iMMAP in Yemen iMMAP has been present in Yemen since late 2011, providing technical support to the clusters, United Nations’ agencies and other non-government organizations (NGOs). Over this period, the organization supported the humanitarian relief operations with Information Management (IM) and Geographical Information System (GIS) expertise. Supporting the Humanitarian Coordination The United Nations Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) From November 2011 to May 2014, iMMAP assisted the humanitarian Since August 2014, iMMAP maintains a Service Agreement with the community with data collection, cleaning, compilation and mapping United Nations' Children Fund (UNICEF) in Yemen whereby it of response activities throughout the country. provides the latter with IM expertise. iMMAP staff supports UNICEF in all IM functions, such as dedicated IM focal point for national In close collaboration with United Nations Office for the Coordina- programs, field offices IM focal person or IM Officer for the agency's tion of Humanitarian Affairs Yemen, iMMAP combined its data with co-led clusters. Presently iMMAP has 16 staff deployed with UNICEF, planned activities and needs identified in the various districts to both at the Country Headquarter in Sana'a and in the five field produce monthly products that showed progress made within each offices. sector of activity. World Health Organization (WHO) iMMAP also helped build the local IM capacity in the country by engaging in continuous training of its national staff, most of whom are still putting their developed skills to the service of humanitarian With the escalation of the conflict in Yemen in the past year, organizations. coupled with the drawdown of the international humanitarian presence in the country, iMMAP has deployed three IM specialists to support WHO in the country. International Organization for Migration These consultants provide technical support to WHO operations and cluster co-lead work through data collection on epidemiological In 2013, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has started to repatriate diseases, casualties of the conflicts, health facilities, and cluster hundreds of thousands of Yemeni citizens living illegally in the partners presence. kingdom. In response, iMMAP, in cooperation with IOM, deployed field enumerators at the Al-Thuwal border between Yemen and the KSA. Cluster Support The returnees were counted upon arrival and figures were tallied in Since September 2016, iMMAP started the humanitarian cluster visual reports that helped not only IOM, but also donors and other support project hosted by UNOCHA. humanitarian stakeholders, to tailor their response programs to the crisis. The project was developed to facilitate a substantive response to the crisis in Yemen by advancing mechanisms for regularly iMMAP also seconded international IM personnel to IOM who helped identifying needs of populations, standardize products and tools, the organization with various tasks such as database design, data and promote best IM practices. collection forms, reporting and mapping. IM support is also extended to the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for