I L I ... August 1992 Recording - Engineering .¡Production 54.00 Pro Audio Ap.lication M ....- = :A1c. 1b Y. fi Ì i" `'` //, I / ` , 9 /; . It í¡I I ww 6 e ., , f i< ,, _! " Al... : A I I . '¡, l,,w e~ :. r ` ® '' ;! .. + ¡! . fdi `r! , ar ie' . 4t!4., 114111 . An INTERTpC.'Pubiicition O . www.americanradiohistory.com QUALITY. RELIABILITY. EXPERIENCE. PRODUCTS THAT SET THE STANDARD COMPRESSJR L =5. E:_ =_ _E =5. Ll:c__ =4 P- N;»SE REDUCTION SYSTEMS 1525 Alvarado Street. San Leandro. CA 94577 Tel: 510 351.3500 Fax: 510/351-0500 Circle (1) on Rapid Facts Card www.americanradiohistory.com Leading experts in recording, `ilm post-production WHEN IT and live sound are discovering he many advan- tages of the Behringer 2 -chanr el and 8- channel DeNoisers. They know Behringer takes the noise out of the dirtiest signal path vithout altering the audio quality. Their reactions s low why Behringer CAME TO is now the most talked about r ame in professional audio circles. "Simply lovely. Smiles all around. Room agreement was unanimous: We want this Ming on all our tracks." Mike Joseph- Editor R P, March 1992 BEHRINGER "I have used similar 'single- en0ed' devices on the mixes of 'Ghost' and 'Godfather Ill' and found the Behringer Mark Ill to be superior in every category -from ease of opera ion to final result. "Consequently, I am -witho it hesitation - WE LET THE recommending to LucasArts /SI ywalker Sound that they buy at least four channel of Behringer Mark Ill DeNoising for each mix ng console here and in Los Angeles; a total of twelve mixing rooms." Walter Murch -Film Editor and Nusic Mixer, EXPERTS LucasArts /Skywalker Sound "If the phrase noise floor is in your vocabulary and you would prefer that it was n )t, get a Behringer single ended noise reduction unit to the top of your got to have one list." Robert Scovill -Sound MAKE THE Engineer/Mixer, Rush /Def Leppard The experts know why Behringer DeNoisers let them take the noise out and lave the audio quality in. Isn't it time yar discovered all the good things NOISE. Behringer can do for your and a? THE PERFECT EAR. BEHRINGER\ Exclusively distributed in the US by Samson Technobgies Corp., P0. Box 9068, Hicksville, NY 11802 -9068 T 6) 932 -3810 Fax 1516) 9!2 -3815 c Samson 1992 Circus (3) on Rapid Facts Card www.americanradiohistory.com Volume 23, No. 8 August 1992 p4.440 . P'1,444444)4, REP Interview: Lindsey Buckingham 16 Return of the soul lifter. By: Dan Levitin San Francisco's Hyde Street Studios: Then and Now 22 Before Hyde Street Studios, there was Wally Heider and the original San Francisco Sound. By: Jennifer Maxwell, Nicole Sanchez and Dan Levitin Updating a Classic 26 Hyde Street Studio A gets a Neve 8048 and an ATR-124. 13 By: John LaGrou Audio Noise and AC Systems Revisited 30 Rethinking studio electrical systems. By: Martin Glasband Courtroom Production: The Jeffrey Dahmer Trial 35 Providing audio production for gavel -to-gavel coverage of a major national trial. By: Ray Fister Modern Mic Preamps 38 Checking up on the current state of electronic front ends. By: John LaGrou Hands On: Ramsa WR -S4424 49 By: Jim Williams 16 n$4444 do From the Top 5 Guest Editorial 6 Letters 8 Random Access 10 Fresh Tracks 13 CompuServe Reply Card 32A -32B Live & Direct 44 REP Handbook 45 Digital Domain 46 26 REP: On -Line 47 Sound Business 48 First Look 53 Cutting Edge 54 Johnny Yuma Studios in Burbank, CA. Rapid Facts Cards 65 Design by John Storyk and Ted Rothstein. Subscriber Cards 67 REP and Uve Sound! and Touring Technology now have a presence on the CompuServe Information Service network! Submit article ideas, create Letters- to -the- Editor, download articles from our On -Line library or have a "live" conversation with our staff and contributors on the REP: On -Line Forum. To receive a free CompuServe membership and sign -up kit, courtesy of REP, dial 1-800-524-3388 in the U.S. or Canada and ask for representative 11232. Once on the network, type GO REPMAG at any prompt to navigate directly to the MIDI VENDER FORUM, SECTION 14. Or reach the Editor's Mailbox at 75300,3141 by typing GO MAIL at any prompt. See you On -Line! REP: Bernd ingEnglneeringProduetlon (ISSN 1058 -9678) is published monthly by Intertec Publishing Corporation. 9800 Metcalf, Overland Park. KS 66212 -2215. Subscriptions rates are $26 to qualified readers. 530 to non-qualified readers per year in the United Slates. 550 for qualified and 560 for non -qualified per year outside the United States. Optional airmail for non - qualified readers outside the United States is also available for an additional 555 per year. Foreign subscriptions are payable in U.S. funds only by bank check or money order. Adjustments necessitated by subscription termination at single copy rate. