Saint Edna Catholic Community Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday evening 5:00 pm (anticipated) Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Weekday Masses Monday-Saturday at 9:00 am Communion Service Monday-Friday at 6:45am Eucharistic Adoration Fridays, 9:30-10:30am Office Hours Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-8:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed 12–1pm weekdays) Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm Sunday, 9:00 am-1:00 pm Baptisms Celebrated the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Parent preparation class: 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm. Please call to register. Marriages Arrangements for celebration of marriage should be made at the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Reconciliation/Confession Available each Saturday 11:00 - 12:00, or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office to have a family member who is seriously ill or elderly receive the Sacrament of Anointing. Communion for Homebound Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Please call the Respect Life Sunday Ministry of Care at 847-398-3362 x 318. October 6, 2013 St. Edna Outreach Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 847-398-3362 x 323 Dear Parishioners, Capital Campaign through your prayers The Church in the United States has called the first and financial sacrifices. Sunday in October, Respect Life Sunday. To respect, CAPITAL CAMPAIGN / Bringing Our Vision To Life is to hold in esteem, to value, to honor, to care for and to protect. The late Cardinal Bernardin coined the Total Families Participating 9/30 833 phrase “Consistent Ethic of Life,” stating that our choices in one area affect our decisions in other areas. Total Pledge To Date $ 3,671,056.00 This ethic of life joins the humanity of the unborn in- Total Gifts Processed To Date $ 1,244,753.00 fant and the humanity of the disabled and those living Total One-Time Gifts Processed 368,034.00 in poverty. Total Pledges Processed $ 876,719.00 In the words of Pope Francis: “Let us say ‘Yes’ to life This past July we mourned the death of our beloved and not death.” In a recent homily, Pope Francis Pastor Emeritus, Rev. John J. Hurley. He was cer- noted how the Scriptures continuously tell us how tainly a holy priest who loved this parish and adminis- God is the “Living One who bestows life.” However, tering the Sacraments. I know that he was most grate- he said that “all too often, people do not choose life, ful for the love, prayers and support he received as his they do not accept the ‘Gospel of Life’ but let them- health continued to decline. The many cards and let- selves be led by ideologies and ways of thinking that ters, and visits by parishioners gave him hope and en- block life, that do not respect life, because they are couragement. Above the entrance to our sanctuary are dictated by selfishness, self-interest, profit, power and the words: pleasure, and not by love, or concern for the good of "In this place extraordinary miracles happen from others.” time to time. Quiet wonders occur everyday." ……………………………………………………… Fr. Hurley received these words in a note from a col- This weekend, we will begin publishing our Annual lege student who wrote to tell him that she missed Report of Stewardship for the last fiscal year. This Saint Edna. Fr. Hurley was touched by this sentiment year, instead of publishing the report in a separate and it became the motto of his ministry to the people publication, the Annual Report will be featured in the of Saint Edna. Indeed the miracles continue as Saint bulletin over a period of seven weeks. Our hope is Edna nears her 49th anniversary as a Catholic Faith that more parishioners will take the time to read and Community. May our efforts and sacrifices be pleas- learn about the diverse ministries and activities that ing in the sight of God. the people of Saint Edna are engaged in. This past year Saint Edna began implementing key aspects of Fr. Jerry [email protected] the Master Plan which included the installation of a Parish Data, July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 new air-handler and boilers for the church and Doherty Center. In addition, the priests moved into a 109 Baptisms house which was purchased six years ago and paid for 76 First Communions prior to the beginning of the Capital Campaign. This investment has increased our parish assets and allows 78 Confirmations us to have sufficient property available for our future 34 Weddings expansion. Significant progress has been made on the 62 Funerals revised plans for our Parish Center and we are cur- rently seeking approval from the Village of Arlington 8 RCIA Candidates Heights. This is an investment for the future of Saint 2,567 Average weekend Mass attendance Edna. When the Parish Center is completed, Saint 112 New Families registered Edna will have the ability to offer new activities and 3,056 Registered Families (9,447 Persons) events that will more effectively engage our youth and young adults in the life of Saint Edna. While we still 782 Average weekly envelopes received have a long way to go, we are making steady progress. 