(Thr (Eoloma Cmtrun' NO. 47 VOL. 42 COLOMA. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 1. 1938 Brenneman Hobbs of Chester, W. Va. The father of the bride officiated and Father and Son Were •agle Will Scream Civic Association Weddings Take Lead the church was filled with friends of m. ALICE M. BAH, PIONEER the Blanning family. A large recep- tion at Sonner hall followed the mar- In Society Events riage ceremony. Killed in Auto Crash in Watervliet July 4 Had Lively Meeting Miss Mary Eleanor Spencer, daugh- RESIDENT, PASSED AWAY JUNE 25 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irven Spencer, Charles Koerber, Sr., and Charles Day of Games, Contests and a Parade Discussed Plans for Celebration in Unnraally Large Number of Young and Rodney Ruth, son of Mr. and John H. Bunker, E. H. Erickson and Village and Will Seek to Have People Have Plighted Their Vows Mrs. Dwight M. Ruth, both of Ben- Koerber, Jr., Were Victims of Acci- Will Close With Grand Display of Andrew Grahn. Interment was in Funeral Services for Mother of ton Harbor, plighted their vows be- Gar Fish Removed From Paw Paw Coloma cemetery. During the Past Week. fore about 150 guests at the home of dent on US-31. Fireworks In Evening the bride's parents on Saturday, June Supervisor Allen W. Baker Were Charles Koerber, Sr., and Charles WATERVLIET—Everything Is all Lake. 25, 1938. Rev. Edward Montgomery, set for Watervllet's annual July 4th Held Froita Late Home Monday pastor of the Presbyterian church, Koerber, Jr., were both killed and Several matters of general interest MISS MABEL KUEHL AND another son, William F. Koerber, all celebration which is sponsored this officiated. A large reception follow- year by the Watervliet Chamber of to the community were given con- Afternoon. Supervisors Have ed the ceremony. The couple will of Chicago, were victims of a serious sideration at the regular meeting of EDWIN DAMASKE ARE WED automobile accident at the intersec- Commerce, and will be held at Hays reside in Chicago. the Coloma Civic Association at the Another of Coloma's well-known tion of the Lake Shore Drive and Field. Superintendent of Schools pioneer residents was called to her Ronald R. Shelters Is general chair- Hub Restaurant on Monday, when US-31, near Benton Harbor, on Fri- the attendance was the best that It final rest on Saturday, June 25, 1938, Very Busy Session Coloma Lady and St. Joseph Man Miss Grace Buck, daughter of Mr. day of last week. The other son, Wil- man and he Is being assisted by Dick when Mrs. Alice M. Baker, widow of and Mrs. John Buck of Berrien has been for some time. liam, was injured and was taken to Curtis and various committees, who the late William A. Baker, passed Plighted Vows on Sunday, June Springs, formerly of Benton Harbor, have worked out a program that will the St. Joseph sanitarium. How Will Coloma Celebrate? away at the home of her daughter, Plans for Enlargement of the Court- and Dorr Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. The car in which the father and open at 10 a. m. with a soft ball Mrs. Dorothy Warrlner, after a three 26th. Greydan Dean of Berrien Springs, two sons were riding was going game between the Watervliet Lions One of the matters discussed was weeks' Illness. She was 87 years house and County Jail Receiving were united in wedlock at the Meth- Trinity Lutheran church in St north on the highway when it skid- Club and the Watervliet Paper Co. that of some sort of a celebration to old and had been an active resident odist Peace Temple in Benton Har ded on the pavement and crashed This will be followed at 11 o'clock by be held in Coloma during the sum- of this community most of her life. Consideration. Joseph was the scene of a large wed- bor on July 25, 1938, Rev. Glenn ding on Sunday, June 26, 1938, at into a truck driven by Ambrose Ta- a tug-of-war between the Lions and mer or early fall. Just what the Frye, the new pastor of that church, nature of the event wjll be has not Mrs. Baker was the daughter of It is a definite conclusion on the which Miss Mabel Kuehl, daughter tar, also of Chicago. The passenger the Paper Makers. Then comes the Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Clarke and was officiating. A reception was tender- struck the truck on the left front ple-eatlng contest, followed at one been decided, but all were agreed part of the members of the Berrien of Mr. and Mrs. August Kuehl ' of ed at the Jean Klock pavilion on the born in Lorraine county. New York. county board of supervisors that both Coloma, was united in