1980 1990 1995 - 1997 1997 1999 2002 JUL 20 2009 Development of Maine Release of “The Aquaculture Strategy for Development of “Maine’s MAA releases its Code of First experimental Lease Comprehensive Code of The Gulf of Maine Dis- Aquaculture Plan by State Maine” Aquaculture Strategy” Containment The Department of Marine Resources grants the first experimental lease. Practice tinct Population Seg- Planning Office. State of Maine issues “The Aquaculture Strategy for Maine.” DMR commissioner begins the processes of up- Maine fish farmers develop a world’s first Code of NOV 13 2000 MAA membership adopts a comprehensive menent (GOM DPS) for dating the “The Aquaculture Strategy for Maine”. Containment to reduce farm escapes. The code fo- Code of Practice that covers all species cultured Development of Maine Aquaculture Plan by In 1997, Robin Alden, Commissioner of Marine cuses on equipment standards. The standards were Atlantic salmon are listed in the state. endangered Atlantic State Planning Office. 1990 Resources, releases “Maine1s Aquaculture Strat- developed after analyzing actual escape events in as federally endangered in salmon is expanded. Anti-dumping duty imposed on Norwegian At- egy,” a planning document that was crafted by New Brunswick and Maine between 1987 & 1994. industry, government and university volunteers parts of Maine AUG 2003 - JAN 2004 The Gulf of Maine Distinct Population lantic salmon imports over an 18 month period. 1998 Segmenent (GOM DPS) for endangered The Gulf of Maine distict population segment Comprehensive Code of Practice Atlantic salmon is expanded. Notably it The U.S. International Trade Commission imposes an anti-dumping duty on im- Lawsuit brought against salm- (GOM DPS) of atlantic salmon that includes Gov. Baldacci and the state legistature created a blue ribbon task now covers, the Kennebec, Penobscot and ported Norwegian Atlantic salmon. on farmers under the Clean- the Dennys, East Machias, Machias, Pleasant, force to look at Aquaculture in Maine and issues surrounding the Adroscoggin Rivers. Narraguagus, Ducktrap, and Sheepscot rivers industry. The task force proposed about 100 recommendations 1995 - 2003 water Act and Cove Brook are listed under the federal across all areas to provide for the sustainable growth of the indus- Endangered Species Act. First use of automated feeding systems Non governmental groups sued the salmon farming try and resolve potential conflicts industry and Regulators for operating without dis- 2001 in salmon farming charge permits under the Clean Water Act. Regula- Salmon Industry and eNGO MOU tory agencies had failed to issue the permits despite The switch from wooden and steel cages to polar circles marks a industry requesting the permits. Maine Aquaculture Association, Maine salmon farming companies and Environ- 1993 major shift in farming practices. This change also helped to reduce mental NGO’s sign a momorandum of understanding to work collaboratively on escape events due to catastrophic cage failure. ICES approves introduction of developing solutions. 1990 First use of vaccines in Maine’s salm- Japanese algae in Maine 1995 - 2003 NOV 17 1999 The International Commission for the Exploration of Switch from steel cages to Polar Circles Proposed listing of Atlantic Salmon as endangered on farming industry the Seas (ICES) approves the State of Maine’s request The switch from wooden and steel cages to polar circles marks a The Federal Government’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announce their intent to list wild Atlantic salmon as a Federal Endangered Species. The Maine farmed salmon industry to introduce nori (Porphyra yezoensis) into Gulf of First use of vaccination in Maine to help reduce the risk of disease major shift in farming practices. This change also helped to reduce opposes listing, citing the lack of scientific basis for the proposed action. Governor Angus King also opposes the Federal action, emphasizing that the Maine Atlantic salmon Conservation Plan must be given an opportunity to yield Maine waters. Biophysical/social/economic context in Maine farmed salmon escape events due to catastrophic cage failure. restoration results. JUN 2005 MAY 22 2009 Major Production Impact 1964 1979 1988 1993 DEC 2001 - APR 2002 First spawning of soft shell clams First mussel bottom culture Mook and Johnson publication on use of up- First outbreak of Hitra disease in Maine Depopulation of Cobscook Implementation of the 3 year produc- GBA Maine gets first all Cod lease GBA Maine get lease in Frenchman’s bay for the first all Cod ma- 1871 First soft-shell clams spawned in lab for research purposes in lease welling systems First use of vaccination in Maine to help reduce the risk of disease in Maine farmed salmon Bay due to ISAV tion cycle in Cobscook Bay rine growout farm in the