Heuristic Molecular Lipophilicity Potential for Computer-Aided Rational Drug Design A Thesis Subrnitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Chemistry University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon BY Qishi Du Spnng 1998 O copyright Qishi Du, 1998. Al1 rights reserved. 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Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extrts substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author' s ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. The author has agreed that the library, University of Saskatchewan, may make this thesis freely available for inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purpose may be granted by the professor who supe~sedthe thesis work recordai herein or, in his absence, by the Head of the Department of Chemistry in which the thesis work was done. It is understood that due recognition will be given to the author of this thesis and to the University of Saskatchewan and in any use of the material in this thesis. Copying or publication or any other use of this thesis for financial gain without approval by the University of Saskatchewan and the author's written permission is prohibited. Requests for permission to copy or to make any other use of the material in this thesis in whole or in part should be addressed to Head of the Department of Chemistry University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada, S7N OWO Acknowledgments I express sincere thanks to Dr. P.G.Mezey, for his excellent supervision, academic guidance, and ernotiond encouragement throughout my graduate study in this department. In particular, his financiai support has been the necessary condition for me to finish the two-year study at the University of Saskatchewan. His motivation, initiative, industrious and rigorous style penetrates dl parts of rny thesis. He has been not only a trusted supervisor, but also a very respected fnend during rny stay in Saskatoon. 1 also want to thank Mrs. Heather Acton for carefully checking the English of my thesis. This is very beneficial in improving my English and is important for conveying my ideas correctly. Special thanks are sent to Dr. Ron Verra11 for carefully checking and reading my thesis. His thoughtful and knowledgeable classes of solution theory are greatly helpfùl for my model HMLP. The long discussions with Dr. Verrall solve many questions in the model HMLP and give me the nght direction in my thesis research. Many new ideas corne from his classes and discussions. Thanks are aiso sent to Dr. Gustavo A. Arteca (Laurentian University) for his enlightening discussions and inspiring encouragement. 1 thank extemal examiner Dr. Mariusz Klobukowski, University of Alberta, and other members of my Thesis Cornmittee, Dr. S. Pedras, Dr. S. Reid, and Dr. M. Khoshkarn, for their time and energies spent on listening to my reports and examining my Thesis. 1 am very gratefùl to both the Dean's Office and the School of Graduate Studies and Research for their valuable Graduate Fellowship awarded to me. 1 extend thanks to al1 staff and students of the Chemistry Department, for the academic atmosphere they provide. Publications in Thesis Resea rch 1. Qishi Du, Paul G. Mezey, and Gustavo k Art- "Heunstic moleailar lipophilicity potential for mmputer-aided rational hgdesign", JoimI of Compter-Aided MOfecular Desip, 11(1997), 503-5 15. 2. Qishi Du, Paul G.Mezey, "Heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential for cornputer- aided rationai dmg design: Optimizations of screening functions", Accepted by Jmml of Compter-Ai&d MoIecularr Desigr?, (1 998). 3. Qishi Du, Paul G. Mezey, "Heuristicmoleailar lipophilicity potential for compter- aided rational dmg design: An Application to the Small Molecular System of Pyrazole Derivatives", Jaimal of Compter-Aided Moieaiim Design, sent for review, (1998). 4. Qishi Du and Gustavo A Arteca, "Modehg lipophilicity from the distribution of electrostatic potential on a molecular surface", Jminml of Compter-Aided Moiechr Design, 10(1996), 133-144. 5. Qishi Du and Gustavo A. Art- "Derivation of Fused-Sphere Molecular Surfaces from the Electrostatic Potential Distribution", Jmnud of Computatioimi Chemis~,17(1996), 1258- 1268. 6. Isabel Rozas, Qishi Du, Gustavo k Arteca, "Interrelation Between Electrostatic and Lipo philicity Potentials on Molecular Surfaces",Jorînlal ofMoleczilar Graphies, l3(1995), 98-108. ABSTRACT In my thesis research, 1 suggest a heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential (HMLP), a structure-based technique requiring no empirical indices of atornic lipophilicity. The input data used in this approach are molecular geometries and molecular surfaces. The HMLP is a modified electrostatic potentiai, combined with the averaged influences fiorn the molecular environment. Quantum mechanics is used in calculating the electron density function p(r) and the electrostatic potential V(r), and from this information a lipophilicity potential L(r) is generated. The HMLP is a unified lipophilicity and hydrophilicity potential. The interactions of dipole and multipole moments, hydrogen bonds, and charged atoms in molecules are included in the hydrophilic interactions in this model. The HMLP is used to study hydrogen bonds and water-octanol partition coefficients in several examples. The calculated results show that HMLP gives qualitatively and quantitatively correct, as well as chemically reasonable results in cases where comparisons are available. These comparisons indicate that the HMLP has advantages over the empincal lipophilicity potential in many aspects. Three possible screening functions and parameters used in them are tested and optirnized in this research. Power screening fùnction, bi/llR,-rllT, and exponential screening function, b;e~p(-(IRi-i-rll/do), give satisfactory results. A new strategy for dmg design and combinatory chemistry is presented based on HMLP, and is used in the study of a small molecular system, pyrazole and its derivatives. The mechanism of inhibition of LADH caused by pyrazole and its derivatives is explained based on the calculation results of HMLP indices. Good results are achieved in this example. Further improvernents of screening function and visualization of HMLP by computer graphics are discussed. 1 suggest two possible visualization approaches of HMLP: a two-color system and a three-color system. Their possible applications are discussed. HMLP is suggested as a potential tool in cornputer-aided three- dimensional dnig design, studies of 3D-QSAR, active structure of proteins, combinatory chemist ry, and ot her types of molenilar interactions. Table of Contents Preface i .. Copyright 15 ... Acknowledgments III Publications in Thesis Research iv Abstract v Table of Contents vi Chapter 1: Theoretical and Experimental Background of Molecular Lipo philicity Hydration and Molecular Lipophilicity Solvation and Hydration Molecular Interactions in Solvation Structure of Water Molecules in Liquid Molecular Lipophilicity and Hydrophilicity Moiecular Electrostatic Potentid and Force Field Molecular Electrostatic Potential The Role of MEP in Molecular Interactions MoIecuIar Electric Force Field Ab Initio Calculation of MEP Density Matrix and MEP Fuzzy Electron Density Fragmentation Principle Additive Fu- Density Fragmentation Scheme Partition Coefficients as a Measure of Molecular Lipophilicity Partition Coefficients Partition Coefficients in p--r Analysis Molecular Lipophilicity in Advanced Drug Design Approaches Experimental Methods for DetemWiing log P Flask-Shaking Method and Determination of Phase Concentrations MiceUar Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatograp hy NMR in the Study of Lipophilicity DynamicNMR Water Oxygen- 17 Magnetic Relaxation Techniques other than NMR Measurements of Interaction Forces between Surfaces Direct Measurements of ~ntennoIecu1arand Surface Forces Applications of Direct Measurements of Forces Chapter 2: Review of Research of Molecular Lipophilicity Empiricai Estimations of Partition Coefficients Derived from MolecuIar Structure Estimations of logP Based on Molecular Surface Idonnation Empirical Formulas Based on Atomic Charge, Surface Area, and Dipole Moment Empirical Formulas for Hydration Free Energy Fragmenta1 Contribution to log P Estimation of Partition Coefficients Based on Molecular Electrostatic Po tential Quantum-Mechanical Methods to Compute the Solvation Free Energy Discrete and Continuum Quantum-Mechanical Models Self-Consistent Readon Field (SCRF) Method for Evaluating AG,id Double-Layer Polarizable Quantum Continuum Model
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