Nr. 17/2016 HERMENEIA Journal of Hermeneutics, Art Theory and Criticism Topic: Translation and Interpretation Editura Fundaţiei Academice AXIS IAŞI, 2016 Advisory board Ştefan AFLOROAEI, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Sorin ALEXANDRESCU, Prof. Dr., University of Bucarest, Romania Aurel CODOBAN, Prof. Dr., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Denis CUNNINGHAM, General Secretary, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV) Ioanna KUÇURADI, Prof. Dr., Maltepe University, Turkey Roger POUIVET, Prof. Dr., Nancy 2 University, France Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER , Prof. Dr., Jean Moulin University, Lyon, France Editor in Chief Petru BEJAN, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Editorial board Antonela CORBAN, PhD., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Valentin COZMESCU, PhD., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Florin CRÎȘMĂREANU, Researcher Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Ciprian JELER, Researcher Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Cristian MOISUC, Assistant Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Horia PĂTRAȘCU, PhD., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Dana ŢABREA, PhD., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania (Deputy Editor) Journal coverage Hermeneia is indexed/abstracted in the following databases: ISI THOMSON REUTERS (Emerging Sources Citation) ERIH PLUS (open access) EBSCO (institutional access required) PROQUEST (institutional access required) DOAJ (open access) GENAMICS (open access) INDEX COPERNICUS (open access) Journal’s Address Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Department of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences Blvd. Carol I nr. 11, 700506, Iasi, Romania Email: [email protected] Web: www.hermeneia.ro Editor’s Address Axis Academic Foundation Tel/Fax: 0232.201653 Email: [email protected] ISSN print: 1453-9047 ISSN online: 2069-8291 TOPIC: TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION Summary Introduction: About Translation and Interpretation ......................................... 7 (Guest Editor: Florin CRÎŞMĂREANU) Petru BEJAN A Hermeneutics of the Image .................................................................................. 10 Alexander BAUMGARTEN Doctrinal remarks on Godescalc of Nepomuk’s Prologue to the Sentences commentary ................................................................ 15 George BONDOR La référence et les mondes possibles. Enjeux de l’interprétation et de la traduction ...................................................... 29 Andrei BERESCHI Translating Aristotelian Political Morphology into Medieval Latin: The Cases of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Dante Alighieri ........ 38 Corneliu BILBA Jeux de langage, paradigme linguistique et traduction des concepts. Le cas de la Politik comme politique d’Etat ........................................................ 53 Cezara HUMĂ Hegel und seine Antigone-Rezeption in der Phänomenologie des Geistes und in den Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik .................................... 72 Constantin-Ionuț MIHAI Competing Arts: Medicine and Philosophy in Aristotle’s Protrepticus ........................................................................................... 87 Constantin RĂCHITĂ The Translation and Interpretation of Genesis 47, 31. The LXX Vocalization of the Hebrew Text and Patristic Exegesis ............. 97 Fănel ŞUTEU Pauline superlatives in the horizon of Romanian biblical translations: polymorphic valencies of the preposition ὑπέρ (hyper) .................................... 107 Victor Alexandru PRICOPI Gnostic exegesis on book of Genesis ..................................................................... 121 Petru MOLODEȚ-JITEA The preamble of the Gospel according to John – Its significance in the hermeneutical conflict between the Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons and the gnostic school of Valentinus ..................................................................... 134 Emanuel GROSU Horace: Carmina, I, 38. Epicureanism and vegetal symbols .......................... 146 Florin CRÎŞMĂREANU Origène et les limites de l’interprétation: littéral et anagogique ................... 154 Dragoș MÎRŞANU From Greek Authority to Hebrew Verity and Back: The Question of the Source Text of the Latin Old Testament in the Correspondence between Saints Augustine and Jerome ..................... 163 Florina-Rodica HARIGA A Hermeneutical Exercise: Understanding Bonaventure’s Itinerarium mentis in Deum as a Treatise about Education .......................... 175 Gelu SABĂU Nietzsche, Christianity and the Moral Idol .......................................................... 185 Eugenia ZAIŢEV Kritik der Urteilskraft in the perimeter of translation and interpretation .............................................................................. 197 Ciprian JELER Traduire le darwinisme dans le domaine sociopolitique: sur quelques stratégies (més)interprétatives à l’œuvre dans le darwinisme social .......................................................................................... 204 Frăguța ZAHARIA Le « néant » heidéggerien dans l’interprétation d’un étudiant roumain du philosophe allemand ................................................. 221 Camelia GRĂDINARU Memory, Interpretation and Connectedness: The Imagined Part of Virtual Communities ........................................................ 233 Dana ŢABREA The spectacular world. Translation and Interpretation in Scarred Hearts by M. Blecher ................................................................................... 243 Varia Roxana PATRAŞ Dematerialization and Form-of-Life in Matila Ghyka’s Writings ................. 253 Ilaria ACQUAVIVA La realitas objectiva nella dottrina suáreziana del concetto: conceptus objectivus e conceptus formalis nelle Disputationes metaphysicae ........................................................................... 266 Interviews Pierfrancesco STAGI (Intervista con Tudor Petcu).......................................................... 284 Introduction: About Translation and Interpretation Introduction About Translation and Interpretation On the 10th and 11th of November the Centre of Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy of The University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iaşi organized the National Colloquium entitled Translation and Interpretation. This academic event has for now an uninterrupted tradition, and this year the Colloquium reached its 8th edition. What could justify the organization of a colloquium about translation and interpretation nowadays? This question is very simple, but, at the same time, one may not easily find a satisfying answer. I tend to believe that the arguments may be found by acknowledging the evident context in which both aspects (translation and interpretation) are being regarded as essential components, not only of certain areas such as Philosophy, Theology, Linguistics or any other, but of our everyday lives, because they are to be found in people’s lives as long as they are trying to understand situations, contexts, and aspects of their lives. In order to succeed in their endeavours, it is necessary that human beings would translate the respective situations of their lives into their own individual language. Even if as a strictly methodological procedure, translation and interpretation are being analysed, as a general rule, separately. Actually, they have a common destination, not knowing all the time which one precedes the other. Evidence enables us to state that interpretation assumes the act of translation as being preliminary and we all agree that we cannot interpret a text of philosophy from ancient Greece, for example, if we do not know ancient Greek language. For those that do not know this language, translation asserts itself as a necessity in order to understand something from that text. On the other side, we cannot make a certain translation by absolving us from the preliminary data. No matter how hard we try, when we translate a text, we cannot isolate the tradition, the culture to which we belong. Not only is the act of translation influenced by our culture and presuppositions, may it be consciously or not, but our everyday life is also being guided by these preliminary data. The presuppositions theorized by R.G. Collingwood and H.-G. Gadamer among others precede any form of translation. Some of the papers presented at the colloquium held in Iaşi on the 10th and 11th of November have emphasized the fact that from the (mis)interpretation of the sacred texts to the translation of the official documents of the European Union, the art of interpretation has passed 7 Introduction: About Translation and Interpretation through diverse records: from interpretation techniques that initially regarded self-edification to doctrines of interpretation, like the doctrine of the four senses of the Scripture. Regardless of the aspect that we acknowledge this fact or not, translation and interpretation entwine in an inextricable way with our everyday life. From Nietzsche’s Will to Power we understand that “facts do not exist; only interpretations exist”. All the more so as we may affirm that, the act of translation is nothing else than an interpretation! And each act of our life, as it assumes a relationship regarding things, people or ourselves. Any relationship that implies understanding may be seen as an act of translation. The first time a translation appeared may be identified exactly, along with the diversity of languages and culture. After Babel,
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