Students et an up-close look at the law ~ 29 ..... ... ' I ' ~ Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbri"htontab.com FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2003 Vol. 7, No. 42 • 52 Pages • 3 Sections 75¢ Boiling Break-ins on about the rise in A-B land sale Police say rate is Mass Pike deal up 76% this year "Yoo have to put a barrier between with Harvard By Phoebe Sweet STAFF WRITER your stuff and the draws concerns Boston Police are instructing bad guys. You can't Allston-Brighton residents to By Claudia Torren I avedoors CORRESPONDENT lock doors and windows, conceal valuables and watch for suspi­ unlocked." ., The deci ion of the Turnpike cious behavior after a more than Authority to sell 91 acres of All­ 75 percent increase in home BPO District 14 Sgt ston land to Harvard University break-ins this year. William Fogerty continued to provoke strong op­ "You have to put a barrier be­ position among Allston resi­ tween your stuff and the bad dents, representatives and busi­ guys," said BPD District 14 Sgt. in A-B ubout the increase in ness people during last week's William Fogerty. "You can't property theft. public meeting at the Honan­ leave doors unlocked." Police ~ny that the 195 break­ Allston Branch Library. Although police have several ing and enterings (or B/E's) re­ The participants of the meet­ suspects, they are calling on resi­ ported so far this year are a 76 ing, who expressed their concern dents to help thwart the efforts of percent increase over the same about the sale to the Metropoli­ three or four criminals operating time last year and an 86 percent tan Highway System Advisory inA-B. increase over 200 l . Board members, made clear that District 14 is beginning an While A-B usually averages they did not want Harvard to ad­ awareness campaign, which will about 35 B/E's each month, 68 minister Allston Landing South. include a Tuesday, May 13 meet­ residents r~ported property stolen For them, the disappearance of ing at Temple B 'Nai Moshe to from their homes in April alone. the Beacon Park rail yard would educate homeowners and renters BREAK-INS, page 9 mean the cut of a main trans­ portation artery to Boston. The area to be sold comprises a large stretch of Allston land Students driving along the Massachusetts Turn­ pike with parcels located south of Cambridge Street, near Houghton Chemical, the Double away the residents Tree Guest Suites and west of By Phoebe Sweet leaving th ~ Mission Hill neigh­ Soldiers Field Road and Storrow &P'A 11'1'1xi;R Drive along the Charles River. borhood because of crime. Now The anxiety of Allston 's resi­ Each September stu ents pour they say it\ because of students," dents and workers was focused into Allston-Brighton y the tens said Pat f lanagan, president of on the possibility of losing the of thousands, packing nto apart- Mission Hill Neighborhood rail yard, and therefore, its "near ments and houses in ves. Housing Services. "Families dock" rai l freight connection as But A-B isn't the o y Boston who deserve to be here and pay well as its capacity to attract new neighborhood plagued y absen­ affordable 1-ents can't compete." PH BY DAVE GORDON tee landlords, diminishing num­ Mission Hill, like Allston­ businesses. According to various People stroll across the Weeks F t Bridge over the Charles River during Friday night's "Bridges bers of families, ove~rowding, Brighton, is flanked by universi­ company owners, the absence of Allght" celebration. Allston Landing South wou ld in­ s.kyrocketing rents and oisy par­ ties, incll1ding Northeastern, crease traffic because a larger ties. Wentworth and Mass. College of percentage of freight would be City officials met i Mission Art. Similar to many A-B neigh­ moved by trucks. In their opin­ Hill with area residents this week borhoods, Students have seeped ion, the highways are already too to brainstorm solutions to the outward fi-om the universities congested. the Charles River Conservancy called "Bridges continued encroachment by stu­ looking for off-campus housing. At the same time, the future of Alight." dents into previously family Neighbors and officials from local businesses such as he eerie mtt,ic of the ela Galak In spite of the damp chill, dozens gathered neighborhoods. The hearing was Boston Police, Inspectional Ser­ Houghton Chemical would be Tika of M I T. drifted ac )~.., the park­ along the banks of the Charles River to see the part of a study of housing prob­ vices Depiutment (ISD) and the jeopardized because of the pos­ T lands surrounding the Ch le-; River on Andersen and Weeks bridges illuminated by the lems in the Fenway, Mission Hill City Council