Planta Journal of Medicinal Plant Research medica Organ der Editor-in-Chief A. Baerheim-Svendsen, E. Hecker, Heidelberg J. M. Rowson, Mablethorpe Gesellschaft für E. Reinhard, Tübingen Leiden R. Hegnauer, Leiden M. v. Schantz, Helsinki Arzneipflanzen• Pharmazeutisches Institut H. Böhm, Halle W. Herz, Tallahassee K. F. Sewing, Hannover forschung Auf der Morgenstelle 8 F. Bohlmann, Berlin K. Hostettmann, Lausanne E. J. Shellard, London D-7400 Tübingen A. Cave, Chatenay-Malabry H. Inouye, Kyoto S. Shibata, Tokyo P. Delaveau, Paris M. A. Iyengar, Manipal Ch. Tamm, Basel Editorial Board Ding Guang-sheng, F. Kaiser, Mannheim W. S. Woo, Seoul H. P. T. Ammon, Tübingen Shanghai F. H. Kemper, Münster Xiao Pei-gen, Beijing W. Barz, Münster C. -J. Estler, Erlangen W. R. Kukovetz, Graz E. Reinhard, Tübingen N. Farnsworth, Chicago J. Lemli, Leuven •O. Sticher, Zürich H. Floss, Columbus Liang Xiao-tian, Beijing H. Wagner, München H. Friedrich, Münster M. Lounasmaa, Helsinki M. H. Zenk, München D. Fritz, Weihenstephan M. Luckner, Halle A. G. Gonzalez, La Laguna J. Lutomski, Poznan Advisory Board O. R. Gottlieb, Sao Paulo H. Menßen, Köln N. Anand, Lucknow E. Graf, Köln E. Noack, Düsseldorf R. Anton, Strasbourg H. Haas, Mannheim J. D. Phillipson, London Contents Volume 49,1983 ISSN 0032-0943 (§)• Hippokrates Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart II Contents 49,1983 Atta-ur-Rahman, Bashir, M.\ Isolation of New Alkaloids Cannabinoi'ds in Phelipaea ramosa, a Parasite of Canna- from Catharanthus roseus 124 bis sativa) 250 Atta-ur-Rahman, Nisa, M., Farhi, S.: Isolation of Moenjod- aramine from Buxus papilosa 126 Galun, £., Aviv, D., Dantes, A.y Freeman, A. \ Biotransfor• mation by Plant Cells Immobilized in Cross-Linked Poly- Balsevich, J., Kurz, W. G. W.: The Role of 9- and/or 10- acrylamide-Hydrazide. Monoterpene Reduction by En- oxygenated Derivatives of Geraniol, Geranial, Nerol, trapped Mentha Cells 9 and Neral in the Biosynthesis of Loganin and Ajmalicine 79 Ghosal, Sh., Singh, A.K., Biswas, K.: New6-Aryl-2-pyrones Bassleer, R., Marnette, J.-M., Wiliquet, Ph., De Pauw-Gillet, from Gentianapedicellata 240 M.-CL, Caprasse, M., Angenot, L.\ Etüde complemen- taire de la cytotoxicite de la melinonine F, alcaloide derive Hafez, A.y Adolf, W., Hecker, E.\ Active Principles of the de la ß-carboline (Complementary Study of Cytotoxic Thymelaeaceae. III. Skin Irritant and Cocarcinogenic Activity of Melinonine F) 158 Factors from Pimelea simplex 3 Becker, H., Chavadej, S., Weberling, F.: Valepotriates in Valeriana thalictroides 64 leven, M., van den Berghe, D. A., Vlietinck, A. J.: Plant Becker, H., Herold, S.: RP-8 als Hilfsphase zur Akkumula• Antiviral Agents. IV. Influence of Lycorine on Growth tion von Valepotriaten aus Zellsuspensionskulturen von Pattern of Three Animal Viruses 109 Valeriana wallichii (RP-8 Auxiliary Phase for the Accu- Ishiguro, K., Yamaki, A/., Takagi, 5.: Studies on Iridoid- mulation of Valepotriates from Cell-Suspension-Culture related Compounds; III: Gentiopicral, the Aglucone of of Valeriana wallichii) 191 Gentiopicroside 208 Bounthanh, C, Richert, L., Beck, J. P., Haag-Berrurier, M., Anton, R.: The Action of Valepotriates on the Synthesis Jakovlev, V., Isaac, O., Flaskamp, E.: Pharmakologische of DNA and Proteins ofCultured Hepatoma Cells. 