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to REP: Re ordingEngineeringProducllon P.O. Box 12960, Overland Park. KS 66282. Second -lass postage paid at Shawnee Mission. KS 66202 and additional mailing offices. Photocopy rights: Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use is granted by Intertec Publishing Corporation for libraries and others registered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), provided the base fee of 52.00 per copy of article is paid directly to CCC. 21 Congress SI.. Salem, MA 01970. Special requests should be addressed to Cameron Bishop. group vice president. Intertec Publishing Corporation. ISSN II)58.967S $400 + $0.00 1992 by Intertec Publishing. All rights reserved. 2 REP August 1992 www.americanradiohistory.com WAVE TONE O I)TIL EXEC The Peavey 'rDPM® SP /SX Sampling Combination "The Peavey DPM SP has enough "The SP offers ambitious proglaammers the sound- processing power to generate incredible potential for creating new signature sounds. sbjnds.... Overall, the SP represents tremendous Particularly considering its !ov price. value for the money....The engineers at Peavey expandability and first -rate storage and loading are to be commended for building a highly capabilities, the SP gives a mujcian more than capable sound module into a cost -effective, just an introduction to samplin With the SP, upgradable package." Peavey moves the flexible -arc tecture Electronic Musician philosophyto new frontiers. May 1992 Issue =Q Magazine P9bruary 1992 Issue The DPM® SP/SX sampling system is a phenomenal The DPM ® SX Sampling Xpander nodule allows you value. Costing thousands less than comparable units from to digitally record your own 16 -bit samples and send our competitors, and hundreds less than most low end them over SCSI to the SP or in the s 'andard SDS format systems, the SP /SX combination represents the most to your DPM 3 or other compatible nstrument. powerful, yet affordable, full- featured 16 -bit sampling system on the market today! Up until now, high -quality samplin)tas been something that was out of reach for most peopl . Not only because The DPM® SP rack -mount sample playback module offers of the expense, but because of the tedious time and effort I 6-bit resolution and 44.1 kHz stereo sample playback rate required to create good samples. Thy union of the SP /SX for industry standard sonic quality that is without equal. finally brings together high -end full ''eatu ed sampling with ultra affordable pricing for the vorking musician. The SP is capable of handling up to 32 megabytes of Sample the new DPM SP and DPM iX sampling system internal sample memory. The sample RAM is expandable today! Be sure to ask about the new )PM SP sample with low -cost industry standard SIMMs expansion boards. library available now at your nearest Peavey dealer! The Monitor magazine tram Peevey is a publication tilled with the latest into musicians want to know Included are interviews with today s hottest players You also get the latest newsier` Peavey equipment To receive 4 issues for only 55 00' sena check or money order to Monitor magazine Peavey Electronics 't . A SYeal Mrnd.an MS 39302 2898 Prices good in U S only Circle (4) on Rapid Facts Card Peavey Electronics Corporation 711 A Street - Meridian. MS 39301 - (601) 483 -5365 Fax: 484 -4278 a 1992 www.americanradiohistory.com '4 PA KyA L rM IaTEI VEAS Of (A5 y PI e tric4f 12utferk, 4'i and Level) Permits precise level and pattern control, BUILDING A virtually eliminating comb filtering and EUTATION, lobing in an array. TAD IS NOW PPC r" (Plias P ie rec/ nology BUILDING Eliminates the compression driver's "throat" and "couples" ERORMANCE the horn directly to the phase plug, thereby reducing throat compression and distortion. SPEAKER SYSTEMS. AgST T" (AoAS System T For years, TAD" components Improves phase, have been used by major speaker frequency and transient response manufacturers and touring sound through the application of a companies. Three years ago, TAD secondary vent to the LF port and HF engineers focused on creating a dispersion horn. high performance speaker system of their own. The result is the new TAD TCM Series. Made in the U.S.A., TCM speakers feature Passie entirely new technology for Improves overall the industry. tonal characteristics by dissipating the capacitance which occurs in the magnetic gap of a loudspeaker. 7I,flI ï 7 es a'a cer en qi n Dramatically reduces- by more than pilcóvSuRE Can/5rRucroA1 20dB -2nd harmonic distortion in the 50Hz to 100Hz range. Features CNC fabrication of 14 -ply Finland birch, mil -spec, aluminum flying track and rated technical stainless steel fasteners. TAD Audio Devices Engineered to convenient 1Tl P. i.,- P1.011111.114 Uiiüm "truck- pack" dimensions.
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