identified a chain of sibility of being removed from Fnday evening. As du..,k fell, whit ligh~ illumi­ Conservancy for the first time since December and Allston-Brighton before the issues pushing students into col­ its proximity to the highway and nated theAndersen und Week bri e-, spanning 2001, and listen to the music and dance perfor- City Council's City and Neigh­ lege neighborhoods and in tum rail. the Charles River in II celebration ponsored by BRIDGES, page 8 borhood Services Committee. driving families out. LAND DEAL, page 15 "Years ago they said they were HOUSING, page 6 Take a chance a d play the game of Living Life By Phoebe Sweet tact old friends. player gets a lovely parting gift: a new challenge is going to be." Eslinger, the game consists of 30 cards STAFF WRITER You may even 1·njo:r thetas s. lease on life. Even though Eslinger is talking about with descriptions of tasks on them. The The directions to the game are easy: And although there i no\\ i er in the "Life is so precious and so short," said life, she might as well be talking about tasks are things thut people think about Perform 30 simple tasks. Living Li fe gnme, its creat rs - a Jamie Eslinger Moore, the game's co­ the Living Life game. doing all the time, but never get around Watch a sunrise, bake a cake and con- Brighton man anJ his \\ ife - ay evel) creator. "None of us know what the next Created by Jay Moore with help from GAME, page 11 INSIDE Are you f'ollowz g me? Exposing the myth "He never waited for the signals PYCCKOE of Paul Revere because he already ITPMJ\OJKEHME! knew which way the He:S-far more interesting than the ~SEEPAGE25 British were going." tales that have been written about him Patrick Leehey, ENTERTAINMENT By Christine Moyer ride in 1775 to Lexington and coordinutor of research, CORRESPONDENT Concord evolved into a dra­ Paul Revere House The woman "Listen, my children, and matic event climaxing with the you shall hear I Of the mid­ Boston native warning the citi­ behind these night ride of Paul Revere, I On zens, "The British are coming! Evangelical Congregational the eighteenth of April, in Sev­ The British are coming!" Church at IMghton Center. "Girls" enty-Five; I Hardly a man is Recentl y, Patrick Leehey, "Our view of Paul Revere is now alive I Who remembers coordinator of research at the as a taJI, slim and majestic ~SEEPAGE 17 STAFF PHOTO BY KATE FlOCl< Kids, and their shadows, play In Rln er Park during last that famous day and year. " Paul Revere House, dispelled man. But that's a mythological Friday's wann afternoon. Now that e cold weather has finally Wi th the help of Henry the widely believed myths of Revere," L~ehey said as a por­ INSIDE left, for the most part, It's time for o door activities again. Wadsworth Longfellow 's Paul Revere's life during a trait of the Boston native in poem, Paul Revere's midnight- slide show in the Brighton Commentary 12 REVERE, page.8 Community Notes 3 Crime 4 ~ FREE ONLINE A!..sj>ttialfl"i"PJ '1.\EL ~i " , for lcids IJ tttnacm Obituaries 26 BANKING Mother's Day ~~ '\~q,,o ft. ~... ~~,,_ t)J , • • N..., F.U Oassts People 27 t:lllHOPR.\CTH : May lllh 't•~"'° for Kids and Trmagm F REE CHECKING 25 ,..,,.XJl<fl<tlC' Schools 28 Flowers - Plants ~ Sports ACCOUNT Learn to dance Gifts Private and group lessons with or without partner • weekly dances • low rates 1 9 Auto ---~-. 21. RCANTILE ~ &\NK Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties Work Injuries Minihane's Flower FREE Olllllli©CfiJxlllCWiY @001117 134 Tremont Street • Brighton nking on a first name basis 617-566-7850 Washington Street • Brighton & Garden Shop DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Rea/to~ 556 Cambridge St., Brighton 617-783-3500 425 WASHINGTON STREET of New England www.mercancileboston.com BRIGHTON CENTER • 617-254-11 30 ( 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 Member FDIC Ample Free Parking www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com 7 2 (617) 787-8700 - "' - www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton Friday, May 9,2003 COMMUNITY NOTES Every Community Celebrate with A-B's in gs. ces i le. Admi ion price are: neighborhocxl parks throughout Has At Least $5 for VIP (includes YIP re­ the city. Skin cancer is the most preva­ One Realtor like Unsung Heroes lent of all cancers. It is estimated cep n) and $250 for general The goal of the series is to R EALTY CROUP The I 0th annual Unsung He­ that more than I million Ameri­ tick (includes general recep­ open a dialog with mothers and Nonnan O'Grady roes Awards Dinner will talce cans develop skin cancer every tion .
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