US. Boothbay Harbor by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Craig Brook Fish Hatchery founded Maine’s first mussel bottom-culture lease. This publication marks the beginning of the use of upwellers in shellfish aqua- The USDA APHIS oversaw the depopulation of (06/2005) Commercial growers voluntarily implemented a 3 year Laboratory. culture. Tidal powered upwellers predominated through the late 1990’s and early 1994 all fish from Cobscook Bay. They also disinfect- production and fallowing cycle in Cobscook Bay. This is inforced Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery has a long history, beginning in 1871 when Charles Grandison Atkins began 1949 2000’s at which point they were replaced with powered upweller designs. ed all equipment in the bay. through DMR stocking permits. This is the first such production fish culturing operations in an old mill at the mouth of Craig Brook, on the shore of Alamoosook Lake. 1970 1975 First outbreak of sea lice in Maine cycle of its kind in the world. Stocking of Euro- First state finfish grow-out First aquaculture lease grant- 1989 First reported issue of sea lice in Maine. Sea lice have continued pean Oysters in to be an issue in Maine since their appearance 2000 1903 efforts ed in Maine Construction of the Franklin Facility Maine First outbreak if ISA in 2003 - 2010 MAY 28 2008 McKown’s Point Hatchery First state finfish grow-out efforts by Maine First aquaculture lease granted in Maine to Aban- Originally built as a land based hatchery and growout facility for Pennaboscott Salmon, this 1994 - 1998 DEI relocates and starts a program of renovation and construction to com- USDA ARS officially opens their facilties in Franklin Maine European oysters from the Neth- Salmon Farms, Wiscasset. doned Farm, Inc., Clark’s Cove, South Bristol. facility is currently owned by the University of Maine and is known as the Center for Coopera- Maine founded erlands are stocked in Maine tive Aquaculture Research (CCAR) Adoption of underwater video cameras for use in plete their current facilities he Agricultural Research Service (ARS) dedicated its new National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center (NCWMAC) here today. Research at the new center is focused on developing technologies to enhance the Initially created as a marine fish and lobster hatchery, 1987 feeding. During the summer of 2003, DEI moved from its home at Perio Point (Beals Island) to Black Duck Cove (Great Wass Island) with the sustainability and profitability of cold water marine aquaculture and ensure safe, abundant seafood for U.S. this facility later became office space and the laboratory goal of renovating a 9,600 square-foot building used primarily for temporary storage of lobsters into a shellfish production facility. In for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and DMR. Construction of Gardner Lake Hatchery Use of underwater water video camera’s become ubiquitous during this period. Their use consumers. ARS is the chief intramural scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture improved feeding and helped to maintain minimal environmental impacts. addition, the DEI board had its sights on creating the easternmost marine research laboratory and education center in the US. (USDA). Gardner Lake is one of the remaining commercial hatcheries still in use in Maine Major Production Facilities Commercialization of Aquaculutre Research 1999 - Present 2001 MAY 1996 Halibut Broodstock and Polycheate Culture begins ???? 2006 Deployment of mussel rafts in Maine Spawning Sea Bait partners with UMaine at CCAR adapting polycheate cul- MariCal Founded ture to recirculation systems. Sea Bait becomes the first business The Island Institute, Pemaquid Oyster Co., and Great Eastern Wild caught broodstock are brought into CCAR and Great Bay Aquaculture of Maine Commercial company founded in Maine to incubator tentant at CCAR. Mussel Co. deployed mussel rafts at several sites along Maine’s conditioned for spawning. First spawning occurs in (GBA Maine) formed commercialize research discoveries coast. 2004 and CCAR continues to produce juvenile hali- but and develop halibut culture techniques for Maine. GBA Maine partners with CCAR to rear cod in Maine. September 19th 2013 - 1996 SEP 1999 2002 Ocean Approved releases Kelp Shift in MAIC’s Strategic Mission Island Institute publishes “The Maine Guide Rejuvenation of the Oyster Broodstock program Farming Manual The Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center embarks on new strate- to Mussel Raft Culture” Grower interest helps researchers to rejuvenate the Oyster Broodstock program from A PDF copy is made available of Ocean Approved’s manual for culturing kelp in the north Atlantic. gy to generate greater support for
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