The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2642-7478) 2020: 5. 498 Published: December 21, 2020 | Pages: 32-41 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajiir/Volume02Issue12-05 OCLC - 1091588944 Variety Of Forms And Genres In Modern Poetry Dilbar Tangirova Senior Lecturer, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/ tajiir Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT This article gives information on variety of forms and genres in modern poetry. In world literature, poetic genres form a unique artistic system. In particular, genres such as room, sonnet, ballad, rondo, triolet, hokku, elegy have signs of centuries-old development. Therefore, the characteristics of these genres are intertwined, interacting and living. These genres, which are traditional in world poetry, have their own laws and certain definitions. We discuss those issues in our research. KEYWORDS Poetry, literature, poetic genres, sonnet, ballad, rondoA INTRODUCTION In world literature, poetic genres form a unique ballad, elegy, etc. are the predominant genres artistic system. In particular, genres such as in world literature, while rondo and triolet are room, sonnet, ballad, rondo, triolet, hokku, specific poetic genres in French literature. elegy have signs of centuries-old development. Consequently, the genre of oda, as an ancient Therefore, the characteristics of these genres genre in world poetry, laid the foundation for are intertwined, interacting and living. These the emergence of genres of this content in the genres, which are traditional in world poetry, literature of different peoples. In particular, have their own laws and certain definitions. the room formed and perfected in French Hokku, tanka in Japanese poetry, terset and poetry occupies a typological line with the inverted in Italian poetry, or oda, sonnet, genre of qasida in Uzbek poetry. The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 12-2020 32 The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2642-7478) 2020: 5. 498 Published: December 21, 2020 | Pages: 32-41 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajiir/Volume02Issue12-05 OCLC - 1091588944 THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS developed by Bualo. According to this theory, rooms should be written in a high, attractive In particular, the literary critic D. Kuronov language, free of dialect elements, and each writes about hokku: “HOKKU, haiku verse should convey a concise idea, that is, the (Japanese“ first lines ”) is a traditional rigid word should not move from one verse to poetic form of Japanese poetry, a lyrical genre. another, and hungry rhymes should not be X. consists of three lines, the first and third used. lines are five-syllable, and the second line is seven-syllable, and in this respect it is the same In Russia, oda originated in the XVI-XVII as the first three lines of the tank (see). lib, the centuries, the term oda was first used by VK “first verses” that reflected the main idea of Trediakovsky, and later became one of the the poem, were decided as a rigid form of main and leading genres in the work of MV poetry called X.. The founder of the genre is the Lomonosov. While MV Lomonosov created seventeenth-century Japanese poet M. Basyo, rooms rich in patriotic and philosophical who, in addition to creating beautiful examples content, GR Derzhavin, a famous odanav of his of the genre, developed the formal and time, added humor and revealing features to semantic requirements, aesthetic principles for the room. it ”6. It seems that in world literature, hokku In the Russian rooms, the speech is rich in has a number of features as a genre of poetry. eloquence, eloquent style, the use of urges and That is, the peculiarity of this genre, which has rhetorical repetitions, the weight of a strict three stanzas, is that the size of the joints is five four-stop yamb, the band structure of ten in the first and third stanzas, and seven in the verses rhyming in the form of ababvvgddg. second stanza. This is a strict measure. calculated. A.N. Radishchev and A.S. Pushkin Oda - (gr. Oide - from the word song) is a lyrical tried to direct the genre against the current genre of Western and Russian poetry, one of system through their so-called "Freedom" the genres similar to the poem in Eastern rooms, but this feature was not consistent with poetry: a solemn poem dedicated to the nature of the room genre. By the 1920s, someone's honor or an important event . In however, the room had completely stopped ancient Greek literature, rooms were recited by developing. the choir accompanied by music and games, In some cases, the term room is translated as a and by their nature were divided into rooms of poem. In fact, these two terms refer