers a lot of highlights.
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