Yemen process through data cleaning, data presentation, mapping, and dynamic data visualization. Better DATA Better DECISIONS Better OUTCOMES Improve data quality, collection and timeliness to Analyze and visualize data to support better Maximize program outcomes and stimulate sharing and coordination decision making make a difference 1 iMMAP's services have facilitated informed and effective disaster risk management, emergency response, and development activities by enabling evidence-based decision-making for cluster/sector leads, critical NGO, and government operations. iMMAP’s goal is to alleviate the suffering of victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts by providing the humanitarian community with a decision-making service through the provision of recent, reliable and appropriate geographical and strategic information. www.immap.org iMMAP Regional Office, Nimer Center, 409 King Abdullah II St, Amman, Jordan [email protected] +962 (6) 5829 343 (as of 6 May 2018) YEMEN: Aden Hub and Taizz- Famine risk, Cholera priority district (Wave 3), IDPs and Need severity (as of 13 May 2018) th th th Governorate District TFPM 16 New IDPs Governorate District TFPM 16SANAew'A IDPs Governorate District TFPM 16th New IDPs Governorate District TFPM 16 New IDPs Governorate District TFPM 16th New IDPs Taizz Al Mukha 2,113 643 Al Dhale'e Ad Dhale'e 505 52 Aden Al Buraiqeh 3,231 531 Abyan Ahwar 25 40 Lahj Al Hawtah 107 138 Taizz Al Ma'afer 3,005 11 Al Dhale'e Al Azariq 581 0 Aden Al Mansura 143 22 Abyan Al Mahfad 148 3 Lahj Al Had 435 48 Taizz Al Mawasit 1,434 0 MARIB !H Al Dhale'e Al Husha 617 5 Aden Al Mualla 131 38 Abyan Al Wade'a 101 0 Lahj Al Madaribah Wa Al Arah 1,747 377 Taizz Al Misrakh 1,032 0 Al Dhale'e Al Hussein 282 0 Aden Ash Shaikh Outhman 676 84 Abyan Jayshan 47 11 Lahj Al Maflahy 193 1 Taizz Al Mudhaffar RAYMAH2,105 5 Al Dhale'e Ash Shu'ayb 142 4 Abyan Khanfir 759 3,383 DHAMAR Aden A�awahi 480 16 Lahj Al Maqa�rah 1,693 15 Taizz Al Qahirah 1,959 0 Al Dhale'e Damt 900 59 Aden Craiter 356 104 Abyan Lawdar 438 100 Lahj Al Milah 101 0 Taizz Al Wazi'iyah 342 0 Al Dhale'e J!Hahaf 450 0 Aden Dar Sad 1,529 124 Abyan Mudiyah 34 4 Lahj Al Musaymir 92 1 Taizz As Silw 844 126 Al Dhale'e Juban 305 19 Aden Khur Maksar 292 33 Abyan Rasad 198 0 Lahj Al Qabbaytah!H 2,483 174 Taizz Ash Shamayatayn 5,910 0 Al Dhale'e Qa'atabah 703 4 Abyan Sarar 87 S1HALBahWj AH Habil Jabr 50 0 Taizz At Ta'iziyah 6,045 127 Abyan Sibah 193 9 Lahj Halimayn 38 5 Taizz Dhubab 2,472 55 Abyan Zingibar 603 1,143 Lahj Radfan 142 25 Taizz Dimnat Khadir 5,374 949 Lahj Tuban 1,664 1,001 Taizz Hayfan 3,652 95 Lahj Tur Al Bahah 374 43 Taizz Jabal Habashy 2,557 345 AL HUDAYDAH Lahj Yafa'a 57 0 Taizz Maqbanah 2,658 379 AL BAYDA Lahj Yahr 47 0 Taizz Mashra'a Wa Hadnan 425 0 Jayshan 6 Al Qahirah «¬6 Taizz Mawiyah 1,186 162«¬ «¬6!H «¬6 «¬6 Taizz Mawza 151 409 Salh «¬4 Al Mudhaffar Taizz Sabir Al Mawadim 2,039 170 «¬3 «¬2 Mashra'a Wa Hadnan Taizz Salh 2,345 47 «¬4 IBB Damt Taizz Sama 637 0 «¬3 «¬4 Al Mahfad TAIZZ Juban Taizz Shara'b Ar Rawnah 1,985 0 Sabir Al Mawadim 4 !H !H «¬ «¬3 Al Misrakh Al Had Taizz Shara'b As Salam 2,470 0 AL DHALE'E «¬3 Qa'atabah «¬5 «¬3 «¬5 Mudiyah Al Misrakh Ash Yafa'a «¬1 «¬4 «¬4 Shu'ayb «¬4 Shara'b Ar «¬4 «¬2 ABYAN Rawnah Al Ma'afer Al Husha «¬3 Ad Dhale'e «¬2 Sibah Lawdar «¬4 Al Hussein «¬4 Al Wade'a Shara'b Jahaf Yahr «¬3 As Salam «¬3 !H 4 4 Ahwar «¬ Halimayn 2 «¬ «¬6 «¬ Rasad «¬4 At Ta'iziyah «¬1 «¬6 «¬5 3 Al Mukha 3 «¬ Al Azariq «¬4 «¬2 «¬ Maqbanah !H Sabir Al Mawadim Mawiyah Habil Jabr Jabal Sarar Habashy Al Musaymir 3 5 «¬ «¬ Radfan TAIZZ «¬3 5 Dimnat Khadir «¬4 «¬ Al Misrakh «¬6 «¬4 Khanfir 4 As 4 «¬ «¬4 ¬5 «¬ Silw « «¬3 Al Ma'afer «¬1 Legend Al Milah Mawza Al Mawasit «¬4 Al Qabbaytah In need of Integrated Famine Risk Hayfan «¬5 LAHJ Reduction 2018 (IFRR)- 32 Districts 5 Ash «¬ Tuban Zingibar Shamayatayn Cholera risk priority district: «¬3 !H «¬5 Al Wazi'iyah «¬4 1 Al Maqatirah «¬3 «¬!H4 2 ABYAN Dhubab «¬5 LAHJ Tur Al Bahah 3 A r a b i a n S e a Al Madaribah «¬6 Wa Al Arah 4 ADEN Dar Sad «¬5 «¬5 ADEN Ash Shaikh Outhman !H «¬5 Khur Maksar New IDPs from Dec. 2017 1 Dot =0.5 «¬6 «¬3 Al Mansura Al Buraiqeh # Needs severity scores !H R e d S e a Al Mualla«¬5 YEMEN «¬4 «¬5 Craiter «¬6 Al Attawahi A r a b i a n S e a D JJ II B O U T II The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Developed by iMMAP Creation date: 5/7/2018Sources: GoY/MoLA/CSO - HNO, DTM, Health, Nutrition and FSAC Feedback: [email protected] www.unocha.org/yemen www.reliefweb.int www.humanitarianresponse.info WASH Cluster YEMEN: Al Hudaydah Governorate - Cholera Cases with Population and Functionality of Water Source ! Water Sanitation Hygiene 241,633180 Alluheyah 80% 180 Amran Hajjah Al Jawf Al Qanawis 165,8701802 71% 1802 Al Jawf 113,0561806 94% 1806 Az Zuhrah 2 Hajjah 241,633180 Amran Amran 80% 180 30 Red Sea Al HMaujjnaihrah Marib Alluheyah Al Mahwit 94% 1805 1803 1803 165,8701802 0% 3,550 5 241,633180 80% 180 58,0411805 180 145,1611807 55% 71% 1802 7 Alluheyah 9 Al Mighlaf Az Zuhrah 100% 1807 5 60,503180 165,8701802 71% 1802 7,576 1804 Az Zaydiyah 1806 113,056 82,5161809 100% 1804 Ad Dahi 1806 94% Al Qanawis 1 100% 1809 5 2 Amanat Al Asimah 113A,0s5 S61806 alif Sana'a 72% 180 1806 94% 240,853180 Bajil 3,550 1803 58,0411805 Amanat Al Asimah Al Munirah 145,1611807 Al Qanawis Al Mahwit Marib 1 58,0411805 100% 18 3,550 1803 0 94% 1805 5 14,62418 Al Mighlaf Bajil 72% 180 Al Mahwit 67,776182 60,50S3a180 na'a 94% 1805 0% 1803 Az Zaydiyah 9 55% 180 Al Hajjaylah Az Zaydiyah 5 240,853180 Al Marawi'ah 55% 180 Sana'a 1804 Al Munirah 182 Kamaran 0% 1803 7,576 Kamaran 50% 6 1807 60,503180 100% 7,576 1804 100% 1807 Al Mighlaf 82,5161809 100% 1804 183 145,1611807 88% Bura 100% 1804 18 1 100% 1809 5 As Salif 1 100% 1809 5 Sana'a 193,899183 As Salif 126,511182 5 82,5161809 Ad Dahi Ad Dahi Al Mina 23 Dhamar Al Hali 246,5871823 Red Sea As Sukhnah 95% 185 Bajil 72% 180 Bajil 72% 180 240,853180 11 Al Hawak 6 182 17 222,454 88,634185 Raymah 14,62418 240,853180 Al Hajjaylah 100% 18 14,62418 1 Bura 80,567184 Al Mansuriyah 100% 186 5 Red Sea Bura Al Hajjay5la0h% 184 18 193,899183 100% Al Hudaydah 50% 182 66,958186 Al Mina Ad Durayhimi Bayt Al Faqiah 6 67,776182 193,899183 88% 183 Al Marawi'ah 67,776182 187 187 Al Mina 126,511182 5 92% 357,633 18 23 Al Marawi'ah Shabwah 50%182 Al Hali 88,634185 180 182 126,511
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