marriage to fender and scraped along the body of o'clock by a big parade, with prizes that something should be done to shore of Lake Michigan. The couple afford entertainment for the citizens When but a small child she came to the courthouse and the county Jail Edward Damaske, a St. Joseph gro-' the truck until the car was almost of $15, $10 and $5 offered. Berrien county, Mich., where the will reside near Eau Claire. completely demolished. The crash At 2 p. m. a program of sports will of the village and the community, are far too small to properly care for cer, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dam- family resided until the death of Mr. the constantly Increasing business aske of Harrison avenue. Rev. Louis was heard for some distance. So include boys' and girls running committee consisting of Harvey Kib- ler, William L. Alwood and Frank Clarke. Mrs. Clark took her family that the courts of the county are call- Neuchterlein performed the marriage The marriage of Miss Frances great was the force of the impact raccs, bicycle races, men's race back to Ohio, where the daughter, Fountain and Edward Kesterke was that the headlight and other effects three-legged race, potato racc, and Dlouhy was named to formulate ed upon to transact. The county jail ceremony. plans for the event and to report at Alice, graduated from Canaan Acad- long ago was found to be but about Attending the bride were the solemnized by Rev. E. A. Iron at the of the Koerber car were hurled some then the scramble to catch the emy. It was while attending this Zion Evangelical church in St. Jo- distance. It is reported that the greased pig. At 3:30 there will be a the next meeting of the Civic Asso- half large enough to care for the groom's sister. Miss Dorothy Da- school that she met William A. many hundred prisoners that are maske, as maid of honor, his sister seph on Saturday, June 25, 1938, in Koerber car was being driven ball game between the Lions Club ciation, which will be held at Phil's Place on Tuesday, June 12th. Baker, whom she later married, and taken there each year. Miss Ruth Damaske, and Miss Ade the presence of a large number of about 60 miles per hour when the and the Watervliet Paper Company they moved to Coloma. Both Mr. accident occurred. No blame for the and at 7:30 the Watervliet High Chairman Bartz outlined several line Ast, as bridesmaids. The groom friends. The bride is a daughter of To Rid Lake of Gar Fish and Mrs. Baker taught school in the Mrs. Lillian Giesenhau of Benton accident is attached to the driver of School Band, under the direction of plans that the board must consider was attended by August Kuehl first two-room school established when the session was called to order brother of the bride. Ushers were Harbor, and the groom is a son of the truck. Lester Baker, will give a concert. It was reported by several resort south of the village, and Dr. Baker Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kesterke of St. The death of the two Koerbers 1 In the evening one of the biggest on Monday morning: the building Arnold Damaske, Herbert Noffke owners around Paw Paw Lake that practiced his profession as a physi- committee and the finance committee Albin Damaske and Edward Radde. Joseph. A reception was tendered brings the total number of automo and grandest displays of fireworks the gar fish have become so numer- cian from 1877 for many years. about 75 guests at the Woodmen hall. bile deaths to fifteen so far this year. ever held In Watervliet will he held also had their say in the matter A bridal gown of white satin, prin ous in the lake that they are fast Dr. Baker was one of the real which occasioned a large amount of The couple will reside in Benton at the athletic field, beginning at 9:45 depleting the stock of other fish and cess style, with a train and flowing builders of the community. He was discussion. bridal veil, was worn by Miss Kuehl Harbor. Fire Chief S. G. Bridges and his fire asked that the Civic Association department will have charge of this the prime mover in the construction The question Is not as to whether Her bouquet was a shower of white work with the resort owners In an of the first railway that was operated the enlargements are necessary, but roses, lilies of the valley and baby'; Miss Agnes Ott, a former Bridg- part of the celebration and it will effort to rid the lake of these pests, conclude the day's festivities. Mr between Coloma and Paw Paw Lake, just what the actual needs are and breath.
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