138 Untersuchungen von Kamillen-Inhaltsstoffen, VI. Unter• Brianqon-Scheid, F., Lobstein-Guth, A., Anton, R.: HPLC suchungen zur antiphlogistischen Wirkung von Chama- Separation and Quantitative Determination of Biflavones zulen und Matricin (Pharmacological Investigations with in Leaves from Ginkgo biloba 204 Compounds of Chamomile, VI. Investigations on the Antiphlogistic Effects of Chamazulene and Matricine) 67 Caputo, O,, Delprino, L., Viola, F., Caramiello, R., Bal- Joshi, K. C, Singh, P., Taneja, S.: A Sesquiterpenoid Naph- liano, G.: Biosynthesis of Sterols and Triterpenoids in thol from Kydia calycina 127 Tissue Cultures of Cucurbita maxima 176 Jossang, A., Leboeuf, M., Cabalion, P., Cave, A.: Alcaloides Chagnon, M., Ndibwami, A., Dube, S., Bumaya, Ar. Ac- des Annonacees. XLV: Alcaloides de Polyalthia niti- tivite Anti-Inflammatoire d'Extraits de Crassocephalum dissima (Alkaloids from Annonaceae. XLV: Alkaloids multicorymbosum (Anti-inflammatory Action of an Ex- of Polyalthia nitidissima) 20 tract from Crassocephalum multicorymbosum) 255 Chattopadhyay, S., Chattopadhyay, U., Mathur, P. P., Saini, Kimura, Y., Ohminami, H., Okuda, H., Baba, K., Kozawa, K. S., Ghosal, S.: Effects of Hippadine, an Amarylli- M., Arichi, S.: Effects of Stilbene Components of Roots daceae Alkaloid, on Testicular Function in Rats 252 of Polygonum ssp. on Liver Injury in Peroxidized Oil-fed Chen Weiming, Yan Yaping, Liang Xiaotian: Alkaloids from Rats 51 Roots of A Istonia yunnanensis 62 Kisiel, W.: 8-Epidesacylcynaropicrin from Crepis capillaris 246 Kiso, Y., Suzuki, Y., Watanabe, N., Oshima, Y., Hikino, H.: Dehaussy, H., Tits, M., Angenot, L. \ La guattegaumerine, Antihepatotoxic Principles of Curcuma longa Rhizomes 185 nouvel alcaloide bisbenzylisoquinoleinique de Guatteria Kiso, Y., Tohkin, M., Hikino, H.\ Assay Method for Anti• gaumeri (Guattegaumerine, New Bisbenzylisoquinoline hepatotoxic Activity Using Carbon Tetrachloride In- Alkaloid from Guatteria gaumeri) 25 duced Cytotoxicity in Primary Cultured Hepatocytes . 222 Dominguez, X. A., Franco, R., Cano, G., Ma. Consue lo Kram, G.f Franz, G.: Untersuchungen über die Schleim- Garcia, F., Xorge A, Dominguez, S. Jr., Leonardo de la polysaccharide aus Lindenblüten (Analysis of Linden Pena,M.: Isolation of a New Furano-l,4-Naphthaquinone, Flower Mucilage) 149 Diodantunezone from Lanthana achyranthifolia .... 63 Krüger, £>., Junior, P., Wichtl, M.\ Neue Cardenolidglyko- side aus Digitalis lanata (New Cardiac Glycosides from Endo, K., Oshima, Y., Kikuchi, H., Koshihara, Y.} Hikino, Digitalis lanata) 74 H.: Hypotensive Principles of Uncaria Hooks 188 Engelshowe, R.: Dimere Proanthocyanidine als Gerbstoff• Langhammer, L., Schulze, G., Gujer, R., Magnolato, D., vorstufen in Juniperus communis (Tannin Producing Horisberger, M.\ Isolation and Structure of a Rarely DimericProanthocyanidins in Juniperus communis). 170 Occurring Cyanidanol Glycoside from Cortex Betulae . 181 Esterl, A., Gab, S., Bieniek, D.\ Zur Kenntnis der Inhalts• Lemli, J., Cuveele, /., Verhaeren, E.