1 THE MALTESE PRESENCE IN NORTH AMERICA E-NEWSLETTER Issue 10 JANUARY 2020 THE MALTESE AMERICAN COMMUNITY CLUB OF DEARBORN HOSTED A SMALL BUSINESS CRAFT SHOW ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH MISS MALTA 2020, BREANNA CABAN, HAS HER OWN BUSINESS KNOWN AS NADURIN FAMILY CONNECTION Lisa Buttigieg-LiGreci (See more on page 10) 2 EDITORIALCOMMENT be remiss if, in the same breath, I didn’t tion” (pages 23-24) are intended as thank Claudia Caruana of New York signposts for those researching their City who pointed me in Mona’s direc- Maltese ancestry. tion. I wish to thank the following for their Words can’t express all the help I’ve contributions to this issue: Fred Aquili- received from the new Consul General na, Sarah Carabott, Mark Caruana, Ri- of the Republic of Malta for Canada, Dr. chard Cumbo, Carol (Farrugie) Cun- Raymond Xerri, who has done so much ningham, Rachael Darin, the late Frank to see that the newsletter gets dissem- Gatt, John Grima, Lisa LiGreci, Fr. Mar- inated throughout Canada and, indeed, io Micallef, Daryl Muscat, Mary Ann Pis- the world. Moreover, the content of each copo, Evelyn Simmons, George issue relating to the GTA would be far Xuereb, Rena Xuereb and Dr. Raymond less were it not for Dr. Xerri Facebook Xerri. Above all, I must thank my dear page. wife, Loretta, for her patience in putting Beyond North America, I’m grateful to up with all this! Dan Brock Dr. Charles Farrugia for the ongoing use of documents from the National Ar- CONTENTS Well, it has been one year since this chives of Malta. Likewise, were it not for journal was launched. It started out as a individuals such as Mark Caruana and 2. Editorial Comment bi-monthly e-journal. After the May-June Charles Said-Vassallo of Metropolitan 3. Pastor’s Thoughts… 2019 issue and at the suggestion of Sydney, NSW, Australia this newsletter 4. An Examination of Data from several readers, it became a monthly. It would be the poorer. Much is owed to Maltese Bills of Health and was supposed to have been half the these gentlemen for the contributions Passport Applications Held at size of the bi-monthly issues, but its they make to this newsletter by gener- the National Archives of Malta increased popularity and the time- ously sharing their own databases and Part III sensitive materials submitted led to it research. 6. Sr. Paulina M. Xuereb, matching and often exceeding the size Turning to this issue, for those wishing R.S.C.J. of the bi-monthly issues. to learn about what is happening or has 7. Not So Desirable a Class of Owing to the vast amount of time- taken place within the various assocI- Immigrants: The Case of Gio sensitive material in each issue, I’ve ations throughout North America, you Batta Farrugia determined it deserves to be called a are referred to “an Omission and Errors 10. An Omission and Errors Corrected newsletter rather than the previous Corrected” (page 10), “Activites within 10. Activities within the Maltese concept of it becoming a journal. the Maltese Communities” (pages 10- Communities Gradually, more of the organizations 15), “Inħarsu Lejn l-20020 Bħala l-Bibu 16. Eugene Mizzi of Detroit and individuals are coming forward to Ġdid Għall-Komiunita’ Maltija- 17. Passage to America make this newsletter truly a voice for the Kanadiża/Year 2020 – A New Beginning 21. Is Your Family from Gozo? Maltese throughout North America and, for the Maltese-Canadian Community 21. Malta, Montana in turn, making that voice heard around (pages 22-23) and “Christmas Gather- 22. Inħarsu Lejn l-2020 Bħala l-Bibu the world. ings 2019” (page 32). Ġdid Għall-Komiunita’ Maltija- This newsletter is now being distri- Both “Is Your Family from Gozo?” Kanadiża/Year 2020 – A New buted virtually worldwide. More than (page 21) and “Larry Zahra: 1929-2019” Beginning for the Maltese- 8,100 copies alone are being printed (pages 26-27) can also be considered Canadian Community and distributed monthly from the free as “timely” articles. 23. Good Conduct Checks Prior to electronic copies in the Greater Toronto “Sr. Paulina M. Xuereb, R.S.C.J. Emigration Area alone. (pages 6-7), “Not So Desirable a Class 25. Petite Patriots and Élise Pellegrin Since October, thanks to Dennis and of Immigrants: The Case of Gio Batta 26. Maltese-Canadian Society of Evelyn Simmons of San Francisco, the Farrugia” (pages 7-9) and “Passage to Toronto Forced to Close current and past issues of the America” (pages 17-21) are featured in 27. Larry Zahra: 1929-2019 newsletter are available on the web this particular issue as a significant 28. Maltese Canadian Association page of the Maltese-American Social event in all three articles occurred in the (Gozo) Club of San Francisco at http://maltese- month of January. 