Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 4 (2) (2020) Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/index.php/kinestetik/index SPORTS MOTIVATION SURVEY AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STUDENTS OF SPORT EDUCATION TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY FKIP MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA Gatot Jariono1*, Nur Subekti2 12Sports Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Indonesia Article Info Abstrak ____________________ ___________________________________________________________ Article History: This study reveals the motivation to exercise and physical activity Received September 2020 Revised A September 2020 of UMS POR students in the COVID 19 new order. This study aims Accepted September 2020 to explore the perceptions, strategies, and challenges of UMS POR Available online September 2020 students in the COVID 19 new order in having the motivation to _____________ exercise and perform physical activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative Keywords: methods. Quantitative data using questionnaires and qualitative data motivation to exercise, physical activity, covid 19 obtained through interactive interviews using google forms. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies through Excel Microsoft 2013 and qualitative data were analyzed through interactive thematic data analysis. The results showed that (i) the sports motivation of UMS POR students in the COVID 19 new order was in a good category or 61.21%, (ii) The physical activity of UMS POR students in the COVID 19 new order was in a good category or was 71.03%. This study recommends that the more frequent physical activity students maintain their physical quality, this must be balanced with sports motivation that is qualified in the COVID 19 new order. Corresponding address: Jln. Gayam No. 2 Karangasem, Jawa Tengah ISSN 2685-6514 (online) Email :[email protected] ISSN 2477-331X (print) DOI : 10.33369/jk.v4i2.12449 86 Gatot Jariono et al/ Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 4 (2) (2020) INTRODUCTION Restriction (PSBB) policy and finally a new normal or new life order is In new order era, it limits a person implemented for physical activity to do physical activity outside the home, provided that they maintain health in this case someone lacks motivation to protocols imposed by the government to exercise, and limits his daily physical suppress the spread of this virus. Efforts activity. Basically, the motivation to to avoid the corona virus are to stay away exercise and physical activity can be done from crowds, social distance, increase individually to maintain physical fitness. immunity by doing sports activities. Basically, doing daily physical activities does not require a large space or place to Physical activity is a series of do this. Doing physical activity requires movements deliberately to improve exercise motivation, because doing physical fitness so that harmony and physical activity is easier and more harmony are formed for the formation of practical. a healthy and fit body, thus for the successful implementation of this task it Currently the world is faced with is necessary to have a match between the an outbreak of the Covid-19 virus which requirements that must be met, namely has claimed many lives regardless of anatomical and physiological in nature to various backgrounds, social status, the type and intensity of physical tasks. education, occupation, and no longer and motivation to carry out sports recognizes and takes into account skin activities that must be carried out. color, ethnicity or ethnicity, race, even religion. all become one color and close Motivation is an impetus that ranks to fight the plague that swept the arises from within and from outside a world. person to carry out daily activities either without encouragement from other Corona virus infection is called people or encouragement from others to COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) carry out their activities. This is in line and was first discovered in the city of with Slameto (2003: 170), Walgito (2003: Wuhan, China at the end of December 220) Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002: 80) 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly Hamalik (2005: 106), Hamzah B Uno and massively and has spread throughout (2010: 66), and Gunarsa (2008: 53) the world including Indonesia. This experts. This suggests that motivation is a makes several countries implement change in energy within and from outside policies to impose lockdowns withclose a person which is characterized by a all access in and out of their respective feeling of reaction to achieve certain territoriesin order to prevent the spread of goals. Motivation contains desires, hopes, Covid-19. All corners of Indonesia have needs, goals, objectives and incentives. implemented a Large-Scale Social This condition is what activates, moves, 87 Gatot Jariono et al/ Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 4 (2) (2020) channels, and directs the attitudes and in carrying out their daily activities can behavior of individual learning. From the avoid the impact of Covid 19. To do motivation to do sports activities, then sports activities to improve physical arises from someone to do physical fitness, it does not have to be done in open activity. Physical activity is a daily places such as fields but can be done activity carried out by a person to indoors such as in a fitness center or done maintain body fitness. This is in line with at home (stay at home). In accordance the opinion of Irianto (2000: 46), with these circumstances, the researcher Faturrohman and Sutikno (2020: 19), intends to conduct a survey of the interest Rivai and Murni (2009: 732) someone in sports and physical activity carried out who performs physical activity with the by students during the Covid 19 type of exercise and intensity that has met pandemic and in the current new order. the requirements, as well as the length of exercise with a frequency that is enough METHODS every week, will be able to obtain and maintain physical fitness. The method used in this research is survey research using qualitative and Physical fitness is doing daily quantitative approaches. This research activities without feeling tired. This is in was conducted from July to August 2020. line with the opinion of Mutohir and Participants [this is formatted as Heading Maksum (2007: 51), Mukholid (2007: Level 2]. 34), Wahjoedi (2003: 58), the Indonesian This research was conducted in Health Ministry (2009: 9), and Sukoharjo with the research sample being Giriwijoyo (2007: 43) some experts argue all students of the sports education study that physical fitness is a very important program, Muhammadiyah University of aspect of physical fitness as a whole, Surakarta. With a total sample of 214 people who had filled out a questionnaire which in turn will give a person the ability via google form. to lead a productive life and be able to adapt to any proper physical load. Sampling Procedures Physical fitness refers to the ability and The sampling procedure was physical ability of a person to carry out purposive sampling. Proposive sampling his daily tasks with enthusiasm is an alternative, because the researcher considers the sample who has filled out a effectively and efficiently for a relatively form via google form by considering the long time without causing significant student's ability, one of which is having fatigue, and still has spare energy to carry an internet quota. In this study, out other activities. researchers conducted a survey with the help of google form through the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hfyoG But on the other hand, to carry out Gz0msPt8Ybh43a2O4geUdzBlL9Xc13y sports activities in this new era, you must nduFY8/edit follow health protocols, so that someone 88 Gatot Jariono et al/ Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 4 (2) (2020) This research requires research; and (3) finding the validity of consideration on the grounds of the the data through triangulation. student's ability to take the time to fill out Design or Data Analysis the google form online This online costs This research uses a quantitative money. So the researcher spends on the research approach and a qualitative sample only those who are able to fill out approach. Meanwhile, data analysis was the form and have an internal quota as the carried out by examining the data sample. obtained from distributing questionnaires Materials and Apparatus and interviews. Therefore, the data The data collection technique used analysis process uses qualitative and several techniques, namely 1) The quantitative approaches, the data analysis interview method was conducted process starts with data reduction, data intensively with informants to obtain the display, and data verification, while the information needed in this study. explanation of the data analysis technique Interviews were conducted in two ways, can be described as follows: namely open and closed interviews. Open 1) Data reduction refers to the process of selecting raw data that occurs in interviews are meant to dig deeper into the field when data collection takes the analysis of the motivation for sports place through written field notes and physical activity carried out by through distributing questionnaires students during the Covid 19 pandemic about exercise motivation and and in the current new order. Meanwhile, physical activity to UMS POR students. Then categorize the data a closed interview is to
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