\ Chemical Identification stoffe von Isertia hypoleuca (On The Constituents of of Alexandrian and Tinnevelly Senna. Studies in the Isertia hypoleuca) 244 Field of Drugs Containing Anthracene Derivatives XXXIV 36 Fournier, G., Paris, M.: Mise en Evidence de Cannabinoides Long-Ze Lin, Wagner, H.t Seligmann, ö.\ Thalifaberine, Chez Phelipaea ramosa, Orobanchacees, Parasitant le Thalifabine and Huangshanine, Three New Dimeric Chanvre, Cannabis sativa, Cannabinacees (Detection of Aporphine-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids 55 Contents III Man-Po Wong, Teh-Chang Chiang, Hson-Mou Chang: Chem• Rueffer, M., Nagakura, N., Zenk, M. H.: Partial Purification ical Studies on Dangshen, the Root of Codonopsis pilo- and Properties of S-Adenosylmethionine: (R), (S)-Nor- sula 60 laudanosoline-6-O-Methyltransferase from Argemone Misawa, M., Hayashi, M., Takayama, S.: Production of platyceras Cell Cultures 131 Antineoplastic Agents by Plant Tissue Cultures. I. In- duction of Callus Tissues and Detection of the Agents in Sariyar, G.: Alkaloids from Papaver triniifolium of Turkish Cultured Cells 115 Origin 43 Seip, E. H., Ott, H. H., Hecker, E.: Skin Irritant and Tumor Nahrstedt, A., Wray, V., G rot Jahn, L., Fikenscher, L. H., Promoting Diterpene Esters of the Tigliane Type from Hegnauer, R.: New Acylated Cyanogenic Diglycosides the Chinese Tallow Tree (Sapium sebiferum) 199 from Fruits of Anthemis cairica 143 Sepulveda-Boza, S., Friedrichs, £., Puff, H., Breitmaier, E.\ Nomura, T., Fukai, T.} Shimada, T., Ih-Sheng Chen: Com- Ein iso-Homoprotoberberin-Alkaloid aus den Wurzeln ponents of Root Bark of Morus australis. I. Structure of von Berberis actinacantha (An iso-Homoprotoberberin- a New 2-Arylbenzofuran Derivative, Mulberrofuran D. 90 Alkaloid from the Roots of Berberis actinacantha).... 32 Shoyama, Y., Hatano, K., Nishioka, I.: Clonal Multiplica- Obata-Sasamoto, H., Komamine, A.: Effect of Culture Con- tion of Pinellia ternata by Tissue Culture 14 ditions on DOPA Accumulation in a Callus Culture of Stoianova-Ivanova, B., Budzikiewicz, H., Koumanova, B., Stizolobium hassjoo 120 Tsoutsoulova, A., Mladenova, K., Brauner, A.: Essential Ohiri, F. C, Verpoorte, R., Baerheim Svendsen, A.: !H NMR Oil of Chrysanthemum indicum 236 Chemical Shift Values for Aromatic Protons in 2,3,9,10- and 2,3,10,11-tetrasubstituted Tetrahydroprotoberberine Teh-Chang Chiang, Hson-Mou Chang, Mak, Th. C. W.: New Alkaloids 162 Oleanene-type Triterpenes from Abrus precatorius and Ohiri, F. C, Verpoorte, R., Baerheim Svendsen, /i.:Tertiary X-ray Crystal Structure of Abrusgenic Acid-Methanol Phenolic Alkaloids from Chasmanthera dependens ... 17 1:1 Solvate 165 Ojewole, J. A. O., Adesina, S. K.: Mechanism of the Hypo- tensive Effect of Scopoletin Isolated from the Fruit of Tetrapleura tetraptera 46 van der Sluis, W. G., van der Nat, J. M., Spek, A. L., Ike- shiro, Y., Labadie, R. P.: Gentiogenal, a Conversion Pro- Ojewole, J. A. O., Adesina, S. K.: Cardiovascular and Neuro- duct of Gentiopicrin (Gentiopicroside) 211 muscular Actions of Scopoletin from Fruit of Tetrapleura tetraptera 99 Okogun, J. L, Adeboye, J. O., Okorie, D. A. \ Novel Struc- Wagner, H., Schwarting, G., Varljen, Bauer, R., Ham- tures of two Chromone Alkaloids from Root-Bark of dard, M. E.,
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