29. John Grima: A Dream Come True americanscsf.org/home.aspx. Both “An Examination of Data from 30. Reader Comments: December I can’t say enough of my gratitude to Maltese Bills of Health and Passport Issue Mona Vella-Nicholas of the Bay Area Applications Held at the National Ar- 30. Maltese Organizations in North who, right from the start, has been the chives of Malta Part III” (pages 4-6) and America proofreader for the newsletter. I would “Good Conduct Checks Prior to Emigra- 32. Christmas Gatherings 2019 3 GLEANINGS life. This is the good news that Jesus is all about…it is FROM THE SUNDAY BULLETIN good to remember that Jesus’ message is not about punishment, fire and brimstone. It is about life, love, PASTOR’S THOUGHTS… forgiveness and peace. …let us start focusing on the good news that Jesus came to bring to the world. Let us never forget that, no matter what our past has been, he is always there wanting to love us, ready to embrace us in his merciful arms. It is only when we manage to fully accept this message that we, then, can love and forgive others in return. Do Not Be Afraid ….God knows that fear paralyses us. Moved by fear, we cannot do any good. Do not be afraid, not by being Fr. Mario Micallef, MSSP, is pastor of St. Paul the Apostle, naïve or not taking into account the consequences or Toronto, the only Maltese national parish in North America. dangers of one’s actions. It is rather an invitation to trust These “Pastor’s thoughts…” are extracts from his God. If God wants something from you, He is going to commentaries on the Sunday readings which are published help you to see it through…. in the Parish’s Sunday Bulletin. In times of difficulty we too, like St. Jospeh, might feel God Is Always Present to Us tempted to let everything go. In those moments let us allow thise words of the angel to echo in our hearts: do Often in our lives we, too, feel flooded with a lot of not be afraid. things. Whether it is work or worries, we feel suffocated and overwhelmed, very much like those people Fr. Mario Micallef, MSSP engulfed in the waters of the Flood…. St. Paul the Apostle Church, Yes, the son of God did become human in history two 3224 Dundas St. W. Toronto, ON M6 thousand years ago. But he is also present in our 1-416-767-7054 everyday life, in our moment of history. The Emmanuel is always present if we only let Him be…The God born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago would love to Maltese-Canadian Museum Archives become present in our lives, in our homes, and in our and Visitors Centre families. St. Paul the Apostle Church Complex Prepare the Way for the Lord 3224 Dundas St. W., Toronto, ON, M6P 2A3 ….He [John the Baptist] tells his people that he is 1-416-767-705 baptizing them with water, a symbol of their repentance and their desire of a better life. Soon there was one to come another one, obviously referring to Jesus, who LEHEN MALTI would baptize them with the Holy Spirit…. (Maltese Voice) This is the Spirit you and I have received in our OMNI 1 Southern Ontario baptism.…let us, too prepare the way for the Lord to really come into our lives. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to Saturdays 8:30 a.m. show us what needs to be changed or improved in our Mondays 3:30 a.m. lives, and to give us the strength to do it. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. Wednesdays 11:00 p.m. John the Baptist Confused as to Whether Jesus Is Really the Messiah Thursdays 8:30 a.m. Maybe we too, like John the Baptist, are prone to OMNI British Columbia/Pacific judge and condemn all who do evil, all who are not as Saturdays 2:00 p.m. good as we make ourselves to be. We may find it hard to be like Jesus, who was quite comfortable to eat with OMNI Alberta/Prairies sinners, to forgive those who hurt him, to give a second Saturdays 2:00 p.m. chance to those who were so obviously leading a sinful 4 AN EXAMINATION OF DATA father of the applicant is deceased, the words “of the FROM MALTESE BILLS OF HEALTH AND late” were added. PASSPORT APPLICATIONS HELD AT THE Column 6 Occupation. For the years 1870-72, the NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MALTA occupation was not always recorded and is recorded as not stated. If the occupation was hard to decipher, this PART III is marked by three dots … . The terminology for the classification of the occupation used in the compilation Mark Caruana of the database is arbitrary and not based on any Sydney, Australia standard nomenclature, but consistency in the use of the same terminology was applied.
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