to praise, mourning, and games. In ancient different events, so they should not be Roman literature, Horace separated the island confused. Although the genre of oda is close to from music and shaped it as a literary genre. the genre of qasida in the East by its nature, Oda later re-emerged in France in the 16th such as solemnity and praise, they are century and became widespread in Western completely different genres in terms of European poetry. Oda has reached the stage of structure, rhyming order and other features. maturity in the work of F. Malerb and other representatives of French classicism. The The rooms of poets such as Jean-Baptiste theoretical foundations of the room were Russo and Victor Hugo are famous in French The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 12-2020 33 The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2642-7478) 2020: 5. 498 Published: December 21, 2020 | Pages: 32-41 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajiir/Volume02Issue12-05 OCLC - 1091588944 literature. In world poetry, there are the the ballad there are imaginary, mysterious, following genres of oda: incomprehensible, even unspoken situations. The origin of the ballad combines the features 1. Religious themes: divine rooms, hymn of the story and the song with the traditions rooms and religious hymns; associated with folk legends. The ballad is the 2. Rooms of war or heroism; main poetry of the genres of sentimentalism 3. Philosophical rooms of exemplary content; and romanticism. The ballad shows that the 4. Cheerful rooms. ancient meaning, medieval poetry, has a clear Ancestors have described the island as a appearance, consisting of 3 verses, and the first chorus in their tragedies. They divided the half of the verse is repeated, each verse ending room into three parts that harmonized the with a repeated poem, the origin of the song song and regulated them: busy, busy, and epic The story in the poem is preserved in sharply (same lyrical poem in ancient poetics). The busy ballads. The number of stanzas is equal to Ronsar School tried to bring its rhythmic and the number of stanzas in each row. It consists choreographic units back to the room. As of 8 or 10 lines and is written on different Vauquelin put it in his "Poetic Art":"Before topics. Ronsar, there were different types of rooms (a The Pléiade added an outdated ballad genre to song sung on the way out and back)" 7. The the new look of the sonnets and rooms. In the genre of Oda was later included in the famous late 18th century, the ballad emerged as a French writer Victor Hugo's Odes et Ballades. weapon in the illumination of English and By the beginning of the twentieth century, the German traditions that served to put an end to room genre under Claudel’s pen had the ballads of Romanticism. From the outside reappeared in his Cinq Grandes Odes (5 large in the field of literature, the word ballad has rooms). become the epitome of modern song, and The troubadours reworked some of the gradually, in a pleasant general sense, it was elements of folk songs, using a variety of poetic the end of the twentieth century. Due to the forms and weights. They are mainly: cansona, fact that certain features of the ballad were sirventa, alba, serenade, pastorella, tensona, incorporated into other genres, such works ballada. Among them, ballad is one of the most were called by common names (for example, widely used genres in Western literature. ballads-poems, ballads-symphonies, etc.). Ballada - ("dance song" from the French word François Villon signs the balloon ses ballades en "ballade") is a genre of lyro-epic poetry, a song mettant un acrostiche dans l’envoi. C’est le cas or poem that tells a story with the de la Ballade de la Grosse Margot, de la Ballade development of a dramatic plot. The word de bon conseil, de la Ballade des contre vérités, "ballade" is derived from the word "ballata" in du Débat du cœur et du corps de Villon. Ou de the south of France. In the Middle Ages, la Ballade pour prier Notre Dame, tirée du "dancer" was derived from the word "baller", Grand Testament: Vous portâtes, digne Vierge, which means "to dance". The plot of the ballad princesse, Iésus régnant qui n’a ni fin ni cesse. is characterized by a special melody, music. In The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 12-2020 34 The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2642-7478) 2020: 5. 498 Published: December 21, 2020 | Pages: 32-41 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajiir/Volume02Issue12-05 OCLC - 1091588944 Le Tout-Puissant, prenant notre faiblesse, first and foremost leading in world poetry and Laissa les cieux et nous vint secourir, also in French literature.
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