102 Families donating electronically I remain grateful for all who continue to support the 833 Capital Campaign donors Welcome, Deacon RESPECT LIFE Tom Lambert AND ROSARY GROUP Deacon Tom Lambert - WELCOME FAMILIES married 46 years to Rita, 4 daugh- ters, and 9 grandchildren. His oldest daughter has a mental illness. In A Family Prayer 1983 Tom was ordained a Deacon for the Archdiocese of Chicago, cur- O dear Jesus, rently serving at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Chicago. I humbly implore You to grant Currently Tom co-chairs the National Catholic Partnership on Your special graces on Disability’s Council on Mental Ill- our family. ness located in Washington D.C.. He Make our home a shrine is a founding member (1990) and co- Family is meant to be a haven of chair of the Archdiocese of Chi- of peace, purity, unconditional love, acceptance, af- cago’s Commission on Mental Ill- faith and love. firmation and consolation where ness. He serves as president of Faith families learn by modeling their par- and Fellowship, Oak Park, Ill, a faith I beg You to protect and ents to accept others and love gener- based outreach program to people bless all of us, ously to share with and care for with a mental illness. He is on the those in need. It is a place to learn Board of Pathways To Promise, a absent and present, humility and mercy to learn to imi- national interfaith organization for living and dead. tate Christ. Like the saints, we can outreach to people with mental ill- learn to love sacrificially by recog- ness and their families. In 2000, O Mary, loving Mother, nizing our own weakness and little- Tom completed serving 10 years on pray for our family, ness, and by begging God to trans- the Board of Directors for the State form us. With God’s help we can be of Illinois’ National Alliance on for the faith to guard the more aware of the needs around us Mental Illness including a two year cradles of the unborn and open our hearts to all human term as President. life. (1) and the newborn, The Archdiocese of Chicago recog- Over the past 20 plus years, he along for schools and for with others initiated an annual Arch- nizes July 2013—July 2014 as the diocesan Mass celebrating the lives the vocations of Year of Strong Catholic Parents. In a of people with a mental illness, their recent “The Cardinal’s Column”, our children. Cardinal George O.M.I. stated “The families and mental healthcare work- ers, led workshops educating clergy, Blessed Saint Joseph, Church’s ability to introduce the religious and laity about mental ill- world to its Savior depends on Par- ness, authored the booklet “Mental holy guardian of Jesus ents who, strong in their own faith, Illness and Faith Community Out- and Mary, assist us in tell their children who Jesus is and reach,” written about and spoken show them how to live a life of grace all the necessities of life. and love.” (2) nationally about how Faith Commu- nities can get involved in outreach, Watch over our home In recognition of the USCCB Re- advocacy, and justice issues. Tom at the pillow of the sick spect Life theme of “Open our has led retreats and days of reflec- Hearts to Life” and the Year of tion for people with mental illness and the dying, so that Strong Catholic Parents St. Edna and their families. Tom operates a heaven may find our Respect Life in cooperation with website for faith initiatives for peo- The Rosary Group welcome all ple with mental illness and their family unbroken in the families to come and pray the families at www.miministry.org. Sacred Heart of Jesus. Rosary for Life in October on Tuesday’s at 7:30 p.m in church. Amen. 1) Secretariat of Pro Life Activities, 2013 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (2) "The Cardinal's Column" Catholic New World, July 2013 THIS WEEK AT SAINT EDNA October 6—13, 2013 Sunday Respect Life Sunday October 6 8:30am Respect Life Speaker - Community Room 9:30am Liturgy of the Word for Children - Church & Hurley Center 1:30am Blessing for Expectant Parents - Church 1:00pm Baptisms - Church 4:00pm Confirmation Class - Doherty Center & Hurley Center Monday 9:30am Moms Plus - Hurley Center October 7 9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry - Hurley Center 9:30am Women of St.
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